After the brigadier general issued the order, the whole team began to move, but because there were not enough vehicles, the movement speed was not fast. And this is not our country's territory after all. The team is impossible to line up and run forward like a domestic transition. We must spread out according to the combat configuration, and we must spill some scouts around, or we will be suddenly caught in the middle of the road. An ambush from the side is no fun.

We did not express any dissatisfaction with the caution of the brigadier general. Instead, the mad dog expressed extreme contempt and dissatisfaction with his companion, and kept urging everyone to go along the way. Hurry up or ask the brigadier general to order everyone to get in the car and move forward. Of course, the brigadier general automatically blocked all of this guy's words. Anyway, if he said his, then the brigadier general did not mean to be obedient at all.

Although from the previous situation, this brigadier named Zhao Jie is mostly a subordinate of the elders of the mad dog family, but now he is on the battlefield, and he may lose his life if he is not paying attention. He said he was the little Young Master of the is Master family, and he didn't plan to follow him in such a place. In addition, I guess the elders of the mad dog’s family sent him to suppress the young Master’s temper. After all, they also knew that if no one was in charge of this situation, the young Master would never survive. Two hours.

After tossing for a long time to see that what he said was completely useless, the mad dog didn't know what to do and suddenly turned his target to us who had been silently following us in the back of the team. When I saw that guy coming over, I knew that my ears were going to be unlucky again. Ling next to me also used the wireless communication mode to pass the sentence "I was really lying down and shot", but although I really hate this guy's noise, we are right. He did not fight back. This kind of person is a mad dog, and the more you quarrel with him, the more vigorous he gets. There are only two ways to deal with this kind of person, either punch him to death, or just ignore him, otherwise it will only make you more annoying.

His father and grandfather have a very good relationship with our family, so it is impossible to beat him to death with a punch, so we can only treat him as a transparent person and just ignore him. When he was tired from jumping there alone, it would naturally disappear.

While the mad dog was arguing, I had a combat meeting in my head with my men. Anyway, we Dragon Clan personnel have electronic chips in their brains, relying on this With the wireless communication capability of a chip, we can open a three-dimensional chat room in our heads, just like in a game. Although the computing power of the chips in our brains is far less abnormal than the servers of "Zero", we just set up a small virtual environment, and the internal environment is also very simple, so the requirements for computing power are not high.

In the virtual Conference Hall, I introduced the action plan I had seen before to Ling and the others, and conducted some rough reconnaissance of the nearby area through the satellite of Longyuan. Since it is night here, the general optical observation methods are out of order. Even our satellites can only rely on infrared radiation to do some reconnaissance roughly. It is basically impossible to get a thorough understanding of the War Zone situation.

In the satellite images, we can find that there are not many heat sources in the jungle where we are. There is a big difference between the jungles of Africa and the jungles of South America. The climate here is relatively dry and the trees are not very dense. Therefore, the number of animals inhabiting the forests is relatively small. Of course, this is relative to the jungles of South America and Asia. After all, this is also a large forest. No matter how few animals are, it is impossible to be the same as deserts or urban areas.

Through our identification, we found that most of the infrared heat sources found by satellites are wild animals. For those animals with obvious appearance, we can directly find and screen them out, and the remaining targets except some In addition to animals such as orangutans, it should be the heat emitted by humans and some human tools. Eliminate those irrelevant infrared signals from the electronic map formed in our minds, highlight the remaining signals, and then we just froze there.

The original electronic map is full of red dots and there is no problem, but after we shield the irrelevant signals through the electronic brain recognition, the map is located less than 200 meters in front of us. A large swath of red dots appeared on the top, and these red dots were obviously gathered in groups. Generally, this kind of signal phenomenon is relatively easy for humans, because whether it is a troop or a civilian, if there is a large group of people together, it will be actively or passively divided into several small circles. This is a behavioral habit of humans, and Almost all human beings in the world have similar situations regardless of their civilization.

The signal in front is clearly a large human gathering point. Whether it is a village or an army station, we are in a position where we should not go anyway.

