"Okay, then!" After thinking for a long time, Aphrodite finally nodded and said: "I agree to help."

"OK, then I I will draw up an agreement for you immediately."

Aphrodite said disdainfully: "Agreement? What I promised will be done, and there is no need for an agreement at all. Besides, even if you really draw up Has an agreement, if I don’t implement it, do you have any way to punish me?” Speaking of this, I probably thought of the reality that I was caught here, and Aphrodite added: “If you I really want to punish me, whether there is an agreement or not. Do you think such a thing is useful?"

I didn't deny Aphrodite's words. This thing about the agreement is actually for a third party. For example, in reality, two companies sign a contract. If there is any dispute afterwards, the contract is actually for the court to see, not for the needs of the parties themselves. Therefore, if there is no absolutely powerful third party, just signing agreements between the two parties will have no effect at all. This is why in reality things like tearing up agreements often happen between countries, because simply there is no strong third party to guarantee the reliability of the agreement, and tearing up the agreement has almost no real effect except being condemned by public opinion.

Although Aphrodite’s words are very reasonable, I have no intention to give up the work of signing the agreement, because Aphrodite does not know that I actually have a strong binding force here. The existence of third parties.

"It’s better to sign the agreement, but wait a minute. I have to hire a notary. If one of us violates the agreement, the notary will be responsible for punishing the breaching party. "

Aphrodite thinks the agreement is useless anyway, so I don't have any complaints about the things that I have been asking for the agreement to be signed. After she was nodded, I quickly summoned out of the gate of the earth, and then rushed in. Just when Aphrodite was outside marveling at the terrifying aura emanating from the gate of the earth, I ran out of the gate of the earth with a little girl who seemed to be only a teenager.

Although the little girl I brought out is very cute and looks like a pretty little doll, Aphrodite now feels that her entire spine is numb. . She was not excited, but frightened. Because at this time the cute little girl is exuding circles of terrifying power fluctuations that are similar in nature, Aphrodite feels that her power is like a bowl of water and water in front of the power radiated by the little girl. The difference in the whole sea is so small that it can be ignored.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to you." I took the little girl to Aphrodite and stretched out my hand introduced: "This is the goddess of Olympus Divine Race. Phlodite." After I finished speaking, I introduced to Aphrodite in turn: "This is the sixth-ranked mother of the earth among the top ten High Gods."

"Up, up, up …High God?" Aphrodite's mouth was trembling when she spoke, and I even thought she might faint at any time.

Of course I know the reason for Aphrodite’s nervousness, and it was naturally my intention to invite the Mother of the Earth out. Of course, I hope that the mother of the earth will come to our guarantee agreement, but it is my intention to invite the mother of the earth and Aphrodite to contact Aphrodite. The purpose is to scare Aphrodite so that she can take her seriously. We do things.

Seeing Aphrodite shaking like a pendulum, the Mother of the Earth suddenly said: "Don't be afraid of me, poor child. Although I am much stronger than you, I am not a bloodthirsty person. Waiting for creatures. In fact, our High God is the primordial god who assisted the ring of discipline to create the world. All lives in this world can be regarded as our children, so you don’t have to be afraid of me. Unless someone wants to challenge the entire world and destroy the laws of the world , Or directly provoke me, otherwise I will never take action to harm any creature. I have heard Purple Moon say this time, I am only responsible for guaranteeing you the fairness of the agreement. What are you doing. You can now start to draw up the content of the agreement with Purple Moon. You can rest assured that I will guarantee that both of you will sign the contract on a voluntary basis and will not allow either of you to threaten the other to force the other to accept the agreement that the other does not want. Content." Speaking of this, the Mother of the Earth suddenly paused, then her voice turned cold, and she said in a very serious tone: "However, since I will come forward to ensure the fairness of this agreement, once the agreement comes into force, I will make sure It is completed. If either of you both violates the agreement, I will give the defaulting party the necessary punishment in the manner specified in the agreement. I do what I say, and I believe that no one can stop me from fulfilling my promise."

