"Damn, what the hell is this?" I didn't even smell the bottle of green liquid the rose handed me. I just wanted to vomit when I saw it. I feel it, as for drinking it...it makes me sick when I think about it.

Seeing my reaction, Rose pulled the cork and squeezed my mouth and poured it in. I didn’t react for a while and she took a sip in it. Just when I wanted to vomit, I suddenly felt the flow in my mouth. There was a sweet fragrance.


"Did you find it?" The rose directly handed the rest to my hand and said: "Drink all."

I took the bottle and dried up all the remaining liquid, and then asked: "What the hell is this you let me drink?"

"Task item, you can make your body smell like this It smells like a liquid."

"Huh?" As I said, I lowered my head and sniffed at the neckline, and then asked: "Is there a strange smell on my body? Why do you want to change the smell?"


"Because there is a very annoying creature in the area involved in this task, but this creature particularly hates this smell. As long as you drink this, your body odor will become the smell of this thing, when the time Comes don’t have to worry about that kind of creature. They will take the initiative to avoid you from afar."

"There are creatures that hate such a fragrant smell?"

"Special Species?" Rose said and handed me a box again: "Here is also the task item, you have to collect them all. I heard that this task is very troublesome, but the reward is very good, especially suitable for you."

"What reward?"

"The reward is a one-time increase of seven Level 10 EXP. In addition, there are some other rewards, but the scrolls only say that there are these rewards, and they don’t specify what they are. Anyway, even those Unknown rewards are useless, just this EXP is enough for you to develop."

"Improve seven Level 10 experience at a time?" I was surprised when I heard this reward. For me now, it’s more troublesome to upgrade to Level 10 than the average player from Level 1 to Level 700. This task can actually be upgraded to Level 10 at a time. Isn’t it too profitable? "What's the content of the mission? There are many restrictions, right? Or else the boss is super tough? Anyway, I don't believe that such a high reward will be so easy to get."

Rose nodded and said: "Of course impossible It's a simple task. How can a task that requires a level of two thousand to be done be simple?"

"What exactly are the requirements of the task?"

"You still have to see it for yourself Well, I have to deal with something here. The Russians have withdrawn, and our troops can no longer be piled on the border. The cost of maintaining so many troops on the border is too high. If you leave early, you can save a day's money. "

I nodded and said: "Okay, you go to work, I will take care of the task myself."

After sending the roses away, I went directly to Isinger, and then in my The chairman's office took out the mission scroll and the box and opened it.

I first opened the box that Rose gave me that was supposed to contain the task item, but when I saw the contents of the box, I felt dizzy. This box doesn't look big. I thought it contained only a few things. Who knew it was a space storage box when I opened it.

"Damn, isn't it? What kind of tasks are these? Why are so many task items used?"

The contents of the box are packed in bits and pieces. I glanced around the box, and found that the number of items in it at least exceeded 1,000 pieces. Since it is a space storage box, you can see from the outside that the items are piled in the box like small toys, but I know that as soon as they are taken out, these items will be restored to their original size immediately.

Originally, I planned to check the item first, but now I just give up when I look at this bunch of things. It takes at least an hour to check all of so many things, so it's better to find them purposefully quickly when they are used.

Since I don’t need to look at the item, I just opened the scroll and looked at it.

This quest scroll is not the same as the general quest scroll, it feels heavy in the hand, and it looks much thicker than the general quest scroll. Needless to say, there is definitely a lot of content on this scroll, otherwise it would never be such a big volume.

Summon sent out two Death God guards to help me grasp the two sides of the scroll, and then I leaned forward and took a closer look.

It took me about 20 minutes before and after the entire scroll to barely finish it. Finally, I found that it was not a single task, but a large-scale serial task, and the number of tasks in it was as high as two terrifying. Ten rings.

No one has done the mission of the 20th ring before, but there are definitely not many. The current mission record that I know seems to be a very long mission done by a Dutchman. It is said that there are a total of 108 Ring, the unlucky child failed when he achieved more than seventy rings. As a result, he didn't get the reward and he was busy for this task for more than three months, plus various expenses of tens of thousands of crystal coins.

My 20th-ring mission should be considered relatively small compared to the 108th-ring mission, but compared to the normal mission, this is definitely a long mission. After all, there are very few general serial missions with more than ten loops, and twenty loops is definitely a big task. Moreover, the most important point is that the difficulty of this task is definitely more complicated than that of the 108th ring task. After all, the highest difficulty of the 108th ring mission was only level 900, and mine was level 2,000.

Although the task of the 20th ring in front of you is very complicated, as long as the complicated task is done in order, it is absolutely no problem. So I decided to ignore the following tasks, and after I roughly understood the task requirements, I started to prepare to start from the first ring.

