"Shen Lin." Seeing that I hadn't responded for a long time, father suddenly reminded me.

"Here. I just want to understand suddenly."

"Now that you understand, don't I need to remind you what to do next?" Father's tone was quite cold. To be honest, this is the first time I heard father speak in this tone since I was little.

Of course I understand the meaning of father, but I think it’s a bit too much. "That..."

"You can't bear it?" Father immediately guessed what I thought.

"Those civilians have no channels to speak, and their words will not have much effect. This time, all countries have been fooled by Americans, so what should be said in the news It shouldn't be someone confused. Even if the Americans take a few locals to be witnesses, I think no one believes them? Besides, if the news of the existence of our group is really revealed, it is not only us that offends."

The United States If people want to prove that what happened this time is not their cause, they can only have two methods. One is to make an excuse that other countries launched nuclear weapons, but this method is very unreliable. So, apart from this method, the only way left is to tell the facts. However, our Dragon Clan is secret and should not appear in world public opinion, and most other first-tier countries also have similar existences. If the Americans dare to lift us out, then we will implement the secret bundling principle as the nuclear bundling principle, and lift the secret forces of other countries together. This is tantamount to completely destroying the world situation that everyone is trying to maintain. , This hurts not one or two countries, but the whole world, uh... at least the common interests of all first- and second-rate powers. The United States is very strong, but if all the first- and second-rate powers in the world are tied up, this balance will inevitably not fall to the United States. Besides, once this matter is dealt with, the interests of the Americans themselves will be greatly affected. Many people in their country will first come out to stop this matter, so I think the probability that the Americans give us is very small. .

However, although the probability is negligible, as far as the national interest is concerned, any negligible probability is worth doing anything that tramples on ethics, morals, and humanity, because the country’s violent machine itself is used to do This one.

Of course, although the organization of the state is a violent machine, the executors are still human beings, and I happen to be in such a position where it is possible to influence it. This really makes me feel a little... Embarrassed.

"Do you really think it's okay to leave those witnesses?" Father asked in a cold voice.

I nodded firmly after thinking a little bit. "Yes, I think it should be okay to keep them. The cost of sacrificing tens of thousands of lives for a so-called foolproof thing is too great. Even if it is not our people, even if they can't live for long, I still feel that This is necessary. Our Dragon Clan is a sane race, but we cannot become a race without emotions. Therefore, I hope to terminate this follow-up plan."

The end of the communication has been silent for a long time and then suddenly Nuwa's voice sounded. "I just said that you old fogey are fine, right? Dragon Clan is a perfect race and won't become murderous! Really, I thought you old bones wouldn't go to science fiction movies like the young ones! "

"Nuwa?" I suspiciously requested a video communication, and the other side agreed immediately, and then a small window appeared on my retina, which showed a very simple meeting In the hall, except for a long table covered with a green tablecloth, there are only a few potted plants left in this room, and the walls and floor are just simple monochrome paint and carpets, as simple as it seems. . However, the circle of people sitting around this table is not simple, because most of the faces that appear on it can be seen during the National People’s Congress, and these people are all sitting on the podium. figure. Of course, there are some people who will not appear in any publicity reports, but there are not many such people. They are either middle age persons in suits, or old people in Tang suits or Chinese tunic suits, and of course there are a few in military uniforms. Middle-aged and elderly.

Father is on this table now, in a suit. His position is on the left side of the screen, quite far away from the end of the long table, and this only shows that his position ranks relatively low among these people. After all, this position can be understood at a glance. The one on the other side of the table facing the picture is the first head. The closer to him on the left and right sides, the higher the authority. Father being so close to the picture can only show his status. Very low. Of course, you can actually sit on this table, even if you are in the last position, going out will definitely let those high-ranking officials and ministers follow your ass and spin around.

"Then what... Hello, heads. Sorry, can you explain what happened just now?" Seeing that all the people looked at me with smiles, I felt like I was a head question mark.

After I finished the question, Chief One who was facing the camera suddenly smiled and said. "Shenlin, it was our test just now, I hope you don't mind."


"Yes." Chief One said: "About that meteorite I think you should be more detailed than we know, and you also know the immigration plan afterwards. You..." Chief No. 1 seemed to be unable to remember it for a while, and he was stuck for a while before suddenly remembering it. Said: "Dragon Clan, right."

I quickly nodded.

