"Are you going?"

Hearing my question, the Brazilian national weapon holder was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to be I was lost in thought, and it was only a few seconds later when I thought he was not going to answer, he suddenly nodded and said: "Of course, I will go with it."

I am also about this guy’s slow reaction. It feels very strange. It is said that people who can become state implement holders are generally more powerful characters. Just like Real Red and gold coin, although Real Red looks more carefree, considering her real identity, she should actually be more sleek than gold coin. As for gold coin, she is a complete slippery head.

Although I haven't seen many state implement holders in other countries, judging from the few I have seen, state implement holders should not be competent for ordinary people. And like this guy's reaction just now was very abnormal. Doesn't it make sense for a sleek person to react so slowly, right? But he only hesitated for a while, and there was nothing wrong with it, so I just thought that this guy seemed to have a problem, and didn't react directly, but just gave this guy a label in my heart that needs attention.

Finally, in addition to this national weapon holder and Urso, who lacks national weapon parts, the president of Brazil’s largest guild also assigned us two guides. With a dozen high level players. Even though I said that I don't need so many people, the president still forced people into the team, and he didn't know what his idea was. But after all, this is someone's place. Although it's useless to bring a few more people, it's not bad, so I didn't care about him.

After the people arrived, we brought the materials provided by the president, and then we left the city directly and entered the dense primitive forest.

The environmental protection in the game is really good compared to the reality, so there are large primitive forests in almost all countries in the game. However, in order to ensure the unique environment of each country, the game itself has made some differences in the details of these primitive forests. For example, the primitive forest in Brazil is much denser and more complicated than the primitive forest in other countries. After all, the jungle here is very prominent in reality. Although everyone has a primitive forest in the game, it is still the area with the largest and highest density of primitive forest in the world.

Since Brazil’s primitive forest is a type of tropical rain forest, the plant growth rate is much higher than our China’s temperate broad-leaved forest, so you simply can’t find your way in the primitive forest here.

Though the primitive forests in our country are deserted with deep forest and dense trees, some narrow animal trails can always be seen in the forest. These animal trails are all roads left by animals in the forest that often walk around. Although they will not be as wide and flat as man-made roads, at least the plants on this road will give way to a passage. But in the primitive forest here in Brazil, you simply can’t find the animal trail. Although there are a lot of devil beasts in the primitive forest here, the plants here grow so fast that the creatures here Simply can't step out of the animal path.

Because we couldn't find the way at all, we had to open our way in the forest. Facing the dense twigs and vines in front of us, the two guides walking in the front have been cutting the plants in front of them in rotation so that we can move forward normally. But although it is troublesome to walk like this, none of the people present except me seem to care about this situation very much. I guess they are usually used to this state of leveling in such an environment. Unfortunately, although they are used to it, I can't stand such a tortoise speed.

"Wait a minute."

When I heard me call to stop, the two guides in front of me stopped immediately, and Urso who walked in front of me and followed me The other national weapon holder and other entourages at the back also looked towards I don’t know why I had to stop.

"May I ask what's the matter?" Uso took the initiative to turn around and asked. It is estimated that he is the most anxious among those present. After all, the national equipment he is looking for is what he needs, and the others are just following to help. Whether they can find something is not particularly concerned for them.

I didn’t answer Ursau’s words, but walked to the front of the team and said to the two guides: “How far is the Human Race Tribe that you are talking about?”

< p>One of the long dark and swarthy guides immediately said: "It's about ten kilometers away. You can walk for a few hours at the current speed."

"You usually Did you walk through the jungle like this?"

The guide nodded said: "Is there any problem?"

"Is there any problem, but I think it's too slow."< /p>

Uso hurriedly said: "Our situation here is like this, except that the connecting road between the city and the city can move relatively quickly, and the area other than the road is like this."

"I know, but I really don’t get used to your speed."

Hearing what I said, another guide immediately said: "If there are only two of us, we So you can grab the vines from the tree and move forward like a swing, which will be much faster than on the ground. It’s just that Purple Moon will grow you...?"

His meaning is very obvious, just think I It's definitely not fun. In fact, I must be able to play around. After all, all I need to hold a tree vine to swing forward is only the arm strength and a certain degree of flexibility to hang myself on the tree vine. Although I may not be as good as these two guides in experience, in terms of my reaction speed and physical flexibility, if I really climb the tree, the people present, including the two guides, will probably not be faster than me.

