"What's the matter with the golden light on this thing?"

"It seems to be some kind of energy armor, but the electromagnetic shock shows that it is a physical body "Jingjing's answer is actually the same as what I detected. The reason why I asked it was because I didn't believe in the results of the inspection.

When we just attacked that robot, it clearly didn't have that kind of golden on its body. After that, it spread out in front of us until it covered the entire surface of the robot. In this way, it is impossible to be a kind of pre-installed armor plate, and based on our knowledge, there are only two things that can be thought of that can cover the surface of the body like a diffused paint. The first is the energy armor we just guessed.

Energy armor is different from a protective cover. It is an energy barrier that adheres to the surface of the original armor plate. Rather than the overall protective layer that is a certain distance away from the body. In terms of the working principle of energy armor, it can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first category is energy buffer armor. The working principle of this energy armor is somewhat similar to that of active reactive armor. Its interior is filled with high-pressure energy. When an external force tries to pass through this energy barrier, its stable structure will be destroyed, and the energy accumulated in the entire armor will be destroyed. It is released from the damaged position in an instant, resulting in an effect similar to a radiation cannon. The advantage of this kind of energy armor is that it has super high protection and even has a certain offensiveness, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Not to mention high energy consumption, it is also easy to be restricted. When the filling speed of the energy device is exceeded, the protection will fail. these all are quite fatal weaknesses.

The second type of energy armor is energy-absorbing armor. Its characteristic is that it forms an energy buffer layer similar to the rubber buffer layer. With the help of its internal electromagnetic repulsion, it can produce a strong pushing effect on the attacking object, and evenly distribute the force it bears to the back On the physical armor, the resistance of the armor itself is greatly improved. The advantage of this kind of energy armor is low energy consumption. In addition to the huge energy consumption when starting, it consumes almost no energy when running continuously, and only consumes a small amount of energy according to the force and time when it is attacked. In addition, since it is not an entity, this energy armor can be repaired indefinitely when the energy is sufficient, even if the same point is continuously hit, it will not affect its defensive power. Of course, the shortcomings also exist. Compared with the first energy armor, the defensive power of this energy armor is slightly lower, and if the opponent's attack power is too high, it may be penetrated at one time, so the protective effect is slightly weaker.

The third type of energy armor is actually two different types, but their principle is the same, that is, the molecular stress is changed by energy. One of them is called Enhanced Energy Armor, which is characterized by making the molecular structure of a substance stronger. For example, if you cover a piece of paper with this kind of energy armor, the result is that the paper will have the hardness of an iron plate. However, this energy armor itself does not resist impact, so its ultimate protective effect depends on what substance is being strengthened. The stronger the substance is originally attached, the stronger it will be after being attached. Another classification of this kind of energy armor is to apply the energy direction of this strengthening effect, and the result is to make the molecular structure of the attacking object extremely fragile. For example, the opponent originally used the armor of the strong depleted uranium shell strikes, so the shell itself will become like a crunchy biscuit at the moment of contact with the armor. Although its speed and direction have not changed, the penetrating power will inevitably drop drastically.

In addition to the above three categories, there are actually some scientific research units who like to use them together. For example, using reinforced energy armor and brittle energy armor at the same time, and at the same time covering the surface of your own armor with energy-absorbing energy armor, the defensive power of the entire protective armor seems to be greatly improved, even if it was originally just a piece of paper, After adding these armors, its protective ability may be better than that of the titanium alloy plate.

The thing on the robot just now looks like the energy-absorbing energy armor in the energy armor, because it did not produce an outward burst of energy when it was attacked, which shows that it is neither The first type of active armor is not the fragile armor of the third type, and only energy-absorbing armor and molecular reinforced armor are left. However, although both are possible, I still think that energy-absorbing armor is more reliable. After all, our sword has a high-wave vibrator. The principle determines that this weapon will be extremely strong against physical substances that come into direct contact with it. The higher the hardness, the more obvious the destructive effect, so the probability of the third type of molecule to strengthen the armor is not high.

Of course, in addition to energy armor, there is one other thing that can be done like that slowly spreading form, and that is the nano insect group. However, as far as our perception is concerned, the probability of the nano insect group is almost zero, because nano insects are required to form armor and reach the level of protection against our attacks at this level. This technical content is so high that even we think To the point of unreliable.

We also have the technology of nano insect group, and we have indeed produced nano insect, and even a group of this little fellow is installed in our body. However, their current role is still to carry out simple repairs and body reconstructions under controlled conditions, and to destroy our corpses when necessary to prevent the enemy from acquiring the technology contained in our bodies. However, this is actually just a low-level application of nano insect. The way to use nano insect as armor is too sci-fi in terms of our technology.

Based on these circumstances, this layer of golden is most likely to be a layer of energy-absorbing energy armor, and it is still a very high-end type.

"What shall we do next?" Lingling asked with some worry: "The thing we seem to be unable to cut, how can we attack it for a while?"

