Originally I thought that the Americans sent planes to bombing would be shameless enough, but didn't expect these guys actually have more shameless plans. Soon after I stood on the top of the slope, two Assassin 2 unmanned attack aircraft whizzed over my head, and then dived directly to the group of wounded soldiers below.

Before the two drones that crossed our heads in the front had time to drop their bombs, a rumbling sound flew over the forest behind, but the sound was far different from the sound of ordinary airplanes. Listen It's quite dull, and it also has a drum-like rhythm.

"America's tiltrotor?" A member of the mad dog guard who had followed me and climbed to the top of the slope suddenly raised his head and said stupidly.

As soon as we finished talking here, we saw a group of tiltrotor planes flying overhead, but these planes started to slow down as soon as they appeared, and many planes opened their doors and dropped some cables. Obviously, it was planned to surrender.

"What shall we do?" Lingling asked, looking at the plane in the sky.

"Let’s go first, there is nothing cheap to fish here, and it’s useless to stay."

"I will listen to you." Lingling greeted Jingjing and the others. Run quickly to the woods.

I don’t know why the planes in the sky did not care about us. It is estimated that their purpose is to snatch the relics. It is even happier to see us take the initiative to leave. Of course, this is just my guess, and there may be other reasons.

Not long after we left here, there was a dense explosion in the woods behind the other side, followed by the sound of gunfire, which felt like firecrackers were set off. We didn’t have time to take care of the gunshots, but before we ran far, we suddenly heard a rumbling sound, and then saw a huge black shadow passing overhead, but soon appeared again. The second and third dark shadows.

Chang Bin picked up the phone and snapped at the sight of these things, while the others were in a daze with their mouths open.

"The American aerial gunboat is something that bullies children." An officer who followed the mad dog said disdainfully.

In fact, what this officer said is a common understanding in the military. This thing about aerial gunboats does seem to have powerful firepower, but it is firepower on the ground, and it is only suitable for suppressing small groups of infantry. It is neither suitable for fighting for air supremacy in the frontal battlefield, nor can it deal with a large group of fully equipped enemy forces. No matter whether it is an offensive or defensive warfare, it is actually useless. The only time this thing is useful is to track small groups of enemy forces in a large area of ​​the field. For this reason, this thing is often called police equipment by the military of various countries. Of course, no matter whether it is useful or not, the size of this thing can definitely infuse many people anyway. Especially when it flies over your head, it looks almost like a battleship flying over your head.

With the emergence of the first aerial gunboat, we soon flew over a large group of these things one after another, but just when we thought these things would be the same as before, regardless of us directly. When flying over our heads, one of the aerial gunboats suddenly took a big circle in the air and flew back.

"hey hey hey, wouldn't that thing come at us?" Lingling couldn't help but see the aerial gunboat coming back in the sky.

"It looks like it's really coming at us!" As Jingjing's voice fell to the ground, the spherical remote control turret under the nose of the aerial gunboat in the sky suddenly turned around and went straight. It pointed at us, and finally the muzzle of the six-barreled machine gun started to rotate directly. Is this clearly about to fire?

"Damn it." Seeing that the barrel began to rotate, I stretched out my hand directly towards the plane, and then slammed the open palm of my hand. I saw the spherical turret under the plane in the distance. Like a dough squeezed by an invisible big hand, it collapsed inward and shrank into a twisted metal mass. In the end, the metal mass was forcibly torn from the plane amidst the sound of metal twisting and breaking. . "Lingling."

"Understood." When Lingling answered, she jumped out, spread her wings and activated the propeller behind the armor. The whole person was like a small fighter jet. The beautiful arc taxied directly to the bottom of the plane, and then she pulled out her accompanying sword and swept across the side of the plane's wing to get to the top of the plane, and as she flew over, the entire plane of the plane The left wing all fell from the root.

The aerial gunboat without half of its wings directly turned into an aerial submarine, spinning and crashing from the air. The crew did not even have time to parachute.

According to the American combat habits, their army has always been like a swarm of bees. Killing one will attract a group. This is why I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble before. But the prerequisite for not making trouble is that they can't mess with me first, and now this situation simply won't work.

Although we knew that the Americans would come quickly, but we couldn’t wait for them to fight here, so after I killed the aerial gunboat, I immediately greeted Lingling and flew back, and then led the team. Fast forward. However, I really underestimated the Americans’ determination to achieve the goal by fair means or foul. Just after we moved forward less than one kilometer, a large metal target entered my electromagnetic induction range.

"Why stop?" Lingling and I can both sense metal objects and electromagnetic waves, but Mad Dogs and others do not have this ability, so they are all wondering why we walked well suddenly Stop.

Jingjing and Lingling both watched me waiting for my decision, but I hesitated. If we don't have the oil bottles behind us, no matter what we do, it will be difficult to do anything with them. If we rush to the enemy directly, we must be fine, but what should they do? Even if we can open up the electromagnetic force field to protect them, but that kind of consumption is too great, we can't support it for too long at all. However, it does not seem to work if it is a detour. The speed of their dragging oil bottles is too slow, and the one in front is obviously a mechanized unit. If we move laterally, it will increase the distance of movement, and the speed is too late. In the end, it will be blocked by the group of people.

