For the black hole bomb that just exploded, I can actually guess a little bit about its affiliation.

As a super-epoch weapon, the difficulty of making black hole bombs is imaginable, so the country that can manufacture it is nothing more than the few powerful countries. We have to get rid of our country and Germany. After all, both of us have people in the hole, who belong to vested interests. It makes no sense to throw black hole bombs into the hole. As for the remaining countries... The British team is just outside the passage. I saw their bodies when I came out. So since they are already here, there is no need to throw this thing. There are three remaining countries capable of making black hole bombs, namely France, Russia and the United States.

The French team has just been with the British. I have seen this, so they will not throw bombs. For the rest of Russia, although the probability is great, the shape of the bomb just now makes me feel that it is unlikely to be Russia. After all, the shape of Russian weapons has a certain style. The shape of the bomb is a bit simpler, but it doesn't look like something Russian. Then, there is only one final goal left.

The Americans are one of the countries that react quickly. Even with the exception of us who appeared here because of accidents, the Americans are actually the first country to respond. But, unfortunately, the Americans did not communicate well with us before. Originally, if they lowered their stance, they could fully cooperate with us to obtain the content of the relics. After that, our union with the Germans was actually forced by the Americans.

It is precisely because the Americans have invested too much strength that I chose to cooperate with the Germans. After all, it is safer to cooperate with an ally of comparable strength. If you cooperate with the Americans, they will regret it. too big.

Anyway, the American troops were eventually wiped out anyway. Even if they react quickly, it will take time for the follow-up troops to come over. Moreover, how many troops can be mobilized in a hurry?

Combining these factors, it is not difficult to draw conclusions. The American troops must first suppress the strength of other countries’ troops before they arrive. Otherwise, the troops they have gathered in a hurry have no chance of winning. Because of this, the black hole bomb comes from the Americans with the greatest probability. . Of course, the key point of guessing the origin of that thing lies not in the bomb itself, but in the enemy I am about to face.

"Sure enough, it's the same again!"

The battle over there has already begun before I return to the big hole where the skylight has been opened. No, it should be a unilateral tantrum rather than a fight.

Although Americans have always said that this country is shameless and that country is a rogue country, in fact they themselves are the most rogue, because as long as it is good for them, the United States never rules. The looting of the relics was supposedly carried out in secret by various countries. Before that, everyone had remained silent in a tacit understanding. Although all countries have sent their own elite forces to participate in the looting, no one has sent regular troops out. Of course, local indigenous regular troops are not counted.

This alien relic is a wealth for any country, but we steal this wealth secretly. This can be regarded as an off-stage contest, like a group of people getting together to play fencing. Although it is also a kind of fighting, the meaning of the contest itself is much higher than that of hurting the other party. However, the Americans immediately threw their foils after they were struck by the opponent, and then changed their axes. Now he is not competing with others, but screaming that I will win and whoever doesn't let me win, I will hack to death. If this is not a hooligan, then what is a hooligan?

Just now, when I arrived a few kilometers away from the edge of the big pit, there was a sudden explosion in the battle area ahead, and immediately after the explosion, I saw it. Crowds of planes flew over my head.

Everyone has airplanes, but if they can send airplanes to Africa so quickly, then there are only American aircraft carrier battle groups. Moreover, the models of these aircraft are also very common, and they can be recognized at a glance as the main active aircraft of the Americans. Compared with the mobile armored units that were destroyed by our regiment before, these aircraft are already regular units. This is no longer a battlefield of cutting-edge martial power.

As the group of planes flew over my head, large expanses of Fireball gradually rose in the woods ahead. The unrecognizable forest that had been bombarded by all parties was now completely finished. The Americans seem to throw all high-explosive incendiary bombs. Not only do they explode astonishingly formidable power, but they also have a continuous burning effect similar to napalm bombs. Now, apart from the big pit itself, the Americans are not willing to explode, the surrounding area is basically The above is already a piece of fire sea.

"They are too shabby, right?" Looking at the fire sea in front, Lingling couldn't help but complain.

Jingjing said on the side: "What can you do? There are no referees in wars between countries, and no one blows the whistle for fouls!"

