Faced with the many dumbfounded Human Races in the arena, I asked directly: "Do you guys compare? I will allow you to arrange the number of people at will in the next game, even if you all go together. It’s okay."

After Ling translated what I said, the gang of Food Human Race on the opposite side looked at me in a daze, and then they suddenly folded their hands on their chests and pointed to me. Bent over and shouted out a word collectively. Ling told me it was their allegiance.

The concept of this food Human Race is to obey the powerhouse, so when I confirmed my bravery, they immediately changed their attitude towards me. It is a provocation for people without strength to be arrogant in front of them, and it is right for people with strength to be arrogant. This is their concept.

After this group of food Human Race is convinced, the next thing is much simpler. First, through this patriarch issued an order to summon all the nearby pure-eating Human Races, so that they can return to Isengard with me later. The main goal of this mission, the golden right foot, was quickly obtained by me with the help of Human Race patriarch. Of course, this thing is to be handed over to Uso. As for the group of people who came with Uso, I thought that all of them had died, and didn't expect that they were not dead yet. After I asked, I found out that this group of people eating Human Race actually has a disgusting habit, which is to make the enemy’s skulls into crafts and carry them on their bodies to show their martial power. Although these people were killed, they had not been killed yet because they needed to prepare production tools and auxiliary materials. Afterwards, as a powerhouse, I asked them for these captives, and naturally I successfully rescued them.

When I handed over the golden right foot obtained to Uso, the national weapon holder, Uso immediately wore the golden right foot. As soon as this thing got on his body, his national equipment immediately became a complete set of equipment. However, at the moment when his national implement was formed, all the national implements on his body suddenly lit up at the same time, and then an electric current suddenly emitted from all over his body and quickly gathered towards his chest. Finally, when the current converged to a point, A light bullet suddenly blasted from his chest and hit my chest directly. Since I didn't expect Urso to attack me at all, I had no defense at all. In addition, the current gathering speed was so fast that I was hit before I could react.

Seeing that I was attacked, the surrounding Human Race immediately huffed around and took out weapons to prepare to do something against Uso. After all, they are my people now. See if I was attacked. It doesn't help. However, just when they were about to attack, I suddenly stopped their actions.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, it's not an attack. This is not an attack."

When the light bullet formed by the electric light hit me just now, I did think that I was a sneak attack. So that I backed back several steps in order to dodge, but when the light bomb really hit me, I realized that I didn't get any hint of being attacked, and I didn't feel any discomfort.

After stopping the food Human Race, I took a closer look at my attribute, and found out that there was a new attribute on my Divine Dragon suit-Agility.

It is said that agility is a basic attribute. The basic attribute points of each player include the basic attribute points of strength and agility, but before that I have never seen agility be marked separately in a special attribute. In the equipment bay. After carefully checking this attribute, I finally figured out the function of this attribute.

The so-called agile attribute can actually be divided into two more specific attributes, one is hit and the other is dodge. The simple point is that when I attack the enemy, the hit rate will be relatively high, and there will be almost no probability of being evaded by the enemy. Of course, this attribute is not very useful to me, after all, I rarely miss someone when I hack someone. However, the dodge at the back is more awkward. The effect of this dodge is to increase the probability of dodge. In fact, it automatically controls my body to dodge the enemy’s attack, and its effect is very good. After adding this agile attribute to my basic agility, the agile attribute is basically equivalent to mine. Of people can almost do 100% MISS.

I am now more than two thousand one hundred levels anyway, my agility value is already high, and my basic attribute points are more than twice higher than others, so the higher the level, the gap between me and the average person The bigger it will be. Calculated based on the attribute value of the average player, even if this person is an assassin-type profession that specializes in agility attributes, he must reach 1.5 times my level to ensure that the agility attributes are equivalent to mine.

What is the concept of 1.5 times the level? The concept is that when I reach level two thousand, the opponent must reach level three thousand before our agility attributes are equal. This is still under the premise that the opponent is an assassin-type occupation, if he encounters a mage-type player, even if he rises to 10,000 level, he may not be as agile as my 2,000 level. Of course, even if the agility is zero, a 10,000-level wizard throwing a range magic casually is enough to kill me in seconds. It's a pity that I'm currently the first in the ranking list, and I'm a lot higher than the second, so it's absolutely impossible to surpass me in agility. Of course, the agility is not as good as me, it does not mean that I will definitely not hit me, just that the hit rate will be very low.

