"Can this really be used as a weapon?"

"It should be true, but I have to wait for me to figure out how it works." I nodded confirmed Hephaestus' words.

As soon as it worked, Hephaestus immediately jumped up excitedly, then grabbed my arm and asked, "How can I use this?"

" Hephaestus." A fairly refreshing female voice suddenly appeared in front of the palace in the distance, and stopped Hephaestus who was holding me inquiries.

Heard Hephaestus immediately turned around when he heard that sound, and our gaze immediately moved to the source of that sound. Obviously this is a woman, and pretty pretty. But unlike Victoria and the others, who have no character and extreme beauty, it is a kind of beauty that belongs to the world. There are flaws, but they feel more real. In short, this is a woman who you can find shortcomings in her, but still think she is extremely beautiful in general.

To talk about the shortcomings or characteristics of this woman, it is precisely her most beautiful place. Different from the beauty of Victoria or Ling, which is not for anyone to enter, this woman has a very wise face, and you will think that she is a shrewd and capable woman at first glance. If you want to make a movie, it would be perfect for her to act as the close secretary next to the national great character. You don't even need to dress her up, just tie up her hair and wear a pair of glasses, that is the most perfect secretary image, of course, it will be even more perfect if you wear a women's suit again.

"Medea, come here, I will introduce you my life saving benefactor."

The beauty over there immediately walked over when Hephaestus said After approaching, he first asked us hello, and then turned to Hephaestus in confusion and asked: "Where is the benefactor you are talking about?"

"This is it." Hephaestus Toss pointed to Victoria and said.

Medea obviously didn’t react. After looking up and down Victoria, he thanked him and then asked Hephaestus: "You didn’t mean that the one who saved you back then was beautiful Aunt? This is...?"

"Oh, for some reason, Victoria’s appearance has changed a little. But even she was only twenty-two years old at the time, but at that time I She was still a child, so she was naturally called Aunt."

Medea nodded expressed his understanding and thanked Victoria again, and then turned to me and asked: "Then who is this? "Because there is no high temperature here, Xiaofeng has been put away by me.

Hearing Medea's question, Victoria did not wait for Hephaestus to introduce him and said, "This is my master Purple Moon."

"Purple Moon? "Medea's voice was obviously surprised, and the whole body was in a state of muscle tension for an instant, and I even felt the surrounding magic net tremble. Obviously, Medea had heard of my name and was quite jealous. Sure enough, she immediately asked: "You are Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League? Divine Race is yours?"

"Why? Medea, do you know him? "Hephaestus's knowledge is obviously weaker than Medea, because he obviously doesn't know me. Although my reputation is not so good that people should know it, after all, we just had a large-scale conflict with the Olympus Divine Race, and we also abducted Hades and his family. NS. As a member of the Olympus Divine Race, even a member of the excluded, Hephaestus has no reason not to know my existence. Therefore, Hephaestus is a complete technical house. Apart from ironing and researching various equipment, he has hardly cared about matters other than his residence. But Medea is obviously not that kind of person, at least she knows my existence. But this is quite reasonable. After all, the lava crypts are impossible and they are always in contact with the outside world. Then since Hephaestus doesn't care, someone has to deal with these things. If the news from the warrior was correct, then Medea would handle these matters as a matter of course. After all, except for Hephaestus, she has actually become the master here.

Hearing Hephaestus’s inquiry, Medea immediately said: "I don’t know him, but I’ve heard of it. It’s probably the only one of us who don’t know who he is."


"Oh? Is that really the case?" Hephaestus asked suspiciously to a maid who followed Medea out of the palace: "Do you know who he is?"

The maid immediately replied: "I didn't know it, but if he was Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League, then I would know a lot about him."

Hephaestus As soon as I heard it, he said in surprise: "So you really know?" He turned to me again, and then asked: "Why are you so famous? Even my maid knows you!"

