"Hephaestus! Hephaestus!" A very sweet and beautiful voice approached us at a very fast speed. At first, the sound was not very clear. After two sounds, he came directly in front of us. "Hephaestus, are you...huh? How are you...?"

"Aphrodite. Let me explain this to you." Hephaestus is a little nervous Looking at Aphrodite who had just broken in, at the same time he gave me a wink and motioned some helpers over there to move to the door to block the way out.

Obviously Hephaestus didn’t know about the relationship between Aphrodite and I, because we sent her back to a secret mission, impossible to promote it everywhere, so Olympus Divine Race this The side is basically impossible, anyone knows about this. Although Medea was good at collecting information from the outside world, he could only collect some superficial information after all, so she was also impossible to know that Aphrodite was actually ours. If even Medea didn't know this, then Hephaestus would naturally know it more impossible. Therefore, Hephaestus still thinks that Aphrodite is from the Olympus Divine Race, so he will be so nervous when Aphrodite breaks in and sees me.

Because of Medea’s introduction, Hephaestus now knows about those things between me and Olympus Divine Race, so now he is very worried about Aphrodite running out Report, this is not only bad luck for me, even he can't run away. It was precisely because he didn't want something like that to happen, Hephaestus was anxiously winking at me and beckoning his hands to block the door, in order to prevent Aphrodite from running to inform the police.

Compared to Hephaestus, Aphrodite's mood is much more stable. She is not worried that Hephaestus knows her identity, nor that I will be attacked by Hephaestus, because she has fought me somehow and knows Hephaestus is not my opponent, so even if the identity is revealed At worst, it means that martial power controls Hephaestus and his men, and it will not cause too much trouble.

Because of his confidence, Aphrodite was just surprised, not nervous. Of course, compared with the two of them, my mood is more stable.

"Hephaestus, don't worry, Aphrodite is your own."

"What are you talking about?" Hephaestus looked towards me in confusion , And then glanced at Aphrodite uncertainly.

Aphrodite has nothing to worry about. Anyway, she is working for me now, even I don’t mind. Why is she worried?

"Hephaestus, come here, let's talk in another place." I stretched out my hand to greet Hephaestus to come over. Hephaestus looked at the surrounding situation and ordered his subordinates to clean up the mess, and then he followed us back to the palace on the other side. Anyway, the equipment on this side exploded, and even if he wanted to continue his research, there was no equipment available.

After we returned to the palace, Medea also got news and rushed over. Then I brought a few people together and introduced them to the current relationship. After clarifying their respective situations, everyone's conversation immediately became a lot more harmonious. After all, everyone was working for two forces before, but now they have become a family, and naturally they will be more harmonious than before.

After everyone introduced, Aphrodite immediately grabbed Hephaestus and asked: "Where is my equipment?"

I didn’t worry about Afu. Hephaestus, who was grinning after Rudite's whistleblower, immediately suffered from his smile when he heard this. "Then what...Aphrodite..."

"You didn't do it, did you?" Aphrodite guessed the reason after seeing Hephaestus hesitating.

As soon as Hephaestus heard this, he quickly explained: "It's not that I didn't do it, I did it. It's just...just..."

"What the hell is it? "Although Aphrodite is a god of beauty, and Hephaestus is a god of fire, but their personalities seem to be reversed. As the god of beauty, Aphrodite has a fierce temper like a fire, while Hephaestus, as the god of fire, is a naive person, slow to make people rush out of heart disease. Except when researching equipment, this guy is basically in a turtle speed state.

It was really impossible to be forced by Aphrodite, Hephaestus finally could only say the situation in a low voice, but because the voice was too small, Aphrodite did not listen. clear. As a result, when Aphrodite grabbed Hephaestus and shook him, Medea suddenly came over and grabbed Aphrodite and saved Hephaestus. He Phaestos also immediately hid behind Medea like a frightened kitten.

"Aphrodite, do you have to make some sense. Hephaestus is indeed a forging expert, but forging takes time anyway. Besides, your equipment is It’s specially made, and it’s still a god outfit. How can such a thing be completed in one day? If you don’t mind the decline in equipment grades, we will be able to play thirty or fifty sets a day."

Aphrodite Di Te was not a bully at first, and when he heard Medea's words, he immediately pushed back with a more vicious tone, and the two immediately quarreled.

I was able to figure out the situation by watching them arguing there. In fact, Medea is not making noise for the equipment, but does not like Aphrodite. Think about it. As a woman, a man he loves very much wants to marry another woman, even if it is just a name and no substance, it is quite unacceptable. Because of this, the current relationship between Medea and Aphrodite is in a mess. Basically, if it weren’t for the pseudonym to protect Hephaestus, the two women would fight early. NS.

"Two, I think you better not quarrel. Your contradiction is nothing more than the status of Hephaestus and Aphrodite. When this mission is over, you You can restore your normal status relationship, and Zeus will no longer be able to use this to threaten you anyway."

