"What?" When I contacted father to find out how the Americans deal with this matter, the answer that didn't expect got surprised me. "The American admits it?"

"Yes." Father's tone indicated that he was also obviously surprised.

"How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. Although I think this time is a bit abnormal, but if you think about it, it seems that Americans can only admit it. There is no other way."

I immediately thought about the situation of the Americans when I heard the father's words. When the tsunami broke out this time, the American fleet happened to be in the vicinity, and we were just a few people and two dragons who fought with them. These all are cannot appear on the news, so the Americans didn’t. Ways to find excuses. Of course, the Killer Satellite of our Dragon Edge also strikes at them, but what the Killer Satellite launches is only a beam of protons. Although a beam of light can be seen, it is not very conspicuous because it is daytime. Besides, ordinary people don't know the existence of killer satellites, so this is also not an issue. However, I think the reason that really made the Americans decide to take up this matter is not our identity inconvenience, but other reasons.

If it’s just because they can’t find evidence, it’s okay for Americans to make up one by themselves, or if there is no evidence, it’s okay. Anyway, this is not the first time the Americans have done this. Basically, the countries that the Americans have fought over the years have first accused the other party of doing something that violates international law, and then this martial power invaded, and the last battle was fought. It's over or the evidence of fart hasn't been seen, but the matter has been done, what can you do to him? So Americans never need evidence. They can do whatever they want, and they will have as many excuses as they want.

I think the key reason why the Americans took the responsibility uncharacteristically this time is that they have offended public anger this time. Americans are arrogant because of their strength, but they are not stupid, on the contrary they are very smart. This time they used conventional forces to attack the secret forces of various countries. This is already a violation of everyone's rules of the game. This is tantamount to offending all powerful countries in the world. If they find an excuse to push responsibility again, the final result must be revenge by the nations of the world. Americans don't want something like that to happen, and they also know that they are not strong enough to challenge the whole world on their own, so they took the initiative to shoulder this responsibility.

What is the price of taking responsibility? It's very simple. I received some verbal international condemnation, and then compensated some money. Afterwards, I sent troops to do something to help. In other words, there is really no loss except for the extra money. However, if they don’t admit it, they must accept the joint siege of the world’s powers. When the time comes, they lose more than money, and even in terms of money alone, when the time comes The loss must also exceed the sum of the losses assumed.

Since there is such an obvious stake, Americans can make the right decision without thinking unless they suddenly become stupid collectively.

"Then father, what did the Americans say after confessing? They released nuclear weapons? There must be a reason for such a big movement? How else would you stop others' mouths?"

< p>"Nuclear accident." Father replied: "The Americans just held a press conference at the White House, claiming to the public that the aircraft carriers in the aircraft carrier formation passing through Africa are equipped with their latest generation of experimental nuclear reactors, but this reactor When the fleet passed through Africa, an abnormality suddenly occurred, so the fleet berthed at the nearest port to prepare for inspection and troubleshooting. However, during the inspection, the reactor suddenly exploded for unknown reasons, which caused the tsunami to invade the port city. The material leaked, which led to strong radiation in the area."

"I rely on, Americans will really find excuses. Isn’t anyone doubting it?"

" What governments all want is the attitude of the Americans. Since they bow their heads and admit their mistakes, then governments will not pursue this matter anymore. As for the common people... Public opinion can be guided."

Father said That's right. No matter how many people there are, they can’t go to the scene to investigate the explosion. In the end, the news everyone gets can only be the investigation report issued by the news unit and the military. Moreover, because of the strong radiation in the explosion area this time, even ordinary news units cannot enter. To go, only large news organizations from various countries can wear three-defense suits with the help of their own military to enter the area for reporting. This will undoubtedly reduce the difficulty of blocking news. After all, they can get the help of the national military to provide news about three-defense equipment. The organization must not be an organization like celebrity gossip magazines. For these large news organizations, it is too simple to control their voices. After all, these organizations themselves know what to say, even if the government does not say hello to them, they will be conscious. Help cover up.