Mother of the Earth’s words are definitely much better than the bank’s reputation, and what she says is really something that few people can stop at least in the game. Of course, even though the Mother of the Earth said it was fair, but under the current circumstances, I suddenly let her appear in front of Aphrodite, which has already exerted a strong psychological pressure on Aphrodite. It’s like if you sign an agreement with someone, and the other party hires the president of our country as a notary, even if **** says that he absolutely guarantees justice, after all, the person was invited by the other party. In your heart Don't you have any ideas?

The current situation is the same. Mother Earth did say that she would remain fair, and High God's credibility is also very reliable, but the problem is that Mother Earth was invited by me, and it clearly seemed to have a good relationship with me. Under this kind of premise, how could Aphrodite not feel any pressure at all?

Because Aphrodite was frightened by the breath of the mother of the earth, the next negotiation was very smooth. On the one hand, I have negotiated the general content before. On the other hand, according to the agreement, I must first release Aphrodite before she can help me. Therefore, Aphrodite is not worried that I will not accept the account. Therefore, there are many factors. Under the influence, Aphrodite and I quickly completed the signing of the agreement.

The content of this agreement is actually very simple. It is not as complicated as a commercial contract in reality. It is more like an oral agreement. The only difference is that we recorded it with paper.

There are only a few items in the agreement. The first is that we must first release Aphrodite and ensure her return to the Olympus Divine Race safely, and even actively cooperate with her in acting to help her gain the trust of her own people when necessary. Second, after Aphrodite returns, he will actively help us listen to all the Olympus Divine Race in the shortest possible time to determine whether the opponent is likely to betray the Olympus Divine Race, and then Aphrodite Tu must tell us the list of people who are likely to defect. Third, Aphrodite must not disclose any content of this operation in any way before we officially take these people away, otherwise it will be a breach of contract.

The content of the agreement is these three, and the latter is two penalties. If our party violates the agreement, the mother of the earth will be responsible for sending Aphrodite back to the Olympus Divine Race safely and killing me completely, which is equivalent to being killed back to Novice Village. Of course, no matter how severe the punishment is, I am not afraid of it. Anyway, I have no intention of breaking the contract.

If Aphrodite violated the agreement, then the punishment is to capture her back and be shackled with spirit, making her a puppet god who will only be loyal to me without any other thinking. In addition, if she breaks the agreement, her good friend Athena will also be captured together and receive the same punishment as her. This kind of double insurance can ensure that Aphrodite will never leak the secrets. After all, once the default is not her, her good friend Athena will be implicated.

After the final agreement was signed, the original agreement was taken away by the Mother of the Earth, and the relationship between Aphrodite and I eased slightly. Although Aphrodite still felt like she had been fooled, the agreement had been signed, and she had never figured out what was wrong, so in the end she could only act according to the plan.

Originally, after the signing of the agreement was completed, I planned to take Aphrodite to arrange the painful plan, but I didn’t expect that I just took Aphrodite to go to Vina, suddenly Just hear the system hint. "Purple Moon, please pay attention, someone presses your call bell, you can choose to log off immediately, or just ignore it."

When I heard this prompt, I was also taken aback. But since someone rang the bell, I had to check it out first. Of course, I did not intend to go offline immediately, but first called Hades to ask him to help arrange Aphrodite’s return to Olympus Divine Race. Of course, I also notified the god of war to provide various assistance. . I just finished greeting the military god, and I was about to explain a couple of guild affairs, when suddenly the system hint rang again.

"Purple Moon, please note that if your call bell is kept pressed, it will be forced to exit after seven seconds, seven, six, five,..."

"Damn, what Is it so urgent?” I directly chose to quit while complaining. The system screen was immediately disconnected, the surrounding light flashed, and all the sensory signals on my body were suddenly restored.

When the body in reality regained its senses, the first thing I felt was that I was soaked in water. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was floating in the training trough.

"Damn, why did you change places again? It seems that the wireless connection is not good!"

Since the last time I was forced to go offline due to adjustments to my body I usually use the wireless network connection that I use to enter games. The advantage of this is that in reality, if the researcher needs to make adjustments to me, I don’t have to wake me up and change my room. Anyway, the current wireless network can cover the whole world. As long as they don't get me out of Earth orbit, there is no need to wake me up. However, it's nice not to be interrupted midway, but every time I wake up I almost change places, which feels really strange. It's as if you sleep in your own bed at night, but you wake up early in the morning and suddenly find yourself sleeping on the bench of the bus. The feeling of chaos in time and space is really uncomfortable.