The name of this serial mission is called "country". To be honest, I didn't fully understand the meaning of this name, but the name of the mission generally does not affect the mission itself, so I didn't bother to think about it. According to the mission brief, the ultimate goal of this mission is to make all countries qualified for national warfare.

The latest national warfare rule of "Zero" is that if a country wants to launch a national war against another country, that is, an invasion war, then all the national equipment of the country must be assembled into a complete set, and the person wearing the national equipment must Appeared in the offensive force. For example, if the Russians invaded our country this time, their country’s two sets of standard national equipment must all be assembled, and the two sets of national equipment must appear in the body of two players in a complete set, and cannot be held by multiple people. . In addition, those who hold these two sets of national weapons must participate in this battle. Even if they don't take action, they must at least come out on the battlefield and shake around before the start of the war, so that the system will give them the right to start a foreign war.

Of course, because "Zero" is a highly open game, you can still start a national war even if you are not qualified for a national war, but the system does not give any help to this kind of country War General.

When a normal national war is launched, the system will make many adjustments to the belligerent countries. The first is that all cities in the two countries will not have monster siege during the war. This can be regarded as an encouragement for national warfare, because in general cities, there will be a monster siege every time interval. Although it will not be as violent as the monster siege when the city was built, if you don’t pay attention to precautions, it is still very likely to be attacked. Breached. Therefore, if the country’s city is attacked by a monster during the national war, it will inevitably affect the outcome of the battle between the two sides of the battle.

In addition to this monster siege, the system will also make many adjustments that are not visible on the surface, but actually have a great impact on the personnel of both parties. These adjustments will ultimately affect the situation of the battle, and will be adjusted in a direction that is conducive to the battle between the two sides. However, if you start a national war without the qualifications of the national war recognized by the system, the system will only adjust these attributes of the attacked party, and the attacking party will not enjoy these adjustments. This will undoubtedly tilt the balance of war, and it will be quite crooked.

Because this system recognition has a great impact, every country hopes to obtain this qualification. Even if you don't plan to fight abroad for the time being, you can prepare the national equipment and put it there, right? Besides, the national equipment is not just two sets of equipment. The reason why the national device is powerful is not only how much it improves the user's attribute, but also the national warfare attribute attached to the national device.

Different from general equipment, there are two types of attributes on national equipment. One is to add an attribute of the player wearing it. This attribute is the same as the attribute on ordinary equipment and can only be used. It is effective. The other is the national war attribute. This attribute does not usually play a role, but in large-scale battles such as guild wars and national wars, this attribute will take effect, and its effect will cover all of the national weapon holders. personnel.

For example. If there is a national war between India and Pakistan, and the national weapon worn by a player in India has a national war attribute that increases attack power by 30%, then in the battle, all participants on the Indian side, including Indian players and Indian forces NPCs hired, devil beasts to help them, foreign aids invited in various ways, all these personnel will get an additional 30% increase in attack power attribute. This attribute is only based on the personnel of the enemy and ours to distinguish whether it is effective or not, regardless of battlefield and time, even if the whole world is divided into seven or eight battlefields to fight at the same time, as long as these people are fighting for India and Pakistan respectively, then this The attribute will be covered here, and will not be blocked by space and time. This is the abnormality of national warfare attributes.

For national warfare attributes on national equipment, even a low-level attribute like attack power plus one, its effect will be extremely terrifying. For example, if China launches a national war outside, players and NPCs are added, and the final number of players in the battle will definitely be in units of 100 million. So even if the content of the national warfare attribute is to increase the attack power by one, it will actually add hundreds of millions of attack power to the whole of China in the end. even more how national war attributes are usually not plus a few plus a few, but in the form of a percentage. The effect of this actual increase is absolutely terrifying. If calculated in terms of collective interests, the value of national equipment is actually far more than any single-player Divine Item equipment.

According to the statement on this mission scroll, although many countries have already assembled the national instruments, there are still many countries that have not assembled Qi State instruments for various reasons, and even some What had been gathered a long time ago was broken up again. system In order to make the national war more fierce, this task was released. The content is to help these countries find all the missing national instruments and put them together, or help those countries whose national instruments have been destroyed to re-cast their national instruments.

Originally, if I just simply released such a task, I would definitely not do it. Because letting other countries acquire national weapons is tantamount to increasing the enemy's strength. Although these countries may not have a national war with our country, handing over nuclear weapons to other countries will not always make people worry. So under normal circumstances, I would never do this task. Not to mention that the task reward is seven Level 10 experience, even if it is 700 level... Hey, 700 level experience is still worth considering! However, for the sake of seven Level 10 experience, I would never do this.

