"Damn, what's the matter with you?" I was also taken aback by watching Uso flying in.

Usuo was taken aback when he saw me standing in the middle of the great hall, but he quickly reacted and grabbed me and shouted: "Purple Moon, president, please go grab the right foot of the gold, this It’s up to me to block those eating Human Races.”

Usuo just finished talking here, and a large group of eating Human Races flooded in from outside, and I recognized this as soon as I saw it. It's the Human Race that just left. It seems that Urso and the others are even more useless than I thought. It’s just a while? Urso was the only one who was beaten.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." I grabbed the Wusuodao who got up from the ground and was going to block the door: "I have reached an agreement with the leader here, so we don't have to fight anymore."< /p>


The main reason why Urso reacted so much to the agreement I said was that the way we played the game was different. "Zero" is a diversified game, as long as you can think of it, theoretically you can use any way you find interesting to play the game here. However, although "Zero" has countless possibilities, it cannot force the player to develop according to a certain possibility, so it actually only gives a basic gameplay, that is, fighting.

Like Urso, nine out of ten combat professional players in this world are actually playing combat games. The first reaction they encounter when encountering monsters or NPC forces is to fight, not anything else. For tasks such as communicating and negotiating with NPC forces, the average player neither can nor can do it. On the one hand, communication with NPC forces requires strong strength, otherwise people will not be able to kill you at all. On the other hand, this kind of communication itself also requires skills, and compared to combat, this kind of communication obviously requires more brain than muscle.

Because the communication with NPC forces is so complicated, most players have the impression of simply not communicating ideas such as negotiation, so I suddenly said that I have reached an agreement with this group of food Human Race. I was so surprised.

Just as I held Urso, the food Human Race over there hurriedly screamed at the group of food Human Race at the door. As soon as the eater Human Race rushed in, they found me standing in the temple, and then they immediately rushed up with that kind of energy gun, but before they had time to attack, they heard the previous eater Human Race. Screams.

The food Human Race I negotiated with quickly ran to the new group of food Human Races at the door, and then stretched out his hand to stop them while talking to them, the food Human Race who came in later Race was obviously shocked by the words of the previous one, so that after this guy finished a bunch of words, the other Human Races over there were all stunned. However, this quiet lasted only a few seconds before it ended. Then the food Human Race there was noisy like a mass riot. Several of the taller Human Race even rushed to the previous negotiations with me. The eater quarreled with him in front of Human Race.

When I heard these guys' quarrel, I stopped explaining anything to Urso, and asked Ling directly: "What are they talking about? Why does it seem to be arguing?"

Ling nodded and said: "It was indeed a quarrel. The one we negotiated with was their patriarch, but in this food Human Race he is considered to be an older type. According to their race rules, this patriarch should have been I've stepped down."

When I heard this, even if Ling didn't say anything, I knew what those guys were arguing. "Are those young factions opposed to the merger, and want to take this opportunity to pull Old Patriarch down and replace him?" Ling Nodded said: "Yes, they mean that. But it seems Old Patriarch Patriarch’s remaining prestige is still there. Although these guys want to be in the upper ranks, they are not too dared to confront Old Patriarch."

"I am afraid it is not just as simple as the remaining prestige." I heard Ling’s words and pointed directly to the Old Patriarch. "Did you see the armor on his body?" Ling's intelligence was not lower than that of me. Ling's intelligence was not lower than that of me. She just didn't pay attention to it before, but now I understand it immediately. This Human Race is a race that relies on technical prowess. This can be seen from the weapons they use. Well, since they are a race that is known for their skills, they will inevitably have more or less technical products on all kinds of equipment of their race. The human races that I saw before when I entered the village were wearing armors made of wood or iron plates. The technical content of that kind of thing was almost zero, but that doesn’t mean that the human races have no armor skills. The armor on that patriarch obviously has a mechanical device, because I saw something similar to a hydraulic device in each of his joints as he walked around. When it comes to the worn-out appearance of this armor and the heavily worn surface, it is impossible to guess that this armor is probably the equipment produced when their race's technical prowess is complete, which means that the technical content of this thing is higher than that of other human races. The armor on his body should be a bit higher than the boss. And judging from the fact that there is no such armor on other Human Race, this thing may only be left in this set. Then, the patriarch that holds this only one set of ancient Battle Armor is bound to be much stronger than these young factions without armor, which is why those young factions dare not rebel openly.

Although the group leader has now agreed to my request and agreed to join our guild, I am still an outsider to most Human Races, so now I have not spoken up at all. So I can only stand here and watch the Old Patriarch quarrel with the young faction. However, this quarrel did not last long.

