Just like the gun god thought, that poor big centipede finally died after only ten minutes under the siege of our guild players. For ordinary creatures, it took a dozen or so creatures to die. This is a long time, but it took more than ten minutes to be besieged by so many people and there was almost no defensive ability, which is terrifying. . It can be said that if it hadn't been for my serious injury before, even if he wanted to kill him, it would not be so easy.

Looking at the huge body of the centipede that was almost blasted away, the gun god felt that he was a bit disadvantaged. Although he also knew that if he didn't call me to help, then the United States would suffer a greater loss, but now that it has spent such a large amount of people inviting me, but no benefit has been gained, this still feels a bit embarrassing.

Regardless of what the gun god is in now, I am in a good mood anyway. Although I'm still in a weak period, I feel weak for the time being, but I am very happy in my heart. Nothing else, just my level.

Although I did not kill the centipede, I caused the blow to him before. The EXP calculation method in "Zero" is calculated based on the proportion of damage caused by each person participating in the battle, and with reference to the battle contribution. This calculation method is much more complicated than simply relying on the last blow, and it also involves certain probability calculations. That is to say, the same battle method, even if you can fully reproduce it without any difference, the EXP allocation that the system gives to the combatants is unlikely to be exactly the same. There is a certain degree of randomness in it.

The damage I caused to this big centipede in the battle just now was about one third of the total health of this guy. This value can be said to be not too high. The damage caused by the gun god to this guy is about one-eighth of the total health of this guy, which is even less than mine. The remaining health is basically worn out by the players in our guild.

However, when calculating the EXP distribution of this guy, the EXP I got is not one third, but 2/3/2021.

Although the damage I caused during the entire battle was only one third, I had the greatest impact on the battle. Therefore, the system added an additional allocation ratio to me when calculating EXP, so that I In fact, the percentage of experience I get is much greater than the damage I caused.

The damage value of the gun god is one-eighth of the total life of the centipede, but his attack made the centipede lose the opportunity to heal himself before the people of our guild arrive, so he The contribution value also exceeds the damage output, so the actual EXP he finally gets is about one-seventh of the total EXP produced by the centipede. As for the remaining part, it was naturally divided by the players of our guild. Although their damage output was the most, at that time centipede was half dead. Their attacks had no technical content at all, so their EXP was lower than the damage ratio.

Before the insect before death, I guessed that the EXP of this guy would be quite exaggerated, but I didn't know until it really died. I still underestimated the EXP of this thing.

According to the gun god, this guy had eaten several Divine Races before, and also slaughtered two cities. According to the system’s experience conversion method, this guy can eliminate a dozen Divine Races, so his own EXP should be at least equal to 80% of the sum of these Divine Race’s experience. This is a mandatory setting by the system and only for NPCs. It works with wild creatures, and neither the player nor the player’s NPCs use this setting.

According to this setting, the actual EXP of this insect should be equal to the sum of the EXP of a dozen Divine Races plus the sum of the EXP of all creatures in the two cities, and then multiply by 0.8 , The final value is the total amount of experience of this guy. Of course, this is the minimum limit of the system, and the actual EXP of centipede may be higher than this value, which is only its lower limit of experience.

We don’t care about the experience of more than a dozen Divine Races. How much EXP can all the creatures in the two cities produce? I have never massacred the city, so I don't know, but I know this value is definitely an astronomical figure. You must know that in this calculation formula, the EXP produced by the creatures in the two cities are calculated based on standard experience, not based on my personal experience of slaughtering these people. In the experience system of "Zero", each creature has its own standard experience. For example, the withered skeleton of the lowest one has one hundred EXP. However, the level 1 player in Novice Village can get five hundred EXP from hacking a skeleton of this kind of bone, because the skeleton is a Level 20 monster. Killing it by a Level 1 player is considered a leapfrog, so there is an experience bonus. However, if I hack to death a skeleton of this kind, the system will only give me a little EXP at best, because the level of this thing is too low for me.

Because the system has this EXP bonus setting, it will be completely different for people who do not have the same level to play the same strange EXP. However, all the biological EXPs in the two cities used in this centipede's EXP were not calculated in this way, but were calculated according to the standard EXP of those creatures. Even the chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep raised in the city are all counted as experience. After all, these things in Xinshou Village each have more than ten or twenty points of EXP. For the average player, killing these poultry and livestock has long been inexperienced. But when calculating the experience of that centipede, these experiences have to be counted.

