"21237695794. What does this mean?"

The sudden appearance of a series of numbers confused me, because there is no reference, so I don’t know Does this string of numbers represent a huge number of more than 20 billion or a simple set of codes? In short, I have no clue about this string of numbers.

Because Hades and the others are still waiting, I did not continue to study this number. Instead, I first talked to Hades and the others about the future arrangements, and then let them go on their own. , And I was studying the set of numbers while walking towards the teleportation hall after they had all left, trying to figure out what the numbers were for.

The generally speaking system does not mark meaningless numbers, especially the attribute console. This thing itself is quite concise, and every word on it contains a certain meaning, such a long string of numbers It is naturally impossible to appear here. However, I studied all the way, until I had already teleported to Tianyu City, I still hadn't figured out what this thing was actually doing.

There is really no way I can only give up the research on this number temporarily. Of course, it does not mean that I have given up my attention to it, and even in the process of rushing to Olympus. I also deliberately killed a few wild monsters and two foreign players who attempted to attack me, but the results proved that the number seemed to have no effect on the battle strength. However, it cannot be said that I got nothing at all, because I at least figure out what this number is.

At the time, I was flying in the sky and found that there was a wild devil beast on the ground. I don't know why it ran outside the leveling area. Then I went down and killed the monster in order to test the number.

The monster itself has a very low level, only more than six hundred levels. There is no resistance at all in front of me, and it takes a second. In the process of killing this monster, I did not feel the slightest increase in battle strength, but after the death of the monster, there was an animation special effect, that is, after the death of the monster, some faint purple black gas was removed from the body of the monster. I sucked it out, and then went straight into my body.

I was shocked when I saw this situation at first, but after a while I didn’t find any damage, so I checked the attribute console and found the string of numbers originally displayed Actually changed. The number I saw at first was "21237695794", but after the death of this monster, the number became "21237696619", which was nearly a thousand more than before.

After discovering the special effects of killing enemies and the number changes, coupled with the characteristics of Hades said about the clothes, I roughly guessed that this number is directly related to the death of the enemy. So I found another monster with a higher level in the area where I killed the first monster.

The second monster is a little BOSS, with a level of 1300 and a bunch of little brothers around him. For ordinary players, it may take a bit of effort to kill this guy, but it is still weak in front of me, so that its little brothers have not realized what happened, it was killed, and then the mobs He just broke up in a rush if he didn't even mean to resist.

After killing this monster, purple black gas still appeared, and it was obviously richer than last time. Knowing that this thing is not harmful to me, I kept the console on this time, observing the effect of absorbing the black fog. As I expected, as the black mist continued to penetrate into my body, the series of numbers immediately jumped like a horse watch. Finally, when the black mist disappeared, the series of numbers had become "21237711947".

It can be seen from the number change that the number is actually related to the monster’s strength. Before I killed a 600-level monster, the number suddenly increased by 825, and now I have killed a 1,000 For the 300-level monster, the number immediately increased by 15328. From this value, it can be seen that the amount of increase in the number has a certain relationship with the monster level, but it is not directly related, because the ratio of the two increased numbers does not match the ratio of the level increase. . After my analysis, this number difference may have a certain relationship with the grade difference. Just as the experience of high-level personnel in killing low-level monsters decreases in proportion, the value I absorb from killing low-level monsters will also decrease. That 600-level monster only adds more than 800 to the deduction ratio, and the 1,300-level monster is also lower than mine, but the deduction ratio is relatively much smaller.

In order to determine this number and check whether the absorption ability is effective for all enemies, I deliberately used Camouflage Technique to turn myself into an ordinary player, and then let Emenes use the illusion skill to create it. A monster came out and pretended to fight both sides suffer with me. Using this method, I easily lied to two players one after another. They both thought that monsters and I were not good enough, and then tried to steal the monsters. I stopped and stimulated the other party with words, and the other party immediately moved me to death.