"If we focus One point of strength strikes, is it possible to penetrate it?" Jingjing asked: "Energy armor always has an upper limit of resistance, right?"

"Why don't we try?" Lingling also suggested.

I thought about it and nodded decided to concentrate on firepower and try it. Before we could react, I suddenly felt that luck was approaching at a high speed. I almost arrived in front of us in the blink of an eye. Suddenly out of the water moved towards the aircraft carrier and rushed over.

"Fuck me!"

Fortunately, the sudden emergence of water scared us, and at the same time the robot above was completely unprepared. Because we hid under the deck on the side of the aircraft carrier, the robot lost its attack route for a while, so it went to the gunwale here and tried to attack us downwards. As a result, it had not just stood on the gunwale. When it was time to open the fire, he was thrown down by luck that suddenly jumped up from the water.

Probably it was his wife’s injury that stimulated luck. He completely gave up his usual relaxed combat style, and directly threw the robot to the ground, then rolled into a ball and rolled all the way from the deck. When he reached the opposite side of the deck, he finally hit the control tower before he stopped.

As soon as the two big guys stopped, the robot kicked luck out, but luck only turned over in the air and landed on the deck steadily, just as soon as the mouth opened. Lightning bounced past. The robot kicked and was lucky and didn't get up yet, so it was temporarily unable to avoid it, so he hurriedly raised his hand to block it. In the end, he heard a boom, and the ball of light wrapped it directly into the flame, but when the flame disappeared, the guy But it appeared intact on the spot, but on the contrary, the command tower behind it was missing half of it, and it seemed as if it would fall down at any time.

After fending off the thunderball, the robot climbed up from the ground again, but just then fortunately, he jumped up and bit on the guy's shoulder.

Although most of the length of the lucky body is the length of the tail and neck, in terms of volume, lucky is still a circle larger than the robot in front of you, but because the robot is standing, Fortunately, it is on all fours, so the difference in body size between the two is not very obvious. However, although the gap is not big, luck is taking advantage after all, so the impact is much larger.

Although the robot expected to be lucky to pounce, it failed to block his impact and was knocked to the ground. At the same time, the lucky teeth were sparks flying in all directions on the guy’s shoulder. Obviously that layer of energy armor is fighting the bite force of luck, but luck seems to be unable to bite that thing for a while, even if he tries hard, it just makes the fire star spray more powerful on that armor and cannot bite it. Wear or pressure deformation.

In fact, the situation of the robot is not as strong as it seems. The current situation is actually that the bamboo pole is afraid of fighting wolves. We think that even luck can't do this guy's defense, and in the aircraft carrier's cabin, on the workbench where a few laptops are temporarily connected, a bunch of red data is refreshing frantically. In one of the screens showing the three-dimensional structure of the robot, the shoulder area of ​​the robot has been completely replaced by red, and the flashing is quite rapid.

A researcher in casual clothes sat in front of the computer and exclaimed in surprise: "What the hell is this? Even our energy armor is almost too much to hold!"

An older researcher next to him said nervously: "How long can the energy compensation system last?"

"You will be finished in this state for up to ten minutes."

" Shit, how come you encounter this kind of perversion this time?"

Although the group of researchers brow beaded with sweat anxiously, they couldn't get in at all. The robot in front of you is fully automatic. It only transmits part of the body information data, but does not receive control signals, so these people cannot remotely control it even if they are in a hurry.

Although no one has a remote control, the intelligence of the robot is not low. It also knows that it is damaged, so when it is lucky to bite its shoulders, it also fought hard to withstand the lucky upper and lower jaws and try to push his head away, but no matter how hard he can’t shake the lucky, it’s like a 10,000-ton hydraulic press. If the normal bite force were not for the energy armor to hold, he was sure that his shell would turn into a discus if he could hold on for a second or two at most.

Just as the two giant beasts were comparing their strengths over there, there was a sudden energy shock from the aircraft carrier. Several of us immediately realized that the nuclear reactor on the aircraft carrier had restarted. It seems that the protection of its reactor is pretty good. It was only short-circuited by the surge voltage before and was not completely burned. This should be repaired and resumed operation.

As the power was restored, the aircraft carrier immediately began to move again, but it could do very little. As an aircraft carrier, the two large holes on the deck are enough to make it lose more than half of its battle strength. What's more, now two big guys are rolling around on its deck. Even without those two holes, this guy would never want to fly any plane that needs to take off from the runway.

Although we thought that even if the aircraft carrier was restored to power, it would be nothing at worst, but the facts proved that a powered aircraft carrier can actually do a lot of things. With a sound of mechanical turning, several metal platforms rose up at the edge and center of the aircraft carrier's deck at the same time, and several tanks were clearly parked on those platforms.