Director One immediately continued: "You may not fully understand the origin of your Dragon Clan. You are not entirely made by Dragon Fate. Most of your genes come from the Fourth Special Zone. We have been I thought it was an alien gene. But, didn’t you rob a few alien computers some time ago? After analyzing those computers, our researchers discovered that the genes in your body are actually not alien genes. It’s a combat weapon made by aliens without a complete thought."

"What? We are combat weapons?"

Father suddenly took the conversation and said, "Shen Lin, This is the case. According to the content in the alien computer that we have analyzed, your primordial gene is indeed a super combat weapon. The purpose of the aliens making this creature is actually similar to our idea, and they also want to use this Species to act as spaceship pilots and combatants."

"Aliens make combat creatures, I can understand, why even pilots use our genes? Does their spaceship fly in space? It has been flying for thousands of years. I need to freeze the people?"

"That's not it." Father explained: "According to our analysis, the time for aliens to sail on interstellar is much faster than us. But the universe is too big, and their interstellar voyage usually takes one or two months. Although it is much faster than our flying for several thousand years, it is still too long. So they also used a This is similar to our cryo-hibernation method for space navigation, and during this period, biochemical people like you have become the best navigators and combat defenders. As for the spaceships used for combat, they are filled with everywhere. This kind of biochemical man, and the reason is that your genetically recreated biochemical man has completely surpassed the aliens themselves in all attributes. The reaction speed in cosmic warfare is directly related to the survival rate, and after our analysis, this group of aliens The physique of humans may be similar to that of our human beings. It can be said to be very weak. If these natural people are allowed to drive a spaceship to fight against the spaceship you drive in a space war, even if the spaceship performance is the same, I think it will not be a problem for you to be one enemy to ten. Huh?"

I thought for a moment and nodded and said: "If the ammunition and energy are sufficient, it may not be a problem with one enemy and one hundred. After all, the human body’s anti-overload ability is too poor, even in spaceship movement. The ability is extremely strong, and your body can't stand it. Also, the reflex nerves of human beings are incomparable to ours, and the speed is too slow, which will become a huge disadvantage in battle."

father etc. After I finished speaking, I immediately followed up: "Aliens also recognize Aware of the shortcomings of their bodies, they created biochemical people like you to replace them to complete the things that they are not suitable for. However, those aliens think differently from ours. The biochemical people they make are more like robots, without emotions, rigid thinking, and no creativity. "

"Then we...? "

"Although your primordial genes are based on the biochemical humans invented by aliens, we have made some adjustments during the Early-Stage experimental phase and incorporated some human genes into it. So you have the creativity that primordial bio-humans don’t have. Nuwa has also adjusted and modified some genes. Compared with your original form, you should be much stronger. If nothing unexpected happens, you can even compare It's not much weaker to start with the biochemical beings that the aliens are using. After all, even though that spaceship was an alien technology thousands of years ago, the genes of your model were actually still in the experimental stage at the time and were not yet completed. That is to say, the aliens did not have prototype biochemicals of your type at the time. Of course, they should be able to study them soon with their technology, but I think this period will inevitably be delayed because of the war. So even if you run into those aliens, it is estimated that you will not be much weaker. "

Head #1 took the topic again at this time and said: "Because the aliens originally designed you as combat weapons, we Old Guy are worried that you will exterminate humanity. Although your genes have been modified, we can't completely trust those data after all, so we have this test. But now it seems that the result is very good, you have not wiped out humanity. On the contrary, you are more humane than some human beings. Please forgive our mistrust. After all, as the head of a country, we cannot risk the future of the entire nation. If you regard yourself as a god higher than human beings because of your own strength, and regard human life as ants, then we really don't worry about entrusting the entire immigration fleet to you. "

Although I felt a little uncomfortable, I was nodded quickly. "I can understand this. After all, let a group of wolves escort the train carrying the sheep, so it is better not to escort it. But what do you plan to do this time? Do these people really care about it? "

"That's not it. "Speaking of this, Chief One's expression immediately became serious. The gentle smile before it has been replaced by a calm and cold expression. "For these survivors, our decision is like this. First of all, you must clean them electronically, and you must not leave any physical evidence, such as photos, videos, etc. absolutely must not exist. Second, use your abilities to give them warnings and increase the difficulty for ordinary reporters or ordinary good people to obtain information from them. As long as these two points are achieved, the others should not be a big problem. Anyway, we just don't want the public to know about this, and we don't want to prevent other governments from knowing about this. The blockade should not be difficult. "

I nodded and said: "In this case, I understand. Then, if there is no problem, I request to start the task immediately. "

"Go ahead. "

After cutting off the communication with my country, I first observed the surrounding situation. The sea had almost receded at this time, and the ruins under my feet had basically exposed the surface of the water, only in the low-lying place on the ground. There is still some stagnant water. The distant sea has basically returned to calm. Although the sea is still turbulent, the waves are not too big, but there are no more ships at sea.