In any case, the attitude of the Americans this time is recognized by everyone, and what happens after that is nothing more than losing money. Although it seems to the countries that know the truth that the United States’ international reputation and status have been severely hit this time, even if it denies the incident, the blow has already been caused, so the United States did not bear any additional losses.

After communicating with father about the developments of various countries for a while, I ended the communication and returned to the lounge. Although the matter has not subsided this time, we no longer need to take care of future matters. As for the ruins, I think joint development is inevitable. After all, our reinforcements have already arrived there when we left. Now all countries have secret troops guarding them, so that everyone can only Able to evenly share the benefits of the next. In addition, because the Americans made up an excuse for the nuclear accident, this time it was convenient for countries to open up the relics afterwards. After all, you can send troops there under the banner of humanitarian aid just and honorable. Who would let such a good opportunity pass?

Since there’s nothing to worry about, I greeted the familiars and started to reconnect to the game. As for luck, the physical examination does not affect his electronic brain’s connection to the Internet, so he and We returned to the game together.

After logging in to the game again, of course I immediately ran to the god of war to understand the situation, but what made me didn’t expect was that I just appeared on the streets of Isengard and found that the city seemed like There was something wrong. When I took a closer look, I was surprised to find that there were several ruins in the Isinger Sky City hanging upside down above my head, and these ruins seemed to form a straight line extending from the center of the city to the outside of the city. of.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"Huh? President, you're back!" Suddenly seeing me appear, a player from the guild was immediately excited Yelled.

I greeted him without Gu, I directly pulled him over and pointed at the ruined line above my head and asked: "What's the matter?"

< p>"That was caused by the escaped Olympus Goddess." The player said angrily: "It's all to blame for the extremely lustful guy on duty at the time. He actually opened the cell door in violation of the regulations, and you got the one you caught back. Goddess ran away."

"The Goddess I got back?" I was stunned when I heard this introduction, and then suddenly remembered. Yes. I just signed the agreement with Aphrodite before I left. Wasn't she just asking her to pretend to escape from us and run back to Olympus Divine Race to act as an undercover agent for us? Has she started putting it that way? The speed is really fast enough.

I thought that this was just an ordinary player, and I probably didn't know any specific things, so I let him go and hurried to the Temple of Chaos and Order. Of course, this kind of thing about Divine Race still has to ask the talents of the temple. Of course, Vina is not online these days, so she shouldn't know, but Xinghuo and Peacock are both here, so if you ask them, they are right.

In fact, when I rushed to the Temple of Chaos and Order, Vina was already asking about this. After all, she was also out of the game during this time. Now that Spark and Peacock are back, they naturally reported to her immediately. This situation, and I don't know why Hades is here.

"Yeah, are the people all right?" As soon as I entered the room, I saw Hades with my back to the door, and the sparks and peacocks on both sides.

Hades turned around when he heard the door ring, greeted me slightly nodded first, and then said: "Aphrodite during the two days you left. I have completed the planned 1st Step with us."

I said as I walked towards them: "I have seen it when I came over, and I learned the general idea from passers-by. You tell me The details and your specific arrangements."

Hades nodded and said: "This is what happened. Aphrodite talked to us after you signed the agreement with Aphrodite that day. After this matter, because you are not there, so I made a general plan with Xinghuo and Peacock Pluto. At that time, your wife, Miss Rose, also helped us out of Young Master’s intention."

" How did you arrange it?"

"We first used an adventurer arranged by Ms. Rose and several temple guards to guard the cell, and then the adventurer took the initiative to open in violation of the regulations as Ms. Rose predicted. After entering the cell, he was controlled by Aphrodite’s charm skills, and then he opened the divine force limiter on Aphrodite. Aphrodite was free. Immediately ran out of the guard room, then killed the guards outside and crashed the prison. After that, Xinghuo and the Peacock Pluto came forward to pretend to intercept, and the three of them fought and played all the way out of the city. During this period, we were a Divine Race of the Pluto family. He was sent out by me to pretend to be passing by, and then he took the initiative to help intercept, but because of the lack of cooperation, he created a chance for Aphrodite to escape from his direction. In order to make Aphrodite's successful escape seem to be possible Believe some, we hurt her, and she also severely injured our Divine Race."

