In response to Ling’s question, Zhao Jie directly replied: “There is a joint station. In addition to our Chinese company, there are more than two hundred people from Britain and Germany. Even if the peacekeeping force wants to protect the people who protect their own country first, how can they take care of us? Even if the two sides unite and walk together, they will definitely give priority to taking care of their own people. Moreover, even if the personnel of the three countries are brought together, there will be four civilians. There are more soldiers than soldiers. Under such circumstances, they cannot break through normally."

It seems that Ling will not understand. An officer next to him added: "If they stay there and guard, they can guarantee no casualties. It will be too serious, but if you enter the jungle, if there are no armed personnel three times as many as civilians, there is no guarantee of safe transfer. In addition, Brigadier General Zhao Jie's introduction may not be too detailed. This peacekeeping force is not a complete Combat Unit. The British team is actually an armed transport team. Although they have two tanks, they only have three light armored vehicles and a bunch of trucks. The German team is even worse. It is actually a police team. A security force composed of troops."

The peacekeeping force is a joint Law Enforcement Group sent by many countries to war countries. Although they also have powerful arms, most of them are not main combat troops. After all, peacekeeping troops are based Intimidation is the main thing, not to go head-on collision with the local armed forces, so the main force is basically useless there, but the police force that maintains law and order is more useful. This German peacekeeping force is the police force. Although their equipment is much better than that of the locals, if you use them as a regular army, you would be too high on them.

After the officer finished the explanation, Sgotdenly asked: "Since our country has sent us to save people, what about Britain and Germany? Are their people left alone?"

Zhao Jie explained: "Of course they have to take care of it, but the problem now is that this is a national incident, and we are not the only local personnel of international forces here, so everyone is very busy now. In the end, the country where someone is trapped is discussing cooperation. For example, this station is allocated to our country to deal with it. There may be Chinese in other stations, but other countries send people to rescue and wait for people to arrive. Each country then transfers the rescued personnel to each other. This saves the troops of each country and facilitates centralized management."

I think it is true. A peacekeeping force is a multinational force. Even if there are still coordination problems between domestic forces, let alone a multinational force. A messy command system will only reduce everyone's efficiency. Therefore, it is obviously not realistic for everyone to divide forces to form a joint force to rescue one by one. It is better to separate the teams and each country is responsible for several points, which is better to manage. After everyone has been rescued to their home country, we can exchange the rescued personnel. This is the safest way.

"Since this is ours, that means we are not saving more than 100 people, but more than 300?" I looked at Zhao Jie and asked.

Zhao Jie nodded said: "Our country, plus the people who have lived in Britain and Germany, add up to more than 300 people, but we should not need so many rescuers."

"Ah? Why? Is anyone not leaving?"

"That's it." Another officer explained: "The news sent back after the arrival of the special forces said that the British company's office building In the previous battle, half of it was bombed by a shell, causing a lot of casualties. Now there may be fewer than fifty people in the British company."

"Damn, they are really unlucky. "

"In fact, we are not much better than them." Zhao Jie said: "The employees of our company have also died, all of them were killed by stray bullets. You know there is no Civilians who have undergone any training are too vulnerable to injury!"

I nodded and said: "Then how to arrange our action plan? Go directly to the camp now or wait for the night to go in? Or we can Do it the other way around."

"Huh? The other way around? How about the opposite?"

Ye Yue said directly: "This is not simple? We are now the defender, the other way around is Be the offensive side."

"The offensive side?"

Yeyue nodded and said: "Yes, we will not save the hostages. We will directly find the nearby rebels, and then They killed all of them. Afterwards, the hostages will be withdrawn as soon as they want?"


If someone told Zhao Jie before that, he estimated him Not even think would directly deny it, but he hesitated after seeing our battle strength last night. For ordinary troops, our plan is the same as Fantasy Story, even if they have two or three times the number of personnel, he will definitely not do that. However, now he was tempted. However, Zhao Jie was just a heartbeat. After hesitating for a while, he still gritted his teeth and said, "No more. Let's enter the station to meet the trapped people, and wait until the situation inside the station is clarified. Anyway, if you are there, even if there is an anti-government afterwards. There shouldn’t be a problem with the army’s offensive, right?"

When I heard this, Xiaochun immediately said: "Of course, we will never let the other party take advantage of it."

After confirming the plan, we began to speed up to the station. Because it was daytime, and the forest near the station was cut down by locals, the visibility was high. Through satellite observations, we have basically determined the safety of the nearby area.

Since there is no enemy in the vicinity, we don't need to march cautiously. The whole team accelerated forward and saw the gathering place in less than two hours.

To be honest, before we got here, we were still thinking about what this tripartite gathering place would look like. Didn't expect waited until the place to find that this place was built just like a fortress. The entire base is surrounded by a four-meter-high reinforced concrete fence. The bottom of the fence has a slope of about 70 degrees and a height of 1.2 meters. This thing can effectively prevent tanks and other high-horsepower vehicles from directly hitting the fence. Come inside.

There is a circle of barbed wire on the top of the fence, which looks like a prison. Behind the barbed wire are guard towers separated by five meters. At the top of each guard tower are two heavy machine guns and at least four armed guards. You don't need to look at the buildings inside the wall. Just outside the surrounding wall, with those anti-government forces with only submachine guns and bazookas, they would have to pay at least a few hundred casualties if they wanted to rush in. Most of the local armed forces are less than a thousand people. If such an armed force kills three to five hundred people, it will be useless even if they enter.

