"Nuwa, can you predict the performance of our imitation product? How much thrust will it have? What is the speed?"

Nuwa’s question to me is only a little After hesitating for a second or two, I directly replied: "Your question is a bit difficult to answer, because we are impossible to build only one kind of propeller."

I realized that my question was really stupid after hearing Nuwa's words. It's like when human beings invented the internal combustion engine, it was first divided into two categories, diesel engine and gasoline engine, and then according to different power needs, each engine has different performance characteristics. Some have higher speeds, some have higher torque, and of course some super engines will surpass other engines in all aspects, so it would be silly to simply ask how powerful the engine is, because there is no model to determine the power.

"Sorry, I didn't think about it clearly. Then you should have classified our propellers. I just want to know which one will be installed on the immigration ship and our battleship?"


"Your question is still incomplete, but I probably understand what you want to know. The specific thruster model is probably like this. According to the characteristics of super electromagnetic thrusters, I will cross-categorize them. Firstly, it is divided into two categories: military type and civilian type according to the difference of the users. The civilian type only requires stable thrust and economical energy consumption. On the basis of the civilian type, the military type can release energy restrictions to obtain explosive power and instantaneous power. The ability to change direction, of course, has special requirements for the overall structure and manufacturing materials. In addition, according to different usage requirements, I will also make a horizontal classification of super electromagnetic thrusters and name them A type and B type respectively. Type A Super electromagnetic thrusters are mainly used for large ships, such as immigration ships or large battleships. This type of model requires strong output power and long endurance. In addition, Type B will be used for attack fighters and transportation boats, which are dedicated to small ships. Compared with Type A, Type B requires a higher thrust-to-weight ratio, explosive power and instant reaction ability, but the requirements for endurance can be reduced."

I nodded and said: "This classification is indeed Yes, so what level of performance can their performance reach?"

"In terms of thrust alone, the strongest one should be the propeller equipped for our escort carrier, which will be based on the optimal performance. Design. I predict that the thrust of a single thruster should reach about 21.8 billion tons. In order to escort the size of an aircraft carrier, 36 to 38 main thrusters may be installed, and there may be hundreds of thrusts between 3 and 3 An auxiliary propeller of about 500 million tons. As for the maximum speed, this has no practical meaning. If necessary, the speed of the escort carrier and the immigration ship can easily break through one-fifth the speed of light, or even 1/4/ 2021 times the speed of light is not an impossible thing, but in view of our current detection technology and the reaction ability of computers, we usually keep spaceship at one-tenth the speed of light at most, which is the limit. After all, the universe is not flat, and the speed is too fast. We can’t avoid the obstacles in front of us at all. The smaller ones can also be carried hard by the protective cover and armor, but in case of collision with the planet, it will be troublesome. So after we imitate this kind of propeller, we will limit our speed. It will no longer be the power of the propeller, but our detection technology. As for small aircraft, there is no question of speed. Fighters have to fight in air, and the speed is too fast for the pilot to respond, and the body can't bear it. That kind of terrifying G-force, even if we use the physical fitness of our Dragon Clan to be a driver, the maximum G-force is barely over 10,000. , No matter how old you are, you will still be finished. So the speed of a small aircraft is not how fast it can fly, but how fast you dare to drive. If I use a super-electromagnetic thruster to make a missile, I can even accelerate it to infinitely close to the speed of light when the energy and acceleration distance are sufficient, but what's the use? "

Nuwa said very reasonable. The principle of action of super-electromagnetic thrusters is not a concept at all with the rocket thrusters familiar to ordinary persons. The premise of a rocket thruster in its own working state is constant. Its acceleration ability will gradually decrease as its own speed continues to increase. This is why human aircraft usually cannot fly too fast, because once the speed reaches a certain standard, the output of the rocket thruster will decrease to It’s almost negligible. How do you accelerate in this state?

