I probably saw my strange expression. The other party quickly understood my thoughts and quickly explained: "This is the President of Purple Moon, I'm not saying we The two are the same in length, but have similar characteristics."


"Yes. Look. Your battle method is melee plus summon creatures, which can be used occasionally. Some support or attack spells. I am a mummy mage, and I can also fight in close combat, and my battle method is the undead creatures of the summon mummy series, which is very similar to your familiar. Finally, I also have spells, and most of them are support systems. "

"You said that our fighting form is indeed a bit similar, but really, don't you feel uncomfortable to make yourself like this?"

Listen When I asked, the mummy mage not only didn't mean to be discouraged, but immediately said excitedly: "When I mention this, I get excited. This shape is really uncomfortable, although it won't be hot, but it's okay to wrap himself up. Bandagers are really annoying. But considering the battle strength of this profession, plus the similarity to your battle method, I can bear it. I thought it would always be like this in the future. Didn’t expect the level to rise recently. I just knew that this form of bandaged man was just the First Rank form of the mummy mage. It can be advanced as the class level and character level increase, and as the stage changes, my appearance will also change. Now this form of bandaged man is not permanent Sexual, and this time I came here to get the promotion equipment, and then I can transfer to the Second Rank mummy mage. When the time comes, my appearance will change a lot. Although it is still not good-looking, it is no longer The bandage man is shaped. And after that, I can continue to strengthen it, and when I reach the third rank, I can become a perfect human appearance."

"It sounds good." I finished speaking and looked at it again. After a while, the surrounding crowd asked, "Are they all here to help you do the task or does everyone have to come here to do the task?"

"No, they are all my friends, this time they are here to help Doing tasks.” The mummy mage finished speaking and added: “We are usually a leveling squad. Our battle strength is fairly well-known on our side, but unfortunately the number of players is a bit small and can’t beat those players who have guilds. They are. Every time we come out, there are dozens of people. We can't do them at all, and we are always robbed."

"Why don't you find a guild to join you with this kind of strength?"

I just took the time to observe the attributes of this group of people with the star pupil, like this According to this guy, their battle strength is pretty good. Except for a Dark Knight with a level of 999, the rest of the people on the scene all ran up for a thousand, and the mummy mage with the highest level was already more than one thousand two hundred and thirty, even if it was released in our guild. It can be counted as a small expert. Ordinarily, if you pull out with such strength, the guild should be rushing to do it. They didn’t expect that they would never join the guild.

Probably also knows the situation of his group, the mummy mage suddenly said: "It's not that no one wants us, but we don't want to join. You may not know, we have a special situation here. "After the mummy mage finished speaking, he looked towards the others over there and whistled.

The few people over there have probably experienced similar situations a long time ago, and they stood up as soon as they heard the whistle. Those who stood up were two Dark Knights, the priest of Hades, and the archer who had spoken before. I glanced at it and found that these four seemed to be women. Although the priest of the Underworld had a large dress and could not see the curve of his figure, he could barely identify this as a woman.

After standing up, all four of them made a common action, which was to show their faces. Dark Knight wears a full-covering helmet, and the Demon Archer wears a similar helmet. As for the Underworld priest, the front end of her hood is almost at the height of the bridge of her nose, and she always keeps her head down. , His face was completely hidden under the shadow of his hood, and his face was simply invisible. However, after they lifted their hats and helmets back, I immediately saw four extremely gorgeous faces. However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that these four people look exactly the same.


"And they are all superb beauties." The mummy mage said: "The four of them are so beautiful, they are easy to cause trouble, plus Still quadruplets, this temptation is simply not blocked by a few people. As you know, there is no law in the game. Although there are female protections, there are still people who can’t help but want to possess them. Even though they can rely on female protection every time Escape safely, but they can’t stand being harassed again and again. After meeting us, they will never join other forces."

"Then you......?"

"hehe." The mummy mage suddenly hugged the pastor of the Underworld said with a smile: "Their little sister is my wife."

The pastor of the underworld timidly stepped on the mummy. Feet, and then hurriedly put on the hood and ran back to the team. The other women also took up their hats.

