At my urging, the Brazilian players finally started to hit the road, but they all looked cautiously along the way. Although I said that the black smoke will not harm them, they still think it is better not to touch them. After all, there are too many plants and animals that have been turned into ashes by that thing along the way.

"Okay, President Purple Moon, it's probably in this range, can we stop the black smoke first? We need to approach in a concealed manner." When we reached the camp near the Human Race Said Xiang Daosheng.

"Okay, now that I’m here, I’m not in a hurry." Following my words, Ling directly shook his hand, and the black mist that was continuously spraying from her hand immediately After being pinched by her, the black mist that spread out followed by staying there for a while and then disappeared into the air automatically, but although the mist was dispersed, the withered plants around were still talking all the time. What happened here. "Okay, let's lead the way now. Let's not see how amazing the magical food Human Race is."

Usuo immediately explained when he heard my words: "Purple Moon President, I know you Very strong, but please don’t underestimate those guys. These food human races have nothing to do with the real food human races. They not only wear very high level armor, but also use many advanced weapons. Compared with them, we It is relatively backward."

"Advanced weapons?"

Uso nodded and said: "It can't be said that it is an advanced weapon, but it feels similar. Anyway, you will see. When I get there, I will understand."

Since Urso and the others didn't know how to explain the weapons that eat the Human Race, in the end they just told me to let me observe. The only information I got from them is that these human races are actually very advanced and civilized. They cannibalize people not because they are not civilized, but because humans eat other animals, they are purely a kind of high-level creatures preying on low-level creatures. behavior.

With a high degree of curiosity about this group of so-called human races, we soon entered the range of activities of these guys. Although we have not encountered these food human races yet, I have now determined that this food human race is indeed not a concept at all with the so-called food human race in reality.

"They built this?" Looking at a tall tower in front of me, I really don't know what to say. Although there is nothing special about the square stone pillar that can be hugged by two people at a height of four or five meters, there is a special bauble on top of this thing.

It is a simple structure composed of crystals and something that looks a lot like some kind of woodwork. The main body of this thing is a kind of brown wooden product. In the center of it is a wooden stick with an erected half chi long, which is slightly thicker than the wrist. The top of the stick also bears a wooden ring, and in the center of the ring It is inlaid with a crystal ball the size of a human head. In the middle of the wooden post, two wooden branches that look like horns extend to both sides. At the tips of the two branches, there is a wooden pallet like a balance pallet, and the two pallets are suspended at this time. Burning two red flames. The flame was only fist sized, and it seemed to have a very unstable feeling, and the flame did not touch the tray, but hovered about a palm-width above the tray.

When I observed the thing carefully for a while and didn't see Mingtang and planned to study it in the past, two guides quickly grabbed me and said: "Don't go there."

"Ah? Why?"

One of the guides quickly explained: "That thing is actually an automatic defense weapon, and its sensitivity is super high. Anyone who enters its attack range will definitely suffer It’s hard to beat, and this thing comes with anti-invisibility, the general camouflage skills are completely useless for it."

"Is this attribute pretty good?" I asked with interest. "How about the attack speed? What about the formidable power?"

Usuo quickly stood up to help explain: "The attack frequency of that thing is very fast, but the formidable power is not It’s too big, it’s okay for ordinary people. It’s useless to run into someone with a stronger ability. People at your level like President Purple Moon, don’t be afraid. But don’t try it in the past. That thing Attacking the formidable power is indeed not loud, but the sound is loud. Once it is activated, the Human Race will immediately know that someone has invaded."

"So?" I pondered for two seconds and then suddenly asked:" If that thing is destroyed, will Eat Human Race know it?"

Uso and the others froze for a while, then hesitated and said, "I shouldn’t know, right? We haven’t tested it specifically. But it seems that this thing does not have the ability to alarm. As long as you don’t let it fire, it’s okay."

"Okay, I understand." I snapped my fingers as I said, and then I saw that the land next to me suddenly swelled up with a dirt bag, followed by the dirt bag, and then suddenly collapsed. After less than five seconds, the stone tower on the opposite side suddenly began to sink. The stone tower, which was four or five meters above the ground, sank into the ground in less than five seconds, but less than a second after the thing sank into the ground, a muffled sound suddenly came from under the ground. The dirt on the ground also jumped up a bit, but the vibrations and noises were not too big, and they shouldn't spread far.

Seeing that the thing was completely sinking into the ground, I ran over, then reached into the ground, and with a light lift, I pulled out the wooden structure that was previously installed on the top of the tower. .

At this time, this thing has been destroyed, one of the branches of the wooden bracket has broken, and the crystal ball in the middle ring has also fallen off, as for the flame on the tray even earlier It went out.

summon Chuling and Xiaochun, I directly handed the crystal and wood to them and looked at them. Ling simply took the crystal ball, glanced at it, and said, "Crystal is a very common synthetic magic crystal, which is artificially made. It is very common. However, the interior of the water crystal is engraved with a special method. A magical array of magic."

"Can you see the effect of a magical array?"

"Yes." Ling said, "This kind of magical array can perceive the energy intensity of nearby objects , When something with an energy intensity exceeding a certain standard approaches, it will convey a special magic wave. However, the magic array itself seems to have a structure that receives a certain frequency of magic wave to shut down the function, so this thing is made People should be able to control this thing not to react to their own people."

Xiaochun followed: "The wood in my hand is a kind of wood with strong magic power transmission ability, and the trays on both sides are carved and bursting. Fireball skills and automatic magic gathering array. The wood itself also has a certain storage magic effect, so it should release a burst Fireball to attack when it gets some kind of signal stimulation."

Now let Xiaochun and Ling Once the discoveries are combined, the working principle of this thing will become clear. The crystal ball equivalent to the eyes and brain can find and recognize targets, and can also issue attack commands. The wood-carved bracket itself is both a bracket and an attacking element. It can emit a burst of Fireball to a designated location according to the guidance of the crystal ball.

Although the overall structure of this thing looks very simple, I was surprised because of its simplicity. Using several tons of metal materials and tens of millions of mechanical and electronic components to create a plane that can hold a dozen people and fly smoothly is nothing at the worst. But if you can use dozens of kilograms of wooden boards and hundreds of dollars worth of electronic and mechanical materials to create an aircraft with the same performance, then you are a real aircraft manufacturing master. I haven't seen the other abilities of this food human race, but it has been quite admirable in terms of the construction of defense facilities. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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