Under the leadership of this officer, we quickly arrived in front of the sixth layer office building that we saw when we first arrived at the gathering place. This sixth layer office building is the tallest building in the entire gathering area. Its shape is very special. From the outside, it looks like a Mercedes-Benz logo placed on the ground. Except for the cylindrical structure in the center, the main part of the building is divided into three long strips extending in three directions.

The original columnar structure located in the center is actually mainly some public facilities, such as the restaurant, the small clinic and some other service facilities. And here is also the transportation hub of the whole building, and the passages and elevators of the whole building basically meet here.

The three rectangular areas protruding from this cylindrical structure belong to three companies in three countries, and each of them occupies a partition. This not only guarantees everyone’s independence, but also can Communicate quickly at the time.

According to the information I read when I was on the plane, under normal circumstances, it should be managed in sections. Companies from different countries were not allowed to visit randomly before. Only the central public area is shared. But because of the special circumstances now, all civil affairs rules have to make way for military and political rules for the time being. Therefore, the British officer took me directly to the area where the Chinese company belongs without any hindrance.

Although now because of the war, the regulations that people from various countries are not allowed to visit are abolished, but this is the original working area of ​​the Chinese company after all, so we met several Chinese as soon as we entered.

The officer next to the Chinese people with their confused or surprised expressions took me directly to the office area on the third floor, but what surprised me was that we just walked to the corridor and found Outside a door in the middle of the corridor, there were two Chinese soldiers guarding it. There was no Chinese army stationed in this place. Although our country has also sent peacekeeping troops here, they are not stationed here. The Chinese people we can see now, apart from the more than 100 special forces who came with us, should be the only special forces that arrived earlier. NS. But what surprised me was that there were only 21 people in total, and their troops were already stretched out. They actually took out two people to stand guard here. What is so important in this room?

Just when I was puzzled, the Chinese soldiers in front had already seen us, and until we walked nearby, the two soldiers turned their heads to salute us, and then one of them I asked, "Major Joshal, is there anything wrong?" Although the other party saluted the officer first, I could feel it. The two soldiers didn't take the major who brought me over to their eyes. If the officer rushed to the room without a proper reason, I doubt that these two people would shoot him without the slightest hesitation.

The officer who brought us here probably knows that he and the other party are not the army of the same country after all. Even if his rank is higher in name now, in fact, it depends on people's opinions whether they listen to the command or not. The officer, who didn’t want to cause trouble, gave a step to the side, then gave me to the front and introduced: "This is one of the chief officers of the reinforcement unit that just arrived. He said he wanted to find a translator for the local dialect. , So I brought him here. You are all Chinese troops, so you have to coordinate yourself. I have something to do, so I will leave first."

After saluting the officer and saying goodbye until the other party The one who spoke among the two soldiers who turned and left looked towards I first saluted, and then said: "Sorry, sir, may I ask your serial number and rank."

"We are Dragon Fate The security forces under the group, my rank is brigadier general."

When I heard that they were members of the Longyuan Security Force, the two soldiers immediately stood at attention again. Bang is a standard military salute, and then said: "Report the brigadier general, We are the fourteenth action team of the Chinese People's Liberation Army W2 combat group, one division and six groups."

Although we are not a regular army, the Longyuan Security Force cannot be simply understood as a security guard. Of course, from the perspective of law and publicity, we are the security guards employed by Longyuan Group, which is no different from the security guards in large companies or high-end residential communities. However, that is only a matter of publicity and law. In fact, Longyuan’s security forces are divided into several sections. Among which is included the real security department. The personnel in this section are the real security guards. Usually, even if they carry weapons, they are at most electric batons or some non-lethal weapons. However, in addition to these regular security guards, we also have special security guards. People who know the inside information and the military generally call us the Longyuan Security Force. The real purpose of our team is to be responsible for coming out to solve some things that cannot be done through formal channels, such as a foreign laboratory inventing a technology that we really want, and then we pay for them but refuse to sell it, and then we will Security forces will be sent to have an in-depth talk with them, usually in the end the other party will transfer the technological achievements to us free of charge, and then they themselves will disappear unfathomable mystery. Of course, we are not always doing such wicked things. Most of the time our job is to defend the reasonable interests of Longyuan.