Now I understand what these people think. The girls don’t want to join other teams and be harassed, and the men have a stable guarantee because of the establishment of the relationship between the mummy mage and one of the girls, so that they only need to stay patiently in the team with the remaining three sisters. If you deepen your relationship, you will have a chance to get one sooner or later. Of course, the current situation in the team is that there are too many monks and porridge, but after all, it is such a beautiful beauty, how can there be few competitors? According to the current ratio, their competitive pressure has been much smaller.

Because of this relationship, the group of people present have been able to maintain a relatively stable organizational structure, and the mummy mage who is an important relationship link enjoys absolute control in the team, and this guy also It is indeed the strongest among the people, and it is more appropriate for him to be the leader.

In the conversation with this group of people, we can be regarded as getting acquainted. While the team chatted with their respective information, they walked towards the lava crypt over there.

"That...President Purple Moon, do you know why it is a volcano but a lava crypt?" The mummy mage suddenly asked when he was walking on the way.

Of course I can only shake my head when I hear this question. "Actually, I was pitted by this name before I came here. I have been looking for big pits on the ground before. I didn’t expect that the lava crypt would be the name of a mountain! If I hired a guide later, I think I It is impossible to find here."

"It turns out that we were not only deceived!" The mummy mage and the people around him also sighed, and listening to their later narration, it seemed that they were worse than me. At any rate, I have Asuka, a favorite that can be compared to a jet, and they are quite dynamic, but they can't do it. In order to find this lava crypt, I did not know how many times I went around in Greece.

When I heard what they said, I immediately said jokingly: "You should be thankful. Fortunately, this is Greece and not China."

"Why?" One of the women, Dark Knight, was stupid. Asked.

Without waiting for me to answer, the archer next to him said: "Stupid. We searched the entire Greece to find this place. How big is Greece? How big is China? If we were in China, too. In this situation, if you are unlucky, you may not be able to find it for a lifetime."

"That's what I said!"

We are chatting with each other to relieve our boredom, suddenly The road ahead was cut off. I felt strange when I walked over a section of the road before. It was obviously a flat road composed of Fire Mountain Cliff. Why did the guide say that it was dangerous and refused to show me the way. Now I understand, what he said is not the section of the road before, but here.

The area we walked just now is surrounded by all kinds of strange rocks, but the ground under our feet is black Fire Mountain Cliff formed by cooled lava, and it is relatively flat, basically it is relatively good The way up. However, the easy part is over here. Now there is a lava river in front of us, and it is not as wide as it is. Saying it is a river, it actually looks like a river. Lava Yangtze River, this is what I feel in front of me.

Of course, if it's just a lava river, then of course it won't trouble us. After all, no one is stupid these days, and many special areas can be flown over. Not to mention a river, it is a sea, as long as it is not like the Pacific Ocean, flying over is easy. However, it is probably impossible for the lava river to fly over, because there are circles of red rays of light shining above it. Although I don’t know what it is, it does not prevent me from knowing that the thing cannot be approached. .

If you can't get close to the red rays of light above, you can't fly, so there is only one way left to cross the river.

There is indeed one way, and there is only one way. It is connected to where we are currently standing, and is connected to the road we have walked over. However, the road in front of me, or the bridge in front of me, makes people feel very unreliable.

The front half of this lava stone bridge is only a foot wide. Although it is wider than a single-plank bridge or something, the psychological pressure on people is really huge, because the bridge is far from the lava below. It's just over a foot high, and sometimes the lava bubbles that turn up from below can even explode on the bridge.

If you walk on a long plank across a flat road, most people can actually walk across it easily. But if you put this wooden plank between two cliffs a few hundred zhang high, not many people can pass. Now this lava river is just like that cliff, it is definitely something that tests people's psychological quality. However, in my opinion, even if the people themselves are fine, the bridge is quite worrying, because it is not like a stone wall above the surface of lava, but similar to an arch bridge. There is only a thin layer of rock on the bridge deck, and a stone pillar deep in the lava is supported at a distance of more than ten meters below. The other positions are suspended in the air. Looking at this span, I doubt whether people can stand on the bridge.