Although the two methods don't seem to be suitable, in the end both have to force through the enemy's troops, so instead of taking a time-consuming and laborious detour, it is better to rush directly to face them.

Since I have decided to push hard, then I have nothing to hesitate. First greeted Lingling and the others, then turned around and called the mad dog and them. "I sensed that there was a large number of combatants ahead, probably American ground troops. It is impossible to go around at our speed, so we can only meet them and intersperse in their ranks."

"What?" An officer beside the mad dog asked nervously: "Is this too risky?"

"The adventure is a bit more risky, but if you take a detour, you will end up If you are overtaken, you have to rush out of their surroundings. Instead of letting you run out of exhaustion and risk charge ahead with a mortal danger, it is better to rush over while you still have the strength. At least you can run faster now. ."

The officer finally had no choice but to nodded and said: "Let’s do it, I hope we can leave alive."

In fact, the American troops are far better than We expected it to be much faster, and we met the Americans in less than a quarter of an hour after we decided to fight directly.

The first one that appeared at the turn of the distant road was a Hummer 7th-generation military medical off-road vehicle, followed by a row of more than a dozen wheeled armored vehicles, and after these armored vehicles was Even the tank came out.

"The Americans are really shameless. The cutting-edge martial power was killed and they played ground battles directly with us. Do they want to fight the fourth world war?" Lingling looked at the front. Said the vehicle.

I nodded and said: "The Americans just want to win, they never care about other things. But we'd better go quickly. Since even the armored units have appeared, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be more in the future. Many infantry units."

Although our eyesight is better, the range of sight in the woods does not have much to do with our eyesight. Therefore, when we see the convoy rushing out from the opposite side, they Also found us. However, holding the last glimmer of fantasy, I still did not attack first, but took the mad dog and they hid in the forest next to them, hoping that the other party could directly drive past. However, fantasy is just fantasy after all.

Just after the convoy drove to a place more than a hundred meters away from us, the military off-road vehicle jumped off the road and rushed into the woods next to us. , And I saw the heavy machine gun on the small gun mount on the roof of the car turned around.

dong dong dong dong... A rapid and dull gunfire suddenly sounded. The people on the off-road vehicle didn’t even have the intention to ask, so they fired directly, and the dense bullets instantly sent us A big tree next to it was swept down directly, and a bullet shot straight at us.

Jingjing stretched one hand forward, and a light curtain appeared between us and the car in an instant. The dense bullets hitting the light curtain could not stir up pieces of white light. Produce any effect. However, their attack has been regarded as showing an attitude, so there is no need for us to evade.


"Leave it to me." Lingling flashed her sword and rushed out from the side of the light curtain, and the machine gun over there seemed to be aware of this. It was the threat, so he turned his gun over. It's just that Lingling's running speed in the forest is too fast, and she can constantly change direction. The machine gun she made can only follow all the way behind and eat ashes, without even wiping Lingling's side.

Just after the machine gun turned, Jingjing also took away the protective shield, and then raised her hand and a shock wave shot out. The off-road vehicle was swept by the shock wave, and instantly left the ground and turned to somersault. Then he flew out, and slammed into a big tree and burst into a big Fireball.

I originally thought that off-road vehicles alone would be able to handle our team. After seeing that off-road vehicles were destroyed, the team finally realized that we are not simple soldiers. This kind of off-road vehicle with armor protection and heavy machine gun on top is more than enough to deal with one or two squads of infantry, but in front of us, the ignition power is really far worse.

Our vehicle was destroyed, but the enemy was intact. The convoy on the road finally realized that we could not be a scattered soldier. The convoy that had formed a long snake formation instantly dispersed from a column. Multi-point advance mode. In addition to the armored vehicle at the front of the line rushing down the road and coming towards us, the remaining armored vehicles also drove into the woods on both sides of the road and spread out to encircle us.

There is still more than a hundred meters away. The armored vehicle fired a shot at us first, but the shell was slapped and slapped by me in the stunned people of the other vehicle. It directly blasted off a big tree next to it.

Slap cannonballs with the palm of your hand. This is not something that ordinary people can do. The first thing to face is the speed of reaction. The speed of the shells is usually above the speed of sound. To accurately capture the trajectory of the shells and intercept them by hand within a short time when the opponent fires the shells, this reaction speed definitely exceeds the upper limit of human reaction ability. Another point is that this shell flies at several times the speed of sound, how powerful is its kinetic energy? How much power does it take to make it change its flight trajectory? Finally, even if you have enough strength and reaction speed, it is absolutely impossible to intercept with the strength of a human body. First, even if you see the trajectory of the projectile and have enough reaction force to direct the movement of the arm muscles, your muscles do not have enough strength to make your hand reach the designated position within the specified time. Moreover, even if your hand happens to be there, with the skeleton and muscle strength of an average person, his hand will be directly interrupted when he hits the cannonball. It is basically impossible to slap the cannonball into the air like me.