Anyway, this agile attribute is very awesome, but this attribute actually has a better place, that is, it is not a simple personal attribute, but a national war attribute. .

The national-wide attribute carried on the national equipment is a national war attribute, and the attribute I got turned out to be a national war attribute. What is this concept? This will mean that as long as I participate in the battle, all our personnel will be assisted by agile attributes. When the time comes, even the wizards of our guild can be as flexible as the warrior, while the warriors may be Like assassin, as for assassin... that is no longer what ordinary people can catch.

After reading the newly obtained attributes, I took this group of food, Human Race, and Uso back to the city where Uso and them were. After bidding farewell to Uso and their boss, I took it. With that large group of food, Human Race borrowed the Transmission Formation in the city and sent it to a seaport city in Brazil. The reason why I came here was mainly because it was really inconvenient to use other means of transportation to leave with more than two thousand people, so I could only take these people back to Isengard by boat. To be a ship, there must be a port, and the largest port in Brazil is the port where we are now.

"President, aren't we going back to the headquarters? What are you doing here?" Patriarch of Human Race asked me in fluent Chinese. Regarding the language innate talent of this guy, I have to say it is really awesome. Listening to this guy's standard Mandarin, who would have thought that he could not understand Chinese an hour ago? On the way from the village where Shi Human Race is located to the city where Uso and the others are located, the patriarch asked me to learn our language. Of course, I would not refuse this request. As a result, they didn't expect to speak fluent Mandarin in an hour. For this, I can only understand that this race is born with innate talents for learning multiple languages, otherwise it really can't explain that they learned Chinese so quickly.

Listening to the question asked by the patriarch, I directly explained: "When I came, I rode a flying familiar. But my familiar can only take a few people, you two Thousands of people are too much. So I can only find a boat to transport you back."

"Oh, so that's how it is. But is our guild ship big enough? We are. There are more than two thousand people? I'm afraid that the average boat can't fit it?"

"Don't worry about this, this time the boat is very big, and there is more than one."

"Oh, then I can rest assured."

Less than twenty minutes after I finished communicating with this patriarch, a black shadow appeared on the distant sea. Players on the Brazilian side had seen me standing by the port with a bunch of food Human Race before, and they had already attracted a lot of people’s attention. If it hadn’t been for the departure of Uso, they had notified the city Chief-In-Charge here. We see off, it is estimated that some people have already begun to try to attack Human Race. After all, these food human races appear in the jungle in the form of highly experienced monsters, so many locals want to fight when they see this group of food human races. However, even though they have no chance to take action because of guards blocking them, this does not hinder their onlookers.

For being watched by these people as monkeys, the Human Races are very disgusted, but because I was pressed, they could only endure it first. However, just when those eating Human Race felt that they were almost out of control, the crowd of onlookers suddenly dispersed and desperately squeezed onto the dock.

Following the commotion of those crowds, the gang of Food Human Race who followed me finally discovered the problem. The black spots on the sea in the distance are getting bigger and bigger, and the number is also increasing. Suddenly, one of them called out: "Oh, my God. That ship...that ship..." The man couldn't even speak because of his excitement.

"Hey, what's the matter with that ship?" A player who knew that person patted him and asked.

The player who had been stuttering for a long time swallowed desperately and stabilized his emotions before saying: "It's so big!"

"What's so big?" The player next to him still didn't. react to.

The player pointed to the distance and said: "Do you see a ship leaving in front of the black spots?"

The player next to it nodded and said: "I saw it. Isn't that the Kaydal that just left the port?" The player suddenly reacted when he said this. He exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

When he called like this, the other people next to him became even more confused. A familiar guy patted him directly and asked: "You guys What are you surprised about?"

The player said excitedly: "Did you see the Kaydal?"

"Of course." The player next to nodded and said: " That’s the proud Kedar of our Brazilian Navy. But is there any problem with this?"