"In fact, I think What the Americans did this time was to hit themselves in the foot."

When I heard what I said, Jingjing and Lingling both looked over in confusion. "Why does the master think like this?"

"It's very simple. Think about it. Usually Americans use arrogant methods to deal with other countries and never reason with others, but those who are bullied are second -third rate country. The Americans have never directly confronted the first-class powers except for the real fight with the British during the founding of the nation. They fought Germany during World War II, but Germany was already The decline is obvious, they are purely trying to find out. Later, the contest with our country was also an indirect war based on North Korea. After that, they never touched a first-class country. Under such circumstances, it is natural to be a rogue and show mercy. Question, but what kind of country are they being beaten this time? Has the ability to send troops to the worst of the second-rate countries, right? They bombed this indiscriminately, even their own allies. It's reimbursed. You said that it can be a good thing to offend so many countries at the same time?"

"But the problem is that trouble is also a future thing. Getting the technology of aliens is the key, right?" Lingling asked back.

I nodded and said: "Yes, it is estimated that the Americans think so too, so they will not hesitate to blow up their allies. After all, this is not like bullying those second-third rate countries before. He can Divide a small part of the benefits to the allies, but let the allies help him share a lot of pressure. This time the technology is almost impossible to divide, because we are fighting for technology leadership rather than the technology itself, so if we share the technology equally, In fact, it means that no one has got the technology, because we are fighting for the lead. The Americans know this, so they don’t plan to bring their allies together, so it’s understandable for them to fight like this. It’s just that this bomb is bombed and the battle will follow. I must be upgraded."


I was talking about my analysis with Jingjing and Lingling, and suddenly an audio call came from the data link, and the voice It's actually father's.

"Dad? What's the matter with this kind of thing?" It's like our Dragon Clan member dispatched such a big thing father, of course, impossible, I don't know. Besides, we were dispatched initially because he wanted to sell his family. Father should be very clear about our situation. So, it would not be a simple matter for him to directly contact me for audio communication at such a time, otherwise it would be impossible to justify.

Sure enough, father immediately said after I answered: "The Americans just bombed the area around the ruins, are you okay?"

"Of course, otherwise I didn’t. I've picked up your communication. Actually we have already left there."

"Huh? Are you out?"

"Yes. Before, we joined the Germans to go in and snatch it I brought out a few things that I thought were good. I had already let Ling and Skye escort them back. But when we came out, we left your old friend’s grandson in the hole, so I was about to go back. I’m looking for someone."

Father said immediately: "That’s fine. But you still need your own safety when you go back to save someone. If it doesn’t work, just leave him alone. At worst, don’t care about it. Don’t put yourself in it, it’s not worth it."

"I know this. I just go back and have a look. If I can save it, I can’t save it. But now it’s been bombed by the Americans in a mess. So it’s convenient for me to get in."

"You control this yourself. I will mainly tell you two things this time. The first is that I have already sent you reinforcements. From the State Council’s side. The emergency meeting just ended, and everyone’s opinions were more consistent, that is, you must grab more technology and come back. Finally, if you want everyone to share, try to get more benefits."

"Of course I know this, otherwise I won’t either. I’ll take the risk and grab something in advance. Don’t worry, father, the things we bring out can account for at least one-fifth of the remaining technical content on the ship. Even if the rest is shared equally, we will benefit the most."< /p>

"I'm relieved about this. Then, let me tell you the second thing. Just now the central government learned about the Americans using conventional forces, so we don't have to abide by any rules from now on. But from now on. As you know, our country is still a little bit behind the Americans in terms of conventional martial power, so for the time being we can’t give you any substantive help. But what the central government now means is that you can let go of the routine of attacking Americans. The army is here. It would be better if you can make some big news."

"Big news?" I asked in surprise: "You guys don’t want me to bring the American aircraft carrier battle group Sink it? That thing is not fun!"

Father knew that I didn’t want to do it too much when he heard me, so he immediately tempted: "The old guys in the center said, the weapons are free. You call and make things happen and we will help you."

"This is what you said, don't when the time comes makes me take the blame?"