In addition to the work of defending the interests of Longyuan, another job of our security forces is to experiment with the new equipment of the Longyuan Group. Although Longyuan Group appears to be a comprehensive enterprise group, its main profitable projects are from military industry and medicine recipes. Therefore, Longyuan’s various new weapons will definitely be much more than the national regular army, and the update speed will be much faster. Various unfinished experimental equipment will be given priority to the Longyuan security forces. We will consider simplifying the process and reducing costs after we have completed the experiment and made improvements and finally confirmed that there is no problem, and will be finalized and sold to the national regular army or armed personnel of other countries. Of course, because of simplifying the process and reducing costs, there will definitely be no experimental bull forks for later models. Maybe there will be changes in the small details to make it more coordinated, but the hard indicators are definitely not as good as our experimental equipment.

It is precisely because the Longyuan security forces often experiment with various new weapons, so in the eyes of the regular army, we are simply a group of equipment experts. Not to mention the conventional forces, even in the special forces that are well-known for their advanced equipment, their equipment can be one or two times behind our security forces. After all, it takes about five to ten years for general national equipment to go from planned research and development to actual equipping of troops, and some even more than that. Even the equipment of special forces will never reach the soldiers without a two or three-year experiment. In contrast, our security guards often run around carrying a variety of theory-proven weapons. Although some of them may have various problems, in most cases these weapons have two major characteristics, namely, expensive. The outrageous and strong perversion.

When I think of listening to the veterans in the team talking about the things that our security forces blew up, these two soldiers almost flashed little stars in their eyes when they saw us. Special forces are also humans, and special forces also have hobby who chase stars, but they may not be chasing big stars who sing and dance.

"Stop soldier, I just want to find an interpreter, is he here?"

"Sorry I don’t know anyone here who understands the local dialect, but you can ask Look."

I nodded and turned my head to indicate that they were waiting outside. After all, this room is probably not much bigger. If we were more than 20 people rushing in together, I’m afraid even Turning around is a problem. In the end, I only brought Ling, Xiaochun, and Ye Yue to the door of the room, and then I knocked on the door twice.

"Who?" A middle-aged woman's voice full of impatient emotions came from the inside, and then before I could speak, the office door was pulled open from the inside. But the one who opened the door was obviously not the one who spoke, but a very thin young man who was twenty-six or seventeen years old. He should look like a civilian, because he is wearing neat suit pants and a white shirt, but in terms of temperament, he is at most a white-collar worker.

Sure enough, as soon as the young man opened the door before he had time to speak, he heard the female voice saying in it: "I said, Xiao Wang, what's the matter with you? Open the door without asking who it is? What about people with bad intentions? This is not the country, why are you not alert at all?"

There is no way for the scolded youth to respond, but I think it is mainly because he is given by our appearance. Shocked. When the man scolded him, he was still amazed by our dressing up, but he woke up after being scolded, but he didn’t follow the other party’s meaning, instead he pulled the door and stood aside to give way. Came out.

Nodded towards him, then I walked directly into the room and pulled the helmet off my head and put it under my armpit.

The door is not a single office I imagined, but a place similar to a Conference Hall. The room is about forty to fifty flat, except for a long table in the center and a circle of chairs outside, so it looks quite spacious.

At this time, there were four people in the room besides the young man who opened the door. One of them was a man in his thirties, sitting at a table not far from the door. On the table in front of him, there were quite a lot of cameras, and he was holding two small tools at this moment, not knowing whether he was performing routine maintenance or repairing the camera.

At the other end of the long table, which is far from the door, three women gathered. One of them is a delicate and pretty little girl who looks pretty good, looks nodded at most, wears a simple casual dress and jeans, holding a bunch of makeup tools in front of her with his back facing her. Our women make up.

Although the one with her back facing us can't see her face, she can be sure from her back that unless she is a back killer, she must be a big beauty. She wore a small women's suit on her upper body, which looked quite capable, except that the bottom was blocked by the table and could not be seen, but she thought it should be the matching tight-fitting buttocks suit trousers. Although she can't see her front, judging from her attire and the part that can be seen, this one should be very young, probably about the same as the little girl. It may be slightly larger, but it is also very limited.

