"Don't regret it." The two stone statues are probably also angry, and they are thinking about how to beat me. So they didn't wait for my confirmation at all, they swept over with the long spear when they finished speaking.

Woo... when... the long spear with the whistling wind swept across where I was standing, followed by a whistling metal crash, and at the same time the position where I was standing seemed to be A smoke ring suddenly rose up like an explosion, until the diffuse smoke fell again, everyone couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath.

I saw amidst the smoke and dust, I was still standing there unscathed, and I stretched out a hand and pinched the broad blade of the gun with five fingers, and under my feet, it was flat A shallow pit with a diameter of more than two meters and covered with cobweb-like cracks appeared on the rocky ground of.

"How is it possible?" Even the stone guard himself was taken aback. There are a lot of people who can avoid his attacks, and there are not no ones who can block them, but he can pinch the blade of the gun with only five fingers and is completely motionless. This is definitely the first time he has seen him.

"It’s not up to you whether it’s possible or not." I said, suddenly I squeezed the blade of the gun and lifted it up. With a click, the rock under my feet broke into a finer powder again. The stone statue was lifted up unsteadily because of the strength of the hand, followed the real body and drew a semi-arc on top of my head until it flew to the other side of me and hit the ground with a bang.

Although it was a stone guard who fell to the ground, the group of people watching the battle from a distance couldn't help but shrink their necks collectively, as if they had been thrown by themselves.

"Gosh, is that guy a pervert?" a player exclaimed.

Another player calmly analyzed: "The level must be at least one thousand and eight, no, at least two thousand. This power is too terrifying. Even if the basic power is increased to ten, there is no two thousand level. There is absolutely no such output."

"But are there people above the level of two thousand in the game?" A frowned player: "I remember that the guy at Ranked 1st on the ranking list is only 1,700. Is it multi-level?"

"Idiot, Purple Moon has an incomplete masking tool on his body. His name cannot be seen on the ranking list, but according to some people in the Frost Rose League, Purple Moon’s The level is earlier than two thousand."

Hearing this voice, a stupid guy next to him said weakly: "Two thousand! I'm less than one thousand two! That's not too bad. Isn’t it fair?"

"Idiot, they were only a thousand or several hundred levels before, but then the Frost Rose League and the Russian Divine Race had a war, and the Frost Rose League seemed to have won. As the boss of the Frost Rose League and the strongest battle strength, how many Divine Race do you think Purple Moon has to kill to win the battle?” That mummy mage, as a fan of mine, obviously knows more than ordinary people, but after all, it’s not ours. Those who will know a lot of news, but the correctness needs to be improved, at least my level is definitely not raised by a war alone.

"Damn, are all Frost Rose League perverts?" Another player exclaimed.

A female player asked a little bit dissatisfied: "Why do you say that? The Frost Rose League offends you?"

"Offending is not offending, but you don’t know. Is it? Half of the top ten on the battle strength list are from other people, and all the top names are occupied by them. Do you think this is not abnormal enough?"

The previous four groups The leader of the smaller group suddenly said: "Everything in this world follows the laws of nature, and guild forces are no exception. There is universal gravitation between stars, and the same is true between guilds and people. The more powerful the guild, the more attractive it is, so those powerful players will unconsciously crash into this huge star like an asteroid caught by gravity."

" The analysis is somewhat reasonable, but I think the most powerful thing about the Frost Rose is that it does not care about its size, but that it has a gravitational hand that actively captures other asteroids."

"Gravity What is the hand?" the weak player asked before.

A female player next to me pointed to me over there and said: "That’s it."

Just as these people were discussing our strengths, we There was no pause in the side fighting.

That after being thrown to the ground, the stone statue guard was completely stunned like a normal person, but I felt more surprised than hurt. This guy's physical fitness is never so weak that he can't get up after a shoulder fall. He should be unbelievable because he was defeated by a weak opponent.

Although the guard of the stone statue was smashed, but the guard of the other stone statue was slashed with a long spear without stopping. Before, I just wanted to try the power level of the stone guards to judge their strength. This time I won't grab the blade of the gun again. Seeing the huge long spear that was swept over, I jumped directly and landed on the blade of the gun, and then ran along the gun body in three steps and two steps all the way to the arm of the stone guard.