Although it looks scary, I quickly figured it out. Since this place is where Hephaestus lives, and Hephaestus is a god with many tasks, then this bridge should be safe. Otherwise, how did so many players come to him? You must know that among those players, there are even professions such as barbarians and orcs, Berserker. If they can pass, it makes no sense that our small body will crush the bridge, right?

After we want to understand, we feel more at ease about this bridge, but I think even if this thing will not collapse, the people who can pass will definitely not be 100%. Besides the narrow bridge deck in the front half, the back half is even more terrible. The complete bridge is gone as long as it reaches the center of the river. The remaining parts are all stone platform pieces higher than the lava river. The large one is only two square meters, and the small one is even slightly larger than the area of ​​two bear paws. Bigger. It’s better for a smaller body like us. If you are a barbarian or giant bloodline player, you can only stand on it with one foot.

But I guess such small stones may not be for people to stand, because they are too small. And according to the distribution of those rocks, and the rule that there must be a big slab at every interval, I guess those small rocks are just for you to step on them to rush over at one time. There is no intention to make people long. Stand on it.

In fact, the dangers on the Lava River are far more than this. The physical fitness of the players in the game has been strengthened, even the lower level personnel, they are many times stronger than the real person, so this kind of seemingly dangerous road is actually a bit for game players. There is no threat. What I really worry about should be what is hidden under the lava.

The game is not in comparison with reality. The number of species and regional dispersion here are much stronger than in reality. Even in the lava, there are many creatures living there. If you say that there are no lava creatures in this large area of ​​the lava river in front of you, it is purely talking nonsense with your eyes closed. In addition, considering the Fire Attribute in the lava area, the creatures that can generally live here will not be ordinary creatures, usually either extremely ferocious or bloodthirsty. Anyway, the creatures here are the type that you don't mess with it.

Although it is known that those terrifying and dangerous creatures are lurking under the lava, it is impossible for ordinary people to react in advance. Lava is not water after all. It is opaque and difficult to produce a track. Therefore, even if something is moving under the lava, as long as it is not too close to the surface and the speed is not too high, it is generally difficult to find. In other words, unless those creatures jump out of the lava into the air, you can hardly find them. In addition, the stone bridge and the stone pier are only one foot high from the surface of the lava. Even if the distance is such a short distance, even if it is an expert, it will definitely respond. So, thinking about this lava river is definitely not as simple as imagined.

"What should I do with this?" The mummy mage looked at the lava river in front of him, turned his head and asked me.

"I can take you there, but after your business is over, I will talk to Hephaestus. You should help me persuade Hehuai as a bystander. Stors. Of course, before entering Hephaestus’s residence, you have to pretend to be unknown to me, so that what you say as a bystander will be more credible."

The mummy The mage nodded asked: "This is nothing, but I don't know what we need to say? If you know in advance, think of some words first?"

"No, you can just say it according to your feelings later. , Otherwise it will appear fake and easy to be discovered because it is too organized in advance."

"Okay, it's up to you."

The mummy master agreed After meeting my request, I summoned Ivrit and the plague directly. After making the Ivorite armor and assembling it on my body, my whole body was enlarged in an instant, and it looked like I was wearing power armor. In fact, Ivorite’s armed form does have some characteristics of power armor. At least in terms of strength, it can superimpose the power of the two of us, and its attack power can also be greatly improved. Of course, I just need his anti-Fire Attribute now.

The mummy mage was all stunned when I saw that I was armed, because after all, no one has ever worn this kind of clothing that looks like power armor in the game, but because they saw Ivor Ritter's previous form also understood that this was only a special way of using magic familiars, so he was only surprised, and did not feel that this thing was beyond the scope of the game.

After the armament was completed, watching the mummy mage and the others were still in a daze, I simply pointed to the plague and said: "Don't stare at me, hurry up."

"Huh? Oh. "After being reminded by me, everyone reacted, and then quickly climbed onto the back of the plague.

