"What about zombie?"

"Zombie?" I looked at the surrounding environment and said: "Where should I bury it."

"I hope you can dig him out as soon as possible."

"Why?" I turned my head and looked towards the Divine Immortal.

"Because of the beads in your hand."

Under the guidance of the old Divine Immortal, I suddenly remembered that I just caught two beads, which means there is another whereabouts unknown. , Plus that zombie is now whereabouts unknown, it’s not a good thing to put these two together.

"Oh, damn it!" I directly threw the two beads in my hand into the sky, Xiaofeng flew directly to catch the beads and flew into the sky to wait for me to find the third bead. The reason why the candle bee died just now is that I think this bead can accept the zombie's control and produce a certain amount of damage to people near it. After all, the candle bee is just a very low-level summon creature, and it is not surprising that it was killed by the power released by the beads. So this time I decided to change Xiaofeng to carry those beads. I couldn't figure out that the beads could kill even creatures like Xiaofeng. Of course, I had to find the last bead before Xiaofeng was completely lifted into the sky.

After reacting, I started to prepare to dig the bead, but what made me didn't expect that zombie was faster than me. I originally thought that the explosion just now made him quiet for a while, but didn't expect that guy didn't seem to have suffered much harm. He had already acted when I just reacted to grab the bead. Not far from where we were standing, a zombie's paw suddenly stretched out on the ground, and at the same time, we saw a shiny bead being held in that guy's hand.

"Damn!" Seeing that guy was actually holding the beads, I immediately rushed over there, and my familiars rushed over there immediately. However, our speed still failed to catch the beads before the zombie. Almost at the moment when we started, the mud next to the guy’s claws reacted, and then the zombie’s head came out of the dirt, and after a triumphant smile at us, the guy slammed the bead into it. He put it in his mouth, and swallowed it in front of us with a grunt.

"You spit it out for me!" Almost as the zombie swallowed the beads, I finally rushed to his side, and then slammed the zombie's head on the ground with my hands eternally and fiercely. It went on, but this time it was unexpected. The zombie, who had never taken the initiative to avoid attacks before, actually avoided, and he didn't hide underground. The moment I slammed the ever-changing hammer on his head, this guy slammed the ground and pulled out his body from the ground. Then when I lifted the hammer to attack again, he It was like a gymnast who flashed my attack range back several consecutive backflips.

The action of backflip is not too difficult. Even after a certain amount of training in reality, many people can play backflip, not to mention that everyone's physical fitness in the game has increased. Therefore, in the game, even a wizard with relatively poor physical fitness can play two backflips. Of course, this kind of backflip refers to the flip that usually has preparation time. In the battle, there are not many people who dare to use the backflip to avoid enemy attacks. After all, you do not have the ability to fight back during the backflip, so the speed is not fast enough. People who dare not use this trick in battle. However, no matter how you say it, most people can use a backflip. It’s just that zombie plays a backflip?

Why is zombie called zombie? Isn't it because his body is stiff? Have you ever seen anyone with a stick-like spine when playing a backflip? Can a person without certain flexibility make a backflip?

Although I was shocked by the zombie's behavior in front of me, my hand did not slow down at all. I chased it up with a few steps, and then eternally transformed from the hammer shape into the hook shape. .

"Give it to me!" Seeing the addicted zombie playing backflip there, I ran a few steps to catch up, and then loosened the hook and sickle in my hand. There was a gap in his stomach. The zombie's somersault couldn't go down anymore, he jumped directly back and then rolled away from my next attack and stood up.

Seeing that the guy finally stopped, I didn’t plan to give him time to rest, so I rushed up again, turned the hook and sickle in my hand and pierced the tip of the gun in his stomach. past.

The guy quickly took a step back when he saw the scythe gun I stabbed, but I moved much faster than him. He quickly stepped forward to get closer, and then flipped the scythe gun here. The three-sided thorns that grabbed the tail section violently swept toward his lower body. That zombie was obviously a male during his lifetime, and his instinct was well preserved. Seeing the tail of the gun that pointed to his own vitals, the guy immediately pressed his claws forward to block the tail of my gun. However, he blocked the tail of the gun but couldn't stop the next attack. The moment he pinched the tail of the gun, I twisted my wrist, and the Eternal Scythe gun was broken into two pieces directly from the middle. The front half was broken after I turned it over and immediately oh la la slid backwards again. The tail of the gun is exactly the same, and my gun head has turned around and pierced the guy's throat directly.

Although this guy’s throat is not critical, even though this guy does not bleed, although this guy does not need to breathe, his head must be an important part of the body, and compared to other parts of the body, the neck It is undoubtedly a weak link. Therefore, my plan is to cut off his head directly. As long as he doesn't have his head, how can this guy be more powerful?