The player who was asked next to him explained excitedly: “Do you know how old Kedar is? But now you Look, the new ships on the opposite side are obviously farther away from us than the Kedal, but you see, the dark shadows they formed are actually bigger than Kedal! Do you know what this means?"

If anyone said that he didn't know, he was really an idiot. Everyone knows the visual effect of being close, big and small. The black shadow formed by a ship farther away has surpassed that of the ship nearer. This only means that the ship far away is bigger than the one nearer. a lot of. However, this ship nearby is not just an unknown boat. It is the battleship Kedar, the pride of the Brazilian Navy, and the largest and most formidable power ship in Brazil. However, the current Kedar is like an ordinary boat against the black shadow in the distance, and as the distance between the two approaches, the size gap between them is still expanding. If there is a ship of this size, it is nothing, but there is more than one black shadow over there, but a large area. This is quite amazing.

After figuring out the reason, the people around started to marvel at the huge black shadow in the distance, but as the big guys kept getting closer, everyone finally felt something was wrong. On the sea in the distance, the foremost ship in those battleships has already crossed the Kedal, which means that the visual error of the two should be the same at this time, so everyone can follow the Kedal at this time. To estimate the size of the ship next to it. However, it was not until this time that everyone suddenly discovered that the ship next to the Kedal was two or three times larger than the Kedal, although because one of the two sides is the bow moved towards the port and the other is the stern moved towards the port, so look. The length of the two is not available, but the width and the height of the ship island can already tell that the two are simply not of the same level.

The Kedar, which was originally parked in the port, has always given Brazilian players a Hegemon feeling. The ships that usually enter and leave the port are like toys in front of it. But now, although the Kedal is not like a toy by the ship's side, it appears to be so thin, and the two have no comparability at all. If you think of that big ship as a battleship of normal tonnage, the Kedar next to it looks like a light frigate or a heavy torpedo boat, but it's a few numbers smaller anyway.

"Purple Purple...President Purple Moon." The Chief-In-Charge of the city who was responsible for seeing us off looked at the super giant ship in the distance and stuttered and asked: "Come to pick you up. What is this... what kind of ship?"

"Oh, these are a batch of super battleships recently launched by our guild. As you know, the liquefaction magic crystal technology is popular now, and the battleships we used before They are all outdated and no longer suitable for the needs of modern warfare. So recently our guild has not only dragged down all the previous battleships and remodeled them, but also launched some new battleships. This time, the ones who came to pick us up were the new ones. The launching battleship. They went to the United States to receive the weapon system ordered before, and they are now preparing to return to the voyage, and take us back by the way."

"Super battleship? This...How big is your super battleship? Huh?"

"I don’t know about this. I approved the shipbuilding project, but I didn’t read the specific data, and I didn’t pay attention to these ships during the construction process, so for the time being I also I don’t know how big these ships are. In fact, just like you, this is the first time I have seen them."

I’m telling the truth. I really don’t know how big these ships are. But compared with the Brazilian players present, I have to calm down a lot, because I am different from them. I knew that these ships would definitely be very big.

Yes, I did not read the specific parameters of the ship, but I have read the design report. Because there is no suitable air strike force in the game, so in reality, the aircraft carrier that is very awkward does not have much effect in the game. To put it plainly, whether the aircraft carrier is powerful depends on whether the aircraft is powerful enough. Although there are flying skills and flying devil beasts in this game, the flying devil beasts are slow and have poor endurance, and the ability to strike at the ground is minimal. Boat, that is simply difficult. Therefore, apart from the Japanese experimenting with the design of the wyvern aircraft carrier in the whole world, there has been almost no use of flying devil beast as an aircraft carrier for carrier-based aircraft, and it was later confirmed that the wyvern aircraft carrier is very cost-effective, so even Japan People stopped doing this thing later.

In addition to flying devil beasts, there are also man-made aircraft, but is it just this performance... Anyway, it is not as reliable as flying devil beasts. Therefore, the design of the aircraft on the battleship is completely dead. It can be said that there is no aircraft carrier without planes, and the air strike problem cannot be solved, so don't talk about aircraft carriers. An aircraft carrier without qualified aircraft is just a transport ship.

