"President Purple Moon, your pet is really good. It's amazing that you can tell the principle of such a complicated thing by just looking at it twice."

For those people’s flattery, I’m nodded indifferent expression, and then directly asked: "Isn’t this thing too much?"

Usuo said: "Very much. When we came last time, we were hard punches." I went in, and many people were killed by this thing before they had a fight with the Human Race!"

I nodded and asked: "Do you remember the specific location?"

Uso shook the head. "No, there are too many guard towers, and we were fighting while rushing at the time, how can we have time to remember those?"

"Then you will walk behind me, just show me the direction. , Leave the tower to me."

Usuo and the others also know my strength, so they directly agreed to my proposal without any objection.

In fact, letting them go behind is to ensure their safety. It is only good for them and there is no harm, but the other national weapon holder seems a little hesitant. I know he has been looking for opportunities to sabotage operations, and these towers are a very good opportunity, but there are not many opportunities to let them go behind.

I see the guy's reaction all in my eyes, but since he hasn't taken any action yet, I don't plan to expose him in advance.

Then Urso and the others followed me carefully and drove more than five meters away from me. This was to ensure that they would have a reaction in case something unexpected happened. time. After all, my reaction is very fast. If there is an arrow or something from the front, I can definitely get away, but they may not. Multiple safety distances can always gain some reaction time.

Uso said that there are many such towers, but they don't know if it is our good luck. They didn't encounter that thing all the way. When we cautiously advanced more than a hundred meters, we only saw the second guard tower. Since I discovered it very early and the sentry tower had not yet entered the attack range, I directly let the rose vine pierce it and drag the sentry tower underground to get it done.

After passing through the location of the guard tower, we eliminated two guard towers that were close to each other, and then we arrived at the village where we eat Human Race. Urso and the others walked up to me in a little surprised and whispered: "I really didn't expect it will be so smooth this time. It seems that our offensive route was a bit problematic last time."

"Yes. "The other person in the team turned around and asked the other national weapon holder and said: "Harrawaw, how did your group reconnaissance last time? There is obviously such a sparse place here, how do you I took it to the dense road over there? It killed so many people. If it weren’t for the human race eater just not to be there that day, let’s not talk about grabbing the golden right foot, maybe the whole team would have to. Planted inside."

When I heard this player, I immediately understood what was going on. Needless to say, this guy must have done it deliberately. Although he didn't know the reason, he didn't want Uso to find the Qi State device but he was certain. However, despite being questioned by the host, the national weapon holder who was called was very angry and said: "How do I know why there are so few towers here? Last time we took the whole food Human Race has surveyed the outskirts of the village. Only the one that I gave you has the least number of guard towers. How do you know that this time it has suddenly decreased so much? It's possible that our assault made Human Race realize that the guard tower has nothing but early warning capabilities. It doesn’t matter much outside, so they may dismantle most of the guard towers."

After hearing this guy’s words, the companions can’t say anything. After all, they are all teammates. Before they made it clear that they were impossible to obstruct the task, they really turned their faces on him, at most they just complained a few words.

Naturally, I don’t care about the farce between them. After simply observing the surrounding environment, I directly put my wrist on the ground, and only the ghost worm quickly got from under my wrist. He crawled out of his mouth, and then quickly disappeared under a pile of fallen leaves.

As the ghost worms spread, I quickly grasped the environmental characteristics of the nearby area, and with the help of the ghost worm’s visual system, I saw Urso and their so-called Human Race for the first time.

Although we have been listening to Uso before and they talk about how this food Human Race is different from the real food Human Race, but just listening to the name of this food Human Race, I still can’t help it The guy is associated with the kind of human race that is brown and black, wearing a necklace of leaves and animal teeth. However, when I saw these guys for the first time, I finally understood that Urso was going to say that this group of eater Human Races are aliens.

"Damn, isn't this the fucking Iron Blood Fighter?" Yes, the so-called Human Race I saw is the same race as the Iron Blood Fighter in the movie. Of course, there are still some differences between the two, at least there are no scales on these Human Races. However, the heads of these guys are exactly the same as those of the alien iron Blood Fighter in the movie Iron Blood Fighter, especially the mouth with four fangs that can be opened to all sides. This thing is simply the symbol of Iron Blood Fighter. one. "This is what you call the Human Race?" I asked the visual signal sent by the ghost worm and projected it in front of everyone with a crystal ball.