As the sense organs gradually adapt, I find that I am now being placed in a huge culture tank, but at this time the liquid level in the culture tank is falling rapidly, and through the glass on the front of the culture tank I can see several people standing outside on the panel.

As the liquid level dropped rapidly, my feet finally touched the ground, and then the liquid level began to drop faster, and soon the liquid was completely drawn out, and the glass panel in front of me disappeared completely. The chick rose upwards. I directly supported the frame of the glass door and jumped out gently, and a researcher next to me quickly handed over a bath towel. After taking the bath towel and wiping the light green culture medium dripping down my body, I looked directly at a researcher next to me and asked, "What's the matter, you want to wake me up in such a hurry?"

Before the researcher had time to speak, one of the youngsters in the military uniforms standing opposite asked: "You are the artificial human?" Although the term artificial human is not completely wrong, but When this guy said this, he had an attitude of contempt and overlooking, as if he was asking about his new babysitter.

"Please pay attention to your terms." I handed the bath towel back to the researcher next to me while reaching out to take a large bathrobe and drape it over my body.

"I..." The young man seemed to be angry when he heard what I said, but an officer next to him stopped him and proactively said to me: "Brigadier General Shenlin, we need a mission this time. Your cooperation, because the matter is very urgent, can only wake you up directly. I think if you find it convenient, we'd better find a place to talk about specific things right away."

The task requires my cooperation, so I didn't say anything, and this person's attitude was pretty good. After nodded, I directly said to him: "Please go to the lounge with this researcher and wait for a while. I need a few minutes to wash and change my clothes."

The young man thought again after hearing this. Charged forward, but was held down again. The middle-aged officer nodded and said: "Okay, let's wait, but please try to be as fast as possible. Our task is very urgent."

When I heard this, I turned around and asked: "How many people are needed for the task? If we need more than me, it's best to wake them up and start preparing now, so as not to delay time."

The middle-aged officer just wanted to talk and the young man next to him jumped. I shouted with my feet: "All, you are all called up."

I turned my head fiercely and stared at the young officer shouted loudly: "Pay attention to your status as a lieutenant colonel. My rank is brigadier general, you It’s just a small lieutenant colonel. He neither salutes nor stands up when he sees the superior officer. He dares to speak in this tone. Do you think your rank is higher than me or you want to court death?"

The youth is almost like a rabies attack, from the beginning to the end in a state of extreme excitement, as if waiting to fight with others. However, he was held down before he could speak. The middle-aged officer next to him motioned to his entourage to hold him, then turned to me and said, "Sorry, this mission involves a close relationship with him. Personnel, that person may die at any time, so his emotions are more excited."

I nodded and said that I didn’t care. The officer first thanked him politely, and then said: "This mission is an armed infiltration and rescue. Personnel, I’m not sure if the person has been captured or sacrificed, but rescue must be carried out. The number of enemies is not quite clear for the time being, but it is sure that the equipment is well equipped and there are a lot of heavy weapons. However, we are only going to rescue and not fighting with the other side, so I I think only fifty people are enough. After all, too many people will expose the target."

I thought for a while and asked: "Is the fifty people you mentioned, whether I have fifty people or add more people. You have fifty people in total?"

"You are the one who made fifty people." Then Legion said, "We will also send a team of one hundred and fifty people to make up two. A hundred people will do."

When I heard this guy’s words, I immediately slandered in my heart: "Damn, this is not too much? A team of two hundred people will be a lot!" , But I am not in a hurry to discuss with them, so I directly said: "Understood, but I don't think there should be so many people. Anyway, I will look at the preparation, you guys go to rest first, I will be there in five minutes."< /p>

After leaving the incubation room, I first determined my location and found out that I was in the headquarters base here in Nanjing. After I contacted Nuwa to confirm the base map, I found my own lounge and took a shower. After dropping the remaining culture fluid on his body, he changed into a formal military uniform before walking to the reception room. Of course, Nuwa had been notified before I took a bath to help wake up my men. But I didn't call too many people this time. In addition to the twenty-one ring tone Knight, I only woke up Ling and Xiaochun as well as Jingjing, Lingling, Yeyue and Emines. With the six of them plus me, there are seven people, and the twenty-one knight is 28 people. This configuration is quite a lot. Of course, you have to listen to the task introduction first, and you can add more people if necessary.