"If you have the ability to abduct Poseidon and his entire seagod Legion, others will remember you." Victoria's answer did not make Hephaestus understand it, but made it He was even more confused. In the end, Medea couldn't stand it anymore, forced him to explain to him the recent world changes, and then Hephaestus suddenly realized that I was constantly sighing and sighing in surprise.

Actually, Hephaestus is not stupid, nor is he ignorant of the immensity of heaven and earth, he is just too nerdy. Even if modern otaku do not go out, they can still use the Internet to communicate with the outside world. In terms of the amount of information alone, the amount of information received by these otaku may even exceed those who run outside every day. But the problem is that Hephaestus does not have a computer and internet available, so his only source of information is Medea. As a trinity of partner, nanny, and secretary, Medea knows Hephaestus well. She knew that Hephaestus didn't care about these things. If you don't need them, even if you talk to him, he might not listen, so instead of being annoying, you might as well just leave it alone. Therefore, until now, Hephaestus did not know that the Olympus Divine Race had changed from a three-series Divine Race to a two-series.

After Medea gave Hephaestus a brief introduction to these things, Hephaestus fully understood my identity, but he is not destined to be because of someone else’s identity. And something has changed. After listening to my deeds, he not only did not have the slightest awe, but rushed forward very enthusiastically and grabbed my neck and pulled me to a drink to celebrate. As for what to celebrate, do you still have to ask? Of course it was to celebrate Zeus's bad luck.

Naturally, I didn’t mean to refuse the enthusiasm of Hephaestus. Medea first looked at my face and saw that I didn’t seem to react, so I didn’t stop it, and ordered The maid went to prepare the wine and dishes.

When we sat on the table and finished the first glass of wine, I began to express my intentions. Of course, my main goal was Medea, not Hephaestus. I can see that the gossip that the warrior said before is all right. Hephaestus is indeed obedient to Medea's words, and Hephaestus is a completely unreliable person. In addition to some technical expertise, he is actually not much better than a child in life. In addition to researching equipment, Hephaestus is responsible for almost everything in Hephaestus. Sometimes I even think Medea is more like a fucking woman than his.

On the table there are only four people, Victoria, Hephaestus and Medea, but Hephaestus is the only one who is really drinking and chatting. Sometimes he would talk to me about how I abducted Hades and the others from the Olympus Divine Race, and sometimes he would talk to Victoria about what happened in the past.

Except for Hephaestus, none of the three of us are chatting. Victoria is totally accompanying, and is mainly responsible for containing Hephaestus, preventing him from talking too much and I can’t talk with Medea, and I’m talking with Medea about the transfer. Of course, I’m still Have to deal with occasional inquiries from Hephaestus.

"Purple Moon President, I sincerely confirm that we hope to be a member of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, but we also have to think about it for ourselves." Medea is indeed Chief Steward. Class-ranked characters are much smarter than Hephaestus's idiot in life.

"Your consciousness is...?"

"You should also know that Hephaestus's position in the Olympus Divine Race is very marginal. And the Olympus Divine Race is not afraid of Hephaestus's strength. Hades can fight with you because his situation will not get worse. At that time, the Heavenly God series was already squeezing out They are the Plutos, and with Hades's strength, even if the defection plan is revealed, Zeus is impossible to completely turn his face with the Plus, at most just verbal punishment, and a series of exclusion and framing afterwards. Anyway, at the time, Hardy. Si and the others are already being squeezed out and framed, so he doesn’t worry that Zeus will squeeze him out any more."

When Medea said this, I took the initiative to stop her from continuing, and said directly. : "I think I understand what you mean. Did Miss Medea mean that Hephaestus did not have enough strength to protect himself, so if the rebellion is discovered, he will definitely be completely killed in the end, so you don't want to risk it? Really?"

Medea did not answer, but kept looking at me, but the meaning was already obvious.