"You father me Have you ever lied to you?"

"When I was six years old, I said that I would buy NK’s pet phone as long as I get an injection, but it didn’t materialize. When I was seven years old, he said he wanted to take me to Ocean City to play. I went with my mother Lost me home. When I was eight years old..."

"Well, I didn't say it! But this time it’s the official order above. You have to listen to it, right? "

"Send a copy of the electronic secret order, and I can save it as evidence. "

As soon as I finished talking, there was an electronically encrypted command file in the data channel. After decoding, it turned out to be a formal command, but the words in the command were full of spoken language, and the tone was still With a little bit of anger, I just stick my tongue out when I see it. When did the central document become this style? However, although the tone is a bit weird, the meaning is clear, and it is indeed a valid command, so I still have to execute it.

Although I have to execute the order, I definitely can’t do it now. First, I have to find the mad dog. At least I have to make sure whether he is alive or dead. If he is alive, he must be saved. If he is dead, at least I should know. .

Although the flames ahead have not gone out, this is the effect I want. Even if the Americans are playing rogues, they will not continue to throw bombs at a fire sea, and the flames are just safety for us. Sector. Anyway, we are not afraid of fire, and we can protect it while the flame is still burning. As for the mirror, he is even more okay. If you are fighting near the star in space, then the side of the moved towards the sun rises and the back faces the sun It’s normal for the temperature difference on one side to reach one or two thousand degrees. The mirror can withstand the harsh environment. This kind of flame is really drizzle.

With the cover of flame, We carefully went deep into the fire sea, and then touched the edge of the big pit all the way. Although no one found us along the way, we found a lot of corpses and secret guards from some countries. It seems that secret troops from various countries Our family is not the only one who is not afraid of fire. However, although the majority of those who are not afraid of fire, the Americans thrown at them are not incendiary bombs. The previous explosions still killed a lot of people, so there are actually very few people left. Most of the people in this group have their companions injured, so most of them are busy saving people at this time, and no one noticed us.

After carefully reaching the pit, we followed the side of the pit. I slipped down, but compared to the top, the bottom is much more lively at this time.

The injured people who have been bombed just now are all carried to the bottom of this pit by their companions. After all, this is the only place that has not been bombed. In addition, the concentration of these wounded elites from various countries can be regarded as a temporary ceasefire agreement. After all, everyone knows that no one will want to take it alone today. There are Americans who do things according to the rules, and the remaining countries have a sense of uniting to withstand the attacks of the Americans before speaking. Of course, if they really resist, I doubt that the Americans will go crazy. I won’t really throw tactical nuclear bombs here.

No matter what they think, I have to find the target first anyway. Fortunately, the battlefield computer given to Mad Dogs is still working, so I am very I got the coordinate signal smoothly. But there are too many secret troops here, and everyone has more or less brought some signal suppression equipment. The result is that the signal I received is very bad, only the approximate position can be displayed. Method for precise positioning. There is no way I have to use the position coordinates of the battlefield computer as Compass, and just follow the direction to find it all the way.

"How do you say that sentence? Good person doesn't live long, bad person lasts for a thousand years. You guys are really scourge! Black hole bombs didn’t reimburse you. Lost, my life is really big." This is the first sentence after I met An Min and Mad Dog. It was enough to make me irritate to run, but these guys made me run again and again. If it weren’t for the Fang Family’s favor, I didn’t need enemies to kill me. Kill them directly. For such people, how can I have a good face for them?

I didn’t know if the mad dog was frightened before, or finally realized that the current form is no longer under his control. In short, this kid is much quieter than before. And with my sense of smell, I can directly find that there is a clear smell of excrement on his body, and it is a mixture of the two. Obviously, not only did he pee, but he also pulled his pants. Of course, this is not a shameful thing. Let all men across the country experience what he just experienced. It is estimated that at least 60% of them are like him, and 20% of the remaining 40% are worse than him. Only 20% of people will react better than him, but it is estimated that There will be no reaction at all. Anyway, in my opinion, those who can hold on without fainting in this situation are still relatively strong.

