As the roof of the cave collapsed, the first thing that came down was not a person, and certainly not a tank, but...a metal can.

This is a green metal can. Its appearance is similar to that of an iron petrol can, but it is N times bigger. The diameter of this thing is at least five meters, and the height may be close to seven meters. Except for a parachute connected to the top of this thing, there are no other extra parts.

Although the shape of this thing looks very simple, and there are no components that can reflect its function on the outside, but the moment I saw this thing, I stared at the boss, and then hurriedly shouted : "I rely on, flash!"

As for the words I yelled in the communication channel, the people I brought naturally followed me immediately without any hesitation. As for Germany On the other side, although they hesitated for a while, they quickly followed. But they were still asking as they ran, "What the hell is going on? Why are we running?"

I moved towards the alien spaceship wreckage over there and said, "That thing is Black hole bombs!"

"Black black hole bombs?"

The Germans have obviously heard of this thing, but they don’t know it, but they know about it. The principle and lethality, so after knowing what this thing is from me, the Germans started to run wildly.

Actually, escaping is just an instinctive reaction of me. In fact, I am simply not sure whether it is useful for us to escape. To be honest, the black hole bomb this thing simply is not a conventional weapon. Its design principle determines that its killing method is very special. Unlike conventional bombs, its lethality does not show a gradual decay trend from the explosion center to the surroundings. A black hole bomb will immediately form a black hole after it explodes. Its diameter depends on the design of the bomb’s formidable power. What’s within the range of the black hole, whether you are close to the bomb or on the edge of the explosion range, has its lethality. They are all exactly the same, and even the formidable power at the edge may be slightly higher than the central area. However, as long as you can run beyond the black hole, even if there is only one millimeter between you and the black hole, you will survive unscathed.

The reason why I run desperately now is to get a distance from the black hole bomb. As long as I can escape its explosion range, then we are safe. As for how big the explosion range is... I think the ruins in front are the final safety line. No matter who threw this thing, their purpose is to relic anyway, so this thing will never include the relic in the scope of the explosion. Even if it rubs the edge of the ruins, it will certainly not be too much, so we shouldn't have a problem as long as we run behind the ruins.

Although there is a parachute decelerating, the falling speed of the bomb is not slow. Fortunately, we are not ordinary persons either. In the case of escaping, our speed was so fast that we almost left behind shadows.

"Quickly, rush to the back of the ruins, the bomb It shouldn't be to include the ruins." While shouting, I rushed to a big gap in the middle of the spaceship and speeded up. Undiminished directly from here through the hull and ran to the other side of the spaceship. Of course, even so, I didn't stop, but still ran forward. Although I guess the other party is just going to kill all the people on the ruins, this is just my guess after all. If the group of people who threw the bomb gets hot and intends to blow up the spaceship together in the spirit that I can't get something that no one else can think of, then we will die too unjustly. So, before that thing explodes, I will never stop. I didn’t stop even when I got to the wall of the cave. Instead, I fired two missiles against the wall of the cave and blasted it through a big hole. Then I made the little bit the first one to rush in and start digging crazily. Now Even if we dig one meter forward, it is possible to save lives.

However, even though I was planning to dig forward, the thing exploded as soon as we touched the wall, and even the little one didn’t even have time to raise his paw.

The explosion effect of the traditional bomb is completely different. When the black hole bomb exploded, there was no effect such as loud noise and fire light. It expanded to the limit volume, and then collapsed instantly after reaching the limit volume and disappeared directly into the space. This whole explosion process didn’t even take one tenth of a second, and it was too fast to react, and just after the black ball of light disappeared with the huge bomb before, there was a sudden boom in the surrounding space. Blast. However, this explosion was not caused by the explosion, but by the surrounding air quickly backfilling the vacuum zone left by the black hole. In fact, it is not only the surrounding air, as long as it is covered by the black ball of light when it spreads to its limit volume, whether it is air or rocks, even human bodies, weapons, etc., as long as they are covered. When they arrive, they all disappeared along with the black hole. It’s okay to say that the whole person is completely missing. The most terrifying thing is that some people happen to be at the edge of the explosion range. As a result, half of the body suddenly disappeared, and the remaining half is not completely dead for a while. After a few seconds of confusion, he suddenly spurted blood and fell down. This situation almost scared some veterans on the battlefield to pee their pants.

Thanks to my prompt reminder, no one died on our side with the Germans. However, because the Germans hesitated for a while, in the end two steel soldiers who ran at the end disappeared. . If they were stunned for another second, it is estimated that even the Captain machine would be swallowed by one or two.