Because there are guards on duty in the guard tower on the top of the fence, we immediately attracted the attention of the guards as soon as we appeared at the end of the road, and a few seconds later, there was a warm cheer in the gathering place over there. .

Although our personnel and armored vehicles do not carry any identification marks, as long as you see this new wheeled armored vehicle, you will know that it must be a rescue force. After all, there are very few tanks or armored vehicles in the local armed forces. Secondly, their tanks and armored vehicles are all broken goods. They are either old goods eliminated by various countries or monsters that do not know where they are used. Anyway, they are like ordinary big countries. There is definitely no armored vehicle equipped with a neat and beautiful appearance, and once it appears, it must be the rescue force from outside.

Following the report on the sentry tower, people in the gathering place soon gathered to the window of the tallest building in the center of the gathering place and looked over here, and in their eyes , Our team is gradually approaching the gathering place.

As we approached the gathering place, some locals also appeared on both sides of the road. Although I know that there must be local armed forces hidden among these people, but because they don't have weapons, I don't know who is and who is not. As for killing all these people, that is even more impossible. The village could be said to have been injured by mistake before, but doing it here was an obvious massacre. If it's our group, it's okay to say, the key is that there are foreigners, reporters, and a large number of civilians in front. It is not a happy thing to cause a scandal in such a place.

In the eyes of local people with responsible emotions such as envy, jealousy, hatred, and fear, our team finally reached the door of the station safely. What surprised us was that there were three lifting anti-tank barricades at the gate of this place. This thing is usually stored underground and can be raised when needed. At the top of them is a metal pillar. The principle is similar to that of a jack. When needed, they can lift tanks and forcibly intruding vehicles off the ground, rendering them incapable of action. This thing is usually installed in important military installations or government units, but it is also in this place.

In addition to the anti-tank barricades, there is also a steel gate located in a metal track at the gate. This gate is 20 centimeters thick and can be expanded or closed along the track to both sides. In addition to being approached by tank guns, even ordinary rockets probably can't help this door, right?

When the gate was opened, we were greeted by the guards nervously into the courtyard wall, and until the gate was closed again behind us, the civilians in the building rushed out of the building to welcome Our arrival.

"Hello, I am currently the highest Chief-In-Charge here, British lieutenant colonel John Joyce, you can call me John." Since my clothes look quite normal from a normal perspective Weird armor, so Lieutenant Colonel John finally regarded Zhao Jie as the highest Chief-In-Charge of the team. Of course, he was actually commanding this mission, and I just came to help. As long as he doesn't make excessive demands, generally I will listen to his arrangements.

Because military ranks are common among major countries in the world, after Zhao Jie arrived, he became the highest Chief-In-Charge here, and John became his deputy. Although we have a bunch of lieutenant colonels and several colonels besides Zhao Jie, they are the highest commanders in the UK after all. It is naturally more convenient for other troops to be commanded by others, and we can only provide guidance. Sexual command, it is impossible to take over other people's troops.

After the introduction in the UK, an officer from Germany also came to report to us. This guy is only a major with a lower rank, and he is not from a regular army, even this rank They were all given temporarily because of the special circumstances of the peacekeeping forces. His real job title should be high level police inspector. After all, all his staff are armed police, not regular troops.

The military chiefs of the two countries greeted Zhao Jie and quickly took Zhao Jie and them to the Conference Hall to discuss the current situation. The armored vehicle we brought quickly opened the hatch and unloaded a box of medicines. Several military doctors also came out. After connecting with the special forces sent earlier, they quickly found the wounded for treatment.

Although the original small clinic here has a lot of medicines, they are basically commonly used medicines, which are not very helpful for situations such as trauma. Of course, there must be first-aid trauma medicines and bandage gauze, but the reserves will not be too much. The previous station was shelled and the casualties were high, and these things were not enough for a long time. It is precisely because of this that our team brought a lot of medicines and a few good military doctors.

Looking at those people getting busy, a British captain suddenly appeared in front of us. After looking up and down in doubt, he asked: "What kind of army are you? What is it?"

When I heard this guy’s question, I pushed the helmet up directly, and then said: "We are a special organization. You can treat us as special forces. My rank is brigadier general. , Here are several colonels, all of them are lieutenant colonels."

"Hi..." Hearing this rank, the captain was so shocked that he sucked in a cold breath of air, and then I remembered that he was busy. Stand at attention and salute. Although it is not a country’s army, everyone’s military ranks are recognized by each other, so under normal circumstances he has to salute when he sees us in the same way as when he sees an officer of his country. Originally, when he saw that we were dressed in weird clothes, he probably guessed that we were a special combat unit, and the ranks of general front-line combat units would not be too high. According to his estimation, the highest commander in our small group is probably just a major, and the others may be captains, lieutenants, and the like. As a result, didn't expect to know that there was a brigadier general and a bunch of colonel lieutenant colonels, and even the lowest rank here surpassed the rank of chief officer he originally thought.

After paying a gift, I asked in as gentle a tone as possible: "Did you have anything to do with us just now?"

It was only then that the person suddenly reacted and said: "Report to the general that the garrison was shelled last night, and a dormitory building collapsed and many people were buried. We cleaned up with the civilians all night, and now many people have no physical strength, so I hope you can go and help. Busy."

Of course, we will not refuse to save people, anyway we came here to do this. Moreover, unlike this group of people, we have an advantage in saving people. At least we have the ability to see through, so we can directly determine whether there are any living people in the ruins. If there are, we can also dig in a targeted manner, which is far more efficient than cleaning up the ruins on a large area like theirs.

"Lead the way ahead, Captain, aren’t we here to do this?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. , Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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