To tell the truth, giant dragons in games are not very common. There are more giant dragons around me, one is because of the lucky relationship, and the other is because I have a better relationship with Longdao, so I can only be by my side. Giant dragon appears frequently. But for the average player, giant dragon is still a very rare species. Don't talk about riding at ordinary times, it's hard to see it even when you see it. Now suddenly there was an opportunity to ride a dragon, and of course these people were extremely excited. However, there is no fool in this group. Excitement returns to excitement. After climbing up, they did not run to the head of the plague, but stood at the back of the back of the plague.

This behavior of theirs should actually be understood as a basic etiquette, which is just beyond the imagination of ordinary people. After all, giant dragons are different from ordinary devil beasts. Their intelligence and power determine that giant dragons are impossible to make people ride and run like horses. As their master, I can of course fly around with luck or the plague, but for most people, they are not much more noble than giant dragons.

When these people stand at the back of the plague as they are now, it is like one person is carrying another person. It is an assisting relationship and not insulting. This is like carrying the old, weak, sick and disabled when a flood occurs. The person being carried is only accepting the help of the person carrying him, rather than insulting the other person. However, if you have to ride on someone’s shoulders or sit on someone’s head when being carried by someone else, that’s another matter. Except for relatively young children who can sit on their relatives’ necks and play, it is completely insulting for ordinary people to ride on their necks.

Giant dragons don't think they are lower than humans. On the contrary, in most cases they think humans are lower than giant dragons. In this case, it is no problem for the giant dragon to carry a few people on his back, but if you dare to ride on his neck or climb on his head, it is purely courting death. Even if it is me, except for combat needs, I rarely stand on the head of luck or plague. Even my master is like this, and most people should pay more attention to their behavior.

Someone among the mummy mage and his companions must have thought of this and reminded others, so after climbing up, they all gathered near the plague’s tail and did not dare to move forward. The impression of them is much better. After they all got up, the plague even turned around and reminded them before it took off. With Dragon Clan's acceleration ability, if he deliberately makes things difficult for someone, just a dash is enough to throw them away from his back.

As soon as the people who got the reminder heard that they were about to take off, they all slumped on the plague back and grabbed the plague’s needle-like dorsal fin. Each of this thing is as thick as a human arm, which is definitely the best way to fix it. point. Of course, this also has to be coordinated with the plague, after all, that thing can be put down. If the plague doesn't want them to catch, as long as the dorsal fin is tightened, this group of people won't even want to find a point of strength.

Because there is no such kind of red light near the bridge on the Lava River, the plague did not dare to fly completely. Now he is not so much flying as he is running on lava. Because high-temperature lava generates a large amount of updraft, the plague can get a lot of lift as long as it spreads its wings. In addition, the lava itself is not completely weak like the water surface, so the plague can be stepped on as long as it is fast enough. The lava surface ran forward. Anyway, a giant dragon can bathe in lava, so he won’t be afraid of being scalded.

Looking at the plague ran into the lava range, I opened my wings and took two steps, and then I made a light leap. The four jet thrusters on the back bounced off instantly, making me fly easily. Get up, and follow closely behind the plague.

Originally, if the average player passed through here, then the lava creatures under the lava would definitely jump out and attack the passers-by, but this time only the plague really touched the lava, and he was still driving Dragon's Might, so those lava creatures didn't even dare to bubble one, for fear of provoke this guy who was not to be trifled with.

Lava creatures are indeed your character if you don’t mess with him, but they are not stupid. Even if you like to actively attack, you have to find a similar opponent to provoke, right? It’s okay to provoke a giant dragon. It’s not provoke, it’s courting death. After all, ordinary creatures can sneak into the lava if they can't beat them. Anyway, not many creatures dare to chase under the lava, but the giant dragon is one of them, so considering this consequence, those who originally felt that someone was approaching and began to stir the lava The monsters directly chose to pretend not to see it.

Because of the monsters’ negligence and the lack of lethality of lava against the plague, we easily rushed all the way to the other side. The whole process didn’t even take five minutes. When the mummy mage and the others jumped off the plague across the river, they all felt a little weird. You must know that before they came, they had inquired about the dangers in the place where Hephaestus lived. Although the information collected was incomplete, at least this lava river still inquired about it.

As a natural barrier with the highest casualty rate outside the lava crypt, this lava river is definitely notoriously messed up, and of course it has also gained a high reputation.