After confirming that the impact of the explosion had passed, I quickly connected the signals of Jingjing and Lingling. "Where are you two? "

What I answered was that a huge water column suddenly rose on the surface of the sea in the distance and a ruin that suddenly exploded behind me. Jingjing and Lingling flew towards me immediately after they flew up. Then it fell by my side.

"Have you seen luck and silver? "

"The radio is still a bit messy, and the underwater part can't be scanned temporarily, but there is their signal response in the data communication, and life should be no problem. "

As we were talking, we suddenly felt that the signals of luck and silver became stronger, and the two signals were quickly approaching us. Less than five seconds later, suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea ahead. A white trail followed, and there was an obvious bulge on the water surface. Less than five seconds later, the bulging part of the sea suddenly disconnected from the water surface, and a dragon head appeared on the sea surface, and then there was an interval of less than one second. Another head also popped up.

"It is lucky and silver. "Lingling pointed to the front and shouted.

"Go, go over and take a look. "

When we flew to the port, the two giant dragons were already ashore. Luckily, the body looked complete, except that some of the scales were missing, revealing some large and small wounds. Looking at the depth, it should only be a skin wound. Fortunately, although Bai Yin looks less embarrassed, she actually suffered a lot more damage. The root of her right wing was almost blasted off by one third, and that wing was stretched. On the ground, it looks completely immobile.

"How about you Baiyin? "Because I knew that luck was not badly hurt, I just ignored him.

Bai Yin glanced at his wing and said: "I have blocked all the nerve signals here. So it doesn't hurt for the time being, but the bone is broken, and the whole is shattered. Even if you want to connect it, you can't connect it. It is estimated that you will have to go back to the base and replace it with a new bone. "

Our Dragon Clan’s skeletons are all mechanical skeletons, which are like robots, so bones can be replaced if they are broken, but luck and silver are so large, it’s more difficult to replace bones. After all, it’s so. The big head is there, and even if the entire Pig Slaughtering Blade is inserted into their bodies, it seems to them that it is almost as if they were stabbed with a needle.

After asking about the situation of Silver, I will again Lucky said: "What did you do this time? The wife was beaten, it is understandable to take revenge, but is it necessary for you to use this big trick? Look at this city you did. If it weren’t for this incident, the Americans had to push the tank, and the father would have to pick you up and make leather shoes! "

"Isn't I just impulsive!" "

"For us Dragon Clan, impulse is unforgivable. Human impulses are because of such characteristics in their genes, and they cannot be completely suppressed by subjective emotions. But there is no such defect in our genes, and you are still impulsive, which shows that you have not taken the initiative to suppress this idea. "

"I know it's not OK if I am wrong? You see I'm so hurt, don't scold me! "Fortunately, I was so badly hurt that I pretended to be pitiful to gain sympathy, but it's a pity that he is not a cat or puppy. With his sleek look, no one will feel distressed no matter how he pretends.

< p>Seeing that her husband was scolded, Bai Yin hurried out and said, "Shenlin, don't scold him. Is he also trying to care about me!" "

Listening to Bai Yin's plea, I said to Lucky: "This time I give Bai Yin a face, I won't talk about you, and next time I will transfer you to the body of a chameleon and put you in the exhibition. box. "

When I was lucky, I let go and hurriedly shouted: "There must be no next time." "

After listening to the lucky guarantee, I was planning to take him to deter the refugees, and suddenly I felt an extremely powerful energy fluctuation suddenly transmitted from the seabed.

"Damn, that thing is still there! "

Almost at the same time as I finished shouting, a huge column of water suddenly rose on the sea in the distance. The humanoid machine appeared in our sight again. However, when we thought this thing was going to attack us again, the thing was flying and suddenly a large cloud of black smoke spewed out from behind, and then the whole robot He began to tilt to one side, and the height was constantly decreasing, but this guy was supporting and sliding near the port before he thumped back into the water, but the water depth here was not enough to completely submerge this guy, at least above his waist. It’s all on the water. But even if it’s not submerged, this guy looks almost finished. After all, the smoke billowing on its back looks like it’s about to explode.

Looking at the robot over there, he said, "Fortunately, didn't you say you want revenge? The dogs in the water have been delivered to the door, don't you hurry up to fight? "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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