Originally, when I discovered them when I first entered the cave, they still had ten people. Among them were the five officer bodyguards of Mad Dog, Mad Dog himself, An Min, Sister Hong, photographer Chang Bin and The Englishman. But now...

In addition to pulling a pair of pants, the mad dog is okay, basically there is no problem. However, there are only three of his five bodyguards. The one who broke a hand and was saved by me is already not in, and there is also a guy who I remember is quite tall is gone. One of the three remaining people was wearing a bandage on his waist. Seeing the shape of the blood that oozes out, it is estimated that it was rubbed by a stray bullet.

The Englishman has disappeared. I don’t know if he went elsewhere or died. Anyway, he won’t be taken into custody by other countries’ troops. After all, it’s useless to find him here, so no Someone will deliberately save him.

Chang Bin, a calm cameraman, is still in the team, and apart from a few tears in his clothes, it hasn’t happened for a while, and he is still carrying the camera. , Really dedicated enough.

The Sister Hong is also in the team at this time, but it is completely different from the previous glamorous image. At this time, the Sister Hong dishevelled hair and disheveled clothes seem to have just been ravaged by a group of people. In general, and there is a bloody bandage wrapped around the leg, it seems that the injury is not light.

The last An Min, who I hate the most, is still alive. Although I really want her to die, it’s a pity that she is the most harmful one among this group of people, so if the saying is Really, then she should be the one who lived here to the end.

"Brigadier General Shenlin, we know it is causing you trouble, but please help us in the face of the old leader!" An officer beside the mad dog said in a low voice.

I didn’t give any answer to what he said. I just glanced at the surrounding situation and asked directly: "Where are the others?"

Another officer shook the head Said: "We are the only ones left!"

"Then follow me, if anyone else does something to me, the moth deserves to die. I have already ran out and I have to rush again. Come back, if it wasn't for you, I would have reached the border!"

"I'm really sorry, we didn't mean it." An Min suddenly looked at me and said this.

I am not even interested in answering what she said. I just ignored the past when she was an invisible person. Turning and looking at the wall where we came down, it is estimated that it is impossible to return from the original road with these ordinary persons. However, it is easy to get out of the area directly bombed by the black hole bomb on the other side. Since a slope was cut out during the explosion, even an ordinary person can climb up there with bare hands. Of course, thinking about the past is not so simple.

Although most of the people in the cave at this time are wounded, you have to admit that there are still many elites gathered here, and since this group of people can become the secret troops of various countries, then even if they are injured, Their battle strength definitely exceeds that of ordinary people.

It is obviously impossible to slip past these people without being noticed. The bottom of the pit is too clean and there are no obstacles. Most people are simply impossible to pass through. But leaving from the back side is impossible, so I can only risk taking them through the central area of ​​the bottom of the pit, hoping that the wounded soldiers will not trouble us.

When we moved from the edge of the big pit to the wounded, the people over there immediately found us, just as I had guessed before, they all just watched us on guard, and No one launched an attack. However, even though they didn't do anything, An Min and Sister Hong still leaned close to me nervously in an attempt to find comfort. After all, the murderous aura of those people was too strong, and most people couldn't be calm in their gaze.

Although I can understand the behavior of these two women, I don’t have any plans to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. I turned my head and glared at the two of them, scared they let go and tried to pull me. I turned around and walked forward again after his hand.

Because I refused to let them hold, the two of them could only turn their eyes on Jingjing and Lingling, but it is a pity that after seeing my performance, the two of them simply learned the same way and ignored it at all. they. As for Xiao Bai and Xiao Dian, these two guys are not humanoid, and neither of the two women dare to get close. The mirror itself is a robot, which is obvious at a glance, so the two of them dare not touch it. In the end, in desperation, the two of them had to squeeze into the mad dog again, leaning on him from left to right, trying to find limited comfort.

For our strange combination, the elites over there were first vigilant, and then cast doubtful glances. The behavior of An Min and the others is obviously different from that of our elites. Even the three bodyguards of Mad Dog are just combat officers from regular troops, completely different from the aura of our body. In the eyes of ordinary persons, they may be able to beat ten one at a time, but in the eyes of people like us, they are actually no different from ordinary people.