Don't underestimate these ten or twenty points of experience. Among the two cities destroyed by centipede, there was a very large city. I am afraid that the number of poultry and livestock used for food alone in such a city may exceed one million. Even if all were calculated at the minimum standard of 20 points per animal, the total EXP of two to three million would exceed 40 million. This is just poultry and livestock, NPC guards, high level devil beasts, and players in the city. Which of these people's EXP is not more than 10,000? Besides, there are those free NPCs in the city. Although these humanoid free NPCs do not have battle strength, they are not poultry or livestock after all. If these free NPCs are killed by ordinary players, the negative effects will be very serious, which is absolutely not worth the loss for the player. However, the insect doesn't care about these. He ate up all the free NPCs in the city at that time. Calculated according to the normal ratio, the number of free NPCs in a super large city is usually no less than 500,000. Even if we calculate according to the minimum standard, the EXP of a free NPC is at least two thousand, then five hundred thousand times two thousand, and finally The result is one billion.

From the above data, it can be seen that the EXP that a city can produce is definitely a terrifying astronomical number. If it is calculated according to the minimum standard, the total EXP may exceed 10 billion. After all, players and combat NPCs in the city have the most EXP. Moreover, the city's defense facilities are actually considered experience, and all of these have to be added to the centipede.

The horrible EXP of the two cities, plus the EXP of the dozens of Divine Races, and finally count the percentage increase by the system based on the battle strength of centipede, and then multiply it by 2/3/2021 , The final result is the total EXP that I got this time.

I don’t know what this value is, because I didn’t read the EXP before gaining experience, so even after seeing the current experience, I don’t know how much it actually increased. However, although I don't know how much EXP I got, one thing I know very well is that I upgraded and I skipped more than N levels at a time.

"His grandfather has developed and developed. After killing a centipede, he was upgraded to 2,130 Level 10. How many levels did I have before? Damn, I have gone up to several Level 10 this time. Huh? How many EXP does this centipede have?" I just sighed, but suddenly I felt something was wrong. "That's not right! I am now more than two thousand levels. How can it be so easy to upgrade? No matter how high the centipede EXP is, it is impossible to get me up to Level 10 at a time?"

I am wondering why suddenly After so many levels, the crystal communicator in his ears suddenly rang.

"President, the Russians have withdrawn their troops."

"Oh. I see. Ah? Wait, what are you talking about? The Russians withdrew?"

I didn't respond to the notice from the military god just now, but soon I did. The Russians invaded our country while we were at war with the Japanese, but we were later driven out of the border. But at that time, the Russians never gave up. Their army was always piled on the Sino-Russian border and refused to leave, attempting to launch another attack. At that time, our guild held a meeting to study why the Russians did not withdraw their troops, and finally came to the conclusion that they are like red-eyed gamblers. As long as they don’t go to the gambling table, it can be said to be a loss. After all, gambling This kind of thing can come back suddenly at any time by pure luck and no one is cheating. However, if you leave the gaming table after losing money, you have really lost. Because this bet is over for you, what you lose is really lost.

This was the case for the Russians at the time. They were planning to get a vote for the invasion of China. We didn’t expect that our tactic of using space for time was dragged to the end of the war against Japan. In the end, they were driven back to the country without making a big profit, and they even lost a grand competition war. cost. Because they were not reconciled, the Russians kept stuck on the border hoping to find a chance to make a comeback. However, after a long wait, they finally realized that this was impossible. The previous success of the invasion was due to our country’s two-front warfare. Now that the war against Japan is over, our country’s forces have been withdrawn to the country, and because they are on the border, we have also piled up our forces on the border. As a result, they will have no chance.

The Russians who have finally recognized the form do not want to lose money anymore. After all, it is very expensive to concentrate large forces on the border. In the end, the Russians who recognized the form wisely chose to withdraw their troops, and because they withdrew their troops, the Russian war of aggression against China was over. According to the system setting, when a battle is over, the battle reward experience will be awarded. There are three types of people who have obtained this reward experience. The first is the guild leaders, the second is the campaign commander, and the third is the outstanding contributor to the campaign.

The leaders of the guild can obtain the percentage of the sum of EXP obtained by all the members of the guild during the entire battle according to their different positions in the guild. The exact percentage of this depends on your position. For example, I am the guild president, so I can get 3.5%, while Hong Yue and Eagle are Vice-Presidents, so they can only get 1%. First, as for Rose, Asura purple clothed, Awei, gold coin, Kristina, these lower Level 1 leaders get even lower proportions. However, although this ratio sounds not too high, you have to think that this is the percentage of the total EXP that the whole guild will get during the entire campaign, which also includes the experience generated by the NPC in the guild. Our guild itself is the dominant guild. It can be said that almost half of the experience generated in the entire battle was generated by our guild. I can get an extra 3.5%. This actual value is definitely better than the experience of the centipede. Much more.

