Looking at the group of local people staying in place, just when I thought they were going to stay like this and planned to give up, the crowd around us suddenly exploded. Those people rushed to us frantically and slapped our bodies desperately, yelling something, scared An Min hurriedly hid back, but fortunately the villagers didn’t want to attack us, so she escaped safely. The danger zone just left me alone in the crowd.

"What's the situation?" I turned around and shouted at An Min while pushing away the surrounding villagers.

An Min, who was out of the encirclement, finally calmed down a lot. She yelled to me: "They are rushing to answer questions!"

I thought I did something. The anger and grievances are caused by the people here, and after a long time, this is busy robbing business. But think about it. If you answer a question, you can get money. Where can I find such a good thing? This group of people are usually used to doing business with foreigners here. They know that we foreigners are more generous than their own people, so they are sure that we will inevitably give a very generous reward, so they are all arguing. Rush to answer the question.

In the face of these excited crowds, I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to ask anymore. I just waved directly, and the ringtone Knights immediately stepped forward to form a wall to block all the locals away from me. Meters away. Seeing that the crowd was blocked, I called An Min over again, and said: "You help me translate, tell them to be quiet, I have something to say, if they noisy again, I won't hire anymore."

An Min immediately translated what I said. Although her voice could not cover these people, but fortunately the threat of not hiring people was strong enough, the surrounding crowd instantly became quiet, and all the locals stood there. Waiting there for us to continue questioning.

Seeing that the crowd finally calmed down, I hurriedly said to An Min: "You tell them now, the question I want to ask is about the situation of the armed personnel who attacked the gathering places of foreigners in nearby activities. They Anyone among them understands the situation of these armed men and can stay if they are not worried about retaliation. If they dare not say anything, don't surround themselves. However, if anyone can answer my question, I will give a high reward. "I said that I waved my hand and asked Emiennes to lift a backpack that was previously loaded with money, and then took out two thick stacks of renminbi from it and held it high.

The effect of adding carrots and sticks this time is very good. After listening to the translation, the crowd only thought about us for more than ten seconds, and then hulled and dispersed. Of course, the human species has never had a real unity of thought. Most people are afraid of armed men’s revenge, but there are always people who want money for their lives or who really don’t have money and can’t live happily daring to take risks. No, although most of the crowd has dispersed, there are still six people left on this side.

According to my previous thoughts, it would be nice to have one or two people left. Four people were my best expectation before. Now there are six people left in didn’t expect, so we can get the information. It is more comprehensive and reliable. After all, if there are too many people, we can ask separately. If we use their words to confirm each other, it can also help us to screen out artificial concealment, deception, omissions, and mistakes.

Seeing that the six people stayed, I directly asked An Min to tell them to follow us first. After they agreed, we found a better-looking cabin. I temporarily borrowed this dilapidated house from the owner at the price of five hundred renminbi, and then invited the owner to the outside and the ringtone Knights pulled a cordon outside the house to prevent the villagers from approaching. As for the six people, they were first arranged outside the ring-tone Knights' cordon, and only one person was brought in. In order to ensure the reliability of the information, we need to ask them separately, but because there is only An Min as an interpreter, we can't ask six people at the same time, so we have to come one by one.

The first guy who was brought in looked very nervous. After all, the armed men here are like bandits. Leaking their news to foreigners would be tantamount to offending them completely. If they knew about and caught them, the other party would not talk to these villagers about human rights. It is almost inevitable to be tortured to death. It is precisely because of this that these people who dare to inform are actually betting their lives.

Seeing that guy is so nervous, I asked An Min to comfort him first, and told him that as long as he tells the news, we will pay a lot, and he can bribe the border guards to run to neighboring countries. Go, so those armed forces will have nothing to do with him.

The quality of soldiers in these African countries is very average. Usually, residents of the two countries often jump back and forth on the border. As long as the guards are in a bad mood, they will almost not care about these things. If you have some money to give to the other party, maybe the guards can entertain you with a meal and then use military vehicles to transport you to a nearby city.

It is estimated that this villager also knows this situation, and that is what he planned, so his nervousness obviously improved a lot after hearing what I said. I saw that his mood stabilized a lot and began to officially ask An Min to help translate. First, I asked what armed forces he knew about nearby. This question is relatively simple, the other party quickly said it, and An Min directly translated it to us.