When I arrived at the lounge, the youngster was going crazy there, and I could hear his voice from far away. Listening to them, it seems that this youngster has a higher status than those officers. Although they are all colonels in terms of their ranks, and this guy is just a lieutenant colonel, they were scolded by him for a long time and dare not reply. Only the brigadier general who had spoken to me before seemed to be able to exchange a few words with this guy, but it was obvious that the person's identity could not hold him down.

After I opened the door, the people in the room stood up immediately. The brigadier also quickly stuffed a piece of information into the projection computer next to him, and then gave it to the image on the wall. I introduced the task.

In fact, the task is very simple. It is to enter a newly established small country in South Africa to rescue people. The problem is that the international power in this area is rather chaotic, so our country cannot blatantly send large troops to rescue. However, the government and anti-government forces of that small country on the other side have heavy weapons, and they are very barbaric. They don’t take our warnings seriously. The special forces we sent to rescue the trapped citizens also joined their government forces and The rebels exchanged fire, and both sides suffered injuries.

There are not too many people in need of rescue this time, but they are not many. The first is that there are more than 100 Chinese employees in a local Chinese company and more than 20 foreign employees in Europe. The second is that a total of 21 people from the previous group of special forces were temporarily trapped there. , But at present, how many people are still alive, I don’t know for the time being, because the local communications are now completely chaotic. The electromagnetic bombs on both sides are flying all over the sky, and the military weapons with targeted protection can still be maintained. The communication system of the antenna cannot work in this situation at all, because it will burn up as soon as it is turned on.

After the officer introduced the situation, the young man broke free of control and rushed to the computer to call up a document, pointing to me and shouting at me: "This person must be rescued, definitely, even if you die She has to come out alive too. I..." The guy was pressed down after only a few words, and the brigadier general said, "Sorry, he is out of control now. But if possible, please pay attention to it as much as possible. This group of people. These six people are two interview teams sent by our country. They are responsible for recording this rescue operation. In addition, this one." The brigadier general directly projected a frontal photo of a beautiful woman in a long formal dress. On the screen, he said: "This is the famous reporter and host Bai Bing Young Lady Bing of the national television station. Her identity is very special. If possible, please try to give priority to rescue."

See this woman Looking at the young man’s appearance next to him, I pointed at the young man with my thumb and asked the brigadier general in a joke: "His horse?"

The brigadier hesitated, but in the end Still nodded, but he still added: "Her family is also very powerful, so it's not just for us. We..."

I directly reached out and stopped his intention to continue to explain. : "No need to explain, I will pay attention. Isn't it the priority of rescue? Anyway, there must be a primary and secondary relationship to save people. In my opinion, the value of this group of people is the same, and the first to save everyone is the same."

The Brigadier General thanked me nodded, even the "mad dog" over there was a little quieter.

"Well, now that the task is finalized, don't waste time. According to the information you provided, these people's material reserves can be maintained for two more days at most. This is still on the premise that there is no accident. But at that In this environment, I feel that an accident is far less unexpected than no accident. Therefore, we should set off as soon as possible."

"Right, right, right now." The mad dog rushed out and shouted again. road.

I thought about it for a moment and said: "According to your mission, we will dispatch 28 people and two dogs, including me. You will arrange the personnel on your side, but I prefer Act alone, if you don’t worry, we’d better let us go."

The young man shouted directly after hearing what I said: "hmph, don’t be too arrogant. If it’s not for father, let me take it." You guys, I took people there by myself."

When I heard that crazy dog, I didn’t have any mood swings at all, and said directly: "I doubt one thing very much."

The mad dog thought it was a matter of mission, so he asked directly in doubt: "What's the matter?"

"Did your family hold you wrong when you were born in the hospital? Why is your dad so smart? Can you give birth to an idiot son like you?"

"You..." As soon as the young man wanted to go crazy, he was suppressed again, and the brigadier general directly persuaded us out of the room.