With my strength, of course the opponent is a snap. After killing two players directly, I still saw the purple black aura, but unlike killing monsters, the value obtained by killing the players was significantly higher, and I actually got a reminder that the other party suffered a double because of the soul absorbed by me. Double the penalty, which means losing two levels at a time, this is still on the premise of not considering the problem of resurrection failure.

The two players I killed, one level 1043 and the other 989, contributed 20132 and 19997 values ​​respectively after being killed. This result made me feel a little surprised, because the level difference between the two is actually quite big. After all, one thousand level is a big level, even the difference between level 999 and level 1000 is actually very large. But now it seems that the numerical difference between the two is relatively small, at least not as obvious as the level difference.

After killing these two players consecutively, my number has become "21237752076". Judging from the previous killings and changes in numbers, this data should represent more than 20 billion, rather than a simple segmentation of data. As for the data that I just used to obtain such a large value, I guess it may be that the data of my previous killings was also included when I was in the dark, otherwise the value of more than 20 billion would appear as soon as Impossible came up. However, until now I still haven't figured out what the use of this number is.

I now know that this number can be obtained by killing the enemy, and I have also confirmed that it is related to my Haunted Clothes attribute, but I don’t know how to use it. According to Hades, this thing is used to strengthen equipment, which means that it should be directly converted into equipment attributes at the moment it is obtained. How do you look at the data is enough to convert it once? But now the data is still stuck on it like this, it doesn't look like data that can be transferred directly.

If it is not automatic conversion, then I can think of the situation that this number should be manipulated artificially, that is, I must choose to use it to take effect, but according to this reasoning, I chose various methods Trying to use data, but still to no avail, obviously that data is not used like this.

After thinking of these, the investigation that I can do ends here. During the period, I contacted the military god and asked him to help me ask if Hades’s other men’s clothing should also be assigned to strengthen the attribute. , As a result, the feedback from the military god is that other people's meditation clothes are automatically strengthened, that is, the equipment becomes stronger immediately after killing the enemy, and there is no need to worry about it. After getting this answer, the only answer I can think of is that my equipment is relatively special, which may require special triggers to be strengthened. But I’m not too worried about this. Firstly, my equipment is already very strong. I don’t need this kind of enhancement urgently. Secondly, since the system has written down the numbers for me, it must be reserved for me, so I also Don't worry about it being wasted.

With thinking about this attribute, I finally entered the sphere of influence of the Olympus Divine Race. Of course, I did not appear here in my usual dress at this time, but replaced it with Camouflage Technique. Look like. Even if Camouflage Technique can't fool Olympus Divine Race, at least it won't let me be recognized by local players. I don't want to become a monkey in the zoo and be watched by people. Besides, there are many local players who are saints from various temples. If they ran to report me, wouldn't I just expose it?

After using Camouflage Technique, ordinary players can't see my identity at all, unless they throw a special disguise on me or they have scouting skills, and the premise is that their skill level is not too low. Otherwise, don't expect to recognize me at all.

Now my first goal here is to find Aphrodite, but it is not easy to find her. After all, the whereabouts of Divine Race is not easy for players to inquire. But this is not a problem for me, because I have a way.

To find a Divine Race, the best way is to ask another Divine Race. Of course, Divine Race must be willing to say it. Generally speaking, the Olympus Divine Race is a relatively hard-to-speak Divine Race, so it is obviously impossible to ask them to tell the location of a partner, especially in my capacity. But I didn't plan to beg them either, because I originally wanted to catch a prisoner and torture him.

"The humble reptile dares to contempt the majesty of God, you will be punished." Relying on my charm and deterrent dual attribute effect, after asking some NPCs in the city, I can easily Found a few Divine Race who entered the world.

Slightly different from Celestial Court. Divine Race in other countries is not so mysterious. They often appear on ordinary game maps, and they will act as NPCs to post various tasks, or do Some things affect the progress of the game, unlike Celestial Court’s Divine Immortal, which almost will not appear on ordinary maps.