"I told you that eating Human Race is just the name of the system. These things are actually more like aliens than eating Human Race." Urso explained.

I nodded and asked: "You said that their weapons are very advanced. What are they like? I didn't see that they have weapons."

Looking at a Human Race in the projection, "Did you see the thing on that guy's wrist?"

"You said that something that looks like a Hidden Arrow launcher?"

"No, it's not a long-range weapon at all, but an energy weapon. When they want to fight, they will stick out two light blades from the thing on their arms. When fighting, the thing is like cutting iron. The equipment on our body looks like a blur in front of that thing."

"So exaggerated?"

"The more exaggerated thing is the one behind them with their backs on their backs. That thing. What do you see that thing looks like?"

When I heard Urso's words, I immediately focused on observing the situation of one of the Human Race with its back facing us. This guy is carrying a stick-like object of about 1.2 to 1.3 meters on his back obliquely. But this object is not straight. Its main body is roughly straight, but there is a small bend near the end, which feels like a butt.

If you look back after discovering that the structure is very similar to a buttstock, you will find that the stick-like object is actually very much like a police shotgun, but the length of this thing is longer than normal. The shotgun is slightly longer, and its external structure is covered with a lot of crystals, so it looks a bit sci-fi. However, although the crystal covered on this thing looks quite sci-fi, because other parts are carved with many ancient patterns, this thing does not look like a modern, smooth and concise style. Generally speaking, this thing is more like a product of ancient civilization, and it should be a product of science and technology.

"Is this a gun?"

"It is an energy weapon to be precise." Loss."

"Really a gun?" I asked in amazement: "How is the formidable power? What are the characteristics? Such as the rate of fire, sustained firepower, accuracy, etc."

< p>Uso shook his head and said: "I don't know what attribute this thing is. I only know that this thing can be attacked from a distance. The farthest one I saw was a human race that missed a round of ammunition and kept flying. After a distance of more than three hundred meters, one of our team members was blasted off."

"Yes, yes." Another high level player in the team who participated in that battle He also said: "The guy who was bombed was right next to me. I saw him being bombed with my own eyes."


"Yes." Another high level player interrupted and said: "This weapon emits a blue light cluster like a meteor. The light cluster travels very fast, but it is not the speed of light, so as long as the reaction is fast enough, it can flash. But this light ball will explode when it comes into contact with an object, and the formidable power is very large."

"Can you launch an explosive energy ball weapon?" I pondered for a while and then asked again. : "So what's the rate of fire of this thing?"

"It should be a single shot." A high level player said: "I think they have a short interval each time they fire. I guess this thing is the most The fast launch speed is about one round in two seconds, but they don’t need extra work to load bullets between the two launches, and I haven’t seen Human Race replenishing ammunition in battle."

I nodded and said: "putting it that way. This is a kind of shotgun that looks like a shotgun. It can launch a blue energy group with an explosive force equivalent to a bazooka, but the rate of fire is as high as one shot every two seconds, and it may be A weapon with unlimited ammunition?"

"It's almost like that." Uso nodded and said.

"What does it mean like this?" I suddenly said angrily: "If there is an army of this kind of equipment in China, even our Frost Rose League will not be able to stop them. You said before. There are a lot of such food Human Race Tribe in the forest. If their weapons are so powerful, how did your city defend it?"

"no no no, you misunderstood." I found some An angry Urso quickly explained: "This kind of weapon is also a rare thing in the Human Race. Only the warriors of their clan can wear it. The normal Human Race only has the energy claws on the wrist." /p>

"It's almost the same." I nodded said: "You guys wait here first, I'll go and see the situation by myself. In case I am found, you must stop the escaped Human Race as soon as possible. Prevent them from taking the golden right foot away."


After I got the confirmation, I turned off the projection and touched the inside of the Human Race Tribe.