However, super-electromagnetic thrusters and rocket thrusters are not used. Its working principle determines that as long as there is space nearby, it can Obtain stable thrust, and although this thrust will gradually decrease with the increase of speed like a rocket propeller, it can theoretically accelerate itself to the speed of light. In practice, various losses and some physical variables are considered. In fact, it can only approach the speed of light infinitely, but it will never reach the speed of light. However, even if it can only approach the speed of light infinitely, the speed of super electromagnetic thrusters is much faster than rocket thrusters. Considering our current poor long-range detection Ability, the limitation of our flight speed will not be the performance of the propeller, but the performance of the detector. After all, if there is no obstacle ahead in the universe, it is equivalent to flying blindly with our eyes closed. I know if I will bump into something suddenly.

"Nuwa, if we can increase the spaceship to one-fifth the speed of light, how much time can we save? "

"About six months. "Nuwa replied with certainty: "If we can't get other breakthroughs during this time, but relying on the performance hints of the propellers, we can stay on Earth for another six months before setting off. This period of time should be enough for us to build a few more spaceships, and it should be able to save 120 million more people. "

"120 million people in six months, 20 million people in one month! "Wei Na sighed: "If only we can buy more time, it's better to give us a few more years, then we can take away all the people in the country." "

"In fact, we have a way to take the people of the whole country away, but it's a pity...Forget it, don't mention it. "Nuwa's sudden sigh has lost our good mood just because we can save 120 million more people.

In fact, we all know the method Nuwa said, that is, the whole world is united. Then announce the secrets of the world’s doomsday.

The theoretical plan of this ideal plan is like this. First, all countries in the world unite to form a unified government, pool global resources and power, and save each other's black hands. The internal friction caused by stumbling can also avoid unnecessary losses caused by repeated research and repeated reserves. For example, the project of preserving Earth species. Because now, except for the European Union's unified plan for shared spaceship, all countries are In their own way, every country that is capable of emigrating must save its own animal samples like the story of Noah’s Ark. It is not a project to save all kinds of animal and plant samples from the whole world and take it outside the planet. Everyone thinks that every kind of animal is done with one male and one female. If you want to preserve a population, even if you use artificial methods to help them re-expand the group later, it does not mean that you just keep two heads. Besides, we are delayed on the road. The period of time is not one or two days, nor one or two years, but hundreds of years. How should the animals be preserved in this process? Let them reproduce? Or freeze? So, the preservation plan of these species is actually more than the immigration itself. Occupy space. If we don’t need to take all these Earth species away, and just use spaceship to pretend to be people, even if we can’t take everyone away before the disaster breaks out, we can at least send out 80% to 90% of the Chinese people. Are you entangled like this now?

Because everyone is working on their own, China has to implement the species preservation plan, the United States has to develop the same set, Japan also needs one, the EU needs another set, and of course Russia is also indispensable. Australia, Brazil, and other second- and third-tier countries, they all have to do it. Even if they reluctantly keep only some species, this project is definitely enough to make them bald their heads.

But if everyone is formed Coalition governments and then embarking on immigration together will save you a lot of trouble. As long as the whole world works together to produce a set of biological samples, it’s OK. How much space can this save to pretend to be people?

In fact, the species preservation plan still It's just one of the factors. There are many things that can affect the number of immigrants. But one thing is certain, that is, as long as everyone joins together, there are definitely many benefits. But the question is-is it possible?

Let the Chinese police go and say to the American president: "You America has started to follow our orders today." What do you think Americans do? The reverse is definitely the same. Even if a coalition government is formed and a coalition parliament is formed, the situation is not the same. How much better. The United Nations is the best proof. There have been countless small meetings every day, and it is normal for a topic to be noisy for several months. This is just a general event. It is a major event like the future of the country and the survival of the nation. Who do you think will let whom? Therefore, the coalition of governments can only be empty talk.