"Stop advancing!" When I saw the large red dot, I hurriedly shouted to Zhao Jie in front of me. The other party raised his hand to signal the team to stop advancing, and then turned my head in confusion. To our side, but before I had time to explain, there was a shout of local slang from the front office, and within a second there was another gunshot of disordered and in a mess, followed by a burst of gunfire. The dense and dull sound of tú tú sounded. Now there is no need to explain Zhao Jie to know what happened. The previous slang should be that our pathfinder was found. Of course, it could also be that the pathfinder killed the opponent's sentry, and then someone saw the sentry dead and issued a warning. After that, the messy gun body was obviously a threatening shot from the opponent, because the gunshots were not only messy, but the direction was also chaotic. The next tú tú sound was our people fighting back. The assault rifles equipped by the special forces were all equipped with silencers, so there would be no clear gunfire, only a low and fast tú tú sound.

Sure enough, we only heard the gunshots and saw a few special soldiers running back in front of them with camouflage nets on them, and one of them was actually jumped on one leg by the other two. Come back. The other leg of this man left the ground with a large amount of blood on it, which was obviously injured. But judging from the fact that he hadn't heard any sound before, he probably stepped on something like a primordial trap.

As soon as the armed wounded appeared, two people on our side immediately ran over to replace the two who ran back to support the wounded soldier into an armored vehicle, and the other two directly He ran in front of Zhao Jie and quickly saluted him, and then said quickly before Zhao Jie returned the gift: "The report found that a large number of armed personnel were found earlier. The equipment should be anti-government forces. The number is about 300. The equipment is equipped. Submachine guns and light and heavy machine guns, no other heavy weapons were found, but they do not rule out the probability that they have bazookas and mortars."

"Two or three hundred people?" Zhao Jie just looked up after a little thought. ordered: "Sit in one row, and the second row to the right. The other personnel and I formed a line of defense on the spot, and waited for the opponent to rush over before attacking. The first and second rows waited for us to outflank the back, and we must not let an enemy go."

When I heard the command, the soldiers around immediately started to move silently. During this time, there was no sound. On the contrary, our group of Dragon Clan stood in place and seemed a little not knowing what to do. Although we are obviously superior in physical fitness, we haven't participated in regular battles much after all. There are a lot of battle manuals in our brains, but theory is theory, and practice is practice. We are better than anyone here when it comes to principles, but it may not be necessary to act. Of course, this kind of situation only occurs in the case of defensive operations. If it is an active attack, we are actually better than this group of special forces because we are better at brute force.

Zhao Jie saw that we were standing there stupidly after we issued the order, and immediately turned around and shouted at us to hide us, but at this time, it came from the woods ahead. With a squeak, a luminous orange red object dragged a long tail flame out of the woods like lightning and flew directly to the center of our group.

Zhao Jie was almost dumbfounded when she saw this missile. Although he was a brigadier general and an action general, he was still stunned. In our country’s current military establishment, the rank of brigadier general is usually only awarded to officers with superior front-line combat capabilities, and there is no brigadier general rank among traditional command officers with ordinary physical capabilities. Brigadier generals like ours enjoy major general military treatment, but they are lower in command power than major generals or even colonels, roughly the same as lieutenant colonel. However, being able to get the rank of brigadier general itself shows that this person has a performance that surpasses ordinary special forces in personal action ability, and only the kind of super warrior general cattle can get such a rank configuration. It’s also because the people who can get this rank are super warrior ordinary people, so Zhao Jie didn’t expect me, a guy with the same rank as him, to stand in place like a fool without responding, and what’s worse is that Before he came out, his old boss also told him that my identity is very special. This time it was only temporarily seconded to help because of the political factors of this matter, so he must guarantee my safety.

Thinking of the boss's reminder and the current situation, Zhao Jie can't wait to change positions with me. At least he felt that he should be able to react appropriately when standing in my position, even if he was injured, at least he would not die.

Like Zhao Jie, the eyes of other people around followed the shoulder-mounted rocket and moved to where we are. Among them, there are surprises, regrets, and not knowing what to. Do, of course, there are also taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, such as that crazy dog. However, just when everyone thought we were going to die with all kinds of emotions, they saw Ling, who was standing in the frontmost position, suddenly moved a step in front of me to block my front, and then she lifted up again. Right hand and stretched his index finger forward to lightly point it on the warhead of the flying rocket.