In addition to these two young women, there is also a woman standing over the table. At first glance, this woman is about 30 years old, with makeup on her face. Although she is not a beautiful temperament, it is absolutely okay to say that she is still charming. However, as long as you look closely, you will find that although this woman is only thirty-five and sixty-six at first glance, the actual age is probably already above forty-five and sixty.

Different from the two next to him, this one wears a set of conjoined short skirts. The front part looks like an ordinary skirt, but the back is a large open back design with only a few straps. The skirt below is made of chiffon fabric, which is thin and short, and has a translucent feel, giving people a sense of hazy temptation. Of course, if a woman in her forties dares to dress like this, she still has to have Innate conditions. At least the figure of this woman is enough to support the texture of the suit. If there is an old mother with a bucket waist, the figure is matched with this. Set things up, then it's really a monster.

Unfortunately, although this woman looks pretty seductive, her mouth is really a bit tempting to sew her on.

"Who are you? Why do you charge in without asking?"

Probably the makeup just ended, and the woman with her back to us turned around now come over. Although I had guessed that this is probably a beautiful woman, I was really surprised at first sight. This woman is not only very beautiful, but the most important thing is that she has a scholarly flavor on her body, which gives people the feeling of being a lady. What is strange is that she not only has the feeling of a scholarly lady, but she also wears it. A sense of competence of a strong woman. Although these two temperaments are not completely conflicting, it is indeed strange to appear in the same person at the same time. However, I just paid a little attention to her and didn't look at her any more. Although the beauty is a beauty, she hasn't even looked at it to the point where it can be breathtaking. Besides, are there few beautiful women around me? My wife won’t talk about it. Which one of Ling and Xiaochun is weak? Usually surrounded by so many beauties, even the evil spirits in sex will probably see numbness, not to mention that I am not a lustful person.

I didn't answer the middle-aged woman's words. I know that people like her can't touch her like a mad dog, otherwise the more noisy it gets, the more it gets worse. I scanned a few people in the room directly, and then asked: "Which of you can speak the local dialect?" I don't know what happened. After I asked a sentence, there was no reaction in the room, and everyone was still staring. I read. I had no choice but to say again: "I just heard Major Joshal said that some of you here understand the local dialect, so I came to ask. Why? Don't you guys know it?"

There was silence for several seconds. Suddenly there was a nice, clear and loud sound across the table. "I know a little bit."

What surprised me was that the woman who was speaking with her back to us before, I at first thought it would be one of the two men here, or even that one. Middle-aged women, but didn't expect it to be this woman.

Actually, I guessed as soon as I entered the room. This team is likely to be the reporter team following the previous special forces, and the woman is obviously the anchor. According to her age, the most impossible to understand the local dialect should be her and the little girl who disguised her. After all, the locals speak a rare dialect, which includes not only African dialects, but also a combination of Spanish and French, as well as some strange languages ​​of unknown origin, and the use of this language is very narrow, generally Few people will learn this dialect. After all, if you learn English or Japanese, you can use it whenever you want, but how do you use this aboriginal language? How many of the billions of people in China can use this minority language?

Because of the narrow scope of use, I don’t believe anyone will learn this language in advance. Generally, the staff who are sent here use English or French or Spanish as intermediaries. Mixed with learning some local everyday language, normal people would not even bother to learn this.

Looking at how surprised I was, the woman stood up and walked around the table. Only then did I realize that she was so tall. We, Dragon Clan, were built as the driver of the immigration ship, so in order to adapt to the relatively narrow environment in the spaceship, we were designed to be only 1.72 meters tall. Even though we were heightened in armor, we were only about 1.78 meters tall without a helmet, but this woman was a little bit taller than me in flat shoes. I guess she was barefoot at 1.70 meters. Eight.

Women are taller than men. This woman is about 1.80 meters tall in flat shoes. But she seemed to be one meter and eighty-five meters tall, and she seemed to be much taller than me. Moreover, I found that her body proportions are also perfect, just like an animated character, her legs are much longer than her body, and she feels almost almost reaching a ratio of two to one. Paired with her legging trousers, her two legs are extremely slender.

