I have thought of Hades’s concerns a long time ago, but Hades and I have different ideas. It is true that Aphrodite suddenly ran back to the Olympus Divine Race is indeed quite strange, and after she went back, she met various Olympus Divine Race members and talked with them about some sensational topics, which would all arouse The behavior of others' attention. But what if it gets noticed?

Aphrodite’s relationship in the Olympus Divine Race is quite strong, and her status is not low. Unless Zeus is determined to kill her, otherwise the general Olympus Divine Race god Even if there is any doubt, at most, the investigation will be launched first. If you really want to do it, you will have to wait for the information to be roughly investigated before starting. However, our plan is as fast as two or three days, and it will start operating as late as a week later. In such a short period of time, the other party couldn't find anything even if he investigated it carefully, after all, the time was too short.

Because of this idea, I don't care if Aphrodite will be doubted. As long as she is willing to help us, then we can deal with it by making up a lie that is difficult to escape. If it really doesn't work, we can even cooperate with her in a bitter game, so the credibility can be higher. Although no matter how we act, this lie will eventually be exposed, but we do not expect it will never be exposed anyway, as long as the lie can persist for more than a week is enough for us.

When Hades raised his question, several other Divine Races of chaos and order also expressed their concerns, and I stated my point of view. After listening, everyone thought for a while, and then they all said that the plan was feasible. After all, we only need to lie to the Olympus Divine Race for a week. As Aphrodite in such a short period of time, it is really difficult to be found out by people for any real problems, waiting for them to investigate. When we came out, we had finished our work and evacuated. When the time comes, they wanted to deal with Aphrodite and couldn't find anyone.

Since everyone accepted the plan, I immediately began to take action. The first of course is to ask Aphrodite if he is willing to accept our assignment. Of course, this matter is impossible to negotiate on an equal footing. After all, Aphrodite is now half of our captives, and it is impossible to communicate with her on an equal basis.

When I met Aphrodite, she was studying a magical notebook by herself, which was one of the technical materials from our guild library. The book Aphrodite read is just a peripheral reading, but it introduces many techniques in more detail. Speaking of which Olympus Divine Race’s magic uses are relatively rough, with little attention to technical aspects, so this kind of reading is useful for Olympus Divine Race like Aphrodite. It's still pretty big.

Aphrodite immediately turned around when she heard the door opening, but she frowned immediately after seeing me. But because of my threats to her last time, she didn't show too much behavior.

After staring at me for a while, Aphrodite finally decided to take a non-violent and uncooperative way to play passive resistance with me, she just looked at me so straight but didn’t say a word . Of course I don't care about her behavior that is almost like a child's temper tantrum.

"Still unwilling to cooperate with us?" Looking at Aphrodite who was sitting there with a huff, I deliberately sat on the chair opposite her carefree and asked.

Aphrodite stared at me for a while, but still didn't say a word, obviously intending to carry out non-violent non-cooperation to the end.

Seeing that she still didn’t respond, I said to myself: "I think you know the situation of Olympus Divine Race better than me. Without the help of Hades and their department, Olin The Divine Race must have lost a large part of its strength. But I think that although it is a loss, it is not a good thing for the Divine Race of Olympus."

The talking Aphrodite's eyes immediately became sharp after hearing what I said. It was obvious that she wanted to talk, but she swallowed it back when the words came to her lips. Although she still didn't say a word, I knew her attention had been successfully attracted by me.

"I know you must think that what I said is not reliable, but it is true. Hades and the others can defect, which shows that their minds and Zeus are no longer together. This time just let They left the Olympus Divine Race, which is just a loss of power for the Olympus Divine Race. But, have you ever thought about it. If the two temples of light and dark in Europe are the same as the Olympus Divine When the Race was in a head-on battle, Hades and his Hades suddenly turned to each other, what will the Olympus Divine Race lose?"

Aphrodite's body was fierce after hearing my words. A shudder, I know she thought of the consequences. I did not continue to speak, but gave her time to think. After waiting for a few minutes, Aphrodite finally couldn't help but speak.

"Why are you telling me this? No matter whether Hades and their defections are good or bad for the Olympus Divine Race, it has already happened. It is meaningful to discuss such a thing. Is it?"

"Yes, it does not make much sense to discuss something that has already happened, but what if it is about to happen?"