If a normal person does this kind of thing, of course, there will only be one consequence, that is, the skeleton doesn't exist by directly detonating the rocket and then being bombed. However, Ling's seemingly random finger produced amazing results. Just when everyone thought we were about to be swallowed by flames, something seemed to flash on the tip of Ling's fingers, and then a shock wave visible from naked eye rushed out in the direction of the rocket. As soon as this shock wave appeared, it first hit the rocket at zero distance, and then saw that the rocket disintegrated in the air like soot blown away by a high-powered hair dryer, turning into a pile of fragments completely invisible. The original metal fragments, but the shock wave did not end there. As it rushed forward, it gradually increased and finally settled in a cylindrical shape with a diameter of about two meters. At the same time, the shock wave was still going all the way, and the enlarged diameter caused the bottom of the shock wave to scrape to the ground. The soil along the way seemed to be pushed away by an invisible bulldozer and rolled towards both sides, and then the shock wave rushed directly into the woods. The trees that were the first to bear the brunt were like toys folded out of cardboard. They burst into pieces of wood in the sky. With the shock wave, they rushed into the woods and leveled a dozen trees one after another, and finally rushed straight to the The stunned Rocket team immediately blew away the flesh and blood of the few people, and after all the pink flesh and blood flew away, the skeletons of the three people burst into bone meal and were blown into the air. However, the shock wave is not a missile. It won't stop at all before the power is completely consumed.

After killing the three-person rocket group, the shock wave continued to move forward. After smashing a few more trees, it blasted the local armed men who stood there stupidly to dust. Then the shock wave flew forward more than ten meters and opened a huge passage in the woods before weakening into a gust of wind and disappearing into the woods behind.

Although it seems that the shock wave has done a lot of things along the way, it actually took only three to five seconds from appearing to completely disappearing, so that it was only a few seconds after the shock wave disappeared. Many of the people were still stupid and didn't react at all. The entire battlefield was so unfathomable mystery quiet for a few seconds, until after the anti-government forces that did not see the shock wave rushed out, activities on the battlefield resumed.

After Ling intercepted the rockets and killed the rocket team, I immediately pulled down the mask, and at the same time ordered Skye and the others to move forward with me. Anyway, Zhao Jie's order is to wipe out and not to sneak in secretly, so we don't care about exposing the issue.

When Skots received the order, Skots immediately led people to the forest, and I also took out the pistol hung on my waist and walked into the woods together. Originally, Zhao Jie wanted to stop us when he saw that we were walking directly into the woods without being concealed. However, thinking of the terrifying shock wave just now, he swallowed it back when he reached his mouth. Now he knows exactly what the old superior said when he left.

Before Zhao Jie and the others came to us, his old superiors told him many things. In addition to ensuring my safety, there is also to let him not be surprised if he sees something beyond common sense. At that time, he was still whispering, thinking about what is beyond common sense. Now he knows it. You can get the effect of the electromagnetic railgun with just one finger, which is beyond common sense. .

At the moment when Zhao Jie hesitated, we had reached the edge of the woodland, but we did not move the long spear hanging on our backs, but took out all the pistols on our waist and started to go into the woods. go. As we walked forward, we raised our guns and fired at various places anytime and anywhere, and the position we aimed at was either no people could be seen at all, or it was a big tree, but whenever we fired, there will always be one. The enemy's body was revealed from behind a tree or some hiding place. Zhao Jie instantly realized that there should be something similar to an infrared perspective device in our helmet.

Actually, his guess can't be calculated right or wrong. We can indeed see the enemy's position through the walls and trees, but not because the helmet has such a function, but our own eyes have these abilities.

As our special pistol ejects bullets again and again in a completely silent manner, the corpses quickly lie down everywhere, even if they are hidden in trees or shrubs. Can't escape the result of being shot. Of course, during the battle, there were also groups of enemies rushing out in an attempt to grab the opportunity to fire, but our pistol not only has an astonishing amount of ammunition, but also has an extremely terrifying rate of fire. Of course, more importantly, our shooting accuracy rate is almost 100%. . As long as any enemy appears within range, we will shoot almost at lightning speed, and 100% will hit the center of the opponent's left eye and pass through the back of the head.

