"hahahaha...Isn’t it said that Vulcan is a boring guy? Doesn’t it seem to have a sense of humor now?"

Hephaestus Looking at the laughter, I asked again: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Hey ugly ghost, do you recognize me?" Victoria suddenly appeared next to me, and then asked Hephaes Tos said hello.

Hephaestus was taken aback when he saw Victoria, then he suddenly reacted and quickly stretched out his hand. A hammer standing on the wall suddenly flew into his hand. Then he seemed to feel uneasy. He immediately retreated to the wall, and the other people in the room who belonged to him ran in front of him. Even the warrior who brought me in before ran up to him with a look of confusion and blocked him. There.

"hey hey hey...what's your reaction?" Victoria couldn't help but cried when he saw the opponent's movements.

Hephaestus over there didn’t pay attention to Victoria’s words at all. Instead, he fixed his gaze on me, and said as if he was very scared: "Is the father just Is it really hard to tolerate me? Even if it's ugly, it's not my fault?"

"Hey, what do you think you are talking about?" Victoria couldn't help it. , Pointing directly at Hephaestus and cursed: "Even if you have trouble dreaming, don't you do it well at night? It's still broad daylight now!" It seems that I finally found something wrong. Hephaestus stretched out his head from behind the crowd and asked me timidly: "Aren't you father sent to kill me?"

"You father? Are you talking about Zeus?" "I looked at Hephaestus in surprise and asked: "Why do you think I am from Zeus?"

Hephaestus pointed to Victoria and said: "She is not with you Is it?"

I looked at Victoria with a little reaction, then nodded and said: "Yes, she is my person, but what does this have to do with Zeus?"

Hephaestus immediately hid behind the crowd in shock when I confessed it and shouted: "I also said that you are not the person sent by father. She is clearly the high-level Divine Race on Mount Olympus. I smell her body. You and her are in the same group, so naturally you are in the same group with father."

I didn’t even open my mouth to explain it before I heard this. Victoria next to her She went straight away, and then she didn't see any movement, and the Wheel of Fate suddenly appeared. In the past, when Wheel of Fate appeared, Victoria would prepare the arrow of fate, but this time it was obviously not the case, because Victoria had no intention to take a bow, and this time the Wheel of Fate did not appear in her. In front of her, but appeared behind her.

"You bastard, I saved your life back then!" Victoria said, the golden roulette behind her was gradually accelerating, and with the golden roulette and the golden roulette in it. With the reverse rotation of the text, a large number of arcs began to appear on the surface of the roulette, and it was gradually spreading to the all around space.

Hephaestus originally assumed that we were the enemy, but when the golden roulette suddenly appeared, he was surprised and walked out directly behind the crowd. "You...you are...you are that pretty Aunt?"

"hmph, it's too late to remember now." Victoria said that she was about to attack. Seeing her posture, Hehuai The guys around Stors immediately jumped out to protect Hephaestus, but they were all stopped by Hephaestus as soon as they were a little moved.

"Don’t move, this is my life saving benefactor. Without her, I would have died that year. It is impossible to live to this day."

"Victoria. Be quiet first. After a while.” Seeing that Hephaestus had reacted, I walked over and placed my hand lightly on Victoria’s shoulder. The moment we touched, the golden roulette behind Victoria looked like Fans that were out of power generally started to slow down gradually, and the arcs that ran around everywhere also stopped.

"Sorry master, I was a little impulsive." Victoria knew that my master's authority could not be questioned, so she stopped the rampage in time.

I shook my head and signaled that I didn’t mind, and then asked Victoria: "Why does he call you beautiful Aunt? Are you older than Hephaestus?"

In terms of appearance alone, Hephaestus looks like a middle age person of thirty-seven and eighteen years old, while Victoria is obviously only eighteen-nineteen years old. But listening to the conversation between the two of them just now, this Victoria is clearly Bihehuai. Storrs is much older, otherwise he won't fall into the title of Aunt.

Sure enough, Victoria nodded and said: "I was actually the main god in the Olympus Divine Race before Zeus became the Divine King of Olympus. During the battle between the Divine King and the Light God Palace, I was sealed by the other party. After that, Zeus became the Divine King."

"So when was Hephaestus born?"

"Probably not long before I was sealed. I was not like now."

"Not like now? What's wrong with you now?"


Victoria hesitated and said: "Actually, I am not completely physically."

"I know."

"No, I'm not talking about the kind of strength The imperfect body that has reached its peak, but the incompleteness in substance."

"What do you mean?"

Victoria explained: "It's like this. God in the upper realm During the war, I was sealed by Goddess of Light, but her power was not enough to suppress me, so only my body and half of Divine Soul were sealed."

Hear this Then I immediately asked in surprise: "You mean that what I received from Filindir is not the full body, but your fleshy body and half soul? Then you are not full body now?"

"Yes. I still have half of Divine Soul in the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race."

"I said why you have been sealed for so long, Olympus Do you know everything about Divine Race? So there is half of Divine Soul out there?" I suddenly reacted thinking of this. "Wait a minute. According to you, we attacked the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race this time. Wouldn't it be possible to bring out your Divine Soul together?"

"So I am now I just told you about this. Even if you forget it before, you have no ability to grab the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race, right?"

I nodded to express my understanding, and then pointed to Hephaesi again. Toss said: "Then what's the matter with him?"