"What do you mean?" Afu Rodette looked at me nervously and asked.

I deliberately waited for a while, until Aphrodite was about to go crazy, and then suddenly continued: "In fact, you should be very clear in your heart that Olympus Divine Race impossible is a united whole. There must be some, even a large group of people who don’t want to stay in the Olympus Divine Race. These people are just like Hades at the time. They are the time bombs buried in the Olympus Divine Race. , The only difference is that Hades left the Olympus Divine Race without exploding, while the remaining bombs are still hidden inside the Olympus Divine Race, waiting for the opportunity to explode."

"What do you want to do with this?" Although Aphrodite is not very smart in Divine Race, she is definitely not a fool. She knows that I won't tell her for no reason. Of these.

Since Aphrodite took the initiative to ask, I simply said directly: "My purpose is very simple. I want to help Olympus Divine Race find these time bombs."< /p>

"Will you be so good? Are you my three-year-old child?" Aphrodite looked at me with contempt.

I turned a blind eye to Aphrodite’s mockery and continued: "No matter what my starting point is, my purpose is to find these time bombs and remove them from Olin I can assure you that it will be cleared out of Pace Divine Race."

Although Aphrodite is not very good at various crafty plots and machinations, she also knows some things. , After hearing what I said, she quickly thought of the reason. "Do you want to pull these people into your guild like Hades?"

Because the next thing requires Aphrodite's full cooperation, I didn't intend to lie to her. When she asked me, she nodded and said: "Yes, I just want to dig these people into our guild. Those people staying in the Olympus Divine Race will be a hidden danger sooner or later, and now they don’t do it just because there is no chance. , And once they are ready to start, it must be that the Olympus Divine Race has encountered a huge crisis of extinction. At this moment, if there are some internal problems, you know what the consequences will be."

Aphrodite pondered for a while and suddenly asked: "You told me this must be something you want me to do, so what do you want me to do?"

I Said with a smile: "In fact, it’s not too complicated. I just want you to explore the voices of everyone in the Olympus Divine Race and see if they are against the Olympus Divine Race itself. There is dissatisfaction, or the possibility of rebellion."

"It's that simple?" Aphrodite instinctively felt that what I did was impossible, but what I said was really harmless. Sexuality, it’s like doing a simple investigation of the internal tendency of Olympus Divine Race. If the relationship between Olympus Divine Race and I were not relatively rigid, this kind of request would even be directly told to Zeus. , He may even execute it again, even more intense than the investigation I requested. However, although Aphrodite didn't want to understand what benefit this would do to me, she was not so stupid that she would immediately agree to it. She asked again: "I don't believe you guys would be so kind to help the Olympus Divine Race to eliminate traitors."

"I said before, I'm not going to do good deeds, I want to These people dig into our guild. If the Olympus Divine Race is asked to investigate directly, there will be few of them. Most of the people who may betray will be hidden, and this kind of in-depth investigation will inevitably affect internal unity. For you, it’s an absolute loss. But I only need you to investigate the general situation, just take a look, and then I will contact these people. In the end, if you are willing to go with us, it will inevitably be rebellious, and it means that you will not go. They will also be loyal to the Olympus Divine Race in the future. You can give him your back without worry. In this way, your Olympus Divine Race will become more united and unified? Of course, I also got it from it. Good thing, at least the gods who left the Olympus Divine Race became my subordinates. How about? Is this a win-win situation?"

Aphrodite was a little dizzy by my rhetoric. . What I said seems to be beneficial to the Olympus Divine Race, and my motives are also obvious. There is nothing to hide. But when I think about it, Aphrodite feels that something is not right, but I can't figure it out for a while.

I know that Aphrodite must be thinking about it, so I deliberately didn't give her time to think, and immediately threw the bait. "You can rest assured that this plan is good for us and the Olympus Divine Race, and even for yourself. We can sign a guarantee agreement with you, and we will release you to return you to the Olympus Divine Race, and As a deal, you have to help us listen to those Olympus Divine Races. Then you give us the list of Divine Races that have the possibility of defecting. Even if the agreement is over, there will be no relationship between us in the future. Look at this proposal How?" Seeing that Aphrodite was still a little hesitant, I directly added: "Don't worry, we release you first, so you can help us investigate the information. Even if you breach the contract, you are in breach of the contract. Our price is paid first. Yes. So what else can you terrifying?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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