The stone guard saw that I actually climbed onto his hand, and immediately let go of the long spear and stretched out his hand to shoot, but I jumped onto the hand that was photographed, and then on his A kick on his arm hit this guy's shoulder.

Feeling me falling on my shoulders, the guy hurriedly shook his shoulders and wanted to get me off. Who knew I just pulled out Eternal and jumped on top of his head, and then suddenly turned into a hook. The eternity in the form of a sickle plunged into the top of the guy's head.

"Ah..." The stone statue guard is obviously not a simple stone statue. In addition to emotions, he also feels pain. The stone guard who was shot into my head immediately screamed and stretched out his hand to pat his head, but I had already pulled out the hook and sickle, stepped to his forehead and jumped down, the guy's big hand shot with a step difference. Behind me.

Flying in the air, I suddenly turned around, stretched my hands forward at the same time, and shot out two dragon tendons with two puffs, hitting the guy's eyes. Although it was a stone guardian, the pain of that guy made them bend forward and bow down like humans, and I leaned forward and pulled the dragon's tendons from between his legs. He got on his back again, followed me on a two-step approach and rushed to his vest, raised the hook and sickle to aim at his back, and slammed it in.

"ao..." This time the guy even changed his voice, and instead of straightening up and throwing me off, he threw me on the ground.

The so-called taking advantage of his illness to kill him, since this guy has fallen, I naturally can’t relax. I quickly pulled out the long spear inserted in his vest and rushed to his neck to turn the hook and sickle into a long spear. The battle axe slammed into the guy's neck and slashed it down. Hearing a click, the eternally changing long-handled battle axe easily pierced the guy’s neck, and then felt a little lag when hitting his cervical spine, but it was only a short time before it cut directly in. Finally, as my hand suddenly loosened, the long-handled battle axe went straight through the guy's neck and cut off his head.

With a clamoring sound, the guy's head rolled out like this, and finally stopped beside another stone guard. This guy had just been thrown into a daze, and it would be considered a reaction to get up again and prepare to fight again, who knows that before he did it, his companion's head rolled to his feet first.

"You...?" The guy was shocked when he saw his companion's head, and he didn't know what to say. An angry long spear was about to rush forward.

I didn't immediately counterattack when I saw his actions, but suddenly called a timeout. "Don't you know your physical characteristics?" As I said, I took a metal card about one centimeter thicker than a poker card in front of me and pretended to play with it.

The guy on the opposite side originally planned to rush up to me desperately, but as soon as he saw the thing, he slammed and stopped there.

"Why are you...?"

"Please, the energy fluctuations are so obvious, do you think I'm blind?" I said and put the metal card up and down. Following the next throw, the head of the stone guard on the other side kept beating up and down, as if he wanted to come over to catch it but didn't dare to move.

It was probably because I realized that I would play him again. The guy suddenly stopped staring at the metal cards and yelled at me: "You be careful, if you break me Just desperately."

"Don’t worry, based on the texture of the metal plate and the hardness of the ground, as long as I don’t throw it to a height of ten meters or more, it won’t be damaged if it falls. But. If I squeeze hard, the result will be hard to tell."

"Do you dare."

"Why don't I dare? Because I am afraid of you? It seems like your strength and The guy I killed is almost the same, right? I can kill him unharmed, and naturally you will be killed. What do you think you can threaten me? Of course, you can cry back and call your parents, rest assured, I won't stop you."

That guy probably hadn't seen me so arrogant, and he was stunned for a while. However, after looking at the beheaded head of his companion next to him, he made a decisive compromise.

The guy took the weapon and said to me: "You have passed the test, give me that metal card and you can go directly in."

" It's almost the same." As I said, I flicked the metal card directly, then turned and walked towards the gate. The stone guard saw the flying metal card and hurriedly rushed to catch the metal card, but he didn't dare to get angry at me. Own.

Although I don't dare provoke me, but that guy hasn't forgotten to make things difficult for me. Originally, after the player completed the task, they were responsible for pushing open the door to let people in. After all, the door seemed to be about to catch up with the airport hangar door. How could such a large door allow them to open easily?

Of course I guessed that guy’s deliberately making things difficult, but I didn’t care anyway, so I ignored him. With a smirk on his face, I walked directly to the door, and after looking back at him, I stretched out my hand and pressed the door lightly, and the door banged completely as if it had been hit hard by someone. Wide open. I walked in with a smirk in that guy's stunned expression, and then the door automatically closed behind me again.