After listening, I nodded, then pulled a bundle of banknotes directly from the big backpack on the table next to it and threw it over. After the guy caught the bill in surprise, he reacted excitedly and kissed the bill a few times. Then he quickly stuffed the money into his clothes and looked at us excitedly and waited for the next question.

With the successful experience just now, this guy became extremely refreshed after answering questions. Under my money offensive, he quickly said everything he knew. After him, the remaining five people also entered the room and were asked roughly the same questions one by one. Of course, the people who went out were impossible to have the opportunity to communicate with the people who did not come in, so the reliability of the information was still good.

After asking the last person and comparing them with the information they provided, we found that the information they provided was basically accurate, because these six people spoke without collusion. The information is almost the same, except that there are some discrepancies in some estimated data due to personal habits, but in general, the substantial difference is not big.

After the six people were sent away, I directly held a combat meeting with Ling and them in the virtual network. In the virtual chat room, we directly opened a satellite map and circled it. Several circles, these circles respectively represent the range of activities of an armed force, and there is a string of force data next to the circle, which of course is the situation of the opponent's personnel.

To be honest, the news from the villagers was quite surprising, because according to the information they provided, the strongest armed force that attacked this gathering point was actually the government army that just came to power. Although I knew before that there is no difference between government forces and bandits, I was surprised when I got the news.

"Master, if we look at it this way, the probability that we can safely evacuate with these ordinary persons is very small!" Xiaochun said.

Ling also followed: "Yes. Although we are sure to wipe out the enemy who came to attack, civilians will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Our main task this time is rescue. If civilians are attacked, Now, even if we kill all the enemies, the mission is still a failure!"

Scott said: "In this case, we still have to follow the at first plan. Don't wait for those people to attack. , Let’s take the initiative to kill all those people. Anyway, we can’t save people. It’s easy to kill people!"

The armed forces are the regular army of the country. This is more troublesome. When the other party attacks us, they will definitely pretend to be ordinary insurgents to launch the offensive, but once they withdraw, they will immediately switch back to the regular army number. In this way, if we attack them, it is equivalent to It’s attacking the other country. If this is spread out, it will become a national dispute!"

Scott said: "Although China can’t be regarded as the world’s most powerful country, it’s this kind of African country. We don’t need to be afraid of small countries, right?"

Ling explained directly for me: "Of course China is not afraid of such small things, but the problem is that in this world, we are not only China. Small countries engage in international disputes. The United States and EU countries must immediately stand up and talk about this issue. When the time comes, there are definitely too many messy things. Although we are not diplomats, we can’t make trouble for our country. Right?"

"That's true too!" After listening to Ling's explanation, Skyd fell silent.

After a short pause for a few seconds, I said directly: "The plan is still arranged like this. As for the issue of international disputes... As long as you don’t let people know it. When the time comes, do things clean. In the case of direct evidence, even if the United States and Europe know about this matter, as long as we insist that we did not do it, they can't do anything with us."

"In this case, the matter is settled, but Are we going to inform Zhao Jie and the others?" Ling suddenly asked aloud.

"This is a must. After all, we are here to help. The task is actually someone else's. We have autonomy and can't go beyond our power too much. At least we have to give people some face."

< p>After our side finalized the matter, we started calling An Min to prepare to return to the gathering place, but An Min said that she would interview the villagers. No way, she just helped us, we can't turn around and forget, right? So she wanted to stay for the interview, and we had to stay and serve as her bodyguard. After all, this is probably the person the mad dog is trying to save. Even if we don’t wait to see the mad dog, we can’t take the life of someone’s little girl just because of a trivial matter. Are you kidding me?

Seeing our nodded, An Min immediately excitedly asked Chang Bin to start interviewing local people in the village under our protection, but we just interviewed a few people and took less than fifteen minutes. In the video, the gathering place was suddenly shuaa~ a large group of soldiers ran over, and with our eyesight, we saw the mad dog walking in the front, and we seemed to have seen the middle-aged man. Women. Yes, I know these two troublesome characters are not so easy to get rid of, but didn't expect to come back so soon! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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