"What are you looking for an interpreter for? When I came, I learned some local everyday language on the plane. I can do all the less complicated conversations."

Hear I was surprised again by what this woman said. "You said the dialect you learned on the way here?"

The woman knew what I was worried about when she heard what I said. She directly said with a smile: "I am a language genius Oh. Regardless of the language, you can remember 50-60% of the conversation as long as you listen to it once. Find someone who understands this language and any language I understand and practice with me for a day or two. I can guarantee to use most of the everyday language. Normal conversation. Over the past two days, I have found opportunities to talk to local people outside a few times. It seems that normal communication is fine."

We, Dragon Clan, can actually do this woman. , But the problem is that we are cyborgs! There are electronic chips in our brains, we can record all the words and pronunciations of a certain dialect as long as we listen to it once, and we only need to adjust the grammar or something when we speak. But this woman can achieve the same effect as ours only by relying on the brain of an ordinary person. This can really only say that she is a genius.

"To be honest, I am surprised by your ability to learn, but in this world there are indeed geniuses, so your situation is still acceptable. But now I need an interpreter to help us communicate with the villagers outside. I wonder if you can help?"

"Of course." "No!" Two completely different answers came from two people. Of course, the young female anchor said it herself, and it was the middle-aged woman who said no, she had already ran by our side at this time.

"Aunt Hong, I just went out to help them translate. Besides, I also want to interview local villagers."

"If I say no, I just don’t." Then Middle-aged women are very strong. She pulled the young female anchor and said, "You know there is a war outside, swords don't have eyes, let alone bullets? Even if you stay here, I don’t feel relieved, how could you still let you go outside to take risks? Me and your mother I’ve been a good sister since childhood. If something happens to you, how can you tell me to explain to your mother?"

"Aiya, I’m not a three-year-old kid anymore! Besides, it’s hard for me to fight for it. At this opportunity, how can I interview if you don’t let me go out? Don’t worry, I’ll wear a helmet and a body armor, let alone they protect me. And now the enemy is not coming. There are all around here. Observation post, as long as I find the enemy, I promise to come back immediately?"

Although the woman has a very bad attitude towards us, she cares about her own safety, so I can’t say anything, I can only wait for them. Discuss a result. If it doesn't work, I will at worst let Ling read the memory directly, although this may burn the other person into an idiot, but it can only be done if there is no other way.

Probably I also know that there is no news to grab for reporters in the field if they don't go out. Moreover, there is indeed no enemy outside, so it is relatively safe. In short, the middle-aged woman was finally persuaded. She first said to the girl: "Okay, then. I can't control you anyway." Seeing that the girl was about to celebrate, she quickly added: "But you will remember that once the lookout here calls you You must come back immediately. Also, keep an eye on the outside, if you find that the situation is not right, find a place to hide immediately. It is best to stand in the middle of their crowd when you move, and at least be safer if they are in the way."

Although the aunt is very reasonable, it is really harsh to say that we are human shields in front of us. But I wasn't screaming anyway, so I didn't get angry, just listened. But didn't expect that middle-aged woman and girl turned to me after explaining, "You will listen to me. Our An Qi's parents are well-known characters in Beijing, and she herself knows a lot of great characters. Especially. An Qi’s boyfriend, that’s a great character. It’s just like playing to squeeze a big soldier like you. So you'd better protect An Qi for me. If there is any problem, you must send her back first. I understand. No?"

Of course I understood what the middle-aged woman said, but I didn't answer anything. I don't care about her words, so I don't care about her, but it's impossible for me to cooperate with Yingying. So I didn't say anything, and directly said to the female anchor next to me: "Please."

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Didn't you hear me?" See me ignore her , The middle-aged woman actually yelled at me.

The female anchor next to me probably knows that I don’t want to see her as a parent, so in order to prevent us from quarreling, she hastily blocked the middle-aged woman and said: "Aiya Hong, forget it, don’t you I'm worried. Let's go back." Then she shouted to the person who was working on the camera equipment inside: "Chang Bin, come with me?"

