Although the idiot died, the personnel behind him did not, and the guy called out the order before he died, so the guys on the scene immediately rushed to the others Three groups of people. However, it seemed that the only boss who was killed was an idiot, and everyone else's IQ was pretty good, so after the battle started, I suddenly found that I had nothing to do.

What? You ask me why I feel I have nothing to do in the melee? Isn't that because no one dared to approach me?

Although the entire hall has been disrupted, my side has become a vacuum zone. Don't say take the initiative to rush towards me, even if I show a little intention to lean on whom, the people over there will immediately leave me far away, even if they are struggling to be slashed by others.

By the way, no one here is a real idiot. The guy who arrogantly poke my finger at me just triggered a revenge attribute and was electrocuted to death. Now even a idiot knows my equipment. The high level is scary. I think that every other group is a group of people, and I only have one person and I dare to run here, obviously it is the kind of super strength that can top a group. So, since you know I'm so good, isn't it courting death to rely on me again? Therefore, all the people present regarded me as a plague god. No matter where I moved, Lima would definitely become a no-man’s land.

At first I saw them avoiding me, and I tried to lean in to kill a few people, but then I found out that everyone had taken Wu as a plague god and I gave up altogether. These people now have obvious meanings, which is equivalent to acquiescing that I occupied one spot, and the remaining four teams of them are actually just grabbing the remaining two spots. Then since people don't care about giving me a place, I still have to join in and make trouble, isn't it a problem with my head?

Of course, no one fights with me, and I can't be idle. No one dared to approach me anyway, so I simply walked directly across the battlefield to the gate over there. People on the entire battlefield automatically gave me a way out because of my passing, and no one wanted to stop me at all.

After I walked easily to the door over there, I realized that the door is not directly on the ground, but more than one meter higher than the hall where we are. But there are steps under this door, but it was blocked by the group before, so I didn't see it.

After taking a closer look at the gate and looking at the two guards left and right, I finally stepped onto the Level 1 step. As a result, the two guards who had been installing sculptures moved immediately. Up. Of course they didn't plan to kill me directly, but at the same time stretched the long spear in their hands and crossed them in front of me.

"Mortals, there are three ways to pass through this gate. You must choose one to pass." Two stone statue-like guards suddenly said such a paragraph at the same time, and the muffled voice echoed in the cave. Then, the group of melee guys behind Zhen had to stop temporarily.

People are not stupid either. It’s not anxious to grab a spot, so it’s better to see how I get in and get some experience.

When I heard the two guards, I stopped, then looked up and asked: "What method?"

The stone statue standing on the left side of the door said, "The first one The method is to hand over a letter of introduction or a special token. As long as the person who gave the letter of introduction or special token is approved by Lord Vulcan, you can enter directly."

"Sorry, I don’t have that. Plant something."

The stone statue didn’t stop after I said it, and just continued: "The second method, answer the three questions we asked, and you can enter after all the answers are correct. Otherwise, please leave here. And I’m not allowed to enter here for one week."

"Can I ask what the problem is?"

"There is no fixed scope for the problem, it may be any problem , I can’t give a hint."

I nodded and said: "So what about the Third Type method?"

After I finished speaking, the two stone statues suddenly collected the long spear at the same time, and then After a meal on the ground, the whole cave seemed to tremble with only the sound of an impact. After that, the stone guard said: "The Third Type method is to defeat us and break in forcibly, even if you are allowed to be interviewed."

"Hey, choose the second one? Wrong answer at worst ever Try again a week?" Someone yelled at me on the battlefield behind, and the meaning was obvious. Of course the guy who shouted didn't want to help me, they just wanted me to try and see what kind of problem was. Even if I didn't get the same problem, at least I could get a rough idea of ​​the difficulty of the problem, isn't it? Of course, if they choose by themselves, they will definitely choose the second one. After all, this method seems the most likely to pass. The two guards weren't good at first sight, they weren't crazy enough to think they could beat them.

Of course I won’t be affected by other people’s shouts. After the two guards finished speaking, I only hesitated for two seconds and then asked: "I want to ask, if I accidentally confiscate my hand Smashed you two, Hephaestus won’t refuse to see me?"

When I heard me, the two stone statues suddenly lifted up the long spear at the same time and slammed into the ground again. The top of the cave fell straight down, and at the same time, they shouted in unison, "Are you despising us?"

"No, I just want to know, lest it be hell for a while. Phaestos refuses to see me, isn't it a big loss?" I said again and asked: "You haven't answered my question yet? Are there any questions? If you hit Hephaestus, Si doesn’t see me, so I’ll choose the second one."

These two stone guards don’t seem to be simple guards. Their intelligence is still quite good, at least in terms of their emotions. Similar to humans. After hearing what I said, the two stone statues immediately roared angrily: "Beware of yourself. Don't complain that we didn't say hello if you are dead."

"putting it that way, it's okay to kill you. Really? Then I will choose the third one."

Wow. When I finished talking about my choice, there was a commotion on the battlefield behind, and then the group of people stopped fighting, but each group retreated to the down stairs and stood separately. Now the people here have experienced many battles, no matter how bad they are. My answer is that they are going to fight. They don’t know how my battle strength is, but just by looking at the size, they know that the attack range of the two stone statues must be very large, so in order to avoid being accidentally injured, all the cunning guys immediately retreated to the place farthest from the gate. Come to observe the battle situation, and secondly, you can ensure that you can easily escape if something goes wrong.

"Don't regret it." The two stone statues are probably also angry, and they are thinking about how to beat me. So they didn't wait for my confirmation at all, they swept over with the long spear when they finished speaking. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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