Victoria immediately explained: "This is even simpler. After Hephaestus was born, he was taken from the old bastard by Zeus because he was too ugly. I threw it down on Mount Olympus. I happened to pass by at the time. After seeing this scene, I felt that the child was too pitiful, so I used Wheel of Fate on him. As a result, Hephaestus finally fell from the mountain and only fell. It's just a broken leg."

Mount Olympus is not an ordinary sacred mountain, it has its own set of Law Power. If a deity is pushed down from Mount Olympus, it will be like the reincarnation pool where Divine Immortal descends from the Celestial Court, directly washing away the divine force of the deity. And a god without divine force fell directly to the ground from the top of the mountain, so there is still immortality? So if Hephaestus had fallen directly at the time, he should have died long ago, and even if he was lucky enough to survive, the divine force on his body would definitely be impossible to preserve. Of course, Shenshan's Law Power still played some role, and Hephaestus's current extremely weak battle strength was caused by this principle.

"Pretty Aunt, I finally saw you again!" Hephaestus was obviously in a high level of excitement and rushed directly to Victoria, but he got stuck there again after getting close. Because he was only thinking about approaching Victoria at first, but when he approached, he remembered that he was a man, and it seemed that he was not suitable for contact with Victoria.

Victoria glared at Hephaestus coldly, and then said: "You are so arrogant now, you even forgot my life saving benefactor."

Hephaestus When Tos heard this, he quickly explained: "No, no. I have always kept the look of beautiful Aunt in my mind, but after all these years, there will always be some mistakes in the image. And Aunt seems to be different from the past. It’s too the same." He said and looked up and down Victoria again, and then frowned asked: "Aunt? Have you become younger than before?"

"I don’t care about this. They arranged it and took us to a cooler place. We have something to tell you."

I was expecting to persuade Hephaestus, but now I look at Victoria’s posture. Lobbying? It is estimated that even if Victoria asks him to commit suicide, Hephaestus will follow suit.

After hearing Victoria’s order, Hephaestus immediately began to execute it. First, he arranged for the two groups to leave, and then ordered his subordinates to continue to work, and he himself took it with him. We left the forging room. We walked through the corridor behind the previous hall to the other side, and after a short walk, we entered a large cave.

Different from the cave on the other side for forging metal, the cave on this side is just like a Human World Immortal Realm. Numerous flower beds are dotted on both sides of the huge marble plaza. A huge fountain stands in the center of the plaza. A group of colorful and unknown fish is also raised in the pool under the fountain. At the other end of the square is a huge palace built against the wall of the cave. From the outside, it looks gold and jade in glorious splendor, very grand. However, compared to these, I am more curious about the situation above my head.

I have no doubt that this place is inside the cave, but the problem is that we can see a clear blue sky as long as we look up here, which is obviously not normal.

Let’s not say that our position is relatively low. It is basically impossible to see the sky. Even if Hephaestus really used divine force to dig through the cave above his head, we are absolutely impossible to see. Now this scene. You know that Hephaestus’s lava crypt is next to an active volcano that is erupting all the time. If the top of our head is really dug through, then what we should see now should be a black line. The huge plume of red smoke, the lava balls flying overhead from time to time, and of course the volcanic ash falling like snow.

However, none of this has appeared. The sky above the head is blue as if it were painted, and there are several beautiful birds flying in the sky. This is obviously abnormal. Apart from Fire Phoenix in this place of volcano, I really can't think of any birds flying here.

"Hephaestus." Probably noticing that I have been looking at the top of my head, Victoria suddenly stopped Hephaestus.

Hephaestus is now like a pupil next to the teacher. As soon as he heard Victoria calling him, he immediately turned around and asked enthusiastically: "What's the matter with beautiful Aunt?"


"First, I'm Victoria, don't call me beautiful Aunt. Second, what's the matter with that thing above? Illusions or space magic?"

Listen to Hephaestus The request to Victoria was immediately nodded and said: "Okay, Victoria. How do you say... the one above? It should be considered an illusion, right?"

"What is meant by yes? Yes, yes, No, you are not, are you still?" Victoria asked angrily.

"This is like this." Hephaestus began to explain to us. During the period, I used many technical terms. Victoria and I became confused as we listened, but fortunately Hephaestus After the explanation, we finally got a general idea. Anyway, we know that the above thing is a bit similar to projection, but it is not the projection of the camera, but the real projection.

In the past, when demons could not enter the world, they would choose to create an Avatar of their own in the world. This kind of Avatar is called a projection. They have entities and share the same mindset with the owner who created them. The projection has some of the master's abilities, but certainly not too much, but the projection can be made infinitely, even if it dies, it will not have a bad effect on the master such as backlash. Of course, the process of creating a projection requires some price. For example, some projections will permanently deprive the owner of a part of the power when released. Unless the projection is re-absorbed, this part of the power will even disappear completely. If unfortunately the projection is destroyed by the enemy, then this part of the power will also disappear.

Simply speaking, the projection is a puppet that can be remotely controlled, but it costs a price to manufacture it, and it can be recycled if it is not used, but once it is destroyed, the price will be completely lost.

The projection above our head is certainly not as exaggerated as the projection created by the devil in the world. Its principle is much simpler. However, although Hephaestus only uses it as a stereoscopic display, I have discovered its great value.

"Damn, you actually use this thing as a decoration? Did you know that even if you want to kill Zeus with this thing, it's not impossible?"

Have heard my words Toss was also taken aback, and then he looked at me in amazement and asked, "Can this really be used as a weapon?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian.com) Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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