"Hey, are you Chinese?" As we walked to the edge of the group of people, one of them was sitting on the ground with more than N bandages on his body and suddenly asked. And what surprised me was that this guy actually used Chinese.

I glanced at the equipment of him and his companions, and I immediately confirmed that they were French. It’s just that this bagged mummy-like guy didn’t know why he could speak fluent Chinese. It's not that the companions around him are all typical Western races, I even think he is Chinese.

Although we do not have any ally with France at present, since the elites of all countries have entered into a state of truce with tacit understanding, the minimum courtesy is still necessary.

"Yes, we are Chinese." I compared backwards and said: "These are my subordinates, and there are civilians in our country. They broke into here because of curiosity before. They were also blocked after we started fighting. Now that the battle is over, I plan to escort them out."

After hearing what I said, the man immediately turned his head and spoke to his companions in French. , And there are many exchanges between people in other countries. Today's personal portable translators can be as big as half a cigarette box. Most of these elites must have translators on their bodies, so other people in our conversations should also understand them. Of course, the translator can only translate other people's words to you. What you want to say can only be in your own language. As for whether the other party can understand it, it depends on the other party's language ability and whether he has brought a translator.

After talking to his companion, his companion immediately said something to him. He immediately turned back and asked: "I heard that you and the Germans were blocked in it. Compared to gain a lot, right?"

This is basically something that everyone knows, so I didn't intend to hide it, and simply nodded admitted: "I did find a few good things. At that time, It really worries us. Obviously we were holding things in our hands, but we couldn't send them out. Didn't expect that the bomb directly helped us lift the entire roof off, but it actually helped us a lot. Now things I’ve been sent away by someone, and this may already be at sea."

The reason why I told them that things are gone is to let them know that there is no point in attacking us now, so that we can Can be relatively safe. After all, these all are the secret elites of various countries, not those boring gangsters who like to have nothing to do. If they are not sure that we have what they need, they will never deal with us.

It was probably because we saw that there was really nothing superfluous about us, and these people didn't even say anything. I saw that they stopped answering the call and directly greeted An Min and they continued to move forward, but I only took two steps and suddenly heard a roar from behind.

"Ah...what are you doing!"

When I heard the call, I immediately turned back, and finally saw Chang Bin angrily facing a man wearing a power armor The guy, and the reason for his anger I have also seen, is the camera that the guy is holding. That thing should belong to Chang Bin.

Originally, the guy probably wanted to grab the camera and left. He didn't even plan to take care of Changbin. After all, he didn't even have a weapon on his body, so he wore a power armor, even if he didn't fight back. The other party could not threaten him. However, after seeing me turning around, he hesitated a bit. After all, unlike almost everyone here with injuries, Jingjing and I were so clean. Intact armor means that we have not suffered any injuries, and they themselves have injuries. Naturally, this battle strength can't be compared with us.

Considering the situation before him, the guy finally opened his mouth and said, "You can't take this thing. I suspect you are hiding the alien technology you found."

When I heard that guy’s words, I didn’t even speak at all, and suddenly pulled out the sword on my waist, and then appeared in front of him at a speed of instant movement when the opponent didn’t react at all, and followed Raising his hand, a sword shot the camera in his hand horizontally into a pile of fragments. After finishing all this, I deliberately slowly retracted the sword and retreated from him, and it was only then that he finally realized what I had done, but before he was furious, I spoke first.

"Even if there is something wrong with our things, it’s not your turn to check. Don’t think that wearing the first-generation power armor that the Americans eliminated is even a cutting-edge martial power. Tell you, the sixth-generation mecha of the Americans. We just killed more than a hundred of them, so don’t be embarrassed by wearing this kind of rags.” I said, before the other person reacted and became angry, I lightly pointed to his chest, and then listened to the boom, that guy. The power armor on his body resembles the upside-down state of the saints wearing the saint clothing in the cartoon. The entire armor directly burst into parts of the sky and flew out, while the man in the middle fell to the ground unscathed.

If the camera just showed my speed with a sword shot before, even if it was a real attack power just now, the crowd who had started to stir before was instantly calmed down. Later, those who tried to trouble us had to reassess whether they had that strength.