The inside of the gate is not Hephaestus’s room, but another hall. The environment here looks much more beautiful than the hall outside. Not only the ceiling and walls of the cave have been carefully decorated, the ground is no longer flat ordinary rock, but replaced with smooth marble.

The door I entered is a door located in the tail section of the lobby, and on the opposite side of the lobby, which is a bit like a promenade, there is a high platform of gold and jade in glorious splendor. The high platform is about five or six meters high, with steps on three sides, and it looks like a pyramid. Located in the center of that high platform is a very gorgeous fire diamond throne. Because the entire seat is carved out of a whole fire diamond, it feels like a burning flame from a distance.

Behind this throne is a golden screen. Its shape should be like a burning flame, but it is relatively thin and not a three-dimensional figure.

The high platform is not placed against the wall at the end of the hall, but a distance from the wall. Although I can't see the situation behind because of the high platform, judging from the situation in this hall, there should be a door behind the high platform.

While I was thinking about whether to go over and take a look, a warrior wearing heavy plate armor suddenly appeared behind the screen on the opposite side. This guy is about two meters tall. Although he can't talk on equal terms with the stone guards outside, he can still be considered a super big man by the standards of a normal person.

After this guy came out, he saw me for a moment, and then he waved to me to beckon me to go over and greeted me on the initiative. When we stopped in the middle of the hall, he crossed my eyes and looked at the door, and then asked puzzledly: "Why are you alone?"

I was a little confused by what he asked, not quite clear what he meant. "You are asking me why I didn't bring a companion?"

The warrior shook the head: "No, I asked you about the other two groups? Didn't the adults say to do three things every day? Except you There should be two more talents right. Is it because you are alone today to find an adult? Or you have three things to deal with, so everyone else is driven away?"

" Neither. I just came in first, and the rest are still fighting outside. It is estimated that the winner will be determined in a while and the other two groups will be selected."

Warrior nodded said: "Then again. Wait a minute, I'll take you in with them when they come in."

I nodded agree, and then I started chatting with this warrior without a word. Of course I am not bored and want to find someone to chat, even if it is really boring, I will open the communicator to contact the military god to find me something to do. There are piles of things waiting to be dealt with in the meeting. Hong Yue and Rose are yelling busy all day long. It is so easy to find something.

I’m chatting with this warrior here for two purposes. One is to inquire about Hephaestus’s character and so on, so that I can prescribe the right medicine to find the right entry point. , And can also avoid mentioning some things that Hephaestus taboos. In addition to the first purpose, my second purpose is also very simple. I just want to have a good relationship with this guy. I hope he can help him appropriately when I talk to Hephaestus, even if it’s just for me. Saying a good thing or agreeing with my point of view is more useful than saying dozens of words to Hephaestus myself.

Generally speaking, the relationship between people is usually proportional to the number of conversations between them. Of course, this means that under most normal circumstances, if you encounter that kind of mouth, you will definitely offend The type of person, then the situation will be completely reversed.

Of course, I am not the type that will offend people when I open my mouth. On the contrary, my affinity is still quite good under normal circumstances. Especially when targeting these NPCs in the game, there is the high charm of the system plus the deterrent attribute. As long as it is not the more tyrannical NPC, the general NPC will be easier to get along with me.

The warrior in front of me is obviously a relatively normal NPC. Although he is a warrior, I am not an enemy. In addition, his own character is relatively simple and straightforward, so we didn’t talk for a while before he started talking I called the brothers and sisters ridiculed each other. Through the dialogue between us, I quickly figured out the character traits of Hephaestus. What do you say about this guy's character? It's a bit silly, and a bit stubborn, in short, it's the kind of semi-silly type. Say he is smart, he is really smart, otherwise he won't be able to produce so much technical equipment. But if you want to say that he is stupid, he is really stupid. He doesn't know how to express his emotions at all, and he has almost no independent opinions except for technical matters.

After knowing the detailed character of Hephaestus, I became more confident in this digging action, but compared to Hephaestus’s character, I finally found out A more important piece of information, and this piece of information, people simply don’t expect to know.

"Is there such a thing?" I looked surprised at the warrior who had just whispered a big gossip near my ear to satisfy his desire for expression.

