When I heard my call, Jingjing and Lingling of course jumped out immediately. They all know the lucky attack power. As for the attack power of the robot, they have just seen it before, so they didn't leave the slightest plan to try their armor hardness.

As soon as I left the vicinity of the aircraft carrier, I quickly looked back towards the situation on the deck. Lucky and that guy are almost reaching the tipping point. The electric ball gathered between the two lucky dragon horns has increased to a diameter of more than ten meters, and it seems to be several times larger than the lucky head, and the electric ball in this high-speed rotation is still continuous at this time. Lightning was sprayed around, and several arcs that looked like ghost claws were connected from the electric ball to the deck of the aircraft carrier, and they were still jumping and ejecting continuously.

It is said that under normal circumstances this electric ball should not have such an obvious discharge phenomenon, because the leaked arc is actually a waste of lucky reserve energy, and the reason why this electric ball This situation occurs, and it is completely because of the crazy lucky and pure hope to increase the formidable power of this blow, so he is actually using his ability overloaded, so that he cannot perfectly control the energy of the electric ball. It will always leak some energy. However, although this kind of leakage seems serious, the charging speed of the electric ball is actually much faster than the leakage speed, so the electric ball is actually still increasing the formidable power.

Although Jingjing and Lingling and I have been scared to hide away, there is always no shortage of warriors or fools in this world.

Just when Lucky and the robot entered the final energy-gathering stage, the marines on the deck basically hid in the working area on the side of the deck, where the staff who guided the plane to take off stayed. , After all, the airflow when the fighter takes off is also terrifying, so the personnel next to it all need a bunker. At this time, this place is just right for the marines to escape.

However, just as everyone hid there, a cool man who looked very masculine and heroic suddenly walked out of the front exit of the ship island, which had been reduced by half. As soon as this person appeared, he shook his stride, as if the heroes on the expedition in the movie moved towards Lucky and walked over, and then, after a few steps, he suddenly flicked his arm and slung his back. Throwing his light machine gun in front of him, he picked it up and started shooting at the thunderball above Lucky's head.

I can understand his idea, probably he wants to break the balance of the thunderball and make it explode, and he has already guessed that fortunately, he can’t move and counterattack in this situation, so he doesn’t hide at all. , And went straight away from ancient times.

Although his thoughts are basically correct and his behavior is brave, I still despise him because this guy is simply a fool. Oh, no, he is not a fool, but an ordinary person with a more active mind, because as long as it is a little clever person, he probably thinks of this approach, but ordinary people do not have his courage. However, if there is a high-energy physics or other energy-related scientist here, then even if that scientist has enough courage, he will never do such a thing, because he knows that going out is no use.

The thing on the top of Lucky’s head is actually not a simple ball of light, it is an activated plasma mass, and due to the long time of gathering energy, the ionized gas has been completely consumed and decomposed. It has become a basic atom, and at this time the plasma has actually become a quantum universe composed entirely of free electrons, completely independent protons, and semi-energetic neutrons.

Yes, this is a universe, a small universe. If we compress the real universe to a volume similar to this thing, its internal structure will also be the same as this thing. It is actually the basic form of the universe we live in, the origin and starting state of the universe, and since the whole has already appeared the trend of transformation from matter to energy, the inside of this thing actually no longer complies with what we know. Those laws of physics and chemistry. Except for the general theory of relativity, most of the scientific common sense we have now is not valid inside this thing, because it is no longer the universe in which we live. This is like if a criminal case occurs inside the Chinese Embassy in the United States, it will not be dealt with in accordance with U.S. law, because although the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. is in the United States, the embassy is actually Chinese territory. It and the United States itself It doesn't matter. The same is true for this small universe. Although it is under the real universe, it has actually formed its own system inside.

For such a primary level universe in its infancy, if you want to destroy it with human guns alone, it is almost like using a one-nanometer needle to pierce an elephant. And expect to kill the elephant with this thing, that is simply impossible.

Although the guy is very handsome and chic and approached forward while firing, in my opinion this guy is completely an idiot. Of course those bullets all shot into the light ball, but the light ball itself neither burst nor had any other reaction. Those bullets seemed to have penetrated into a black hole, and even a ripple could not be produced.

I don't know if it was a stupid person or another reason, that guy didn't take the machine gun's neutralization seriously. When he finished sweeping the bullets in the ammunition box hung on the gun, he handsomely tossed the machine gun aside, then took a rifle from the other side of his shoulder to continue shooting, and then quickly finished shooting the bullets and then tossed again. , And then quickly pulled out the pistol at his waist and continued to fire while walking forward. The whole action looked like those lonely tough guys who couldn't be killed in American hero movies. Perfectly enough, he could be an actor. Of course, the perfect action does not conceal the fact that he is actually a fool.

After lighting up the bullets in the pistol, this guy still didn't stop, but suddenly picked up a bazooka that was slanting behind his back, then quickly pulled away to aim and pull the trigger. The missile quickly flew out of the launcher, and then plunged directly into the ball of light just like the previous bullet, and there was no sound training.