After staring at her for a while, until even Hephaestus realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, I said, "Miss Medea, as a smart person, I miss you It should also be understood that pie will never fall from the sky. Even if a pie falls, it must be the hunter’s bait. Hephaestus’s ability is very important, but we are not talking about the Frost Rose League. Without him, we won’t be able to play. With Hephaestus joining us, we will be the icing on the cake. Without us, it will still be the strongest guild. But Medea, in this world, not all forces have the same vision as us. Once this operation is successful, the Olympus Divine Race will inevitably be dismantled into a pile of fragments, and then the order of the entire god system will be broken. With your rank and status, there is a way to save yourself under the chaos Ability?"

"But what if you fail?"

"Yes, we may fail. I don’t deny that, but you’ve heard our plan. You can't deny that we have a bigger win, right?"

Medea nodded and said: "Yes, according to this plan, your odds of winning are more than 80%. But even if your odds of winning are ninety-nine percent. , I will not gamble on Hephaestus’s life."

"No, you have no choice, because when we decided to start this plan, you fell into the gambling game. Medium. Whether you choose or not.” My words made Medea stunned for a while, fearing that she would not be able to guess the connection, and I went on to say: “Follow us and do it together. On us, if we win, you will be free from this. If you refuse, then you are not out of the matter, but actually put the bargaining chips on Zeus. Because whether you agree or not, I will not embarrass you, but Once the Olympus Divine Race is crippled and loses self-control, then you will be the first unlucky existence. So if you don’t join us, you are choosing to join Zeus. For you, the game has actually opened. , And you have already put your chips on Zeus who has only 20% chance of winning, but now you have a chance to go back. If you take it well, it is possible to put your chips on Zeus who has only 20% chance of winning. Move to us, who have more than 80% chance of winning. I don’t think this bet is difficult to choose, right?"

"It is indeed not difficult to choose." Medea suddenly pulled out an olive branch from him and handed it Come here. "Happy cooperation."

"Cooperation happy." I smiled and took the olive branch and put it away carefully. This thing is the simplest kind of contract in Greece, and when it is handed out, it represents an expression of goodwill such as agreeing to cooperate.

After our two sides agreed to cooperate, Medea began to tell Hephaestus about joining us, and the result was just like what we thought before, Hephaestus was completely absent. Any objections. He doesn't even care whether he belongs to the Olympus Divine Race or the Chaos and Order Divine Race. Anyway, he is a technical house. As long as he doesn't interfere with his research, it doesn't matter.

For things like moving, Medea will naturally handle it, and Hephaestus will naturally make some contributions after agreeing to join us. Of course, you don't have to think about expecting him to fight. This guy doesn't have much battle strength, and he really doesn't like fighting, so it simply doesn't make sense to pull him on the battlefield. Besides, people like him are completely scientific researchers. You can't expect Einstein to fight like ordinary soldiers, right? Of course, not having to go to the front does not mean that he will be fine. In fact, he not only has things to do, but also a lot.

"See what's coming?" Wearing a vow suit and switching to the silver moon form, I was standing in the room where the steel furnace was before, watching Hephaestus surround him The dragon soul suit on the table was busy. Speaking of which is really stupid. I didn’t need Summon Xiaofeng’s help before, so it’s OK to switch to the silver moon form. You must know that Yinyue’s main attack is fire, and sometimes the Sun God skill is simply not afraid of high temperatures. Besides, among the four High God rings of Yinyue, there is a ring of flames given by the god of fire. Carrying that thing is simply immune to fire, not to mention this temperature, even if I climb into the stove and take a bath with molten iron will not have The slightest problem.

Compared to me who is a little anxious, Hephaestus is extremely excited now, because he is studying my dragon soul suit.

The original foundation of the Dragon Soul suit was the Devil Dragon suit, which was made by Dragon Clan and has an obvious Dragon Clan technical style, which is of great research value for Hephaestus. In addition, the later Divine Dragon suit also incorporated Chinese national instruments and was transformed by Nuwa's divine force, which is equivalent to bringing the power of High God. Of course, the most prominent thing is eternity. This guy has now fully advanced into a regular weapon, and its power is self-evident.