Speaking of this, the peacock next to here immediately interrupted and said: "Speaking of which Aphrodite was really ruthless, if it hadn’t been known in advance that she was our undercover, I thought she was really going to kill us at that time. Don’t you know, she even used secret skills to save her life at the time Now, that formidable power is really terrifying. The linear ruins on the top of Isengard were created by that trick, otherwise it would not destroy the city like this!"

Listen When I got to the Peacock, I was immediately comfortable: "The damage to the city can be repaired, but it's just a matter of a little money. I think this is more realistic. If four Divine Races are fighting in the city but no building is injured, this It’s too fake. Is it normal to destroy a street like this. But then again, did she send any information back after she left?"

"For the time being No. "Hades replied.

I thought for a while and said: "I always feel a little worried to let her go by herself. I think I still have to go to Olympus by myself. "

"If you insist on going, I suggest you better bring Pandora. Hades said.

"Why? "I asked suspiciously.

"Because Pandora knows the Olympus Divine Race very well, if you bring her, you can get some intelligence support. "

I thought about it and shook my head: "I have Victoria, and Pandora may not know much more than her. Besides, Pandora's physique is really not suitable for this kind of submerged task. "

Speaking of which Pandora is actually not suitable for combat at all. Her true strength should still be manifested in her intellect. She is not so much a warrior, it is more appropriate to say that she is a staff member. Moreover, Pandora is different from ordinary gods. She should actually be regarded as a man-made person, or a god-made god. According to legend, Pandora should be an artificial Goddess made by Zeus, the god of fire, Hephaestus. Her appearance is like this. Based on the appearance of all the female gods of the Olympus Divine Race, the perfect female image was obtained after screening and fusion. After that, Zeus asked Aphrodite, the god of beauty, to infuse Pandora's body with a man crazy Fragrance, and later she received the direct teachings of Goddess Athena and Hermes, and thus obtained the creative and language innate talents.

To put it simply, Pandora is a fusion of all beauty. The characteristics are in one body, and she is born with a super beauty that can make men crazy. The beauty may not affect her to participate in the battle, but the deodorant that can't cover up is a big trouble. If it is on the battlefield front It's nothing to meet the enemy, but if you want to sneak into a place secretly, her scent becomes a problem. Even people with severe rhinitis probably won't be able to smell her, let alone those who have grown dogs. Nose Divine Race.

Hades asked me to bring Pandora with me before, just hoping that Pandora would help me provide information. Now I think it seems that Pandora is really not suitable for this, so he didn’t force it. . But after I refused, he still passed a stone.

"What is this? "I took the stone and looked through it.

This is a roughly triangular stone, but the shape is not very regular, and the three corners are not sharp, but rather rounded. The stone is The size is just right to hold with one hand, and its thickness is probably slightly thinner than mooncakes. Both sides of the stone are smoother, one side has nothing, and the other side is carved with a strange symbol. I don’t know what it means. .

After I asked, Hades said to me: "This is the underworld. You can convert one piece or a whole set of equipment into underworld attributes. "

"Converting equipment into an underworld attribute? "

"You know Mingyi, right? "

"You mean the saint clothing of the underworld?" "

"The saint clothing is the name of the Heavenly God department. We all call it Mingdouyi, or simply Mingyi. This set on me is one of them. "

I nodded said that I understood what Mingyi was, but I looked at Hades in confusion and asked: "But what are you doing for me?" "

"Help you strengthen your equipment. "Hades said: "I just remembered it recently. Mainly this thing is not very useful to ordinary people, but it is very useful to you. "