However, just when I was about to say that I could go up the tree, another national weapon holder behind suddenly said: "President Purple Moon, using the cane on the tree requires Super high physical coordination and reaction speed, even the local players in our country only a few people can do it. When swinging on a tree, it is easy for ordinary people to hit various branches and other vines on the tree. , So this is actually a very dangerous way to move. I think we’d better walk on the ground more safely."

When I heard this guy, my brows wrinkled again, but that guy didn’t see. In order to prevent mosquitoes, I pulled down the helmet mask before I entered the primitive forest, so they can't see my face at all.

After staring at this guy for a few seconds, I directly opened the mouth and said: "Then walk on the ground. But this speed is too slow, let me open the way. You guys Just show me the way."

Generally speaking, opening a road is a laborious task, and it consumes energy. If you encounter a monster and need to fight but find that you don’t have enough energy, it is also very troublesome. Therefore, in Brazil, when players form a team and go out for leveling, the person with the weakest attack power in the team is responsible for opening the way, so that at least it can be guaranteed to run into a monster half the way, and the battle strength strongest person in the team can be used. The best state to fight monsters.

Although the few people present don't know how strong I am, they all know that I am definitely better than them, so out of habit, the work of opening the road was directly contracted by the two guides. Now suddenly I heard that I was going to make a way, both of the guides were taken aback, but before they could speak, I passed them to the front of the team.

"Tank." As I called, the huge silhouette of the tank slammed into the jungle in front of me with a bang, and then I heard the sound of a tree trunk breaking.

The density of vegetation here can be said to have almost no spacing. The tank knocked down several big trees at the moment it came out, and overwhelmed all the tall shrubs between the trees. On the ground.

As soon as the tank came out, the front area was emptied. I directly patted his butt and said, "Just push it all the way to help us flatten the road."

< p>When I heard me, the tank immediately began to lower its head and dash forward. Although this primitive forest often encounters super giant trees with a diameter of more than ten meters, all these things in front of the tank are similar to reed poles, almost at a touch. fold. As for the annoying shrubs, it is no different from the grass for the tank, as long as he ran over, it would naturally be squashed.

When the tank appeared, the two guides and the group behind me were all surprised and forgot to speak, but when the tank moved, they finally reacted. The two guides rushed over and pulled me and shouted: "Stop, stop!"

"What's the matter? Isn't this fast?" I didn't stop the tank immediately, but turned first. The head asked.

The long and particularly dark guide said immediately: "This is fast, but the movement is too loud, and the nearby devil beast will be summoned."

" Come over here, just get rid of it."

"But such a big movement will scare the Human Race away." Urso called.

"Is that so?" I finally understand that this is not possible when I heard Urseau's words. I don’t even care about attracting a few devil beasts. As long as it is not a three- or four-thousand-level boss, the general devil beasts come as a gift. But if this scared away Human Race, it would be really troublesome. I have learned with them before that this Human Race is divided into many tribes wandering in the forest, and the golden right foot is in the Sect Master tribe. Once the Human Race is attacked or feels dangerous, they will order a group of warriors in the tribe to transfer to other tribes with their golden right foot, and this tribe will leave behind, so once we beat the grass to scare the Snake, it won’t be so easy to find the golden right foot. After all, there are too many tribes here. The ghost knows which tribe they will transfer the golden right foot to. We can't find it one by one, right? Besides, the location of the Human Race Tribe here is not fixed. The two guides said that the tribes that have been determined only account for one-fifth of the total number of Human Race Tribe, which means that more than half belong to the location. Unknown status. I don't want to turn a simple task into a task of finding a needle in a haystack. "Tank, come back."

As I called, the tank disappeared directly in the woods ahead, leaving only a wide passage of seven or eight hundred meters long. Just as we just spoke, the tank has knocked down all the plants in the area of ​​seven or eight hundred meters ahead.

"You said that if I don't make a sound, won't it be a problem?" When I walked with the group to the end of the road from the tank, I suddenly said Said.

"Huh?" Hearing what I said, those few seemed very surprised. After taking back the tank before, I walked here quietly with them. They thought I had given up my plan to accelerate forward. I didn't expect that I never gave up.

The Urso thought for a while and said: "Eater Human Race is not very alert, but they are very sensitive to sound, so as long as you don't make a sound, it shouldn't be a big problem."