After leaving the reception room, I directly asked Nuwa to use the lights and horns in the base to guide the group of people to wait for me at the ground airport, and I went to meet Ling and the others and take the equipment together.

When I arrived at the airport with a group of men, the two Phantom II medium transport aircraft had already parked on the runway, and the one in front was already full of personnel and supplies. The young man and the brigadier general group were all sitting in the transport plane behind them. In addition to them, there were more than fifty people in the plane with jungle camouflage on their faces and a mess of special soldiers warriors. However, these people are only special soldiers of the regular army. Although they are definitely first-class experts among human beings, they are fragile like children in front of us. Of course, they don’t know this. As for the brigadier general and the gang of officers around him, I don’t know if they know it, but the young man must not know it, otherwise it would be difficult for normal people to understand our strength. He spoke to me in that manner on the premise.

When a group of us walked into the rear cabin of the plane, the plane immediately became quiet, and then until Sgoth, who was walking at the back, reached out and took a picture of the button that closes the cabin, everyone slowed down. Come on. Then I heard the crazy dog ​​laugh wildly, and the special soldiers over there were whispering to each other in his laughter, but they didn't show any excessive emotional changes. It can be seen from this that the professionalism of this group of people is still quite high.

Actually, according to the perception of normal people, the reaction of that mad dog is the most normal. After all, this is the real world, and everyone's cognition stays at the level of reality. If anyone suddenly saw a group of people in gorgeous armor and cold weapons appear on the road, what would they think? Cos show? A certain crew is making a movie? This is a normal guess. However, it would be strange to see such a group of people on an airplane about to perform a secret infiltration mission.

"hahahaha, are you going to act or do this? Participating in an animation show?"

We didn’t react at all to that guy’s crazy mockery, and we still did our own things. Things. We first opened the two boxes we brought over, and then took out a bunch of armor parts from it, followed Xiaobai and Bailang to us, and we began to hang on to them in a hurry. Armored.

As a creature that has been cultivated outside the game, Xiaobai is an artificial creature that grows naturally, and Bailang is formed by a synthetic creature that derives consciousness from the game from the game like my other monsters. Both of them are modified creatures with similar appearances. They look like two giant white dogs. Of course, this size is not comparable to ordinary dogs. Especially Bailang, if it weren't for his slim figure, he would be like a polar bear one size smaller.

When we got on the plane, the special soldiers were amazed by the size of these two dogs for a while. Now it’s even more surprising to see us wearing armors for them, and when we Finally, when the weapon backpack with dual six-barrel cannons was hung on them, even with the psychological qualities of these special forces, they could squeeze a fist with their mouth open.

After finishing the hanging of Bailang and Xiaobai, we opened the other boxes, and then took out the standard long sword and hung it around the waist, and then we took out the box again The respective long spears and two pistols were all hung on the body, and finally a few grenades were taken out and hung on the buckles on the armor belt.

When I saw us in a gorgeous ancient armor and took out the long sword, which was beautifully shaped like a handicraft, these people thought we were nervous, but when they saw our gun It was stunned again. Our pistol is nothing special, except for its strange shape and a little bigger than normal pistols. However, our long spear is very amazing.

This kind of long spear is first of all very large, its length is almost one meter six or more, this length is too long in front of the commonly used submachine guns and other weapons in modern times, and this gun is also very long. It's wide and very thick. Even if the aiming system and the grip below are not counted, the upper and lower ends of this gun have an astonishing span of more than 20 centimeters. You must know that this part of a general gun is only eight to twelve centimeters at most. The span is really amazing. There is also the thickness of this gun. The distance between the left and right sides of the gun body is about ten centimeters. This thickness is more than two centimeters higher than ordinary guns. Even the popular light and heavy machine guns rarely reach this size. Of course, in addition to the large size, the quirky and futuristic shape of this gun is also a noticeable aspect. To be honest, when normal people see this gun, they will think that it is more like a sci-fi movie prop than a real gun. Even if you wander on the street with it on your back, others will at most think it is a high imitation toy bought for a child rather than a real one. gun.