International practice, snipers or shooters with high shooting accuracy will choose to shoot at the center of the opponent's eyebrows. This is not what everyone thinks is the location of the nerve center. On the contrary, if there is a small probability of one in tens of thousands, the bullet can even pass through the middle of the human head without being fatal. Anyone who knows a little bit about the structure of the human body knows that the human brain is divided into two halves like a walnut, with a very narrow gap in between. This gap is very narrow, even smaller than the width of the bullet, but if the bullet passes directly through the gap at a precise angle, it is still possible to survive the shot. Of course, this probability is so small that it is basically unlikely to happen.

It is used internationally to shoot at this location, not because of how important it is, but because the skeleton here is the thickest. When a bullet hits this location, it can have a stronger blocking effect. Yes, it is the blocking effect. The gunman hoped that the bullet would not shoot through the skull after hitting the skull, but that the best result would be to get stuck in the skull. In this way, the energy of the bullet will be completely released, and the final kinetic energy transfer will be enough to completely destroy the soft brain tissue of humans to achieve the killing effect. If the bullet passes through, the actual killing effect is not as good as the jammed bullet.

As for our shooting eye sockets, this is mainly because of weapon problems. The pistol we are using, which looks almost the same as infinite ammunition, is actually a special weapon. One of the main reasons for its more ammunition is its small caliber. Its caliber is only about one third of the commonly used pistol caliber, so it has the same volume. Under the circumstance, its ammunition capacity is much larger than that of a conventional pistol. Moreover, the muzzle velocity of our pistols is higher than that of conventional pistols, which means that the penetrating power of this kind of bullets is stronger, but the formidable power is not great. We can even use it to shoot through the frontal armor of any armored vehicle in the current world range within a range of 50 meters, but it is possible that it will not kill a single person even with more than a dozen shots. This is the side effect of high penetration. The bullet does not pass through the human body to cause the most damage. For a bullet, it is the most ideal killing state if it penetrates into the human body more than one-fifth of the depth but do not go through it. In this state, the bullet has the greatest lethality and the greatest threat to personnel.

Because our gun has a too small caliber and has a strong penetrating effect, if you shoot at the center of the eyebrow, it is very likely that the bullet will pass through the skull but will not kill people, and because the bullet penetrates The energy released when passing through the skull is relatively small, so it cannot produce the effect of concussing the brain. In the same way, shooting other parts of the human body with this gun will have a similar effect. Even if the opponent is shot more than ten shots, it will only bleed slightly and is not fatal at all.

Long Yuan’s designers have no problems with their heads. Although there are many problems with this type of gun, they are relatively common. This kind of weapon is actually very useful for us. First of all, because of the small caliber, the sound produced when shooting is much smaller than that of ordinary weapons, and the sound can be muted with the silencer and flame suppressor. Secondly, because of its small caliber, this gun has a lot of ammunition preparation and has a high rate of fire. Third, the super penetrating power can help us attack the target behind the obstacle. With our eyes, in fact, we can directly shoot the target ignoring most obstacles on the battlefield. Fourth, the ultra-low lethality caused by the penetration effect can reduce the harm to ourselves when the enemy gets this weapon, but at the same time, with our precise aiming ability, the low lethality does not actually affect our use, because we It is completely possible to choose the kill position such as the eye socket and the heart. If possible, we can even choose to attack the other's heart arteries and shoot them through. Once there is a perforation, people will never survive.

Combining the above characteristics, this gun is actually much more useful for us than the other super-caliber pistol hung on our body. The caliber of the other pistol we are equipped with is 17.9 millimeters, which is almost close to some miniature submachine guns in size. It has only 13 rounds of ammunition. This thing can almost shoot an elephant except that the tank can’t move. Boom to death. If it hits a human body, even if it only hits an insignificant position such as the arm, it is enough to cause death due to bleeding. However, in my opinion, in addition to deterrence, such a large formidable power is far less useful than this micro-diameter pistol with noise reduction function.

Zhao Jie, who was squatting not far away, looked at us as if walking forward and killing the approaching rebel soldiers one by one. He felt that his head seemed to be a little down. If an ordinary person kills in the enemy army in our posture, he must die first, but we have been walking on the battlefield for so long without a single shot. Any enemy who intends to fire at us will always be shot immediately by us in advance. From the perspective of a bystander, it feels as if the enemy’s gun has no bullets. They will only aim at us and raise the gun, but nothing A person fires even any shot.