"Do you still need my help in advance?" After landing, Plague asked directly after putting down the mummy mage and them.

I glanced at the road conditions ahead and shook my head and said: "You go back first, I will call you again in case of need."

The plague nodded directly enters the training space, and I looked back at the direction of the Lava River. In the heart of the river not far from us, a huge head is slowly sinking into the lava.

Although I haven't seen the whole picture, I know that thing, it should be a lava dragon. It's also a type of giant dragon, but it's not in harmony with the group, and it seems to have a problem with the head. It belongs to the 250-type monster. If you get anxious, you will dare to rush even if you face the dragon king. However, it seems that this dragon shouldn't bother us anymore. After all, the lava dragon is just impulsive, not really stupid.

After crossing the Lava River, the remaining road will be much smoother, but it is not very safe here, because this place is full of holes, and those holes will spurt out from time to time one after The hot steam of another. This kind of landform is actually very common near lava fields, and only this dense and large-scale is relatively rare.

For the average person, the hot steam jetting out of those caves is quite dangerous, because the temperature is so high, it will cause serious damage if touched. But one thing is more fortunate, that is, this thing will not instantly evaporate people into a cloud of white smoke like falling into the lava, so as long as you flash fast enough, you will usually only drop blood and not die, so just take the medicine If you bring enough, there is basically no problem. Of course, if there is a set of high fire resistance equipment, or someone in the team can release a protective spell, so much the better.

The mummy mage and their entire group felt their scalp numb when they saw the stone forest in front of them, which was constantly spraying hot steam, but this kind of place was not particularly dangerous, and they were also sorry and always begged me for help. However, just when they were about to carry it over, they suddenly felt that there was a red light curtain on their bodies, and then they turned their heads in surprise and looked towards me.

"Flame Spirit, the flame damage is invalid within one second, and 30% of the flame damage is absorbed after more than one second. That's all I can help you."

"Thank you, this It's already very good."

After getting my help, the mummy mage group boldly walked into the stone forest. The steam itself is unlikely to be sprayed to death at one time. As long as you evade as soon as it is sprayed, the damage will not be too high. Unless you run into several holes in the vicinity, you will generally not be killed. With 30% more flame absorption now, their probability of surviving is naturally higher.

Compared with the mummy mage and the others, I feel much more relaxed. Ivorite is blocked outside, not to mention those holes are just spraying hot steam out, even if they spray lava, there is nothing at worst.

Because it was agreed that they would come to speak for me as a bystander, so I could not enter Hephaestus’s residence with them, so I specifically let them go for a few minutes first, and After I entered the stone forest, I also deliberately moved away from them like a tourist.

Under the premise that I deliberately slowed down, I finally reached the outskirts of Hephaestus' residence ten minutes later than the mummy mage.

This place is behind the stone forest, but not on the wall of the volcano, but a big hole in the ground. The entrance of the cave spans more than 30 meters, and there is a circle of stairs winding down along the cave wall, but it looks very special, a bit like black jade, but the gloss is not right.

Before I had been wondering why this place is called Lava Crypt, now I understand it. This place is indeed a lava crypt, but the volcano behind it attracts attention, and most people can't think of it.

Go all the way down the steps, and I don’t know how many laps I have made. In the end, I was nodded and finally got to the end after being dizzy. Had it not been for the distance between the mummy mage and the others, I had just jumped down directly, but now I can only walk down like this.

Fortunately, the bottom of the vertical crypt is not connected to a maze-like corridor, but directly to a hall. Not only did I see the mummy mage here, I also saw a few other groups of people.

Since these people are obviously divided into several small groups, I know that they are not all the same. Now it seems that there should be three groups of people besides the mummy mage.

Among these people, the closest to me is the mummy mage and their gang. I guess it's probably because they were the last to arrive, so they stood closest to the stairs. The group standing in front of them had a total of sixteen people, a few more people than the mummy mage, but the battle strength might be weaker, because I feel that the professional configuration of this group is a bit messy.

Located in the front right of the mummy mage is a relatively small team, probably only seven or eight people, but the professional match is relatively suitable, but the level does not seem to be high, and I don’t know whether it is on the left. Which group is stronger.