For this kind of superb equipment, even Hephaestus has never seen it before. There are indeed fine items in the equipment he built, for example, Aphrodite's set is very good. However, that is only good. Compared with the Dragon Soul suit, it is a pile of slag, which can be directly returned to the furnace for rebuilding.

Under my urging, Hephaestus finally put down the metal compass-like thing in his hand, and then said: "This thing is too complicated, and the magic pattern on it has actually been added. Anti-spy protection, even my rubbing device is out of order!"

The rubbing device mentioned by Hephaestus is the same thing as the compass he just grabbed in his hand. This thing is a magic machine composed of several concentric rings inlaid together. Each ring can be rotated independently, and it is also engraved with densely packed magic patterns. Just stick the crystal in the center of this thing on the surface of the magic pattern to be rubbed, and then turn the outer metal ring to adjust to the appropriate reading strength, you can read all the magic patterns engraved on the surface of the object or even the inside of the object. , And displayed on the other side of the lens.

This device is actually equivalent to a tomography scanner, but it is specifically used to scan magic lines. However, even with this thing, when facing the dragon soul suit, it is still a tiger gnawing a tortoise, and it is completely impossible to utter it. The surface of the dragon soul suit is covered with a special magic barrier. This thing was originally designed to resist magical attacks and hide the wearer’s magical power fluctuations, but now it cuts off the scanning of the rubbing device. As a result, we swept for a long time and nothing happened. read out.

"Are you going to have nothing without this thing?" I looked at Hephaestus angrily and asked.

Hephaestus may be very easy-going in other areas, but he is very arrogant in his profession. Hearing what I said, he immediately shouted: "How could I have no choice? Wait, I will show you my ability." Hephaestus said and ran to the shelf next to him. Then I took a lot of bottles and cans and piled them on the table, followed by a bunch of equipment, and then started to make medicine as if I were doing an experiment.

After working for more than an hour, this guy finally took out a drop of green liquid that had just been condensed from the last instrument in the pile of instruments, and then he carefully inhaled it with a dropper This drop of liquid, then carefully moved this thing to the surface of the dragon soul suit.

Seeing his movements, I knew he was going to drip the liquid on the Dragon Soul suit, but seeing him carefully, it seemed that the liquid was a bit dangerous. I was a little worried that he would destroy the dragon soul suit, but thinking about the level of the dragon soul suit, I gave up my intention to persuade. After all, it is a double combination of Divine Item canker, It shouldn't be so easy to break.

Facts finally proved my guess, but it was more powerful than I thought. The moment Hephaestus cautiously dropped that drop of green liquid on the surface of the dragon soul suit, it was as if he had thrown explosives into the fire, listening to the loud noise of the explosion, accompanied by a cloud of white smoke. When it was raised, the whole table instantly all split up and in pieces flew out. The equipment and various metal parts on it were flying everywhere, and Hephaestus himself was directly lifted out. Had it not been for his quick-eyed hands to pull him, this guy would have almost flown into the Lava River.

Hephaestus, who ran back again, had a dark face, and his hair became like a super Saiyan, all of which stood up and back. But this guy didn't care about these problems at all. He rushed to the place where the wreckage of the table was, and then found the dragon soul suit that fell on the ground, and then quickly retrieved the rubbing device cover where the green liquid was dripping. Read the magic pattern.

Not to mention, this time it did have an effect, but after only holding on for five seconds, Hephaestus suddenly heard a surprise.

"What's the matter?" I thought something was wrong, so I leaned forward and asked.

Hephaestus shook the head, then turned to look at me with a wry smile and said, "Where did you get this equipment? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

"What's the matter? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? This is simply not right. The green liquid I just used is a high magical material, which can make magic The circuit releases energy and absorbs the energy in it. At the same time, the green liquid will form a protective layer after receiving the energy to block the energy from returning. In this way, the magic pattern on the surface of your armor will temporarily lose its shielding function due to the loss of energy. I did use it just now. Read out a small piece of magic pattern at this time."