Aphrodite and Medea looked at each other and resisted speaking again. Although the two of them are justified by what I said, they are still awkward until the matter is resolved, so they can only maintain the status quo. If they don't fight, they are already doing well.

After the two of them calmed down, I said to Hephaestus again: "Sooner or later you have to make Aphrodite's equipment. Even if you join our Frost Rose League in the future, you still have to Continue to research and make all kinds of equipment, so you might as well do it now."

Hephaestus nodded and said: "I didn’t plan to slow down, but Aphrodite said this time The equipment must be stronger than the last time, so I can only think of ways to enhance the performance of the equipment. But you also know that our high level blacksmiths make high level equipment just like those painters draw pictures. That also requires inspiration. Yes. Sometimes you can come up with a very powerful set of equipment when you suddenly have an idea, but when you don't feel it, you force me to fight, and you can only make some super-machine Mortal Grade with good basic attributes."< /p>

Hephaestus explained a lot to me, and in the end I finally understood it, and they had to wait for inspiration for their blacksmiths to make equipment. The blacksmith's forging technology is equivalent to the basic attribute. How much a set of equipment attacks and how much defense, these basic values ​​all depend on the blacksmith's basic forging level, this does not require inspiration as long as you are proficient. However, although good technology can produce high-offensive and high-defense equipment, the additional attributes at the back depend entirely on inspiration. For example, the attributes of the Eternal Sword, such as ignoring defense and penetrating attack, are not based on basic technology.

Of course, a blacksmith with a high forging level will have a higher probability of adding attributes to the equipment. For example, if Hephaestus plays equipment, he can at least add his ten or eight attributes, but If he is in an extremely bad mood, it is possible to add only three or five attributes, and if he happens to be inspired at the time, adding twenty or thirty attributes is not impossible.

In short, the skill level of the blacksmith is just a basis. The status of the blacksmith can largely influence the forging attribute, and the final equipment is what it looks like. In addition to considering the first two conditions, luck is also One of the very important attributes.

Aphrodite’s equipment belongs to that kind of extremely high-quality equipment. Originally, that thing was created by Hephaestus on a whim, but now he is suddenly asked to create a set that is more than that. Okay, this is a bit difficult.

Seeing what Hephaestus said so sincerely, I said to Aphrodite: "I will get you your equipment sooner or later, but if you force Hephaestus, It’s better to wait and talk."

Although Aphrodite really wants to get a good set of equipment now, she is now my subordinate anyway, so she can’t help but save face. Selling, so she finally had no choice but to nodded.

After Aphrodite’s confirmation, I turned to Hephaestus and said, "Aphrodite gave way, but you can’t relax. Let’s talk about what you are like. Under the circumstances, it’s easy to be in a better state?"

Hephaestus immediately said when he heard this: "Generally, drinking a little wine will improve my state, and the better the wine, the better the effect, but this must be Controlling the amount, drinking too much will have the opposite effect. Also, if you have a happy thing, you can generally be in a good state. Oh, yes, sometimes I get some technical breakthroughs. I am also very excited."

< p>"Then it will be easy." I said straightforwardly: "Go get the materials ready, let's get the equipment now."

"Well, but I am not in the state now?"< /p>

"I will let you enter the state."

"Oh, then come on."

Hephaestus did not take me in the end The furnace we saw earlier is said to be just a place for processing primary level metal and practicing craftsmanship. The reason why it is placed next to the lava is to save energy and to facilitate the disposal of waste slag.

The real forging room used to make high level equipment is actually behind the palace. The forging room here is much cleaner than the flame furnace. The walls and the ground are all stuck with a special kind of brick that has not been seen before. This kind of brick has many small holes, which looks like a sponge. Of course, its hardness is very high, and it will not deform like a sponge at all.

There are three furnaces in this room, all of which are identical in shape and configuration. Of course, these furnaces are not heated by lava. The basic heat source they use is the very precious high level flame array, and the fire crystal powder is used to quickly heat up. Fire Crystal powder is the powder obtained after the grinding of Fire Crystal. It is a one-time consumable, and the flame magic array consumes a lot of magic crystal drivers. In short, this gadget is a money-burning machine, and it starts to spend money as soon as it is started, and most people really can't play it. It's no wonder that with Hephaestus' financial resources, he dare not practice with this thing, and it will only be activated when the equipment is officially built.

After seeing the heat sources of these three furnaces, I asked Hephaestus in confusion: "Don't you have a lava furnace? Why use such a costly furnace?"


