As for the specific person to be sent to carry out the investigation, the whole room of us has been thinking about it for a long time and there is no result.

The current problem is very troublesome. If you just send someone to investigate the location of the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race, it will not be too much trouble. As long as there is an expert who is good at infiltration operations, this can be done. I can even make a list of at least double-digit personnel by just thinking about it. But the problem is that the current thing is not only to investigate the core position of the divine force, but also to contact the gods of the Olympus Divine Race in order to find out whether they have betrayed the Olympus Divine Race. Intend.

If we grab these gods to extract confessions, it’s not a big problem, but what we need now is sniffing, which determines that we must contact these people in a normal way, and Cannot use martial power. Of course, even if we can rely on martial power to solve it, we don't have so many experts to tie all the gods of the Olympus Divine Race back for interrogation.

To contact these Olympus Divine Race members without being suspicious, and to discuss with the other party about their own political stance, then the personnel we sent must have a relationship with the other party. A good relationship, otherwise the other party will never talk to you about this.

To meet the above requirements, this person must first be a member of the Olympus Divine Race, because only such a person can talk about these inscription topics without being suspicious. In fact, the dispatched personnel must have a high affinity, at least they must have a wide range of recognition in the Olympus Divine Race, otherwise, even the members of the Olympus Divine Race will rush to discuss such issues with other gods. It is inevitable that there will be setback.

Under so many restrictions, the range of people we need is actually very narrow, and even if there are such people, the other party may not be willing to help us, and we can’t do it one by one. Ask those qualified Olympus Divine Race Divine Race if they are willing to help, because as long as the god we asked does not want to join us, our actions will be exposed immediately, so we simply cannot pick a suitable candidate.

"I see, otherwise we don't want to explore this, we simply wait until we start to shout directly, if there is an Olympus Divine Race who is willing to defect, just pull it away." thought Vina, who couldn't find a candidate for a long time, could only helplessly said.

Hades is also nodded and said: "It seems that this can only be done. Finding a god who is highly recognized in the Olympus Divine Race and can do things for us is really It’s too difficult. Vina’s method should be able to reach some people, but those who are hesitant may not be able to pull it!"

Vina and Hades said so, Naturally, Xinghuo couldn't help it. They knew fewer people in this respect, so there were no people to recommend. However, just when they were about to make this decision, a person suddenly popped out of my mind.

"Wait, I suddenly thought of someone, maybe I can use it."

"Huh?" Vina and the others were surprised when they heard that I was chosen. come over.

"Which one can you choose to use?" Vina asked in surprise. "Quickly talk about who it is?"

I am a little uncertain and said: "I am not sure whether the other party must be available, but if she agrees, it will indeed meet all the conditions we need. And, The most important point is that even if she refuses, we are not worried that she will reveal our plan."

"Oh? There are such people?" Hades asked in surprise: "You said Who is this?"

"That's the Aphrodite."

"Aphrodite?" Hades was taken aback when he heard the name. , And then suddenly reacted nodded and said: "Yes. Aphrodite is a god of beauty, and her affinity in the Olympus Divine Race Divine Race is very high. If she were to listen to her breath, she would definitely not It is suspicious. And she has been caught by us now. Even if she disagrees, she is impossible to leak the secret. But Purple Moon, have you ever thought about a problem?"

"What's the problem?"


"Even if Aphrodite really agrees, how can you let her go back? Now the entire Olympus Divine Race knows that she was caught by us! It would not be obvious if she was put back suddenly Do you have any questions?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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