Sure enough, the guy who saw my face immediately proudly explained the entire process of development to me. In fact, men also have the soul of gossip, which is not the patent of women, but usually women have a little more free time than men, and women like to get together, so many people think that only women can gossip. In fact, men usually don't have much chance to gossip, and once they get the chance to gossip, they don't have the slightest hesitation.

Although the warrior in front of him looks like a serious guy, he is actually quite good at gossiping. At that moment, I even thought that the warrior in front of me was an impersonation of a vegetable market lady who used the Camouflage Technique.

After seeing my surprised eyes, the warrior immediately assured me excitedly: "This is absolutely true. You are not from the Flame Crypt, so don’t know. I’m here every day, this How could this kind of news have been hidden from me? Master Hephaestus's favorite woman is Miss Medea. As long as Miss Medea says, Master Hephaestus will never object."

Seeing what he said, I pretended not to believe it again and said, "No. Even if we don’t know the relationship between Hephaestus and Medea, don’t other Olympus Divine Races? You know?"

When the guy heard I suspected, he immediately pointed to me more proudly and said, "You don't even understand this? You don't know the relationship between our adults and the Olympus Divine Race. Since we were thrown down from Mount Olympus that year, we adults have hardly had any contact with the other gods of the Olympus Divine Race. As for the relationship between the two sides, do you think they can know?" The guy here suddenly came up and deliberately looked around and deliberately looked around, making sure that there was no third person before whispered: "In fact, even if the relationship between our adults and the Olympus Divine Race does not become the way it is now, this matter is also It is absolutely impossible to let the Olympus Divine Race know."

"Why?" I have already guessed the reason, but in order to satisfy that guy's eagerness to show off, I still put on a pose.' Tell me quickly' look at him waiting for the answer.

Sure enough, when the warrior saw my expression, he said more proudly: "This is actually the secret of the Olympus Divine Race. I only tell you, don't you know if you don't talk nonsense?"

Of course I immediately nodded and said: "Out of your mouth, into my ears, I let it rot in my stomach."

Warrior satisfied nodded and said I started to say excitedly: "This thing has to start with the Goddess Aphrodite of Love and Beauty."

"Is the one who was caught some time ago and just came back in the last two days?" I Asked deliberately.

"Yes, that's her. This Aphrodite is the Goddess who is in charge of love and beauty. What do you think she must be beautiful?"

I deliberately pretended to be unexpected Asked: "What do you say can be beautiful? I know it must be beautiful anyway."

"Not very beautiful, but beautiful. Her beauty is almost always touched by men. Even Zeus, the main god of Olympus Divine Race, did not resist Aphrodite’s beauty and wanted to marry her as his wife."

"I rely on it, don't you?" I deliberately frightened and flustered exclaimed: "I heard that Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus? Zeus is going to marry Aphrodite? Isn't this messy?"

"Hey, daughter What is it?" The warrior said with a disdainful look: "As long as the old Zeus bastard is long and beautiful, who wouldn't he dare to go on? Until now, he has been among the Goddess and Goddess whom he has tainted. Including his sisters, his aunts, and his father's woman, oh yes, besides Aphrodite, there is really one of his biological daughters who has already been succeeded by him. I think Hades hadn't done it quickly. , I guess the Goddess of Spring, now the Queen of Pluto should have been taken over by Zeus. By the way, do you know the identity of Goddess of Spring?"

I quickly nodded and said: "Persefu Yeah? I heard that she is also the daughter of Zeus, and it seems that her mother has a good harvest Goddess. Demeter is the second sister of Zeus. In this way, Persephone is equal to both the daughter of Zeus and his niece, right? , Even the relatives of the descendants of the daughter and niece want to start, it’s really an old pervert!"

Speaking of this, the warrior immediately said quietly: "Actually, you don’t know. Not only the Goddess who are related to him, but also humans, Demons, and some animals. He has touched them. Don’t you know, many of our monsters in Greece are actually descendants of Zeus."

"Damn, let's forget about incest, he actually plays with humans and beasts! I'm considered succumbed." In fact, I have known these deeds of Zeus a long time ago, after all, as a god within the realm, a relatively maverick existence , Zeus can be regarded as a wonderful flower in Divine Race. Anyway, I have never seen anything like him in other Divine Races. In general, Divine Race can make three wives and four concubines or find a lover is considered exaggerated, Zeus is definitely the existence of the entire Divine Race unique and unmatched.