However, the above are all past tense, at least those in our guild are past tense. Artificial aircraft have confirmed that the anti-gravity device invented by the Germans is completely unsuitable for use as a power device for aircraft. Even if the thing is changed, it can only be made into an air transporter or an aerial fortress like Isengard Mobile Fortress. Combat aircraft is not a project that anti-gravity devices can do. However, with the lower cost of the magic crystal liquefaction and vaporization technology obtained from the Russians, we can already manufacture jet thrusters powered by the liquefaction or vaporization magic crystal.

This jet thruster is characterized by strong explosive power, fast speed and flexible response, but its endurance is extremely bad, and the additional cost is still high. However, despite these problems, jet thrusters can already be put into practical use. Moreover, our guild, as a guild that has always been at the forefront of the world, has already had a practical plan and put it into action. The most successful application case is the jet thruster used on the mobile angel.

The air combat capability of air combat mobile angels has been tested in actual combat, and the small size and huge might feature of the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon also allows mobile angels to carry enough damage to large ships with a limited load. Explosive weapons, which means that mobile angels actually have the ability to attack battleships.

Now we can say with certainty that the mobile angel is fully capable of acting as a carrier-based aircraft to perform combat missions against ships. After the carrier-based aircraft is resolved, the aircraft carrier will no longer be a problem. Since the mobile angel is an automatic weapon and can take off vertically, it does not require a pilot nor a runway, let alone complicated logistical maintenance, and their size is not large compared to aircraft, so in theory, as long as it is With a certain carrying capacity, any ship can be used as a mobile angel mothership.

Because of these performance characteristics of mobile angels, we will also include the mobile angel mothership plan when we build a new battleship. However, the game is different from reality. Although mobile angels have the ability to attack ships, the cost is very high. Therefore, in fact, mobile angels are only suitable for combat against ships, not suitable for combat against ports. It's not that they can't get in, but it's not cost-effective. Although our Frost Rose League is very rich, why should we spend a hundred dollars for things that can be done with ten dollars?

Finally, after comprehensively considering various in-game combat situations, we specially asked Wu Old General to use his relationship to find real professional naval officers to help us do a rough design analysis. The final conclusion is that in this kind of war environment in the game, the most reasonable design is not a super mobile angel mothership full of mobile angels, but a ship like the destroyer that is very popular in the navies of various countries.

Modern destroyer can be said to be a small joint strike platform. First of all, it has main guns and missiles, and can participate in direct sea-to-surface warfare. Secondly, modern destroyers are equipped with helicopters, and some have more than one, so they can be regarded as simplified versions of small helicopter carriers. Mobile angels can take off and land vertically, so they are very similar to helicopters in tactical use. This determines that the destroyer-style joint strike platform is completely suitable for mobile angels.

Of course, the destroyer-like design mentioned here only refers to the destroyer in the armed equipment, rather than the battleship as small and light as the destroyer. "Zero" is after all a magical game world, there are really sea monsters in the ocean here. If the battleship is made the same size as a destroyer, if you touch Shanghai, it will be completely finished.

In addition to the sea monster problem, there is another problem in the game that affects the volume design of our battleship, and that is the personnel.

In reality, how many people a ship is equipped with is arranged according to the size of the ship and the degree of automation, but the people in the game are divided into players and NPCs. NPCs are like crew members in reality. They just need as many tricks as they want. There is absolutely no problem of not being enough. But players can't do it. In "Zero", the player who can command the battleship is usually the commander, because the NPC that can command the battleship is very rare, and the NPC cannot be resurrected. Once sacrificed, it is really gone. This determines that the number of personnel who can command a battleship limits the number of battleships a faction has.

The NPC that can command a battleship is extremely rare, and it is a non-renewable resource, and it is gone after death. There are slightly more players who can command battleships than NPCs, but they are definitely not so much that they can be seen everywhere. Commanding a boat is not riding a bicycle after all, it is also a technical job. Therefore, if we build boats, it is possible to spend the same amount of money to build a bunch of boats, and as a result, there will be an embarrassing situation where most of the boats are not driven.

So, in order to maximize the output of battle strength, and also for the most efficient cost ratio, the most reasonable solution is to make battleship refined. Concentrate all shipbuilding costs on a few ships as much as possible to make the combat capability of a single battleship stronger, which can produce the greatest battle strength.