Throwing away the bazooka, the guy finally has no weapons on his back. Although he is muscular, he has a machine gun in his right hand, an automatic rifle on his left shoulder, and a bazooka on his back. This is already the limit. The average person has so many things on his back that it may even be a problem to walk, but he is It looks very relaxed.

All the launch weapons were used up, and the guy still didn't stop because he still had a ring of grenades hanging around his waist. Direct left and right hands to start work together, took out two grenades to pull off the insurance, squeezed the starting brake and released it. After waiting for two seconds, he threw the grenades out. Both grenades exploded almost immediately when they flew to the side of the ball of light, but the result was still the same as before. The flame from the explosion was directly absorbed by the light ball, and then even the shrapnel was gone.

Maybe I was finally annoyed by this guy. Fortunately, in the process of gathering energy, he suddenly lifted the left front paw closest to that guy, and then it was like a human being flicking another person’s head. Gently flick your finger at the guy. The bang guy appeared on the side of the ship island at a teleportation speed as soon as he was hit, and the whole figure looked like you were hung on the steel plate outside the ship island. It's just that the whole steel plate was slightly dented by him, so his rotten meat couldn't fall off for a while when hanging on it, but the internal organs and some things that didn't know whether it was broken muscles and so on flowed all over the floor.

After finishing the small insect, fortunately, he immediately focused his attention on the robot. Then, when everyone thought he was going to launch, the huge ball of light suddenly began to shrink. The diameter of 20 meters collapsed rapidly inward at the speed visible to naked eye, and finally turned into a small gold-white light cluster with a diameter of less than one meter in less than two seconds.

"Damn, lucky you are crazy?" I yelled out the moment I saw the thing, and at the same time I quickly turned and ran away with Jingjinglingling, that thing can no longer be said to be a big move , The fucking thing is a weapon of mass destruction.

Although we reacted quickly, we were not lucky enough to move fast. We just turned around and flew more than one meter away, and the shrunken ball of light suddenly flew forward while spinning at a high speed. It's not very fast, it's only one or two phonemes at most, but even this speed is absolutely impossible for the other party to escape. However, the guy on the opposite side was probably already prepared to fight with luck, so when he saw the light ball flying out, he also launched a beam of light, but because of the reaction time, it was slightly slower than the lucky launch time. A little bit. However, its attack beam flies almost at the speed of light, so although the launch time is a bit late, the final collision position between the two is still between the lucky and it.

Almost as soon as the light ball touched the beam, everything around was completely covered by the white light. The strong light radiation even burned me and I felt a little hot on my body. Do you know that the armor on our body has a high temperature of two thousand degrees? You can feel the obvious heat, and you can imagine the explosive temperature. I can be sure that at the moment of the explosion, the temperature at the center of the explosion must have been close to the temperature of the sun's surface. Otherwise, how can this thing be a weapon of mass destruction?

The light radiation here has just spread, and we immediately felt a terrifying thrust coming from behind. I don’t need to think about it. I know it’s a shock wave, but fortunately we have already activated it, so the relative speed of the shock wave and ours is relatively low, and the lethality has naturally dropped a lot, but even so we still feel that we are about to be shaken apart . Even though we tried our best to control the body, the sky was still involuntarily blown by the shock wave, and the three of us could no longer maintain our direction, but were blown away separately.

Due to the radiation chaos caused by the explosion, the signal connection between me and my companions was also interrupted. Therefore, for the time being, I don’t know where Jingjing and Lingling were blown out. As for luck, it’s even more contact. Not up. I only knew that I didn’t know how many somersaults in the sky, and then I felt like I had hit something hard, but that thing soon fell apart, and then I flew forward and hit the water again. I rolled and flew all the way forward like a pebble used to float on the water. In the end, I didn’t know how far I flew. The speed finally slowed down a lot, and then suddenly I bumped into a hard object and pierced through it. In the past, there was constant bumping around. Anyway, I was a little dizzy. I didn't know what I was doing now. I knew I had bumped into a lot of things.

Probably the inertia is exhausted. In the end I felt that I was being blocked by something, but soon I felt my body suddenly sank. It seemed that I was being held down by something, and then the surroundings became dark. From the feeling, I roughly know that I am on land, but the current situation is mostly buried in the ruins of the building. However, I didn’t plan to go out immediately. The shock wave has not completely spread, and the speed of the shock wave in the air is different from that of the underwater shock wave. I was bombarded by the air shock wave. So I plan to stay here first. With this pile of rubble on me, I don’t have to worry about being smashed into the air again when the tsunami comes.

In the end, the situation was similar to what I thought. I lay here for less than 30 seconds and felt the ground start to vibrate violently, then a few seconds later I felt my body sank suddenly, and then suddenly It was a lot lighter, and then a lot of water flowed to my side and filled all the voids in the nearby rubble. Of course, I am not worried about this. After all, my armor is equipped with diving function. Besides, I have gills, even if it doesn’t. I can still breathe in the water in armor.