This situation didn't change until we got deep into the woodland. The first enemy who rushed over only brought submachine guns, while those behind had some special weapons. First, a tattered civilian pickup rushed through the forest path to the front, and then the car drifted horizontally and stopped between two big trees. A general-purpose heavy machine gun installed in the trunk of the car immediately turned sideways and started shooting a large area on our side. With the roar of this machine gun, our side was shot for the first time.

As soon as the heavy machine gun on that pickup truck started roaring, Zhao Jie, who had just followed up, quickly ordered the troops behind to conceal. What a good idea. However, when Zhao Jie was about to call us to hide, some of us were already shot.

The first person who was hit was Xiaochun. A bullet hit her shoulder directly, but it was completely different from what Zhao Jie had imagined. The bullet hit her shoulder and not only failed to penetrate. Go in, and couldn't even make her shake. He only heard a crisp ding, and saw a flash of fire star on Xiaochun's shoulder, and the bullet jumped out. However, the density of machine gun bullets is very high, so after being shot in the shoulder, Xiaochun started to flash dense fire stars as if being thrown by someone with firecrackers, except for bursts of ding ding dong dong Apart from the noise, these bullets did not cause any harm to Xiaochun at all.

Just when Zhao Jie and the others looked at Xiaochun, who was standing in the heavy machine gun fire as if nothing was wrong, Xiaochun suddenly raised his hand to the car like Ling did before. Pointing in the direction where the pickup was located, a shock wave exactly the same was launched. The shock wave first swept away the trees along the way, and then hit the pickup with a bang, and followed the entire pickup as if it were a children's toy thrown by a gorilla, it turned somersaults and flew up to a height of five or six meters and panned for twenty. It landed again with a bang after more than a few meters, and then the whole body still rolled somersaults on the ground at an unabated speed, bouncing off the ground, and finally burst into fragments with a bang.

The second time I saw this unimaginable skill intuitively, Zhao Jie felt as if he was dreaming, and the thoughts of the surrounding special forces were mostly similar to him. However, after the consternation of Early-Stage, they are all thinking about a question, that is, how to fight if they themselves face such an enemy? With a gun? The opponent doesn't even care about the dense strikes of heavy machine guns. Can ordinary guns be useful? Besides, that terrifying shock wave is almost fiercer than a cannon. How to guard this thing? What's more terrible is the kind of randomness we showed when we cleaned the enemy in the woods. The special forces are very sure that we must have special observation equipment on our bodies to spot enemies hiding behind obstacles. In the face of such an enemy, in addition to direct strikes with weapons such as cannons from a distance, it is only possible to use explosives such as mines, right?

Although the soldiers had similar ideas, they soon realized how naive their previous ideas were. After Xiaochun killed the pickup truck, two rockets suddenly shot out from a distance and flew directly towards Xiaochun. Ye Yue threw away an invisible energy blade, and directly exploded one of the missiles, while the other directly blasted Xiaochun's body. However, like the heavy machine gun bullets before, the flame from the explosion of the rocket quickly rolled over Xiaochun's body, and after the flame disappeared, the surrounding special forces clearly saw a layer of white floating around Xiaochun's body. Egg-shaped mask, and this layer of mask actually completely blocked the explosive power of the rocket.

The reason why these soldiers knew that the light shield was blocking the rocket and not the armor on Xiaochun's body, mainly because the surface of Xiaochun's armor was still as bright as new. After the rocket exploded, even if it could not destroy the armor, it should at least blacken the surface of the armor, but now there are no traces on the armor, which only means that it has not touched the flames produced by the explosion at all.

A kind of individual energy shield that can block the direct fire of rockets. What kind of technology is this? The special forces present felt that their heads were a little short-circuited, and their knowledge of the battlefield was completely useless on us. Fortunately, we are our own. This is the only thing that Zhao Jie and the special forces he brought with him are now thankful.