"Isn’t that great?"

"If it’s like this, it’s really good, but just now, magic pattern It's actually reactivated!"

"Didn't you say that the green liquid absorbs energy and shields the magic energy from returning, so that the magic pattern temporarily fails? Then how does it restore the magic power?"

"This is the problem!" Hephaestus said with a bitter smile: "I have checked it and I can't find the magicweave track at all. I have no idea how it is charged! And this The speed is too fast. Such a complicated magic pattern should require a lot of energy to operate, but it took only five seconds to fully charge and restart!"

"No, Counting the time it takes you to get blown out is already eight seconds."

"Even eight seconds is too fast. The fastest magic line system I have seen before is also slower than yours. Dozens of times! Besides, it was originally a low-magic array, which is totally different from your high-magic type!"

"Anyway, you just can't use it anymore?"

< p>"No, how could I not be able to do it, but the first two methods failed, I have other methods."

"Then you should try quickly."

Hephaestus, who was originally technically arrogant, has not dared to talk back to me after two consecutive failures. He was hit hard by my dragon soul suit. For the third time, he moved a lot of things from his palace, and then assembled a huge piece of equipment that looked like a drilling machine. After completing this large-scale equipment, he put the breastplate of the dragon soul suit on the machine tool, then stuffed a few magic crystals into the machine tool for power, and finally started the equipment.

Probably learned a lesson, this time Hephaestus did not stand by the machine tool and waited to see the result, but just pushed the starter up and jumped like a frightened rabbit. He jumped to our side, and then he actually took a face shield and put it in front of him, hiding behind the shield very wretchedly, only showing his head outside to observe the situation.

Except for Hephaestus in the cave, several of his helpers didn't care much, they just hid far away. Seeing him like this now, the helpers became nervous, and in the end they all took their face shields and stood in front of them.

In fact, Hephaestus is quite competent, at least his estimation is very accurate. The machine did explode in the end, and the formidable power was amazing. These were similar to Hephaestus's inference. However, the only thing he missed was the formidable power of the explosion of the machine. He did know that it would explode, and he did know that the formidable power was great, but didn't expect it to be so great. After the explosion, the entire room seemed to have been attacked by nuclear weapons. The huge blast wind was like a big hammer that instantly smashed a group of people holding shields into the air, and then hit the wall behind them all the time. The whole person was trapped. In the wall, it finally stopped. If it weren't for the Divine Race as many people present, it is estimated that you would have to hang up a few directly.

Of course, I am much more calm than them. When the explosion happened, I flashed directly into the training space and walked out again after two seconds, but at this time there was only one piece of metal fragments in the hole and a row of guys rolling over his chest under the wall. We are.

The dragon soul suit was intact in the explosion. The giant machine has now become tens of thousands and scattered throughout the cave. Of course, there are many fragments embedded in the wall, and There were also a lot of things falling into the lava river, and I wouldn't know where they were washed. However, Hephaestus’s efforts were not in vain at least, because just after I reappeared, I saw him rush to the center of the explosion with excitement, and then picked up a golden metal circle with uneven surfaces on the ground. plate.

"What is this?" I curiously asked.

Hephaestus said with a smile proudly: "Hehe, this is a special metal I accidentally discovered. Just let the powerful energy pass through a magic array, and then pass through this piece. Metal, this metal can copy the magic array to yourself. But I only know that it has this characteristic, but I don’t know how to achieve it. But that’s not a hurry, now at least we have got yours. There is a magic array on the armor."

"Attention, it is the magic array on the front of the breastplate, and the back of the breastplate and other parts are not here. I don’t know if you still have the kind of broken equipment just now. How many are there? Is it enough?"

Hephaestus, who was originally excited, strode down his expression when he heard what I said, but with the appearance of another voice, his The expression immediately became even stranger. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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