The warrior heard me sigh and then continued: "So I said. He wants to marry Aphrodite is not at all at the worst thing. But it's because Aphrodite He was unwilling, and resolutely resisted, so Zeus finally had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​marrying her. However, this fellow Zeus was very careful, and even if he was refused to marry his own daughter, this fellow actually held a grudge for it. He even used the power of his Divine King to force Aphrodite to marry our master Hephaestus. As you know, Lord Hephaestus’s appearance is indeed a bit bad, which has always been in the Olympus Divine Race. It was regarded as a shame, so those Olympus Divine Race would not like adults so much. Zeus forced Aphrodite to marry an adult in order to torture Aphrodite, make her sad, and punish her for refusing My own request."

"This bastard, I have never seen anyone who can be broken like this!"

"Indeed, Zeus that old bastard is the worst in the world Guys.” Because the relationship between Hephaestus and Zeus is extremely bad, Hephaestus’s men don’t have the slightest awe of Zeus. Otherwise, even the guy who likes gossip is absolutely impossible to say about Zeus. Bad words. After Nodded admitted my point of view, the guy went on to say: "Although he hates him, Zeus is the Divine King after all. Hephaestus and Aphrodite could not resist him, so the two were finally We are forced to get married. But Master Hephaestus still likes us Miss Medea, and Miss Medea also knows that she can't oppose Zeus directly, so she thought of a way."

"What way "

"It was to find Aphrodite, and then everyone got together to explain the matter. We, Hephaestus, and Aphrodite maintain a nominal relationship between husband and wife , Aphrodite is free to do what he wants to do. It doesn’t matter if he goes to find another man, but we adults can be with Miss Medea forever, but neither side can destroy this nominal Marriage, so I can’t provide status for my partner."

I heard this nodded and said: "It’s because Aphrodite has such a good relationship with you adults. I originally had I was thinking, according to Aphrodite’s personality, I was married to someone I didn’t like, and he looked so ugly... I’m sorry I didn’t say bad things about you adults."

"It’s okay, adults never care. Others say his looks. Besides, the inner part is the most important thing. The appearance is just a layer of skin. With the strength of our adults, if we really want to be beautiful, there are at least dozens of ways to become as handsome as Apollo. No, it is. It can be more handsome than Apollo."

I nodded and said: "Don't say you adults, even I can think of at least three ways to become handsome. But now I understand Afu Why did Rodite have such a good relationship with your adults? It was not because they became husband and wife, but because they are now partners in the alliance against Zeus."

"Yes, so our adults and Aphrodite Di Te showed a very harmonious relationship with the outside world. It was Zeus who was deliberate and made him think that he had failed again."

"I didn't think that. Based on the current situation, Zeus simply really failed. After all, he neither got Aphrodite, nor did he harm you adults, and Aphrodite and you adults are very moisturizing."

"hehe, so is it. "

The two of us were chatting happily when we suddenly saw the door I had come in suddenly opened. Through the gate, you can see a row of people standing outside, and behind them are a lot of dead bodies. Obviously the melee was over, and it was clear that the team with the largest number of players was defeated.

Now there are two remaining teams at the gate, plus me, there are exactly three teams. The group of mummy mages clearly won the final victory, while the other group was the team with the least number of people. Of course, both teams have been downsized, and the rest are basically injured.

The team with the least number of people is still the team with the least number, because they only have one person still alive. This is a woman wearing light armor. Although the protective area is very low, it is very sexy to wear this way. After all, there will be more exposed on the protective part, and the position is more reasonable, so it naturally shows sexy The effect is coming. However, this woman is quite curious, because at first I thought she was a twenty-two-year-old girl when she first came in, because her identity is very good, and she is also very beautiful. This kind of decoration is really tempting. However, after she got closer, I looked carefully and found out that this woman is definitely not a girl. Although I can't see the specific flaws, I can conclude that she is definitely older than she looks.

Except for this woman, the rest is naturally the mummy mage group. Compared with that woman, their group is not bad, anyhow there are four people left, which is not bad compared to the group of women over there.

Mummy mage In addition to the mummy mage himself, the remaining three people in this group are the underworld priest MM, a underworld guardian, and a Dark Knight MM.

