"Lead the way ahead, Captain, aren't we here for this?"

"Good general, please follow me."

Under the leadership of the captain, we quickly passed through the small playground in front of the station, and then bypassed the building in the center of the station to an area behind the side. There are still two three-story apartment buildings standing upright here, and in the middle of the two buildings is a three-story apartment of the same specifications, but the difference from the other two is that one side of it has completely collapsed, and the other side The first layer also collapsed. The second layer and the third layer above became a diamond-shaped structure obliquely pressed on the middle floor. The glass windows on it have all burst, and many windows are deformed to varying degrees. , But the overall structure of the building has not changed much.

We were slightly surprised when we saw the miserable appearance of this building. I heard the captain say that the floor had collapsed on one side. I thought it was just a small corner, but now it seems that it should be completely collapsed. Lost.

"Is this what you call a collapsed side?" Ling couldn't help but ask when he saw this building.

The captain helplessly said: "It was true that only one side collapsed, but just an hour before your arrival, the other side also collapsed. Fortunately, the rescuers were all concentrated on the other side, otherwise There must be more people buried!"

I nodded and said to the ringtone Knights: "Go over to help and see if anyone is still alive." As I said that, I started to trot there. The ruins of the side.

Although the news that we arrived attracted many people, the rescue team here did not move at all. There are still dozens of people cleaning the ruins, just because they are not professional search and rescue personnel. There is no suitable cleaning equipment, so the efficiency is actually very bad.

Seeing our arrival, the commander here immediately let some of them withdraw from the cleanup work. After all, the ruins are so big, no matter how many people can not search together, and there are too many people on the ruins, and the weight of the human body may cause the second collapse, so the cleaning staff can only put on one piece, and wait to go up first. People change when they are tired.

The captain who brought us here talked to Chief-In-Charge here, and we walked directly to the ruins. After turning on the visual enhancement and infrared thermal scanning, the ruins were almost to us. It is a huge glass brick, we can clearly see all the objects inside, especially humans with body temperature.

The infrared signals received by our eyes are transmitted to the electronic brain, which is then screened by the electronic brain to eliminate low-temperature objects and high temperatures caused by flames, leaving only targets that are within five degrees of the human body temperature. After such a screening, there are not many things left. Combined with the analysis of the shape of the signal source, which is a person and which is an irrelevant object is simply obvious at a glance.

After seeing the situation clearly, we immediately rushed to the side of the ruins, and then Ling and Yeyue first ran to a few soldiers who were digging. Ling directly stretched out his hand to block them, and then in their surprised eyes he used a left hand to support a piece of cement board in front of him and lifted it up, only to hear a bang. This piece of cement board was accompanied by a large piece of it. The bricks and stones were all lifted up at once, and there were three soldiers standing above the lifted ruins.

After a few seconds, the soldiers hurriedly jumped from the ruins, while Ling continued to lift the cement board with one hand, and then got in with a cat's waist and grabbed a piece with his right hand. Two concrete blocks the size of a microwave oven were pulled out and threw them on the open space behind.

Yeyue immediately got in after Ling pulled out the concrete block with a cat's waist, while Ling also held the right hand against the concrete slab to prop it up. Ye Yue took advantage of the expansion of the space and quickly drilled into the depths of the space in a semi-squatting posture, and then grabbed the three rebars in front of him and twisted them directly and bends them against the gravel on both sides of the space. , And then she quickly drilled through this area and smashed a sloping concrete beam in front with a punch, threw the gravel back, and after taking out the space, she threw forward directly on the ground and drilled forward. Over space.

After passing through this space, a small triangular area appeared in front of it. This place should have been a corner of a toilet, and a curled flesh was held here at this time.

Ye Yue quickly scanned the survivor’s body with the eye sensor system, and after confirming that he was not pinched, he grabbed his shoulders and dragged him back. In five seconds, she pulled the person under her. However, just when she was about to take this person out, there was a sudden bang behind her, and then a pile of rubble collapsed directly to completely cover up the light from the outside.