Of course, this concentration also has a degree. It does not mean that you will be completely invincible if you put all your expenses together to create a ship. If the funds are too concentrated, there may be too few ships and Gu Dong can't take care of the west, and if the enemy is attacked at any cost, the loss will be very heavy. Conversely, if too many ships are built and funds are scattered, then command personnel will inevitably be insufficient, and the frequent sinking of cheap ships will cause a large number of naval NPC deaths. Whether an NPC can command a battleship depends on their sailing skill level. The newly recruited naval NPCs are all level zero, and they can only be practiced after a long period of naval battles and guilds. If these people are killed and injured too frequently, then you should never expect to train an NPC captain. Once this creates a vicious circle, the consequences will be even more disastrous. Therefore, it is best to allocate the funds to the entire fleet according to the most reasonable ratio, so that the battleship is neither too weak nor too concentrated.

After having such guiding thoughts, our guild submitted the plan to the army god based on the funds needed to invest, and then after the army god’s calculations, the final conclusion was that the new For the battleship of the fleet, the best cost for a single ship is between 8 to 1.2 billion crystal coins.

Although I don’t know what the final design is like, I know the offer, and I know that the new battleship will not only have a primordial battleship artillery system, but also an additional mobile angel carrying and launching system. , Combined with the cost, I can naturally estimate that the volume of the new battleship must be at least one size larger than that of the Biling-class super battleship. Otherwise, let you use 1.2 billion crystal coins to build a boat tens of meters long. How do you spend this money? Is it that the entire ship is built of fine gold? Even if it’s so dry, 1.2 billion crystal coins are enough to make a fine gold battleship that is more than a hundred meters long, and it’s still solid.

Because I know that the 8 to 1.2 billion yuan of funds is smashed down, this ship is definitely not small, and there is a super battleship that is 737.9 meters long, such as the Bi Ling class, so I am very concerned about the new ship. Not surprising at such a large volume. If the boat is small, I would be surprised.

As the battleship approached further, more and more discussions sounded on the shore, because although it was still several nautical miles away, the huge battleship silhouette already looked quite scary, and With the final battleship brought to the sea, everyone's discussion almost caught up with the sound of the waves of the sea.

"Damn, although I knew it would be very big, but this volume... is really big enough for his grandfather!"

When the fleet goes offshore, it will soon Several small battleships approached the pier. Although this is the largest seaport in Brazil, it is still too small for the big ships that are parked one nautical mile away. This kind of super battleship is estimated to be able to let them dock at Isengard's deep-water dock, and they simply can't rely on ordinary ports.

After the small battleship drew ashore, I immediately saw King Chuang rushing over with a group of crew members. Look at his almost grinning mouth on the edge of his ear to know his mood at this time. As the commander-in-chief of the Frost Rose League, the Frost Rose League suddenly added so many big guys, he was of course more excited than the average person.

"Haha, President, have you seen our new ship? How is it? Isn't it majestic?" The distant King Chuang shouted at me.

I didn’t speak until he got close, and I didn’t answer his question. Instead, I asked directly: "Is the Holy Lance League's stuff installed?"

This time the fleet is going to receive the equipment ordered before, so it will come to the United States. Of course, showing off our new ship is also one of the reasons. When we divided up the technology of the Russians before, we had assigned the direction of technology. The research direction of the gun gods is the weaponization of the liquefied magic crystal steam technology, while the Germans are responsible for the motorization research, and the theoretical support is the responsibility of our guild. Because of this technical agreement, we have to ask the Americans for help in weapon design, but this does not mean that we are controlled by others, because we are doing the principle and feasibility verification of these weapons, so although the final design is shaped The Americans are doing it, but in fact, once they are separated, the Americans will suffer the most. Of course, the three of us are impossible to dismantle each other. After all, we are competing for market share in the application of liquefied magic crystal steam. Within time, none of us will be able to hide privates, as to whether in the future... that is almost certain. After all, do interests determine everything?

The King Chuang listened to my question, and he put away his previous attitude and said seriously: "The new weapons have been installed. Especially the liquefied magic crystal shotgun. We are looking for it on the way. I tried a shot on a small island. That formidable power is really...tsk tsk...so enjoyable!"

