It is not someone else who is here, but Vice-President Hong Yue from our guild.

"Why did you come?" Seeing Hong Yue appear, to be honest, the gun god is not happy. If Hong Yue appeared here a few minutes ago, he would be very happy, because the insect hadn't been injured at that time, and the more people who came to help, the happier he would be. But now the situation is different, the insect has been seriously injured, and it's a matter of time before it's finished. At this time, people are not helping but robbing blame. After all, this thing is so powerful, and the level is naturally not low, so EXP is definitely massive. Even if I will get most of the main attack, the remaining experience is definitely enough for ordinary players to break the head. Originally, if an American player came to grab this experience gun god, he wouldn’t say anything. After all, it’s don’t let one’s own fertile water flow into others’ field, but it was robbed by our Frost Rose League. It's not a taste anymore. Of course, he didn’t feel the taste or the taste in his heart, but he couldn’t say it. After all, I hurt this insect, and secondly, he took the initiative to go to the Frost Rose League to ask me to help. I will bring people to kill the monsters. He simply can't say anything, otherwise it's easy to offend us.

Just as the gun god was talking to Hong Yue, suddenly there was another person in the sky. I saw this fan flapping huge crystal wings, surrounded by a large number of multi-colored light balls, like a beautiful dreamy butterfly floating on the ground, and the moment she landed, the gun god suddenly felt The magic in the surroundings was like a black hole and madly gathered towards this person.

"Are you...?"

Although I feel that this person is very familiar, but because the other person’s equipment is very gorgeous, and even the face is covered, the gun god is not at all Recognize who this is.

"haha, the gun god is really joking, don’t you know me? We met some time ago."

After hearing this voice, the gun god finally remembered Who is this? He immediately asked in surprise: "Are you Kristina? The world's first fort of the Frost Rose League?"

Since Kristina gained the ability to transform elemental spirits, it has been on the forum. Players recognized that the world’s first fort. Kristina, which had no elemental body before, was already known as the first fort in Europe, and now Kristina is even more worthy of the world's first fort.

"You finally remembered me." Kristina flapped her wings and turned around in a circle and said: "What? You can't recognize me after I changed the equipment?"< /p>

"Are you just changing a set of equipment as simple as that?" The gun god said angrily.

Christina didn't answer him, she just giggled, and then said: "I won't tell you anymore, I'll get rid of that thing first."

"Hey... "

"Is there anything else?" Christina, who had already lifted off, asked back, feigning ignorance.

The gun god just called Kristina just instinctively. He didn't want this insect to be killed by our people, so when Kristina said he wanted to solve the insect, he would come out. He stopped, but after he called out, he realized that he didn't seem to have a stand to say such things, so when Kristina asked him back, he didn't know what to say.

Kristina came to steal the blame this time, so she didn’t wait for the spear god, and said directly: "Since you are okay, then I will kill the insect first." She said no. When the gun god reacted, she had already flown out.

The gun god saw Kristina flying out, but he could only shake his head helplessly. He knew Kristina and the others must be the reason for me. At first, everyone is not a fool. I beat this centipede to a half-defect, which is equivalent to finishing the most troublesome part. I gnaw on the bones without reason, so shall the meat be eaten by others? Even if I don't eat it myself, I have to share it with myself. It doesn't make sense to cheapen outsiders.

The gun god here is still depressed, and there Kristina has already flown over the body of the centipede, and then I see Kristina put her hands together in front of him, slightly apart in the middle After a certain distance, a blue ball of light suddenly appeared between her hands, and it kept getting bigger as her hands moved to the sides. Finally, when the ball of light increased to the size of a basketball, Kristina lifted it up and slammed it down. The ball of light instantly separated from Kristina's hands moved towards the weakest position on the centipede below and flew past.

This place has been shot three times by the gun god before, and it is almost broken now. Kristina went down to this move and there was no flame or explosion. On the contrary, the ball of light expanded rapidly and formed a huge ball of light. Then the ball of light suddenly extinguished, and the area covered by the ball of light All of his flesh and blood disappeared all at once.

This trick of Kristina is similar to the annihilation technique, except that the formidable power is larger and the size can be controlled at will. Although the muscle tissue that has disappeared this time is not as large as that of the gun god's bullet, the gun god's attack is at the cost of consuming rare ammunition, and the bullet is useless after the bullet. But Kristina's this is just an ordinary skill, although the mana consumption is not low, but as long as the magic power is enough, Kristina can use it infinitely. Comparing the two, Kristina's skill is obviously much stronger than the explosive bullet of the gun god.

After a ball of light was dropped, Kristina kept throwing this ball of light down one after another, and every light ball disappeared would take away a large piece of flesh and blood. However, when seven or eight balls of light fell, the remaining half of the centipede's body was finally completely broken. Now the centipede's body has been completely broken into two, and the back is about four more than a hundred meters long. It looks like It's relatively intact, with almost no body injuries, but because it doesn't have a head, even if it's intact, it's just a pile of dead flesh.

The front half of the centipede's body is significantly longer than the back half. It looks like five more than a hundred meters, but there are four more than a hundred meters on the body of the five more than a hundred meters. In the big gap in meters, the flesh and blood in it were blown out. It looks quite miserable. Besides the head is basically intact, the guy's body is also injured everywhere, especially the left leg. There were dozens of missing pieces, and even if it was completely wounded, it would definitely not be able to support its body.

As Kristina exploded the centipede, other light spots in the sky also landed on the ground. At this time, the gun god discovered that most of the people who came did not know him, but these people were without exception. They all flew on the guardian long spear, and they all carried the guild logo of the Frost Rose League on their left chest.

In fact, these people are all high level players in our guild. I called them to share experience. This kind of high level monster is something that you can meet but you can't ask for. Even if those people only play a few times, they will get more EXP than they can practice for a few days in the mountains. So I not only called them in, but also let them take the pill to double their experience. After all, there are not many opportunities for such a just and honorable collective experience.

The gun god sees this group of people landing and knows that American players are not expected. With so many people attacking together, centipede will definitely not be able to support American players. It is estimated that the centipede will be finished in less than a few minutes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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