The technical prowess of the Human Race Tribe is so powerful, the village they live in is naturally impossible like an animal shack. In fact, the village where these guys live is like a small city. In addition to the absence of a city wall, the buildings here are even more magnificent than those in cities built by Brazilian players.

Almost all of the buildings built by the Human Race are made of stone, and the structures of these buildings are very solid. You don’t need to check it. At a glance, you think this house was built. Super sturdy.

Because there are a large number of human race warriors gathered near the village, I did not dare to get too close, but stopped at a place tens of meters away from the edge of the village.

Through the gaps between the plants, I carefully observed the situation in the village.

These human races are not a single race. Their social structure should be similar to humans, because I have seen many small children and old people in the village besides the big human race warrior. . However, I haven't found women in the village. If this race is not for single-sex reproduction, then it must be that the sex of this race is not easy to distinguish, so I can't tell the difference.

The stronger individuals in the Human Race in the village basically wear weapons and armors, although they are all armors made of wood or simple metal, but from this point of view, their The technical strength is definitely not lower than that of human beings.

In the middle of the village, many elderly human races gathered to process the carcasses of various animals. They peeled and washed the prey brought back by the adult individuals and put them in some containers for collection. They were fighting with each other on the square in the village. It seems that the battle awareness of this race is very strong, because their children often fight fiercely, but adult individuals will not care about them at all. If this is in human society, children who become such adults must go to fight in the morning.

After observing the social structure of Eating Human Races, I want to see if there are leaders in these Eating Human Races. Generally speaking, there will be leaders of highly civilized social species. This Food Human Race should also have a leadership group, but I have been observing here for a long time and I haven't found any that looks like a leader. Those Food Human Races are all busy with each other and hardly communicate with each other, so I can't judge where their leadership is, and I even doubt whether they communicate through voice.

While I was thinking about how to find their leadership, there was a loud bang from the direction behind me. I turned my head and saw the woodland not far away. A ball of Fireball rose in between, accompanied by billowing black smoke.

I realized almost instantly that it was Urso and the others who were discovered, but looking at the Human Race in the village where the collectives put down their hands and rushed towards the other side, I finally chose to stay where I was. , Instead of going back to help.

My task this time is to find the national equipment to form a golden right foot, not to help Uso and them. To put it bluntly, Urso, they came to help me, not let me help. So even if they die here, it will have no effect on me. Anyway, the destination has already arrived, and it's the same whether it's a guide or not. On the contrary, their exposure attracted me a lot of Human Race, so I could just take the opportunity to sneak into the village to find the golden right foot.

As the first explosion ended, one after another explosion sounded immediately in the forest behind me. Obviously, Urso and the others are already fighting the human race, and they seem to be fighting fiercely. But think about it. Except for the two guides, almost all of the people who followed me were experts. They included Urso and Harovaf, the two national weapon holders, and the rest were from the largest guild in Brazil. expert. Although these people may not be able to make it into the international battle strength list, they are at least not ordinary players, whether it is their own level, battle awareness or equipment situation, it can be said that they are quite good. It would be strange if such a group of people were killed easily.

Looking at the last Human Race running past me and rushing into the forest, I cautiously ran out of the hiding place and touched the village. speaking of which these guys are really combative. As soon as I heard the explosion, the whole village rushed over, including the old man and the children who were obviously not grown up. Basically, as long as they could move, they all rushed into the woods, and the village even had personal hair. Can't see it anymore.

Although the reaction of this group of food Human Race is very strange, but I have no time to think about it. It's just convenient for me to start if they are not in the village.

Although I have never been to this village of Human Race, I heard from Uso before that they said that Human Race took the golden right foot as their divine object, so I guess this thing will be placed in the village. In a special building inside. After all, divine object is different from treasure. Treasure may be put into a box and hidden in any corner, but a divine object must only be just and honorable in a conspicuous place.

The most conspicuous thing in the human race-eating village now is undoubtedly the building in the middle of the village that is obviously several times higher than the surrounding buildings. Unlike the small building with two or three floors on the outside, the building in the center looks like the flat-topped pyramid of the Maya civilization, and there is a building like an altar on top of the building, so I judge the gold The most likely right foot is here.