After Xiaochun carried a rocket, we directly inserted the pistol back to the waist, then removed the long spear hanging on the side of the backpack and held it up. Then I heard a sound of pēng pēng pēng, and the small village on the opposite side was instantly covered by a fire sea.

When Zhao Jie and the special forces first saw the weapon we fired under the gun, they thought it was just a grenade, but after the whole village was razed, they realized that it was not an ordinary grenade at all. As a special force, everyone present has used grenades except for the mad dog. They know the formidable power of grenades. The number of explosives we launched just now is not large, so on average, the formidable power of each round of ammunition we fire may have exceeded the formidable power of a 300kg-class aerial bomb. This formidable power is based on the formidable power of modern weapons. It's not an exaggeration, but in terms of the size of the grenade, it's pretty scary. If such a formidable power makes a weapon such as a rocket launcher, one shot may be enough to kill a small frigate.

After blasting the village with ease, we didn’t stop there, instead we picked up the long spear we carried and started moving towards the front. Although Zhao Jie didn’t know what we were fighting, He knew that since we had fired, the other party must be finished.

Our shooting didn’t last for long. We took a few dozen seconds before and after we stopped and hung it back to the side of the weapon backpack on our back, but Zhao Jie and others did not dare to come out and ask until this time. What's the situation with us?

I just glanced at the battlefield and then turned around and said to him: "Come out, no need to hide, the enemies in the village are all dead, and a dozen more have ran there, but it should have been I was intercepted by a row."

Listening to me, Zhao Jie crawled out of the hidden position with stick one's head around to look for, but we didn’t think it was him at all for his caution. Coward, after all, he doesn't have the perverted defense of ours.

After many improvements, the armor we wear now is almost the culmination of the technical power of the dragon at any cost. The integrated armor produced by the biological armor growth technology has almost no detachable parts except for the openings necessary for putting on and taking off. Hardened ceramic shell armor, high-strength polycarbon alloy inner armor, mesh titanium and Golden Dragon bone, B12 living cell muscle armor, and accompanying internal soft tissue shock wave absorption layer. The defensive power of armor accumulated by this technology has surpassed that of main battle tanks equipped with reactive armor. Even more how we still have energy barriers. If we want to break through our defensive circle, at least we have to be large-caliber anti-tank guns. It’s a direct-fire weapon, or a direct hit attack from a heavy-duty anti-ship missile, otherwise we won’t even be hurt by one.

Wearing such exaggerated defensive armor, we are naturally not afraid of enemies on the battlefield, but Zhao Jie and others do not have such defense. Although the body is also covered with super fiber body armor and simple ceramic armor, as far as the current battlefield weapons are concerned, this thing also blocks bullets and shrapnel. If it is directly damaged by rockets or something, it will still be dead. . Even if it is a bullet, it depends on what the gun is. Ordinary rifles, submachine guns, etc. are naturally fine. If you are hit by a heavy machine gun or a sniper rifle, you can die or die, whether you wear them or not.

"You guys go to the village to check, pay attention that there are still survivors to dispose of them on the spot." Because it is a special task, we can't stay alive, even though all countries claim to be hobby peace. A country of fraternity that cherishes life, but when it comes to the battlefield, in fact, every country is the same. The difference is that some countries cover up better, and some don't cover up.

Because there are actually no living people in the village, the soldiers sent to inspect them soon returned. Of course, the results of the investigation are the same as we said. All the more than 300 people in the village died, but during the inspection, it was found that not only the soldiers, but also more than 20 women, and three children under the age of ten. But Zhao Jie didn't care about it. We didn't bring reporters in our team, so we killed them if we killed them. Besides, this was originally an accidental injury. Which country can guarantee zero accidental injury in a war? When NATO was so good at war, I did not do anything less about bombing my own tanks by planes, so a bit of accidental injury is acceptable. If there are ordinary soldiers on the scene, it is estimated that some people may feel uncomfortable, but this group of special forces are often out of the field, let alone accidentally injured, for the purpose of directly killing these people who are usually protected by absolute protection. So they don't feel at all about it. As for ourselves, of course we don't even care. All the creatures present here are directly derived from the consciousness bodies of the creatures in the game, and they did not regard themselves as humans from the beginning. Ling and Xiaochun are some demons and some are angels, Yeyue are descendants of Nuwa

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