Maybe some people may say that it’s the end of the world, can’t everyone step back and work together? Yes, it just doesn't work, because it is not the people who have never occupied the majority of the country, but the leadership that determines the fate of the country. No matter what political system a country is, it is always only a few people that determine the direction of the country in the end. This has nothing to do with human nature or morality, but the laws of physics, because you will never be able to unify human thinking. It can be a minority leader, otherwise it will be like a group of trackers pulling the boat in different directions. So, since the leaders of the country are only a few people, as long as the country has the ability to emigrate, the position of this group of leaders will inevitably be lost. After all, no matter from the perspective of human selfishness or the importance of the overall situation. It is an inevitable result to give priority to the top leadership of the country.

So, since these leaders themselves are destined to leave, why should they sacrifice their leadership in order to bring a few more people? Anyway, these countries are not only able to take away a few percent of the population. Now everyone can basically guarantee that their country’s immigration rate is close to half. It doesn't make much sense. So, under this circumstance, why should leaders work hard for these people?

So, national integration is simply impossible. It is indeed possible to establish an Earth coalition government, but it must be through bloody war or gentle national integration, but no matter which method it is, it will take a long time, and we just have no time now.

Among the things that Nuwa sighed, apart from the wonderful and effective plan to establish an Earth coalition government, but never realized, there was also an announcement of the doomsday.

The core idea of ​​this idea is this. First announce the doomsday news, then stop all entertainment and unnecessary production and consumption, and all the people of the world concentrate on preparing for the immigration project. when the time comes With the concerted efforts of all people, even if it is impossible to send all the world's population away, transporting bits and pieces will definitely not be a problem.

But, like the coalition government plan, this plan is actually even less reliable. You can never imagine how complicated human thoughts are. Once we announce the news of the disaster, the social order of various countries will immediately collapse, and then the world will fall into a state of complete paralysis. In this case, let alone send more people away, it is estimated that even the current delivery volume may not be guaranteed.

Although it is completely impossible to achieve, in theory, if all humans on Earth can really establish a coalition government and completely stop unnecessary consumption of concentrated efforts to create immigration spaceship, then it can be guaranteed. One hundred percent of Earth’s population was transported away. What a wonderful result that would be? Unfortunately, that can only be a dream, because human thoughts have never been unified, so now we can only watch the people on Earth close to 2/3/2021 being left at Earth High Level to die.

"Forget it, I also know that this matter is not reliable, so don't feel sad." Nuwa also noticed that we were in a bad mood, so she took the initiative to terminate the topic.

Next, Nuwa started to introduce us to the technical analysis of the various items we brought back this time. Of course, she meant to help us divert our attention, but we didn't really care too much. We just feel sorry for not being able to take everyone away, and it is not painful. After all, firstly, our relatives and friends can participate in emigration. Those who die are people we don’t know or know. Secondly, we are not humans, even our races are different. It’s good to worry about them. It would be too fake to be heartbroken.

In Nuwa's introduction, we finally got to know everything we brought back. In addition to the thruster technology and the super ultimate weapon star destroyer, the gains this time are actually quite a lot. We also found a lot of things in the alien settlements that we thought would be of little value. Many of them were later identified as real civilian technologies, which were basically not helpful to immigrants, but some of them were also useful. Technology. For example, an unknown device we brought back at the time was finally analyzed as an inter-satellite communicator.

Communicator materials are usually the most easily damaged equipment because of the existence of the transmitting and receiving antennas. The communication equipment on the alien spaceship is basically finished, so we have never been able to figure out what the alien is. Communication. However, we didn't expect to find a communicator among the stars in the residential houses this time. You know that it is rarer to find this thing in a residential house than to find a military satellite phone in someone's house. You must know that general equipment is enough for conventional communication. Who would bring an oversized satellite phone?

Although we only have this communicator that has no energy at present, it at least shows us the working principle and general working method of alien communication equipment, which means that it has actually indicated to us With the research direction, and with this guidance, we can directly move towards the goal, which is much easier than blindly finding a way to communicate between stars.

After reading all the technical items on Nuwa, I contacted father and discussed about the tsunami. As soon as the information from didn’t expect was connected to father, he gave me an amazing Answer. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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