In fact, we cannot say that there is no loss here, but it is not ourselves that lost, but the alien robots I just found. Those two auxiliary machines were no problem because I didn't bring them to the front of the cave before. After all, there was a battle there, and they weren't battle-type. It was useless for me to take them there. Fortunately, they are far away from the front area, so these two robots are the safest. They even reached the other side of the spaceship before us.

Although the two auxiliary robots are okay, the remaining robots have more things. The mirror and his same type machine are fine. They are air combat robots, so their speed is not affected very quickly. Although the speed of the remaining eight tall and strong Marine Corps robots is not bad, they are still a bit slower. In the end, there is one machine running at the rear, and nearly one third is covered by the black hole, and the result is in the black hole. After it disappeared, it immediately followed its inertia, and then it didn't react anymore. Of course, the most unlucky are those heavy robots like crabs. In my opinion, those guys may be of the fire support type. The performance is similar to the self-propelled howitzer used by our Earth Army. Although the firepower may be very fierce, the speed is really not flattering. What's worse is that these guys are still so big. If they were smaller, we wouldn't be annihilated by the whole army. But now it's too late to say anything. The characteristic of the black hole bomb is that it will decompose all the matter contained in it into elementary particles. With our current level of technology, wanting to put them back together is purely dreaming.

Although we have some losses here, the casualties in general are still within an acceptable range. The most important thing is that our personnel are all fine. Losing a few robots is nothing at worst. Neither we nor the Germans feel distressed.

When the explosion was over, we followed the previous crack and returned to the side of the spaceship, but the scene in front of us was completely different from when we just got here.

The dark cave that was buried deep underground is now completely turned into an open-air plaza. Most of the entire ceiling was directly erased by the black hole, and the remaining small piece also completely collapsed under the negative air pressure later, which means that the sky above our heads is directly above us, and the original ceiling is completely gone. .

Of course, the disappearance is far more than just a little bit of the cave top. For example, the passage we entered before, now it is gone. I remember that the passage seemed to be nearly 100 meters long when I came in, but now it only has a circular entrance left. Most of the passages connected to the cave are gone, and the rest is A smooth slope like the bottom of a bowl.

In addition to this passage, the ground of the cave we are in was also affected by a black hole bomb. Although the black hole bomb was an air-burst, the area below it still encompasses the ground several meters deep. , So that the bottom of the hole that was originally flat now has a large pit. Of course, this pit is also a super regular circular pit. If you cut it off and the surrounding wall and the top of the hole, it is completely invisible. Linked together, you can find that this is a very standard circle, but because many structures are missing now, and the space span is a bit large, it is difficult for ordinary people to find this.

Compared to these caves that disappeared, the people who lost the most were actually. We must know that this area was originally crowded with elites from various countries trying to rush in, but now, the number of these elites is at least 1/4/2021 less.

"Huh, fortunately, I ran away in time after hearing what you said." Seeing the miserable situation outside, Hans sighed in fear.

I didn’t explain much when I heard Hans’s words. I just said: “Since the roof is gone, it’s easier for us to go out now. I think we’d better take advantage of those people’s reaction. Flash? Anyway, so many countries are crowded together, wanting to monopolize is already impossible. Let's quickly send away these precious things, and come back to participate in the division plan of the countries."

Hans Hearing what I said, he immediately nodded and said: "You are right, it is important for us to evacuate now, otherwise we will be surrounded by people from other countries, and what we get will have to be shared with them."

Now that the opinions are unified, we don't say anything anymore, everyone quickly find a way to leave.

In fact, the main reason why we couldn't get out before was mainly because the entrance was blocked. Now the entire roof of the cave is gone, which saves us a lot of things. The German steel soldiers all have jet thrusters. Although they cannot move as long as an airplane, they can move forward in leaps and bounds. Relying on rocket propellers and hang gliding wings, they easily climbed to the top of the cave.

Compared to the Germans, our speed is faster. Ling and I both have wings. Although Skots and the others do not have wings, their armors have propellers and folding wings similar to those of the Germans. They also benefit from a relatively high thrust-to-weight ratio. What can be done is much more than just jumping forward. In fact, they can have a certain ability to stay in the air at low altitudes, but the time can not be too long, but it is better than the German state where they have to jump together and then fall again.

After we flew up, the alien robots finally followed suit. These guys are actually much better than our flying ability. The mirror and his same model were originally aerial fighting robots in the atmosphere. Not only could he fly, but his flight ability almost stabilized all of our personnel. Not only was the speed super fast, but also the flexibility was extremely terrifying.