"Why? "

"Because you are a murderer. "

"Huh? "

"hehe, just kidding. "Hades had a rare humor, but none of the people present besides himself thought it was humorous, but Hades didn't notice our expressions at all, and still said to himself: "Although It's a joke, but the principle is correct. There is an ability in our underworld, that is, every time you kill an enemy, you can absorb the other's soul into yourself. However, the absorbed soul is not to strengthen the body, but to strengthen the equipment, so in our underworld, the warrior will become stronger and stronger. The more enemies you kill, the sharper your sword will be. Of course, the gains of killing different enemies are also different. The energy that can be absorbed by killing a god and killing a mortal is definitely less than one million miles apart, but you seem to regularly kill some very powerful guys. So this attribute is really suitable for you. "

When I heard the characteristics of this attribute, I felt that Hades was right. Calculated based on the quantity and quality of my kills, this attribute really suits me. This means that I will fight in the future. I can get double experience when I was in, one experience to upgrade me, the other to upgrade equipment. Of course, the side effects have to be figured out first, I don’t want to make myself red like I was so stupid when I drank the spring water of the evil fountain. The name can’t be washed away.

"Then what, you just said that this thing can transform my equipment into the state of underworld clothes, then how will my original equipment attribute be affected? "

"It has no effect at all. Except that there will be an additional attribute that absorbs the enemy’s soul to strengthen the equipment, it will not have any attribute impact. However, the appearance of your equipment may undergo a slight change. Generally, the original primary color will be changed to a black-based color. "

When I heard this, I looked down at my Divine Dragon suit again. Since the title of the national weapon, the magic dragon suit has merged with the national weapon Divine Weapon Sifang Zun, and then evolved into the current one. Divine Dragon suit. In the attribute, it can be said that the Divine Dragon suit can completely suppress the magic dragon suit. As for the appearance, the Divine Dragon suit is indeed much more beautiful than the magic dragon suit, but the disadvantage is that it is too beautiful. The previous magic dragon suit is black and bright Black and bright, although it is also exaggerated, but at any rate black is not too exaggerated color, except that it is cool, it is not bad. But the Divine Dragon suit is mainly golden, although there are black and red decorative lines, but After adding the black and red lines to the golden, not only did not darken the equipment, but because the color was too jumpy, it made it even more exaggerated. Fortunately, my camouflage skills can conceal my armor shape, otherwise wearing such a suit looks like a little golden man How do you engage in sneak attacks on your equipment?

Now that Hades said that this will not affect the attribute, and just adjusted the color of the equipment slightly, I immediately relieved. After asking how to use this thing After that, I immediately smashed it into my chest, and then the rock was broken into a pile of fragments like an egg, and then a large amount of purple black light from the rock quickly flowed into my Divine Dragon. In the suit.

When those purple black rays of light flowed into my chest, my chest immediately ignited a circle of purple black flame, and then it was as if the flames were spreading in gasoline, The flame quickly spread to the surroundings along the surface of my armor, and it only took a few seconds to burn all over my body, and the place burned by the flame was automatically arranged and combined as if it had come alive, and finally waited. The flame passed completely, and the location has become a new look.

The entire change process was completed in less than ten seconds, and I also immediately checked the equipment attributes. Compare that. In terms of appearance, I care more about attributes. If the attributes are lost, the most beautiful equipment can only be garbage equipment.

Fortunately, Hades is very accurate, and the equipment attributes have not changed at all. , Of course, in the end there is an additional attribute that can strengthen your equipment according to the strength of the opponent’s soul every time you kill an enemy, but there is currently a bracket behind this attribute, and a question mark is displayed in the brackets. I am not at all about this question mark. I know what it means, and I can’t even ask Hades. He’s Xie Mingyi’s attribute, but the attribute panel NPC can’t see it. How can I discuss it with him?