The identity characteristics of this Human Race obviously refer to the settings of Iron Blood Fighter, so these guys also have some characteristics of Iron Blood Fighter. Warlike and bad words, this is their characteristic. Because they are not good at words, quarreling is a technical task for them, and it is quite laborious. Therefore, after a few simple quarrels, they directly chose to solve the problem in the most common way of their family.

The patriarch walked up to me directly after arguing with the young faction for a while and spoke to us for a while. Ling immediately translated: "He said the people in the clan did not agree with his merger. Way, so I hope you can come forward and have a duel with them."

"Huh? A duel?"

Ling explained: "Their race is extremely aggressive. They are used to Obey the powerhouse, the patriarchs in the clan are usually played by martial power. When I heard them arguing just now, it seemed that those young factions disagreed with our guild on the grounds that your strength was not as good as theirs. They said These warriors can’t be led by weak creatures."

When I heard Ling’s words, I said directly: "Now I’ll say something, you help me to turn it over, so that those guys can hear me."

Ling nodded and said: "Well, let's say it."

I nodded walked two steps forward and stood in parallel with the patriarch, and said to the group of food Human Race opposite. "I heard you say that you are a warrior and only obey the powerhouse. I don't think there is a problem with your idea." After I finished speaking, Ling immediately translated my original words, and then the group of food Human Races on the opposite side were all stunned. one time. Without waiting for them to react, I went on to say: "However, although I agree with your ideas, I still want you to join my power. But I do not intend to violate your customs, so I accept your challenge. "As Ling translated this sentence, there was a commotion on the other side. But I immediately continued: "However, this kind of duel is my respect for your customs, so I will only accept this time. Once you join my forces in the future, if anyone refuses to obey the control, I will be blamed. ."

Hearing my last threatening words, there was a riot immediately on the other side. After all, they are all militants. To put it bluntly, no one accepts it. How could they calmly accept this when I suddenly heard me say something like this in the boss's tone. As a result, these guys immediately clamored, just because they were talking about magic text, so I couldn't understand a word, I only knew that they were very excited now.

"Okay, stop yelling, I don’t understand what you say anyway. Warrior shouldn’t talk big, let us speak with strength. Please immediately select the person who will fight me. , And tell me the rules and venue. In addition, in order to convince you completely, I allow you to go together."

The translation of what I said this time by Ling Yi of course caused another noise immediately. But the patriarch who stood by me obediently and honestly said nothing. He fought with me before, and although he was not killed by me, he already probably knew my strength. Judging from the fact that he can't stop me wearing armor at all, these juniors will only be abused even if they go together, so he has no worries about this merger. In his opinion, the end is doomed.

This group of Food Human Race is indeed a race that is not good at words. After a period of indignation, they immediately took action to prepare for a duel with me. However, they did not take my suggestion to join them all together. Instead, they only sent a young man’s food Human Race to fight. As for the battle site, they chose a clearing outside the village. Obviously this place was cleared out artificially, and it may have been a training ground before.

Usuo followed me and a large group of Food Human Race to this square with some trepidation, and then the group of Food Human Race quickly prepared to fight with me. But I am afraid that these guys will not be convinced afterwards, so I asked Ling to help me tell them before the war, I gave them two opportunities to challenge. For the first time, they only sent one person, and next time they can all come together or elect a few representatives.

Of course, what I said caused another clamor, but I couldn't understand it anyway, it was just noise.

The selected young food Human Race stood opposite me and yelled at me twice, and then signaled that the patriarch next to him could start. Their patriarch will be the referee this time, but basically he is only responsible for calling the beginning, and the final result is nothing more than who falls to the ground who loses, and there is no need for the referee to judge.

The patriarch directly picked up a stone and threw it into the sky after hearing the guy roar. We had agreed that the stone fell to the ground and even started.

As the rock flew up, all the eyes of the Human Race present focused on the rock, and even the guy opposite me was preparing to wait for the rock to fall. However, I am different from them, because I have an electronic brain in my brain to assist in calculations, so after the rock flew up, I had already estimated its flight trajectory and landing time. So when they were all staring at the stone, I focused on that guy.

Because patriarch’s throwing power was not strong, the stone fell on the ground in a few seconds, and when the stone fell to the ground, when the guy on the other side moved his eyes to me and was about to attack, I suddenly disappeared. I left the place, and then appeared in front of the guy in an instant. Then the people around, including the guy, didn’t see what I did. Anyway, he flew out like this unfathomable mystery, and then directly broke a big tree. The tree hung on the branch of a tree behind and completely stopped moving.

There was silence in the venue, and all Human Races present were dumbfounded. Although they have also considered the possibility of losing, in their opinion, the possibility is only minimal, and even if they lose, they didn't expect to lose so badly. How long is this opening? Is there a second? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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