Compared with the mirror, his Marine Corps brothers have much worse flying ability, but according to the description of the mirror, they usually throw spaceship through the outer atmosphere and throw them directly into the land. War robots, so this group of land war robots all have high-altitude maneuverability. Apart from their relatively poor flexibility, they can almost be regarded as flying units. And in my opinion, their so-called poor flexibility should be relative to the special-purpose aircraft of aliens. Anyway, I think the aerial flexibility of these land warfare robots is much better than that of our civilian helicopters.

The only trouble in the entire team is probably the two auxiliary robots. The robot with a radar antenna on its back has no flying components at all, but fortunately it has a relatively small size. Finally, I asked Xiao Budian to bring it up. As for the octopus-like guy. It has the ability to fly, but it is the ability to fly in space, not the ability to fly in the gravitational circle. Therefore, its thruster energy is very low, and it is impossible to make it fly. However, this guy has a lot of hands, and the thruster itself can provide some lift, so in the end, it simply climbed up the cave wall directly with the mechanical hand.

Originally when we were in the cave, we thought that the most intense part of the fight was in the cave, but after coming up, we found that the outside was actually much more intense than the inside. When we entered the cave, there was still a large area of ​​forest. Only near the mine was a clearing, but now the forest above is almost out of sight. There are large and small bullet craters everywhere on the ground. Some trees have burned only a bare trunk, and only half of it is left. All kinds of corpse fragments and weapon remains are everywhere, and you can't see where there are no dead people at a glance.

"It looks like it's worse than our fight?" Hans said, looking at the terrible scene around him.

"I think it’s better to run away instead of sighing others here." As I said, I separated two of the land warfare robots and handed them to Hans: "Since it’s already out, Let’s stop here for our cooperation. That kind of crab robots are all over, and there are still seven land warfare robots left. As I said before, I will divide the two of you. Okay, goodbye, temporary allies."

Hans received two robots and also said goodbye to us, and then ran in one direction with my own people, while I ran in the other direction with my own people for a short time Suddenly turned and ran in the other direction. The main reason for the change of direction was that the Germans were afraid of chasing them.

Hans said before that they actually had reinforcements, but these people were blocked outside the cave. We don't know if the black hole bomb just killed the Germans at all, so I can only consider the worst-case scenario, that is, the German reinforcements are still there.

Our alliance with the Germans is only temporary, and is based on the premise that there is no overwhelming power gap between the two sides. But now it's different. They have reinforcements, and they know we have a few key things in our hands, so the Germans are likely to chase us after they find their own reinforcements. Although I don’t think they might defeat us, the important thing now is to send things back to Longyuan headquarters. I don’t want to fight with the Germans again. Besides, if we hit half of them, people from other countries will come around. Wouldn't it be worse?

After changing the direction, we were running here, Ling suddenly pulled my arm and said: "Did we forget something?"

"en? Forgot What's wrong?" I didn't react for a while.

Xiaochun first reacted and exclaimed: "Ah, we forgot An Min and the others!"

"I rely on..." I hurried when I heard Xiaochun's words An abrupt brake came to a halt, but I looked back at the direction we were leaving, and then at the things Lingyin Knight was carrying. I directly gave up my plan to go back together. After all, compared with those people, the value of these technologies is definitely much higher, so I was impossible to take the risk for those people. "Ling, you are the commander from now on. Must send things back to Longyuan headquarters safely. Xiaobai, Xiaobudian, Jingjing, and Lingling will follow me, and the others will follow Ling's command. Oh, yes, the mirror will follow me too. , And the other machine of the same type will go back with you first. Okay, let’s do it now."

Ling thought about it and thought that it could only do this now, so she nodded turned and took the others and left first. , As for Xiaobai who I ordered, the four of them naturally stayed.

Although the number of people on our side is relatively small, the victory lies in the strong assault force and high mobility. In case of any danger, we can at least escape safely. As for the mirror, this guy is an alien robot, and his technology is far ahead of us. The most important thing is the very awesome radiation camouflage of this guy. The whole thing is super stealth. Not only the radar and visible light can’t detect him, but even infrared rays are useless. Anyway, as long as he enters stealth mode, he will be on the ground except There are traces of footprints and the like, and he will simply not be detected by any detector. It's a pity that such a great ability is not used well.

After watching Ling and the others left, I turned around and started running back with my team. "Damn it, I hope that group of people are not reimbursed by the black hole bomb, otherwise the favor this time can be regarded as a free gift!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian. com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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