In addition to guild leaders, campaign commanders can also receive additional experience rewards. This is similar to the calculation method of the guild leader, which is to get a certain percentage of EXP based on your position in the battle. I appeared as the commander-in-chief of the Chinese region in this self-defense counterattack against Russia, so I will get one-thousandth of the total EXP obtained by all the combatants in China during the entire campaign. This includes all of China. Therefore, players and NPCs and wild forces who participated in resisting the invasion of the Russians. Similarly, this value is definitely a terrifying number, after all, this is the sum of EXP in the country.

Finally, the outstanding contributors to the campaign will also receive a certain percentage of additional experience rewards. Among the so-called outstanding contributors include: the person who proposed a battle plan for a big victory, the person who eliminated the enemy's special personnel in a large-scale battle, the person who successfully destroyed the enemy's logistics or command system, and the souls on the battlefield, and morale agitators. Or a series of people such as enemy anger suppressors and so on.

The range of personnel in this last category is more complicated. In short, as long as your behavior has a significant impact on the direction of the battle, you are basically considered outstanding contributions. However, this EXP reward is much less than the first two items, and this EXP is not calculated by multiplying the battle EXP by a certain ratio, but by the difficulty of your contribution. But to be sure, this reward is not like the first two to have a huge bonus to my EXP. Of course, this is only for me. After all, I am the president of the Frost Rose League and the commander-in-chief of the campaign, so the percentage of experience gained is relatively high. Therefore, my previous project harvest EXP is much more than the subsequent outstanding contribution. For example, the EXP in the back that Kristina won may be more than that in the front. After all, her position in the guild is not high, and she is not among the commanders of the campaign, so she only has a higher award for outstanding contribution.

Anyway, we got a grand competition EXP collectively in this retreat of the Russians, so that I was left with 2130 Level 10. To be honest, judging from my current level, it is basically unrealistic to rely on fighting monsters to level up. In addition to killing Divine Race, I still have experience to gain. It is simply useless to deal with ordinary mobs. Unless it is a high level BOSS in the super monster zone, I will fight for nothing.

For people like me, the main upgrade method in the future is probably to rely on guild wars or national wars. Relying on the battle rewards in guild wars or national wars, that is the real way for me to level up.

Speaking of which "Zero" is upgraded in this way to be a bit like the history of human development. At first, when everyone was not at a high level, the upgrade was based on fighting. At that time, whoever could fight was the boss, just like the primordial society of human beings. But with the passage of time, the EXP demand of high level players is getting higher and higher. If you still rely on your own leveling, the upgrade speed will inevitably become slower and slower. At this time, it depends on how well your head is. You have the ability to run a large guild and go out to fight guild wars or national wars in the future, so that you can easily gain a lot of experience, and the upgrade speed is definitely much faster than those who work on their own outside.

"Husband, how many level are you now?"

I was thinking about my EXP there, and suddenly the voice of Rose came from the communicator.

"Two thousand one hundred and three Level 10. It seems that the EXP rewards for fighting against Russia have given me a lot."

Rose also said excitedly: "Yes. This time, against Russia. I was the general logistics dispatcher in the battle, and I was divided into billions of EXP just now. I even went up more than a hundred levels in an instant, which shocked me."

"haha, it seems that you are stronger than me. I don't have as much promotion as you."

"My husband, you are more than two thousand level, how can you compare with me? Yes, say Business."

"en. What's the matter?"

"You are now over two thousand and one hundred. I have a task here. You'd better do it as soon as possible."


"Yes, the quest scroll collected by Auction House in the previous meeting was sold by a British player. The quest requires more than two thousand and one hundred levels to complete. , But the task is more difficult to do when the level is higher than 2100, so it is best to do it at 2100. Originally I thought it would take some time for you to rise to 2100. , Didn't expect to go up with a huff. I knew I should have given it to you in advance."

"I got it because the battle reward suddenly rose up. Even if you gave it to me before, it was useless. I still have to Wait till now. Okay, tell me where you are now and the scroll I used to."

"I just use the ring of love to pull you directly over."

"Then It's okay."

Although the function of the ring of love is relatively simple, it has to be said that it is actually very useful sometimes. Step directly into the heart-shaped Transmission Gate in front of me, and I will be directly in front of Rose in the next second.

"Then, at this time your scroll. And this thing is a task item, must be kept properly. Also, drink this thing before going." Rose said, handing over a bottle of green slime. , There are still bubbles inside.

"I rely on, what is this stuff?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is me The greatest motivation.)

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