The man on the table moved so hard. Quickly, when he heard the call, he just lifted the machine, grabbed a piece of clothing on the shelf next to it, and ran out. I guess he was annoyed by the middle-aged woman too, and now he took the opportunity to run away and didn't want to accept fatigue bombing.

Although the middle-aged woman was very angry at the back, because we went out first, she couldn't chase after her. But in the end, she was still worried and followed us to the gate of the gathering place.

Before patronizing the building and quarreling, she found out that our equipment was quite strange after coming out. Since the armor on our body is designed according to the shape of the game, it looks a little too gorgeous. Besides, the shape of the armor of the magic age and the modern weapon are also very different. In short, it looks very awkward.

The middle-aged woman couldn't help asking halfway: "What kind of army are you? Are you playing COSPLAY? Are you a troupe or a unit?"


The female anchor next to this question also turned her head with great interest. To be honest, she wanted to ask a long time ago, after all, this thing seemed weird.

"Sorry, your level of secrecy is not enough, I can't tell you anything." When I heard the middle-aged woman's words, I choked her out completely. Can you beat the military secrecy regulations? If you don’t believe it, ask about the specific location of the country’s nuclear arsenal? Unless you have enough secret levels, anyone who dares to tell you will be finished, and you won't be able to escape.

The middle-aged woman who has touched a nail with us no longer talks to us, but explains various precautions to the female anchor all the way. Soon we arrived at the door and obtained two sets of bullet-proof vests and helmets from the guard, the female anchor and the cameraman each wore one. The female anchor took a look at me after putting on her body armor, and then asked: "Don't you need to change it?" She saw me looked towards and she asked again: "I don't think this thing on your body looks like metal, really Can you stop bullets?"

Although the middle-aged woman next to me wanted to say the best things for them to die, she still held back after thinking about it. To be honest, she was actually very curious. But I didn’t answer their question. I just put on the helmet and pulled off the mask and said, “We don’t have to worry about it, just take care of yourself.” I said to Jingjing again: “Jingjing, you are responsible. Protect her and the cameraman." After I finished speaking, I said to the female anchor: "You can hide behind her in case there is a real battle. She has a shield in her hand, and the protection area is relatively large."

"Yes, yes, yes." The middle-aged woman hurriedly shouted: "As soon as there is a fight, you can hide behind him, he can help you block the bullet."

"Aiya, I see!" Female The anchor said a few words impatiently and asked the guard to open the door, and I asked the guard to tell Zhao Jie that we were going out to go around, and just call us by radio if something happened.

After waiting for the heavy door to close behind us, the female anchor suddenly shouted: "Huh, finally free! This one, I haven't asked before, what is your name? Since then We want to work together, at least we need to know how to call each other? I introduce myself first. My name is An Min, safe An, agile Min. That's Chang Bin, a photographer. What about you?"

I turned my head and looked. Eye An Min, and then said: "My name is Shenlin, this is Ling, she is Xiaochun, Jingjing, Lingling, Emines, Yeyue..."

Listen to An Min one by one. I was surprised and exclaimed: "Aren't you all Chinese? And it seems that many of you are women?"

Because everyone except me has not opened their helmets, so An Min They have never noticed our gender composition. Although Ling and their armor actually have obvious female characteristics, after all, most people are still used to distinguishing people's gender by facial features.

After we finished the introduction, An Min immediately said, "Okay, we know each other if we know the name. Just now I learned that you were annoyed by Aunt Hong. Don’t take it to your heart. That’s how she is. People who are not forgiving, they are actually very kind."

The Chang Bin who has been carrying the camera also followed: "This is the truth. Sister Hong treats all of us. It’s pretty good, but this mouth is too powerful. I’ve been thinking a lot of time, if she’s a dumb, how good would she be!"

Because An Min’s personality is super cheerful and extremely talkative, she Ling them a few women She soon became familiar with it. I have to say that it is much easier for women to become friends or enemies than men.

Speaking of which Ling and Xiaochun are both artificial humans. Although they have high intelligence, they have a lower experience, so many people are not as sophisticated as this An Min. After all, she is a reporter and can speak well. That is the basic skill. After getting acquainted with us, she decisively started to talk, but I didn't hear any important information, so I ignored them.