The so-called layman watch the excitement, but the insider watch the doorway. After observing the external characteristics and weird shape of the gun, the special forces including the few officers began to pay attention to some of its performance problems. First they discovered that we were carrying a large box on our back, and then they removed a belt that looked a bit like a tank track from the edge of the box on the back and connected its two ends to the side of the gun body and the bottom of the box. On one of the interfaces. The special forces soon realized that this was a bullet conveyor belt, and the box was clearly an ammunition box. Although this box is not big, if it is full of bullets, it will definitely be more than the ammunition carried by these special forces. Of course, they would be even more surprised if they knew that the bullets here only have a warhead and no shell, because our gun is actually an electromagnetic weapon. It does not need the bullet’s own propellant when it is launched, so it only uses a warhead and no bullet tail. , The biggest advantage of this design is that you can load as many bullets as possible in a limited space. After all, you can save more than half of the space without a bullet case. As for the weight issue, we don't care so much. Anyway, what we have is strength, and the weight of the bullet is not a problem at all.

After we connected the bullet belts, we started to dig out some special boxes from the box, opened and took out some large cigar-like ammunition and stuffed them in one round under the gun body. Naturally, many people know this kind of gun-launched grenades, but it's the first time that they have seen so many of them at one time.

Only from the process of preparing our weapons, those special forces realized that our weapons have strong firepower and can be used as small howitzers. No matter how strange our armor is, they have at least confirmed our The attack power is definitely very powerful. Some of them even thought of us as a small fort after a fight.

After getting the equipment on our bodies, we each walked to the long boards on both sides of the plane to sit down, but this was the plane gradually began to vibrate, which indicated that the plane was taking off. Then the brigadier general looked at us in surprise at this time and asked: "Where are your heavy weapons?"

"Huh? Heavy weapons?" I looked towards him in confusion, completely wondering what he meant.

The brigadier general could only ask me again when he saw me like this: "What about your tanks? Even if there are no tanks, armored vehicles must be available?"

"Tanks? Armored vehicles? Me. What do you want that stuff for?"

At this time, the mad dog began to bark again. He roared and shouted: "You are making a fool of yourself. My dad also said that we should only bring light equipment. You are responsible for the heavy weapons. You, you... You didn't bring anything? No, I have to let the plane land right away. , At least we have to bring more tanks."

"Okay, don’t get excited, can’t I call reinforcements." Seeing that the mad dog is really going to the cockpit, I hurried to stop, I But I don’t want the plane to fly together and land again.

The mad dog turned around and stared at me for a long time, and then suddenly screamed again after seeing me not moving for a long time. "Don't you want to call for reinforcements? Hurry up. What are you doing?"

"I called." We, Dragon Clan, can use the chip in our heads to achieve wireless communication. I just notified lucky He brought his wife out for reinforcements, and of course the little one will also come together.

For the mad dog's clamor, I can only argue that it is the reinforcements called by the latter, Sgoth. As for why I explained to him, it is of course not because I am afraid of him, but I can’t stand his noise. NS. This guy is just like a sonic weapon, constantly making noises, and my head hurts when the noise is noisy.

I heard that we called for reinforcements and the other party finally calmed down a little bit. In the following time, the guy still kept telling us a lot of things and nothing, so we really want to make this Ya's knock fainted. But unfortunately, after I used the wireless network to contact the base and found the father to understand the situation, I learned that this kid, grandfather and my grandfather were comrades-in-arms, and his dad and my dad have a good relationship. In this case, I don’t know. I'm so arguing with him. The so-called not for the monk's sake, but for the Buddha's, no matter how annoying this kid is, at least he has to show his father and his grandfather some face.

In the midst of the noise of this guy, the plane quickly entered the stratosphere, and then began to accelerate. Although the Phantom II is a transport aircraft, it was originally an aircraft prepared for special forces airborne operations. Therefore, it not only has good stealth, but also has a large transport volume. The most important thing is that it is fast enough to easily get rid of the current world's absolutes. Most fighter jets and a small number of air defense missiles.

As the plane accelerated, the air pressure in the cabin became unstable. The mad dog stopped chattering with us because of tinnitus in his ears, and went straight to adjust his ears. It is rare for us to get clean for a while.

After more than two hours of flying, the aircraft finally reached the sky over the tar

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