Since I guessed that the golden right foot might be in the building, I naturally touched it directly. Fortunately, the streets in this village are all straight, plus the central one. The building is so tall that you can see it all over the village, so I ran to the foot of the building with little effort.

Before, I couldn't see the bottom of the building in the distance. When I got to the front, I discovered that the bottom three-meter-high part of this thing is all the foundation, and the main building is on the top of the foundation.

I followed the steps on the edge of the foundation and climbed up the corridor surrounding the main building on the foundation, and quickly found the main entrance. After pushing open the gate that was five meters high and three meters wide, I immediately saw a hall of gold and jade in glorious splendor.

Here I just opened the door and glanced at the hall. Before I had time to take a closer look, I suddenly heard the sound of metal collision, and then I saw two luminous bodies waving at me. come over. Seeing the luminous body that appeared suddenly, I almost instinctively bowed my head and rolled forward, passed directly under the luminous body, and then quickly stood up and looked towards behind, I wanted to determine who it was sneak attack. I.

As soon as I turned my head and didn't see things clearly, I saw the luminous body waved over again. I quickly stepped back and watched the guy who attacked me by the way.

This is a Human Race, there is no doubt about it. However, unlike the Human Race that I saw outside, this guy is not wearing a simple piece of metal or wood armor, but a set of reasonable structure and gorgeous shape. But the dark yellow armor is very worn out on the outside. What's more, the biggest difference from the armor on the general Human Race is that this guy also has a helmet on his head, and the helmet's eyes are actually covered by dark red crystals, so it can be said that this The helmet is completely sealed.

As soon as I saw the shape of this guy clearly, the other person had already rushed in front of me. He quickly raised his right hand and cut it to the side of my waist, above the back of his right hand. , The two pale-yellow light blades are emitting bright light like two light tubes.

When I saw the light blade cut over, I was unambiguous. I directly held Eternal in my hand and flicked it. Eternal instantly stretched into a sword shape and was crossed in front of me, following the opponent’s The lightsaber cut directly on the eternal blade, but the expected impact did not appear. The light blade on the opponent's wrist crossed the eternity, and then continued to swing at me, as if it were a ghost wearing it. It's just like a wall, and there is no collision effect between the two at all.

Although I was surprised that the weapon did not produce any force, I still flew back immediately and drew away the other party’s light blade, and followed the eternity with a wave of my hand, directly using the inertia to bring the eternity Throw it off and stretch it into a hook and sickle spear form. The opponent’s weapons are not like the lightsabers in the movie that can be framed together to fight swords. The light blades are pure light blades, just like the beam of light of a flashlight, which is simply nothingness. It’s not a good idea to fight in close hands with an enemy holding such a weapon. The inability to block the weapon means that once you fight with the opponent, it may become a wound-for-injury style of play, and I don’t want to fight this human race. Change injury. His strength is not strong enough to be worth my injury. In this case, the relatively longer and more effective hook and sickle gun becomes the most suitable weapon. At least I can hurt the enemy from the attack distance. However, that guy is obviously more thief than me.

Just when I took advantage of the distance between the two sides to turn the eternity into a hook and scythe, the light blade on the other's wrist suddenly flashed and went out directly, and then he directly stretched out his hand. He pulled the long weapon out from behind.

The weapon he is carrying on his back is exactly the kind of weapon that Urso I have seen before. They said it is a long-range weapon, but the one this guy carries on his back seems to be better than the one I saw just now. Those are a bit longer, and they seem to be thicker, and the details are a little different. However, before I could figure out what was different, the other party quickly raised the weapon like a gun, pointed the muzzle at me and pulled the trigger.

When the weapon was launched, there was no explosion sound like gunpowder weapon, but a very strange sound of zi zi wu wu, which sounded a bit harsh, and it felt like what I heard when my ears were ringing in my ears. Kind of voice.

Along with the strange sound, a ball of blue light quickly ejected from the muzzle. The diameter of the light ball was obviously several times thicker than that of the gun body, and the light ball was also shot out as soon as it was formed. Before Uso and the others said that the speed of the light ball fired by this gun is very fast. Now it seems that it is not fake at all. The light ball has flew in front of me almost at the moment of forming. I guess the flying speed of this thing may have been Reached three to four times the phonemes. However, it is a pity that although its speed is already very fast, it is still faster than my reaction.