For this reason, it is quite easy to find the Divine Race in the Nether. I found two as soon as I inquired, and it happened to hear such a passage when I arrived.

No one who speaks can be regarded as a genuine Divine Race, he is just a Saint Seiya, and the one next to him who did not speak is indeed an Olympus Divine Race. Just by looking at the shabby equipment, he knows that his status is absolutely absolute. Not much higher.

At this time, the Saint Seiya was cursing a group of players. The other party didn't know why they were in conflict with them, and there were a bunch of people nearby, seeming to be watching the excitement.

"You are racial discrimination, why don't you exchange it for us?" A woman from the group of people who was scolded stood up to meet the saint warrior and counterattacked: "Ten of you. The carapace exchanges some attributes, and didn’t say that foreigners are not allowed to accept the task, why not give us the change? Besides, even if you refuse to change, then why do you accept our carapace. If you accept the carapace, you have to give us an attribute point."

When the woman was so noisy, the Saint Seiya next to her immediately began to scold her, and she also pushed her forward. It was obvious that she was deliberately looking for fault, while the Olympus Divine Race behind was always there. Pretending to be noble with your eyes does not mean to stop it at all.

When the player team over there saw that their comrades were pushed a bit, they immediately surrounded them and started to help, so the two sides inevitably pulled together. Although the players are not as good as Divine Race, the players in the game can be resurrected when they die. In addition, Divine Race is also a monster, impossible to kill people unscrupulously, so no one is afraid of those Divine Races. Besides, it was only a Saint Seiya who was in conflict with them. Although it was considered as a member of Divine Race, it could only be considered as a reserve Divine Race, so these players were not afraid of him.

The players are not afraid, so the Saint Seiya is not afraid. Although it's only a reserve, the opponent is a Divine Race anyway, how could it be afraid of a group of mortals?

The two sides are not afraid of each other, this pulling and pulling naturally stalemate, and I took the opportunity to inquire about the situation with the person next to me. The player I asked about was worried about not being able to find anyone to blow it up. As soon as he heard me asking, he introduced the matter to me.

In fact, the matter is very simple, that is, a genuine Olympus Divine Race and a Saint Seiya appeared here, and then a temporary mission was launched to acquire the shell of a beetle with a weird name. The condition is Every ten shells can be exchanged for a little attribute point, and you can specify what attribute to add to it.

Although these guys only give attribute points, rather than the basic attribute points that will be doubled according to the level, the attribute is the attribute, and the battle strength can be directly increased without increasing the level. This is absolutely More useful than EXP. After all, the more EXP is in the later stage, the less valuable it is. After all, more and more experience is needed to upgrade, and the higher the level, the faster the player gains experience, so the later the experience, the less valuable it is. On the contrary, it is an attribute point for everyone. It is of great significance, after all, this thing can be directly reflected in the battle strength. Moreover, the beetles acquired this time are not high level monsters, they are just a one-hundred-level ultra-low-level monster. If it weren't for the fact that they live in a gathering area of ​​high level monsters, this thing can be caught by individuals.

The mission released by the Olympus Divine Race this time is to collect insect shells, and they only stayed for three days, so many players rushed over to get attribute points. This group of people is a team of players who came with the same purpose, but unlike most people, they are not Greeks. Because didn't expect will make things difficult, so after they rushed here, they saw someone change to the attribute point and they confirmed that the task could be performed, so they went to collect the beetle shells first.

Just now, they came back here with a bunch of beetle shells to change the attribute point. Who knew that the saint had checked the number of beetle shells and gave them directly on the grounds that they were not Greeks. Pushed it out, and the insects were no longer the same, so verbal conflict broke out between the two sides, but based on the current situation, it is estimated that it will take a long time to evolve into a violent conflict. Of course, I just want them to fight, so that I can start. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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