Boom, boom boom...As soon as those tanks appeared, they immediately fired a number of shots at Lucky. Because the two big guys were in a stalemate, all the lucky ones that didn't escape were hard to carry. Down. Although the explosion failed to penetrate his scales, the pain caused Lucky to loose his mouth and roar. The robot saw this opportunity and quickly pushed Lucky's head out, then rolled over and rode on Lucky's body and raised his arm. Hearing a bang, a blade of a sword suddenly flicked out of its wrist, and then the guy waved the blade and slashed at Lucky's head.

Boom. Just when the guy was about to cut down, a blue electric ball suddenly blasted his wrist, directly blasting his hand away, the sword also cut into the deck at once, and cut the deck out. A big ditch.

"Do you want to rely on more people to take advantage? He is not the only one on our side." After slamming that guy's wrist, I floated in front of him, while Jingjing and Lingling were He rushed directly to those tanks.

Because the assigned target was relatively close, Jingjing first rushed to the side of the two tanks parked side by side on the lifting platform in the center of the deck. She saw her directly against the machine gun on the tank and landed next to the tank, and then the left hand holding the shield slammed the shield, and the tank that was close to her was smashed and flew out, rolling all the way. It slid to the edge of the deck and finally rolled into the sea.

After fanning a tank, Jingjing immediately walked to the other, and then reached under its front mine armor with one hand and picked it up. The front of the tank was immediately lifted. It got up and turned back, but when it was about to cross the center of gravity and tip over backwards, Jingjing directly pushed the shield on his shoulder and slammed into the exposed chassis of the tank. . This time it was more direct. The tank flew out of the edge of the deck with only a loud noise, and then continued to fly for more than ten meters before it began to fall, and finally disappeared under the deck and was no longer visible.

Seeing Jingjing flying two tanks in such a sturdy manner, the Marines who had just rushed up the stairs to the deck were directly stupid there. The power that can throw a tank like a brick, if it is shot on a person, then it can't be shot at an adult meat sauce in an instant?

For those who were stupid there, Jingjing didn't even care, and went directly to the other two tanks, and at the same time Lingling finally rushed to her target. Unlike Jingjing, Lingling didn't wear a shield, but her goal was to come up from the lifting platform on the edge of the deck, which meant that there was the sea behind her. This time Lingling simply didn't even use the sword. After walking to the front of the tank with the machine gun firepower, she lifted her right leg in front of the driver and stepped on the front armor of the tank, and then slammed into it. Hearing a squeak, the tracks of the tank dragged the fire star twice and rolled down from the edge of the deck. The car next to it opened its hatch as soon as it saw this posture, and the people inside followed it to climb outside, but Lingling moved faster than them, walked to the side of the tank and grabbed the front armor and lifted it up like Jingjing. Then he raised his leg to make a foot on the chassis, and the tank flew out in an instant.

Lingling didn't hesitate after getting the two tanks, and immediately rushed to her next target.

There were only five lifting platforms on this aircraft carrier, but one did not start because of a problem. Anyway, only four platforms sent eight tanks up. After each set up a platform, Jingjing and Lingling rushed up to get all the remaining targets into the sea. Compared to completely destroying a tank on the ground, it is obviously easier to throw them into the sea.

After killing eight tanks, the two of them were not idle, but flew directly from the side of the lifting platform, and then got into the hangar below the deck. The task of the two of them is to sink the aircraft carrier completely, because I think the robot is a machine anyway. If it sinks into the water, its battle strength should drop drastically, at least the kind that bombards the silver. The cannon should be no longer usable, and as long as it loses that ultimate weapon, then we will be tied with it at best, anyway, no one can do anything about it.

While Jingjing and Lingling went down to do damage, I was also trying my best to strike that robot. We also have energy armor, so we know the nature of this thing. This thing consumes energy. Even if you can’t touch it, as long as you keep attacking, it’s consuming its energy. As long as the energy runs out, this thing consumes energy. Don't you pinch as you want?

Fortunately, who was overturned by the robot and rode under him before, took advantage of the chance that the robot was attracted to me and struggling to get out. The robot looked lucky and wanted to run, so he stretched out his hand to catch it, but in time I bombed it with an energy bomb and staggered it, finally letting the lucky run out.

As I caught the robot’s attention, I was lucky to climb out and immediately adjusted my posture, turned around and flicked the tail up and drew it on the guy’s chest. It sounded, the guy was drawn straight back and turned three somersaults all the way from the front of the deck to the back, and then it was time to go to the sea one more than a hundred meters behind.

Wow...After the guy flew away, fortunately, he immediately yelled to the sky. The Marines on the shaking deck quickly threw away their weapons, covered their ears, and rolled all over the floor, and after the roar was over, An electric arc immediately lit up between his two dragon horns, followed by a ball of light beginning to form in it and tumbling and growing.

Seeing the situation here, the robot over there immediately stood up, and the cannon on him was deployed again and began to gather energy. As soon as I saw this posture, I hurriedly flew out of the ship. At the same time, I didn't forget to connect to the data interface of Jingjing and Lingling and shouted in the communication: "You two are flashing. Those two lunatics are going to make a big move! "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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