After Urso finished speaking, the other national weapon holder suddenly said: "President Purple Moon, I think it would be better for us to walk over quietly. You are a foreigner, so I don’t understand. The situation on our side. The primitive forest here is really big. Once you let the human races slip away and try to find them, it won’t be easy! Anyway, it’s just a few more hours of delay, so don’t worry too much."< /p>

I thought for a while and said: "It's okay, even if they run away, I can find them. I don't want to waste time here. Let's go faster. Don't worry, I won't make a sound." When I finished speaking, I snapped my fingers. "Ling. Help clean up these plants."

Ling's sudden appearance didn't scare these people, after all, when the tank came out before, it was more shocked than Ling. But when these guys saw Ling's appearance, they immediately showed a very pig brother's expression, and almost no water came. But fortunately, my reputation has sufficient deterrence, so these guys just have a rather wretched expression, and they haven't done any bad behavior.

Ling didn't care at all about the staring gifts around her, she just flipped it over, and then a cloud of black smoke suddenly popped out of her hand. Then, just like air-conditioning, the black smoke began to rapidly sink to the ground and spread rapidly to multiply. However, when the cloud of smoke became the boss, it stopped the purposeless expansion, but began to concentrate and float forward, and as the black fog on Ling's palm continued to be produced, the black smoke below also stopped. It keeps getting thicker and thicker.

When I first saw the black smoke, the people present had no reaction, because they were all busy looking at the beauties, but soon they became nervous. Because just under their feet, the plants covered by the black mist are withering and dying quickly at the speed that naked eye can see, and they don’t turn yellow and wilt like normal plants are dehydrated, but directly start from the green plants to become dim in color, and the leaves The branches and branches also began to sink, and finally turned black and gray, and then suddenly turned into a pile of soot-like things that shattered and fell to the ground.

First began to see the nearby shrubs withered like this. Those people weren’t too scared, just a little surprised, but then when the black mist started to spread upward along a big tree, and that tree After the whole tree turned black and withered quickly at the speed visible by naked eye, these people really began to panic. However, the more horror hasn't started yet.

As the black fog spreads along the ground all the way forward, the surrounding plants begin to wither and die in large areas and eventually turn into black dust, and just after the smoke spreads tens of meters, the front A tree-dwelling devil beast suddenly thumped on his trunk. This reptile devil beast with sharp gritted teeth and long claws seemed to suffocate suddenly after landing, desperately pinching his own throat and trying to scream out, but they only saw it open its mouth, but couldn't make a sound. After coming out, the body of the devil beast also began to turn gray quickly, and eventually became a small pile of black powder scattered on the ground with the pu' sound light sound.

If we were only surprised and a little scared before, now this group of people really feel scared. They felt that their scalp was numb, and the roots of cold hair were erected on the back of their spine. They were completely scared and didn't know what to do.

However, just when all of their faces turned pale, I suddenly turned around and said, "Okay, shall we go forward? This way, the speed will be much faster and there will be no sound. It shouldn’t beat the grass to scare the snake.” After I said this, I realized that their expressions were all wrong, but I understood the root cause for a while. "Oh, this smoke is automatically recognized by the enemy. I have added you to teammates. Don't worry, it won't take effect for you."

After listening to my words, most of the people present are Obviously relaxed, especially Urso has a happy expression. After all, he is a direct beneficiary of this task, so he actually hopes to complete the task earlier. However, although most people were relaxed after hearing my explanation, only the other national weapon holder had a stiff expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that his expression was wrong, but I didn't turn my head to look at him. Because I was wearing a mask, from their point of view, I seemed to be looking at Uso, but I didn't know that I was actually paying attention to this guy.

If I just thought this person was weird when I was in the city, now I am sure that this person has a problem. After hearing that there are powerful skills in his team that are beneficial to the task, the reaction of normal people should be the same as Urso and the others. After all, this is a good thing. But this guy had a complicated expression on his face, and he seemed rather unhappy. What does this show? It shows that he does not want the task to go smoothly. Although I haven't figured out the reason yet, I can already be sure that this guy doesn't want the task to be completed successfully, at least he doesn't want the task to be completed ahead of schedule.

Although I have noticed that this person has a problem, I did not say it. After all, I am an outsider to this group of people. They are polite to me now only because of my fame and now helping them. If I rashly doubt their companions without evidence, they will definitely stand on the side of that guy immediately. Even if he believed me on the surface, he would definitely help that guy in his heart. So, before he actually takes any action, I will only stare at him, not really do anything.

"Well, everyone, don’t froze there anymore, let’s go faster and try to find your national artifact sooner." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian.com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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