However, I still plan to do this task now, because there is a note on the task scroll, that is, if I complete this task, then an attribute will be added to my Divine Dragon suit -"The Creator of National Instruments". This attribute has only one effect, that is, all the national weapons that have been collected because of my help, when I participate and I am in the opponent’s camp, the national warfare attributes of that national tool will all be invalid.

With this attribute, it is equivalent to saying that although I helped those countries collect all the national weapons, as long as they plan to start a national war against us, their national weapons attributes will all fail. . With this attribute pressed, I don’t have to worry about hitting myself in the foot at all, so I can safely go to mobile phones and other national devices.

According to the introduction on the scroll, the twenty links of this task will give me a reward when each link is completed, and when the last link is completed, I will be rewarded with the 20th link and Joint rewards for the entire mission. This joint reward includes the seven Level 10 EXP and a mysterious reward. The rewards for the twenty-ring mission are all question marks, which means that the reward content is not visible until the mission is completed. But if I want to help people make up for such a big thing, the reward It shouldn't be is too low.

Since the task itself is fine, then I can start to do the task. But I am not alone now, so I have to arrange things in the guild before doing the task. First of all, of course, I went to Hades and the others first, and found that the Divine Soul sent by the gun god had been safely delivered and made a transporter, I was relieved a lot, at least temporarily solved the Power of Faith's problem Transportation issues.

After running the underworld, I started to run a new continent again. The old friend of Jiaha, Ryan, has now passed the adaptation period when he just arrived in our guild, so I must fully squeeze it. His surplus value assigns them some work. As a capitalist, since I invested research funds in them, I would naturally have to collect some costs back, so I have always been very comfortable with extracting the surplus value of Jiaha.

After I finished running on the two sides and arranged them, it took a day. The benefits of the gun god promised to deal with large insects have also been sent over, although the insect was robbed, he was very angry. But the agreement is the agreement, and he dare not squander the account of the agreement guaranteed by the system.

The Russians have withdrawn their troops, even if the country is basically safe, of course the troops sent by the guilds need to return to the station, and there are all kinds of unused materials to be redistributed and transported. This is a major project. , But there are roses and army gods, this shouldn't need me to worry about. After a brief explanation, I officially embarked on my mission journey.

"Okay, I'm done with the miscellaneous things, now let’s set off. The first ring of the task is to find the lost golden right foot. The country to belong to is Brazil."

Brazil is South America. The country is a big country, but its strength is not very good, and most areas of the country are basically uninhabited. Moreover, because the population is small and the country is large, and the primitive forest environment is too complicated, the national equipment of their country has not been collected until now.

For this national instrument, Brazil has also invited foreign aid, and indeed found a lot of national instrument parts, but there is a golden right foot that can't be done anyway. It's not that you can't find this thing, but you can't get it.

The national artifact of the golden right foot was enshrined as a Divine Item by a local NPC force-Shi Human Race Tribe. The group of foreign aid that Brazil hired before found this golden right foot several times, but they were all beaten back by those eating Human Races. The real food Human Race are just uncivilized natives, but the food Human Race in the game is completely different. The Human Race here is almost a bunch of extraterrestrial creatures, from head to toe, except for the individual characters in the race name, everything else has nothing to do with people. Those guys not only look more like monsters than humans, but the languages ​​and weapons they use are very different from the local creatures. In short, the food Human Race here is completely different from the real food Human Race. The food Human Race here is simply A bunch of alien creatures.

Since I want to help the Brazilians get the national equipment, I can’t do it alone. Although I took over the task, the Brazilians are the ultimate winners. It doesn't make sense for me to desperately let them sit and wait for the pie to hit their heads, right? So after arriving in Brazil, I was the first to find the largest guild in their country, and after explaining the situation, I quickly met with two national equipment owners in Brazil.

This group of players in Brazil are not stupid. Experts like me take the initiative to come to help them find national weapons. They are naturally very happy, so after figuring out my intentions, they treat me Very polite. Among the two national weapon holders, the one who had found the Qi State device was nothing, and the other one was simply a slave face. It's not that this guy is less spine than the other, mainly because the national equipment I'm looking for is directly related to his interests, so he is so polite. If the lesser one belongs to the other one, then the other guy may still be able to point out what virtue it is.

"Okay, okay, you guys don’t shoot my flattery. I have no choice but to take the task. Even if you don’t want me, you have to find me. But after all, I’m looking for something for you. So you have to follow me as a guide and provide some information support by the way."

The player named Urso quickly nodded and agreed: "Of course. Purple Moon will do it." When does the leader plan to leave, I can leave at any time."

"Just now." I picked up the jungle-specific supplies prepared by the guild leader here for me, then stood up and looked towards the other one The holder of the national equipment asked: "Are you going?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation .)

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