"Don't be happy, I guess you won't have much chance to use that thing in the future."

When I said that, Chong Wang immediately softened like a frustrated ball. He somewhat helplessly said: "Yeah! This thing is good, but it's too expensive! It will be reimbursed once more than one million crystal coins are issued. If this happens a few more times, we will really go bankrupt!"

"So that thing is a deterrent. At most, it is occasionally used to shake the scene. It is not very useful at ordinary times. In the future, the battleship will be equipped with mobile angels. It is estimated that you and the enemy will face-to-face. There won’t be too many opportunities for naval gun battles. If the enemy’s tonnage is not enough, it is estimated that it will be over if the gunfire range is not reached."

When the king heard this, he immediately asked: "That’s right, President. , I’m a rough person, some things I don’t understand. Since we have mobile angels on our battleship, it is equivalent to an aircraft carrier. Why do we have to install cannons on the ship? Leave the space free and install all the mobile angels Isn’t it better?"

"Stupid you!" I knocked on Chuangwang and said, "The mobile angels carry magic crystal missiles. It is a profit. After all, the price of the missile to sink a ship is definitely not as valuable as the ship, so it is absolutely worthwhile to let the mobile angel blow up the battleship. But do you think it is possible for us to fight with others now? Japan now has no fleet. The largest ship in the nearby country has our light cruiser tonnage. The navy on the European side restrains each other and no one dares to run around. The American fleet is strong enough, but now because of the cooperation project of liquefied magic crystal steam, we have For the time being in the honeymoon period, who do you expect to fight naval battles with?"

"But why do we build so many ships without naval battles?"

"Said Are you stupid, you really want to be stupid? We have no naval battles or enemies at sea, so we still need a fleet. And we have more and more overseas interests now, can we do without an ocean-going maritime power? If I don’t understand, I’m still known as a navy expert!"

"Of course I know this." Chuangwang said: "I just think our battleship is enough, and it’s a waste to build new ships. Of course, ours. I know that the old-fashioned battleship technology is lagging behind a bit, so I don’t have any opinion on building a new ship. I just wonder how you and Rose sister suddenly became generous. Also, you haven’t told me why our battleship is equipped with cannons. You only said before that we have no naval battles to fight, but what is the artillery without naval battles?"

"You are really hopeless. If we don’t have naval battles, don’t we even have land battles? What if it is to attack a port city or make a beach landing? How much is the mobile angel’s liquefied magic crystal steam missile? Would you let them take the missiles to bomb the broken houses in the city? Is that house enough for our missiles? Cannon? It’s true that things are not as wide as the mobile angels, but the shells are cheap! You can plow the entire city with a cannon How much money? If this is achieved with the liquefied magic crystal steam missile for the same purpose, then it shouldn't cost dozens of times the price? You will not settle this account? "

Listening to what I said, King Chuang finally understood. "Yeah, I said that the chairman is so stingy and he is so generous to install so many weapons for us. It turns out that this is the reason. "

"Who do you mean to stingy?" "Listening to King Chuang's unintentional psychological words, I directly said coldly in his ear.

"Ah, President, I didn't mean it..."

As soon as King Chuang wanted to quibble, I kicked him directly into the sea, and then I greeted the group of food Human Race like a silly person and said, "Okay, let's get on the boat with me. "

The group of food Human Race looked at the Chuang Wang Luo Hai, then looked at me, then collectively nodded, and then quickly followed, but their patriarch still uses the native language and other food Human What Race said. I asked Xia Ling quietly, and Ling said with a smile: "They must remember not to speak ill of you after they say it. "

"Damn, making a joke with King Chuang left this impression on them. But it's good, lest they get too arrogant and disobedient in the guild. "

Under the leadership of Chuangwang’s gang, we quickly boarded the small battleship on the early pier, and then the small battleship sent all the people to the people parked outside the port in two batches. On top of the biggest battleship. As for the kid who drove the king, of course he was on the ship long ago. He is a navy, and the ability to move in the water is a necessary ability. Otherwise, if the ship is sunk, could it be that the people on the ship Do you want to sink together? So whether it’s a player or an NPC

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