Hephaestus replied while preparing things: "The temperature of the lava is only three or four thousand degrees. Even if it is heated by a special structure, it can only barely maintain a temperature close to five thousand degrees. For level materials, this temperature is simply impossible to melt. Besides, the temperature requirements for high level forging are very strict. The temperature of lava itself is unstable, sometimes high and sometimes low, so the temperature of the lava furnace is also unstable. It's okay to use general equipment. If you use it to build high level equipment, it will definitely be scrapped. Although it is a bit expensive, the temperature of the magic furnace is constant and can be adjusted to the desired temperature at any time. If you want to set up the equipment, you can only rely on it." Here, Hephaestus couldn’t help asking again: “Are you really sure to get me excited? The stove is all money when it’s started?”

“Don’t worry. Well, make sure you are so excited that you will forget what you call it."

Hearing my assurance, Hephaestus could only activate the magic furnace with suspicion. This gadget is similar to a general thermodynamic machine. It must be preheated when starting. However, because this gadget is a high-precision device and can only use magic energy, the preheating process needs to consume a lot of magic crystal energy. If it is our guild, using a rechargeable central power core, the consumption is nothing, after all, our average energy cost is much lower. But Hephaestus does not have such a technology. He uses the most basic magic array to extract energy. This method is easy to use, but the energy extraction efficiency is very low. If our equipment can extract energy from a magic crystal One hundred units of magic energy can be drawn out of it. This kind of magic array can extract forty units even if it is very efficient. It is for these reasons that Hephaestus’s stove can be said to spend money as soon as it is ignited, and it is the one that spends very quickly. It's no wonder that Hephaestus is so stingy and unwilling to start, because this thing is too expensive to make trouble.

After igniting the furnace, Phaestos walked up to me again, then looked at me and asked how to make him excited, and followed the lively Aphrodite and Medea curiously. What am I going to do.

While they were staring at me together, I dragged out a large crystal communication machine from Fenglong Space. Although I also have an earplug-like communicator on my body, I need this big machine to complete the next work.

When I set up this thing, Hephaestus kept asking about the principle and operation of this thing. He was very interested in all technical things, but the crystal communicator used him His technology is completely indifferent to the technical system, so he does not understand it.

After I placed this thing, I immediately activated the communicator, and as a crystal probe turned, a projection screen immediately appeared in the void. I stepped forward to directly manipulate the screen by hand, and after clicking a few options, I pulled out a list of technical materials, and then said to Hephaestus next to him: "Let's take a look."

Hephaestus was already excited when he saw the catalogues and got close to me and wanted to move forward, just because I was blocked there and he was sorry and pushed me away. Now I heard that I could use it and immediately jumped on it.

The crystal communicator is completely motion-sensitive operation, the interface is simple and terribly simple, plus Hephaestus has watched me operate it for a while, so I have roughly understood how to operate it. After obtaining the right to operate this, he immediately clicked on a catalog with the composition principle of composite metals. After a few clicks on the new catalog that popped up, a large amount of information suddenly popped up after selecting iron-based composite metals. In addition to the accompanying text introduction, there are a large number of illustrations and dynamic demonstrations, which are more vivid than multimedia teaching software.

"This, this..." Hephaestus was excited after seeing those things and didn't know what to say. He excitedly began to look up these materials. After quickly reading the iron-based metal, I turned to other metal structures, and finally returned to the upper-level catalog and chose the introduction of the influence of temperature on the metal structure.

"Hey." Just as Hephaestus was flipping through the documents excitedly, I suddenly slapped him, and then passed a wine bottle directly before he could react. Hephaestus took a sip instinctively after taking the wine bottle. During this time, his sight never left the screen, but just after he swallowed the wine, Hephaestus, who was still devoted to information, suddenly Frozen for a moment, then looked at the bottle in his hand with a look of surprise.

"This wine...?"

"Qongyeyuye, Celestial Court secret wine, only available for special banquets. How about? It tastes good, right?"

Hephaestus hugged the bottle and shouted excitedly: "This is the most delicious wine I have ever drunk. It's perfect. Compared with this, the ones I drank before are all boiled water? !"

"Drink as you like. You can read the information while drinking."

Hephaestus heard my suggestion and thought of the information problem, so he immediately I turned out the information and started to read the information while drinking, and during the period, I kept yelling with excitement.

Seeing that Hephaestus had entered a semi-crazy state, I turned around and walked to Medea and asked: "He is almost in a situation like this, right?"

Medea looked at Hephaestus who was going crazy there and said with some surprise: "I've never seen him so crazy." Then she turned to Aphrodite and said bitterly: "This time it's cheap. You are here!"

"humph." Aphrodite snorts, but the pride in it can be felt without listening.

"haha, I have an idea, I want to build the most perfect set of equipment." Hephaestus suddenly threw down the flask and materials, turned around, grabbed a few pieces of materials, and rushed to the side of the stove. Started busy, obviously he has entered the state.

Seeing Hephaestus started work, I greeted Aphrodite and said: "It seems that we have nothing to do here. You should tell me about the gains of the past two days. "

"Okay." Aphrodite said immediately: "I happen to have something to report." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian. com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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