As soon as the light ball was about to hit me, I twisted to the left side like lightning and let go half of my body, and the light ball flew past my body. It blasted directly on the door that had been closed again, and immediately after hearing a bang, a large hole exploded directly on the entire door, and it flew out along with the entire door panel.

Before, Uso said that the formidable power of this gun is very big. I didn't care about it. Now, it turns out that the formidable power is very big. When I came in just now, I discovered that the two gates were actually made of stone, and the thickness reached two inches. I was not surprised that such a thick stone gate was punched through a small hole, but a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter was blown into the gate, and finally the entire door panel blasted off together. This formidable power is a bit exaggerated.

The opponent was surprised when he missed the shot, but he quickly adjusted it and adjusted the muzzle at me and fired another shot. This time I was even tougher. With a sweeping sweep of my hand, Peng Sound directly slapped the ball of light away. The ball of light flew out five or six meters obliquely and finally hit the ground and exploded, blasting the ground directly into a large crater over one meter.

The guy who saw me flashing bullets was already amazed before, and now I found that I could actually miss the light ball he launched. That guy was even more obvious, but he still reacted quickly. He fired another shot at me, and of course I was shot again this time.

After three consecutive shots failed, this guy was really anxious. He directly took out a strange thick U-shaped device from behind and put it on the gun, only to hear the thing click. It was directly connected to the middle of the gun body, and then this guy raised the gun again and pointed it at me and pulled the trigger continuously.

The interval between the guy firing three shots before was indeed two seconds. This is no different from what Urso said, but when the guy stuck the U-shaped device on the gun, he looked like It was like playing a semi-automatic rifle that I continuously pulled the trigger, and then I saw a round of light bullets madly pouring toward me at an average rate of one round per second.

Looking at the other party's continuous light bombs, I didn't panic, but rushed up with Eternal. I first swung the eternal hook and scythe gun and slammed a luminous bullet to the ground, then flipped my hands and turned the hook and scythe gun in a circle. The tail of the gun was lifted up and one was directly picked up. The inertia just turned around, the tip of the gun turned around and swept one horizontally, and then the body turned again, the tail of the gun swept again, and the gun body was tilted, and the next shot was picked up on the roof, and then the tail of the gun Flip and smash one again. Finally, I held the hook gun in my hand and waved it like a propeller. The smashed light bullets all flew out one by one, and I was still picking up these light bullets. Move a little bit to the other side.

Looking at me getting closer, the other party became anxious, but his weapon seemed to have a launch speed limit, so that's it no matter how fast. Just when he was anxious, the distance between us was finally close to within two meters. After I turned around and picked up a light bullet, the gun body immediately flipped down and violently thought about it, and only listened to a chuckle, the guy suddenly tilted his body, holding a half of the gun body in each of his hands, staggering back and forth. It took several steps to stabilize the figure. But the next second he was surprised to see the parts of the gun body he was holding with both hands. The energy gun that was supposed to be a whole was cut into two sections diagonally from the middle position, and the cut in the middle was smooth and flat as if it were a mirror. If it weren't for some cut-off parts that were still spraying out sparks, maybe some people would think that it was intentionally processed that way.

When. I force the eternal hook and scythe in my hand to the ground, and I look directly at the human race in front of it. Human Race said with a smile: "Don’t think I’m afraid of you if I have a gun. Tell you, unless you have that thing. You can get a speed with the machine gun, otherwise you don't want to hit me at all."

Of course, I didn't say this to be handsome, nor to piss off that guy, but purely experimenting.

Judging from the weapons of these guys, their technical prowess should be very strong, and our Frost Rose League has always been leading the various guilds with technology, so I will pay special attention to collecting the world All the technologies that I have access to. Although these Food Human Races are called Food Human Races, they are obviously characterized by a bunch of aliens. The weapons they use are very special, and they look like formidable power. It would be a shame to let such awesome things go in vain, so I plan to try if I can buy them over.