Because I don't know the function of this question mark for the time being, I didn't care about it anymore, and it didn't seem to respond to use anyway. Next, of course, I immediately checked the appearance of my equipment.

Of course, there is no mirror in Vina’s Conference Hall, but with so many gods present, it is easy to look in a mirror. I probably knew that I wanted to see how the equipment changes. Xinghuo directly gave me a mirrored Avatar and came out. This is much better than looking at the mirror. After all, the mirror can’t shine behind the back. With this mirrored image, I can surround it and take all of myself. Look at the features again.

Although the attributes of the new Divine Dragon suit have not changed, the name has changed. The current Divine Dragon suit should be called the Dragon Soul suit, and its appearance has also changed along with this name.

In the previous Divine Dragon suit, there were many decorations with the traces of the shape of the Divine Dragon. Now, although there are still many dragon-shaped results, the appearance has undergone a lot of changes. The first is that the mask on the helmet has changed from the original full-covering metal mask to a crystal mask, and it seems to have a color changing function, which can be changed to any color as I like, even completely transparent.

Except for the mask, the other parts of the helmet have not changed much, but the blade-like top spur that extends from the forehead to the back seems to have become larger, and the There are actually two extra long red feathers protruding diagonally to the rear on both sides. I originally thought that the Dragon Soul suit would be a bit more low-key than the original Divine Dragon suit. Didn't expect it to be good now. The color has not changed. Instead, two feathers appeared, and it was actually big red. And to make matters worse, the color change that Hades said did not happen. No, it didn't happen, but it became brighter.

If you look closely, you will find that there seems to be a layer of transparent crystal armor on the outside of my armor. Not only does this layer of armor do not change the color of the armor, it makes them look more vivid and beautiful. The original Divine Dragon suit is already very much like a handicraft, but now it has become the Imperial Family Caidan. The rate of return after going out is absolutely 1,000%. Of course, the two feathers are the most annoying. Fortunately, I'm not a sniper, otherwise I won't expect to find a hiding place in my life with these two things. Because even if I find a soil slope to lie on the back, others can still see two feathers erected from behind the soil slope, do you think this hides a fart?

Below the helmet, the changes in the armor part are roughly the same as the helmet. The main structure is basically the same, but it has become more dazzling, as if wearing a gem armor. However, in this way, the gems that were originally inlaid on the surface of the Divine Dragon armor are less conspicuous. After all, now the entire armor seems to be covered by a layer of gems, so the shining gems are not as prominent as before. .

After completely checking the color and structure of each part of my body, I suddenly remembered that I still have two sets of claws, so I retracted my gaze focused on the mirror image, and then raised my arm to give the claws to Bounced out. However, I was dumbfounded again after the ding sound.

"Damn, what's the situation?"

My blade claw is exactly the same shape as the original, without any change, but the material has undergone Heaven and Earth turning upside down The change. The silver blade that originally flashed cold light has now become completely transparent, and the whole claw looks like it is made of diamonds.

At this time, Hades also walked to my side and circled me around. Finally, when he saw my claws, he couldn’t help but said in confusion: "No! I used to be meditated. The equipment has become black? Why do you seem to be coated with diamonds?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? Didn't you say it will turn black? This What's the situation? Do you want to turn me into an exhibit at the Gem Fair?"

For the changes in the Dragon Soul suit, Hades didn’t figure out what happened at all. He used to change the way. I have never seen it before. Fortunately, the attributes are still normal. Of course, except for the question mark, I haven't figured out what is going on.

While Hades was busy researching why meditation might have accidents, I remembered that this might be related to the question mark, so I opened the attribute console and selected the question mark. See if there is any help information or something. However, just when I focused my attention, the question mark suddenly exploded. That's right, it was an explosion, and it turned into a Fireball with a bang. Although things on the attribute console won't really cause harm, the effect still scared me. However, as the Fireball disappeared, a string of numbers suddenly appeared where the question mark was.

"21237695794. What does this mean?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is me The greatest motivation.)

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