After waiting another half a minute in the rubble filled with cement and water, I felt that my surroundings finally stabilized before I suddenly exerted my strength to support myself. Because the rubble on the back was washed away by the tsunami, and the buoyancy in the water was relatively high, the rubble became much lighter. Of course, this is just our Dragon Clan. If a normal person is buried here, even if he has not been crushed or drowned before, he will not even want to go out. After all, the pile of rubble on my body is at least thirty even if it is underwater. It weighs more than tons, and the power of human beings is definitely incapable of opening.

After struggling to break up some rubble, I finally crawled out of the pile of rubble, and then I found that the rubble pile had been soaked in the seabed. Judging from the surrounding terrain, this should be the previous port city, but now it has been completely submerged by sea water. Of course, this was caused by the tsunami caused by the explosion. When the sea water retreats, it will naturally reappear here. Coming. Based on the current situation, it is estimated that there will not be fewer people who died this time.

The entire city is destroyed by the shock wave generated by the explosion, which can cause many casualties. This will cause the city to be flooded again, and those buried under the ruins should not expect to survive, and then wait. After the water has receded, the post-disaster reconstruction can be started without even a search operation. Anyway, there is no expectation of survivors. However, the only thing to be thankful for is that Lucky and Silver used to clean up the ground troops returned to the Americans here. Based on the movement at the time, it should scare many people away. So now there are too many people remaining in the port. According to this situation, although this will definitely be a serious incident, at least the death toll is not too scary. Of course, there must be more than 1,000. After all, this is a city. Even if a lot of people are scared off, there will inevitably be a lot of people left. Therefore, I estimate that the actual number of casualties may be between 5,000 and 10,000.

"Shen Lin, Shen Lin." I was thinking about the problem, and suddenly heard the call signal from the base in the data link, and it was actually the voice of father.

"I'm here."

"Huh." The father was obviously relaxed. "I just monitored a big explosion on your side. What is going on? Did the Americans use nuclear weapons?"

After a mortal attack, Silver was injured by the opponent before. Fortunately, she lost her mind. He directly used the space shattering bomb, and it turned out to be like this."

"That thing is not allowed in Earth. Do you use it?" The father became a hit when he heard it.

"So I said that luck has lost my mind."

After a little pause, father said, "Forget it, since this is the case, I will be held accountable." It doesn’t make sense. Are there any casualties on your side?"

"You said we are still Americans? We seem to be all right here. I just scanned that everyone’s signals are still there, but we’re lucky. The elephant is injured. It is estimated that the American army should be annihilated. You have seen experiments on the space smasher. It is simply a Level 1 tactical nuclear weapon. The American aircraft carrier formation will probably have nothing left. . However, compared with this, the natives here may have suffered a bit more damage. You should be able to see from the satellite that the city here has been completely destroyed and flooded. It is basically impossible to have survivors. Fortunately, a group of people may have been scared away before, so the whole city will not die, but there must be more than 5,000 deaths."

"I already know this, the death toll Nuwa has counted over 13 thousand."

"What? How did she count?"

"The population of that city can be found. I was lucky and When Bai Yin messed around in the city, many people were scared away. They were all outside the city. Nuwa used satellites to calculate the number of people. As soon as the total population decreased, the number of casualties would be known."

" Oh. What the hell... With so many people dead here, things must be getting bigger, how can they end up afterwards?" I asked with some worry.

Unexpectedly, father said calmly: "That's an American business. What does it have to do with us?"

"But the explosion is..." I got stuck because I finally understood the meaning of father. Yes, the explosion was mainly caused by us, but the question is who are we? We are Dragon Clan, the most cutting-edge achievement of biochemical technology. We are the special force of Dragon Fate. We are China's trump card. We are a non-existent force. Yes, it is a non-existent force.

The two sides in this battle are the aircraft carrier formations between us and the Americans. We are non-existent troops, but the American aircraft carrier formations do exist. What can they say afterwards? Talk about the nuclear weapons thrown by the Chinese? Who saw our country’s troops? Why don't we throw nuclear weapons here without troops? If you want to bomb the American aircraft carrier, why not bomb it? There are still several formations parked in the Pacific Ocean. Why do we have to spend so much effort to throw nuclear weapons at half the Earth and blow up their fleet?

So it’s impossible for the Americans to accuse us, because they can’t find an excuse, and the factual evidence is useless, because even if they take out the satellite video, it’s useless. Seeing two dragons and a group of angels flying around in the video, what would civilians in various countries think? Why do you Americans take out Hollywood movies to fool us? Don’t forget that ordinary people don’t know about the existence of alien technology. The level of technology they stay in is thousands of years behind ours. Who would believe that a group of creatures like us exist?

For the above reasons, this humanitarian disaster can only be borne by the Americans themselves. As for how they make up their reasons, that's their business, it's nothing to us anyway. As for the testimony of the survivors and refugees in the city-does anyone believe it? Even if someone said it, others would definitely think that the Americans paid for it. Anyway, this time the gangster Americans are backed up. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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