Of course, if it is really impossible to buy, just picking up some finished weapons and going back to do reverse engineering research should also be able to crack a part of the technology. But that's just a backup plan. The best situation is that they can directly get their approval and directly pull this group of guys into our Frost Rose League camp.

Because of the idea of ​​wooing these guys, I just said this now. The seemingly inadvertent words are just testing, testing whether they can understand my words, and even whether they can communicate.

"..." After hearing what I said, the other party really had a reaction. The Human Race screamed at me madly and screamed some words that I didn't understand at all. . Although I don't understand this language, I am still satisfied. At least these guys also communicate by voice, so as long as they can decipher their language, communication is not impossible. As long as a group of creatures that communicate through mental waves like Voidwalkers is created, it is easy to handle, at least our mode of communication is the same.

"Hey, why do you shout? Are you talking about us?" I'm still trying to see if that guy doesn't speak our language or is he angry I speak my mother tongue habitually.

The guy on the other side obviously lost his anger after hearing what I said, but soon he yelled at me in another language.

"Mowen? Do you say Mowen?" Although I don't understand Mowen, Ling does, and I have also heard the pronunciation of Mowen. Just like in reality, even people who don’t understand a foreign language can roughly tell which language the other party is speaking in English, French, German, or Japan. Even though I don’t understand Mowen, I can tell that the other person is talking about Mowen. "You wait." As I said, I beckoned Ling Ji out.

The guy on the opposite side was nervous when he saw that there were suddenly more people, but he didn't attack, but hid back. I was able to cut off his weapon under his frontal attack just now, which obviously proved my martial power, so he dare not act rashly now.

Ling has been paying attention to my situation before, so as soon as she came out, she directly spoke to the guy over there with a magic text. The guy on the other side immediately got excited when he heard the language he could understand, but he seemed to take a few steps back on guard as if he suddenly thought of something, and then spoke to Ling Jili.

I listened to Ling and that guy chatting for a long time without knowing what they were talking about, but I knew they were communicating, it was an improvement, so I didn’t interrupt them in a hurry. , But wait for them to talk slowly.

Although I have patience, how could a smart person like Ling keep me cold and wait? After a few brief exchanges, Ling suddenly turned his head and said to me: "Purple Moon, it seems we underestimated the scope of the game "Zero"."

Although Ling is just my favorite, but Because she already has a body in reality, she knows that "Zero" is just a game, not a real world. Precisely because of this, she has to surpass other intelligent NPCs in many things. After all, she has a much higher level of understanding than those NPCs.

When I heard Ling’s words, I was slightly stunned, and then asked: "What did you find?"

Ling said directly: "I thought "Zero" was just a The myth stories and religions around the world are transformed into the existence of the game, but now it seems that it is not just the myth stories and the religious system that have actually been transformed."

"What else is there?"



Ling nodded said: "Do you know some legends about the giants of Easter Island and the Mayan civilization? "

Originally, if Ling only mentioned giant statues and Mayan civilization, I couldn’t think of anything else, but because Ling said before, "Zero" included more than just mythology and religion. There is such a premise. , I immediately thought of Ling's meaning. "You mean aliens?"

Ling nodded said: "Zero simply unifies all the legends in the real world under one system, not only the magic of the West, the Divine Immortal of the East" Taoism, witchcraft in the primordial region, and even the technological civilization of the United States. Since these things can be unified in one game, then you can know that "Zero" actually contains the entire world."

When Ling Ling said that, I immediately nodded and said: "This is also true. In fact, we have seen a lot of evidence before. For example, the Atlantis civilization in Aanna’s hometown They are simply Yizhi marine science and technology civilization. There are also the space-time wanderers that we gathered before the world battle strength list experts to eliminate, those should be the product of parallel universe theory. And our guild’s magic science system, these things are also Things in reality. By the way, there are the two red planets and shadow planets in the sky, which are actually aliens, but they are now leaning against Earth where we are."

Ling nodded and said: "So "Zero" actually contains a lot of things, and the Human Race in front of you is actually an alien civilization."

"They really are alien civilizations, I I know that these technical weapons are not like E

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