Although the armored vehicle in front of me is only equipped with a 40mm small caliber gun, it is a cannon after all. Watching me slap the shells into the air, the personnel on the armored vehicles directly felt dizzy. The captain rubbed his eyes, and then put on the omnidirectional observation glasses again and began to observe my situation. However, during this delay, he suddenly found that he couldn't find the target in his observation mirror.

Just as the captain turned his head around in confusion and wanted to see me, their armored car suddenly gave a violent stop, and then the whole body began to lean back, and the driver didn’t Grasping and turning directly off the seat, he almost fell off the console himself. However, it's useless even if it doesn't fall now. In less than two seconds, the armored vehicle turned into a vertical stand on the ground, and then as the center of gravity crossed the center point, the entire vehicle suddenly rolled backwards. With only a bang, the whole car buckled upside down on the ground like a tortoise that turned over. The shells that were originally fixed in the launching box all slipped out because the body was completely upside down. , The scared captain kept using his hands to block, trying to prevent the shells from landing, but in the end he couldn't catch any of them. But he was lucky, at least none of the shells that landed did not explode.

After overturning the first armored car, I turned my head and glanced at the nearest armored car nearby. It had already passed my companion and turned the turret and aimed at me. .

Seeing that it was about to fire, I dashed and disappeared from the place, and the butt of the armored car that turned over suddenly burst out with a big Fireball. Because I escaped in time, the shell was completely taken over by this hapless armored vehicle. However, the one who drove was not lucky. Immediately after they finished firing the cannon, the personnel in the car suddenly heard a sound coming from the roof of the car, and when the captain and the driver instinctively looked up, they found the roof of the car. The hatch was lifted.

You must know that the hatches of armored vehicles were locked from the inside during the battle, and at this time, I don’t know why, the top hatch actually opened by itself. But before the two of them could react, they saw a dark and swarthy iron lump croaking down from the hatch, and then hit the gun mount, but then fell directly to the floor and rolled in. Below the radio controller behind the captain.

After a second, the captain and the driver reacted and yelled to let the people behind get out of the car and hurried to open the door by themselves.

Although the armored vehicle they used had a turret, it was not a simple war chariot. There was also a crew cabin in the rear, which contained eight infantrymen.

When the commander yelled the order to get off the car, the infantry immediately pushed open the back door and rushed down, but only three people had gone out, and the first one had just run two meter away, just listen. A loud explosion sound came from behind, and the entire armored car spewed out a ball of flames at the same time, and it was completely silent. Even the driver and the driver who ran out were swept to the ground by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

Seeing that this car was exploded, the armored vehicles next to it came close. One of the armored vehicles equipped with a rapid-fire Vulcan cannon started to suppress fire from a long distance away.

Looking at the dense ammunition flying overhead, I could only temporarily jump to the other side of the bombed armored car for a while, and the other side was forced to stop the attack because he was afraid that there were wounded in the car. , But he had no chance even if he wanted to attack.

As soon as I was suppressed by the firepower behind the armored car, Xiao Bai had already rushed towards the armored car over there. When the opponent saw Xiaobai rushing over, they turned around the turrets and began to suppress firepower. The side covers of some armored vehicles were also opened, and some rifles were stretched out to start shooting Xiaobai. However, although the opponent's firepower was very fierce, none of the shots could fall on Xiao Bai.

The turning speed of those turret structure weapons is too slow to keep up with Xiao Bai’s speed, and the rifles used by the infantry in the body are very flexible, but the formidable power is too low and the bullets hit small Only pēng pēng pēng could be heard from the white fur, and then the bullets fell to the ground, simply not hurting him.

Just when the attention of the armored vehicles was all attracted by Xiaobai, a black spot suddenly fell from the sky and hit the top of an armored vehicle with a loud crash, followed by the surprised eyes of the people on the surrounding armored vehicles. , The fallen creature bit on the turret of the armored vehicle with one bite, and then slammed it back, only to hear a creak, the entire turret was torn off by brute force. Those who were sitting in the car were still looking at the big hole above their heads dumbly, and suddenly saw the creature tearing the roof of the car inhaling. Some of those people who often watch movies almost instinctively thought of a possibility and wanted to run outside when they got up, but it was a pity that it was still a step too late. Just when they jumped up, they violently injected a mouthful of dragon flame into the car, and then kicked the body directly into the air before the concentrated firepower of other reacting vehicles arrived. As for the armored car , At this time there is no more living person. Long Yan is not a flamethrower, it is an existence that can melt steel in an instant, and the human body can support it for a second or two in this flame at best.

The little bit who successfully killed an armored car did not fly high, but quickly rushed to another armored car, but when he was about to touch that car, he suddenly heard a boom With a sound, a Fireball exploded directly on his side, and immediately flew Xiao Budian horizontally.

"Oh yeah..." There was a cheer in the American communication channel, especially in the armored car that launched the missile. However, this sound was stuck in everyone’s throat after two dull loud noises, because, just outside their car, the two were exactly the same as the creature that was bombarded by them just now. , But the creature that was dozens of times larger just fell.

What will happen if you hit other people’s children in front of their parents? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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