"Damn it!" The soldiers outside had been squatting outside to observe the situation before. When they saw Ye Yue pulling the man under them, they were still glad that they had finally rescued a person, but didn't. t expect Hope was shattered in a blink of an eye. The cement slab that Ling was holding on broke at a critical moment, so that the collapsed rocks sealed the hopeful passage again. However, just when everyone was depressed, regretted, and sorrowful, there was a sudden bang in the ruins ahead. I saw that the ruins there burst a big hole upward, and the gravel and rubble on it flew up. After five or six meters high, he fell back to the ground with a patter of oh la la, and the other rescuers who were frightened hurriedly jumped down from the ruins to avoid the falling rocks.

Just when those people turned around and looked towards here after avoiding the falling rock, they saw a man in ancient armor hugging a dusty person directly from the big hole that burst open Came out. That's right, it didn't climb out, but jumped out. The opponent's hands were supporting the person, and he couldn't climb at all, the person jumped up directly. Although there is only a two-meter drop from the bottom of the ruins to the top of the ruins, the problem is that there are not many people in the world who can jump over this height with bare hands, not to mention that this person not only wears a suit of armor, but also holds a person in his hands. More importantly, looking at this person's appearance, it seems to be very relaxed to jump up.

The facts are similar to what these people think. With the strength of our Dragon Clan's legs, let alone holding a person, even a heavy motorcycle in one hand can still jump upstairs to the sixth layer. Holding a person to jump two meters high is not much more difficult for us than an ordinary person jumping over a mobile phone on the ground.

Just as Ye Yue put the rescued man on the stretcher that had been waiting aside for a long time, I also jumped to the edge of a ruin. Reached out and grabbed a steel bar sticking out of the concrete, and then waited until the opposite Sgoth also grabbed the end, and we two worked hard together, and directly lifted this piece of floor slab to the gravel on it. Turned over like a quilt. Without the piles of ruins above, the space below is immediately refreshed. Skort and I jumped in and started grabbing the gravel on the ground with our bare hands and throwing it back. Because our speed was relatively fast, the people around felt that we were just two mice making holes, and we saw the rubble behind us. The sky was full of smoke and dust, and we soon dug two big pits. During the period, the steel bars blocking the way were directly twisted, and some obstructive concrete beams were directly broken and thrown out. Finally, when the two of us came out of the pit holding a human body that turned into a cement color, there was a cheer outside.

After we pulled these two people out of the ruins, Jingjing and Lingling worked together to dig out three people from under the ruins, but after digging out these three people, we all evacuated outside the ruins.

The soldiers and civilians who saw that we rescued six living people in just a few minutes thought that we would continue to save people. We didn’t expect that we would all evacuate after the six people came out. Out of the ruins. An Englishman wearing a suit and trousers with only a vest on his upper body immediately shouted at us: "Why stopped? There are still people who have not been rescued!" He yelled and rushed to us and grabbed my arm. You guys, save people! There are still people who haven’t come out! My Alice is still underneath!"

I used this British man who was obviously out of control and dragged him off me. Replied in a gentle tone as much as possible: "Sorry, there is an infrared device on our equipment that can see human body temperature. There is no longer anything close to human body temperature in the ruins. So..."

"No, you lied People. There must be something wrong with your equipment, please help, my Alice, she's still down there! Help..."

The guy yelled and suddenly fell soft, I He directly supported him, and then said to the soldier next to him: "He fainted, you take him along to withdraw and rest." Just now I actually used electromagnetic pulses to impact this guy's nervous system, causing his brain to overload and enter. Protective coma, after all, it is difficult to tell him clearly with his current emotions. It is better to let him faint, and wake up to some extent to ease some emotions.

"That..." After the man was taken away, the officer next to him asked: "Is there really no one to live?"

I am sure nodded Said: "If you feel it is necessary, I can ask my subordinates to help you dig up the entire ruins, but I must first name it. Even if you dig up the ruins, you can only see a pile of scars or even rotten ones. A fleshy corpse does no good except to increase the sadness of other people. So..."

"Okay, I understand. Anyway, thank you and your subordinates for your help. I only represent The British Empire thank you for your help."

"Speaking of help..." I glanced at the surrounding environment and asked: "Do you have any translations familiar with the local dialect here?"

< p>The officer was obviously taken aback, but he reacted quickly and nodded and said: "Some of them. But the other party is your Chinese. I think you'd better coordinate with them yourself. But I can Take you there."

I was not surprised by the officer’s answer, but politely said: "Thank you, then." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. Starting point (qidian.com) vote recommended, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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