At this time, An Min was holding the arm of Xiaochun who was the best in the crowd she had found, and said, "What material is your armor made of? It feels cold and smooth. Is it glass? ?"

Xiaochun said silly and straightforward: "This is a ceramic material, but it is different from the kind of ceramics eaten at home. This is a special ceramic with a hardness close to diamond stone, and it is not as high as diamond stone. It’s easy to oxidize. This can withstand high temperatures to more than 3,000 degrees and still maintain the hardness without too obvious decline."

"Wow, 3,000 degrees, it’s amazing. But it’s really burned to such a high temperature, you guys are inside. Isn’t it also burned to death?"

"Of course not. The ceramic itself has a certain heat insulation effect, and there is also a special design inside the armor. We can maintain a temperature within a thousand or eight hundred degrees in it for an hour or two, but it won’t work if it’s hot again. Although the ceramic on the outside is fine, the high-temperature insulation inside cannot withstand it."

< p>"That's pretty good too. Even if you take a walk in the fire field, it's okay for a normal fire?"

"That's true. In a general fire, the fire field is only one thousand five-six hundred. It’s really not a threat to us."

An Min pretended to say unintentionally: "This defense is really good, but won’t you be tired wearing this? Ceramics are heavy, not to mention you. Is there anything else in it?"

"Oh, this is not going to happen." Xiaochun said: "We are different from ordinary people. We are very strong. Wearing this is like You ordinary person wears a single shirt, and you don't feel it." Although Xiaochun is a little simple, she is not stupid after all, and of course she knows to hide what shouldn't be said.

An Min nodded and said: "But even if you have enough strength, you will still be tired from walking a long way? Is your physical fitness limited after all?"

"This is actually wearing instead It’s easier.” Xiaochun explained in An Min’s questioning gaze: “This suit looks like a performance suit, but it’s actually a power armor with a power device inside. Even if we don’t work hard, it can take us with us. Move. If we are injured and unconscious, as long as we set the automatic return home, it can even take us back to the base."

"Wow, so amazing?" An Min is like a little child. The same silly and happy there, Xiaochun followed, but Ling shook his head as he listened. Compared to Xiaochun, Ling was more slippery. She had discovered that An Min was deliberately talking, but just like me, she didn't care if she didn't listen to important information.

Along the way, Xiaochun was put on a lot of things by An Min, a girl who pretended to be crazy and stupid. Of course, there was nothing that really needed to be kept secret.

We got to the area where the locals live after a short walk from the gathering place. This place is only seven or eight hundred meters away from the gathering place, and it seems that this place has formed a large-scale market. Although the number of foreigners on the other side of the gathering place is only a few hundred people plus one piece, and the consumption capacity is limited, after all, there is a small peacekeeping force stationed in this place, and the security is much better than other places. Coupled with the purchasing power of foreign consumer groups, a bazaar will soon be formed, so local people also come here to buy things, and the scale will naturally increase over time. And if this group of foreigners does not leave, the scale here will be further expanded.

There were still many people in the village, but when we saw us close, many old and weak women and children hid back home. Although their house built of wood and leaves may not be able to withstand the feet of normal soldiers, it is a home anyway, and at least it can give people a little psychological comfort. However, although this group of women and children hid, the villagers did not hide completely. On the contrary, some people moved their houses and walked towards us.

"..." "..."

When we both got closer, the person in the front immediately took out a lot of wooden or bone crafts such as necklaces and bracelets and began to show us Shouting something, even though I don't understand what they are talking about at all, but this consciousness is very obvious, this is to sell something to us.

I glanced at the handicrafts. To be honest, apart from a little local style, the level of craftsmanship and artistic connotation are really not flattering. Many woodcarvings have only a few strokes, which look like abstract paintings of children carved on wood. It's okay to bring a few strings of this thing back as a souvenir when traveling, of course, if it's not too expensive.

Seeing that there are villagers around us who are gradually surrounding us, I directly pulled An Min over to help translate. This is what brought her here, and if she has been involved all the way, it should be time for her to play a role. "You help me tell them that I don't buy anything, but I have a question and want to ask them, I can pay for it." Before in the base, I had asked Eminis to find the Chief-In-Charge here and collected some US dollars. , Re

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