The last group is a group of people directly opposite the mummy mage. The number of these people is quite scary. I don’t know the number at a glance. In the end, I still rely on the rapid calculation ability of the electronic brain. Counting out there are more than one hundred and eighty of them. Almost half of the entire hall is occupied by them!

Seeing me appear on the stairs, the crowd over there turned their eyes to my side together, and they looked rather unfriendly. While I was in a daze, one of the guys in the most crowded team over there suddenly stood up and scolded at me arrogantly: "The one over there, hurry up and get out, it's full today."

Of course I was impossible to listen to him. I ignored his words and went straight down the stairs, and at the same time I looked at the hall. In addition to these four groups of people and horses, the hall is basically a natural cave. In addition to the ground leveling, there is a five or six meter high gate behind the group of people on the opposite side, but there are two standing beside the gate. guard. The two guards are more than seven meters tall, even if the gate behind them has to bend over to get through, and they are all covered in black armor that looks like jade stone. If not for one of them, he turned his head and looked. At a glance, I almost thought of them as two statues.

While I was observing the two strange guards, the shouting guy over there came over angrily because I was ignored. However, after approaching, he finally realized that my equipment was a bit exaggerated. At that time, he was taken aback for a moment, but thinking that he still had so many people behind, he immediately regained his courage.

After a short pause, he strode directly in front of me, and then extended the hand jabbed my shoulder fiercely. At the same time, he wanted to open his mouth and say something, but it’s a pity. He was out of luck, and the revenge attribute of the Dragon Soul suit was actually launched. A lap of golden light suddenly gathered from all over my body to the place where I was poked by the guy on the shoulder, and then only listened to the bang electric current, the guy flew back directly, and disappeared after falling to the ground. It was moving, and seeing that his body was still smoking, it seemed that there was a faint smell of barbecue wafting.

Gudong. All the people around swallowed collectively. A guy who can bluff even more directly exclaimed: "Damn, isn't it? What kind of equipment is this? It doesn't matter if it is powered on, but this is too strong, right? It's almost cooked!"

< p> This is probably the deterrent effect enough, so when I walked into the crowd, no one of those people dared to jump out and say things like let me go. However, the boss of the team with the largest number of people on the opposite side turned to me again after instructing people to drag a half-baked guy to the back. The guy said in a very unceremonious tone: "I won't care about the person who hurt me. After all, he did it first. But even so, he still has to follow the rules."

"Rules? What rules? Who made them?"

Probably because I was afraid that I would offend people, the mummy mage standing not far from me pretended to be the same arrogantly as the guy before and reminded me: "Where is this place? Is there anyone else besides Lord Hephaestus, the god of fire, who can set the rules here?"

"Since the rules of is Master, then Why don't you listen to it."

The mummy mage immediately said, "Listen carefully. According to the rules of Your Excellency Hephaestus, he only does three things every day, whether it's sending or receiving tasks. I still ask him to make equipment. Anyway, there are three things at most. Here, even you, there are a total of five groups of people, which means that two of them will definitely not get in today."

I nodded , Then lifted the right hand with a fist and slowly said: "Understood, in the end, you still have to rely on your fist to decide who is the first?"

As soon as I said this, the opposite was full of muscles. The guy arrogantly scolded: "If you understand, get out. Although you are well equipped, you are only one person after all. Today's quota is no longer for you." After that, the guy suddenly turned his goal to the other three. Group humanity: "You are too, get out of acquaintances. Our firepower mercenary group has a reservation today, we have all three mission opportunities, you all hurry up and get out."

XXmercenary group in the game , XX League, XX Association and so on are actually the meaning of guild, but the name is different. However, the guild leader of the power of fire on the opposite side is really a master with muscles in his head, and he actually wants to pick four. Most of you are right, but looking at the strength of the teams here, I think even if I didn't come today, the remaining three teams are enough to handle them. After all, among the four teams, their average strength is the worst. Even if the number of people is a bit larger, it is estimated that they will not be good.

After shouting, we didn’t move. The guy immediately yelled and ordered the boys to start hacking, but his tone barely fell, and a feather arrow hit

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