Although there are four people left, the rest of the group of Mummy Mage and the others are badly injured. Except for the priest of the Dark God who had no injuries at all, the remaining three were almost completely wounded, especially the little Dark Knight sister. If the priest of the Dark Knight MM was not supporting her, it is estimated that she would not even be able to stand.

"Damn, why did you make it so miserable?"

I couldn't help but sigh for the situation of these two groups of people, and the warrior over there said I put away the expression that I had talked about before, and started to ask in a serious manner: "Are you the last two groups of people left?"

The mummy mage looked at the female warrior over there. When she saw that she didn’t mean to speak, she stood up and said: "Yes, we are left with the two groups."

Warrior asked after listening to the stone guards outside: "They all passed the test. Is it?"

"Yes, they chose to answer the question and they have passed the test." At this time, through the open door, I found that the stone statue I had crushed had been resurrected. But I didn't have any surprises about this, because I knew it before that the metal plate is the core of the stone statue, and the other parts are condensed by magic. In other words, as long as you put this metal card on the pile of stones, it will naturally reorganize the stone guard.

After hearing the report from the guard of the stone statue, the battle here turned to the mummy mage and the female warrior and said: "If this is the case, you can come in with me." He didn't wait for each other. After agreeing, I turned around and started walking behind the seat. I hurriedly followed up, and the mummy mage and the others immediately ran. Although their injuries were serious, they just had to take some medicine when the battle was over, so several people quickly followed.

Bypassing the high platform with the throne we saw before, we went directly to a door behind the throne. This door is slightly smaller than the outer door, but it is quite large compared to the height of a human being.

After passing through this door, there is a long corridor, but the corridor is horizontal, and you can walk on both sides. But because of the warrior leading the way, we turned directly to the left and followed behind him.

This corridor is not very long. After walking less than 50 meters, it suddenly turns to the right, and then there is an arch. Above this arch, there is a layer of red light curtain that is constantly flickering, and it looks like a rippling water surface, but this light curtain seems not very transparent, and it is almost impossible to see the things behind it through it. I can vaguely see that there is a relatively large space.

The warrior did not go through the door directly, but stopped outside the door and turned around and took out six red test-tube medicine bottles from a stone platform beside the door. Gave us. Looking at our puzzled gaze, he directly explained: "This is an anti-fire potion. The temperature will rise very high after this door. Taking this will ensure that you will be immune to fire within an hour."

"Nice thing." As I said, I stuffed the thing directly into the Phoenix Dragon's space, then snapped my fingers, Xiaofeng appeared next to me instantly, and then took one of my hands. A layer of red light film spread from Xiaofeng's hand to my body in an instant.

The warrior glanced at me, and then just laughed and didn't say anything. This medicine itself is not a great thing, although it is also more useful, but there is no need to pay too much attention. Besides, just because I had such a pleasant chat with him, he also troubled me sorry.

Although the mummy mage and the female warrior also saw my actions, the warrior who led the way did not speak, and they naturally wouldn't speak anymore. As for learning how to put things away, they thought about it, but they just looked at the red light curtain and finally gave up.

After they drank the potion, the warrior led us through the light curtain into the space behind.

Behind that light curtain is a rather huge cave. This piece of land near the entrance of the light curtain is a large flat land, on which a lot of ore and unfinished metal embryos are piled up in a mess. On the right front of this flat land is a lava river, but it is not a whole section of the river, but a small bend. The lava flows out from under the rock wall opposite us, then turns a small bend in the cave and flows out of the cave under the wall on the right, so this cave can only see a small section of the river which is not too long.

Located on the left front of the flat ground where we are standing and the lava river side by side, suppose a huge flame furnace, one piece of red light among seven or eight hearths of different sizes, and on the right side of the furnace there is A protruding bucket-shaped slide, with dark red lava flowing out of the furnace, and then flowing into the lava river below and being taken out of the cave together along the slide.

Obviously, this huge furnace is operated by the temperature of the lava, so it obviously doesn't need any fuel. Of course, in order to control the furnace temperature, the use of some magic devices is essential, but anyway, it is a good attribute without fuel.

At this time, in addition to the warrior who brought us in, there were six people, or six humanoid creatures, standing in the cave. One of them was very ugly, not only had a hump, but also had a lame leg. Hephaestus was obviously Hephaestus. After all, this guy's appearance was too easy to recognize.

Except for Hephaestus, one of the remaining five is a warrio

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