Although other countries can endure first, the fellows of the guy I attacked can’t sit there and wait, because I’m attacking their comrades, and they’re actually on this occasion. It is their country that is represented, so they must not shrink back for the sake of national honor.

The group of people, regardless of whether they were hurt or not, hulled around them. I glanced over and read the number of enemies. There were only a few thirty in total, which was really not enough.

Actually, what I just said was not big talk. I really know the mobile armor on these people. This thing is an early model of the mobile armor that the Americans are now wearing, but the Americans have six generations of armor, and they are one generation. Of course, because of technological advancement, their generation is actually much stronger than the original American mecha, and may even be stronger than the original second and third generations. After all, no country will still produce the same after getting the technology. In kind, even if the overall technology is not as good as others, I will always have some specialties. After improving in these aspects, how can the primordial generation of mecha be stronger. Of course, due to the problem of core components, this generation is still a generation even if it is strengthened. It is capable of passing the second and third generations, but it is absolutely impossible to handle the fourth and fifth generations. The sixth-generation machine is even equipped with a matchlock and anti-material sniper rifle. The difference, the performance of the two is really too much difference.

In fact, the biggest flaw of this generation of machines is not power or other things. In terms of power output or protection capabilities, this thing can actually sit on the same level as the fourth-generation machine, but in the eyes of the Americans, this thing is a pile of rubbish, and the reason is that it has no electromagnetic energy field shielding function.

What is the specialty of our Dragon Clan? It is possible to isolate objects or carry out high-intensity energy attacks by manipulating the electric field in the surrounding space. This ability determines that any device without electric field shielding ability will be as fragile as a children's toy in front of us, just like the guy who was stripped by me just now. In fact, his armor was not damaged at all, it was just taken down entirely. Yes, it was dismantled, and it was not demolished violently, but it was disintegrated naturally after all the buckles and screws were dropped. To do this is actually very easy, as long as the electric field is used to remotely control the rotation or lifting of these locking parts on his body. For me, this is as easy as pressing a light switch with my hand, but for the guy whose armor was taken down, he was almost scared of peeing.

It was just a verbal conflict. What if I suddenly took off his armor when the two sides were fighting? Now, as long as I think of this and that guy, my whole body trembles.

Looking at the group of people around me, I laughed directly. And just when they were about to question me, I suddenly turned around and walked out, seeming to be about to leave. Those guys originally rushed up just for the sake of face, but now they saw that I left suddenly and their thoughts changed. The first thing these guys thought of was not finally free, but thought I was afraid of them.

It is not surprising to have this kind of thought, but as an elite force in a country, it is surprising that such a person can think of such a mentally retarded idea. However, no matter how people are surprised, they think I'm scared anyway, and then they yelled: "Do you want to run? You Chinese are capable of this. If you take our Changbai Mountain, you will also occupy our country's history and culture. Tell you Our Korean people are the descendants of the dragon, you cowards are the best..."

Just when they were yelling, I suddenly waved back, during which I didn’t even know my head. , But, in the next second, the voice of the group of people stopped abruptly like a rooster pinched by the neck, because the armor of this group of people had been disintegrated like the previous one.

"hahahaha......" Just when the group of Koreans were dumbfounded, there was a burst of laughter around them, making the group of Koreans unfathomable mystery. However, they soon discovered the problem, because they suddenly felt that their lower body was chilly, and when they looked down, they realized that not only did I take off their armor this time, but also opened their pants and underwear. A big hole just happened to expose all the buttocks and the vitals in front. How can this look keep the people around you from laughing?

"Hey, if you want to watch the excitement, go and watch, I have to go first." They were watching the mad dogs with the laughter of the Koreans with the people around them. They quickly turned around and followed my warning. Up here.

Because the action just now fully demonstrated our strength, the remaining people did not bother us anymore. Anyway, there is really nothing on us, so they don't think it's worth to turn our face with us. What? You said the mirror is the thing in the ruins? Yes, he is indeed in the ruins, but who knows the problem? Although the mirror is a robot, Earth is not without robots. He is no

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