Looking at the tip of the gun piercing his throat, the zombie immediately grabbed the tip of the gun still in his hand and stabbed me. The purpose of this move is obvious, it is to trade injury for injury. It is very unwise for the average person to exchange an injury for an injury, but for this zombie, who has amazing defensive power and is basically not afraid of injury, this is the best way. On the one hand, the enemy is definitely not willing to exchange injuries with him. On the other hand, even if he succeeds in the exchange of injuries, he will be the one that has the advantage. However, although this guy had a good idea, he did one thing wrong. That is, he shouldn't use the tail of my gun to stab me.

Eternity is my weapon. Taking my weapon to attack me is a stupid decision in itself. The moment that guy slammed me with the tail of the gun, the eternal hook in my hand also accurately pierced his throat, but the difference was that my hook directly penetrated his throat. In his throat, the tail of the gun in his hand turned into a butter-like gelatinous substance the moment it touched my armor. As a result, this guy pierced the tail of the gun as if he had hit me with his fist. The tail of the gun turned into liquid and dispersed on the surface of my armor. Not only did it not pierce my armor, but suddenly before his fist finally hit me. The hardening becomes an extra layer of protection.

Almost the moment this fist finished hitting the zombie, the zombie was taken aback, but then his actions surprised me a lot. After discovering that the stabbing failed, this guy directly loosened the tip of the spear in his hand, then unfolded his palm to form a hand knife and slashed towards my neck.

Feeling the airflow around my neck, I quickly tilted my head, and the guy's Palm Blade wiped my face directly. A piece of fire star was wiped out from his palm and my helmet. After getting out of this guy's Palm Blade, I lifted my leg and hit his stomach with a kick, and kicked this guy out with a bang.

"Can you bend?" Looking at the zombie rising from the ground in the distance, I was surprised to say these three words.

The action itself of getting up from the ground is nothing amazing, but it is not normal to do this action with a zombie. Just like the backflip just now, zombie, because of his stiffness, usually straightens up when he gets up from the ground, just like a straight stick being lifted from the ground. However, this zombie just got up from the ground by himself, and he didn't stand upright like ordinary zombies, but just stood up on the ground after sitting up from the ground like ordinary people. This series of actions were combined with this guy's previous backflip, and I finally discovered his abnormality.

Just after I yelled out those three words, the old Divine Immortal over there also said immediately: "He will become more and more flexible after swallowing the beads, you have to be careful."< /p>

I glanced at the old Divine Immortal side, then looked up at Xiaofeng's nodded side, Xiaofeng immediately turned around and started flying high. The zombie below was anxious as soon as he saw Xiaofeng lift into the air, he suddenly stretched out his hands towards Xiaofeng, and then jumped up sharply. However, when he just left the ground more than one meter high, I had already slammed down his head with the hammer of eternal change. "You get down to me."

Only hearing the sound of Ping, the zombie was hit back to the ground with a hammer. But after landing, he didn't seem to be reconciled. He jumped up again and planned to chase Xiaofeng, but what made him didn't expect is that a large black shadow suddenly appeared on his head and covered the sky above him. stand up.

"If you want to go up, you have to pass our level first." Lucky flapped its wings and they hovered in the sky with the plague.

Giant Dragon Race is recognized as the first among all devil beasts, not only because of their battle strength. In fact, it really needs to be purely on the damage output. The giant dragon's ability can be ranked in the top 20 at most in the devil beast, far from being the first. However, in addition to damage output, giant dragons can fly, and the battle strength of giant dragons in the air will not drop at all. This is one of the real reasons why Giant Dragon Race has become the strongest existence in the devil beast circle. Air superiority determines that giant dragons can change the attacking rhythm at will. When they don't want to fight, they can just raise the height, and when they want a sneak attack, they can just dive down. This huge advantage allows giant dragons to always be invincible.

We have seen the intelligence level of this zombie before, and now suddenly seeing five dragons flying in the sky, he immediately landed interestingly. Although he gained a certain amount of flying ability because of swallowing that bead, he had to eat three consecutive pieces to reach his limit. Now he only ate one, and he just barely managed to fly. Asking him to fly into the air in his current state to play air combat with a group of giant dragons who are known as the overlords of the sky is tantamount to bring about one's own destruction. In fact, he knew very well, not to mention that he hadn't eaten three beads now, even if he had eaten all three, his flying ability would at best allow him to single out two dragons in the air. The current situation is five-to-one, and he is impossible to even have a chance.

Looking at the zombie landing again, I smiled directly and said to Lucky in the sky and Mira and the others: "You just have to help me block him from above, and I will deal with this guy. "

"Understood, be careful." Lucky nodded answered me and flew to the high altitude with several other dragons. With them staying in the sky, the zombie simply didn't dare to take off, anyway, it would only be abused.

"You are so self-aware, and you know that you are not the opponent of those guys in the sky." I said to the zombie: "But do you think you have a chance of winning on the ground?"


"Roar...." The zombie roared at me, and then suddenly strode towards me. Seeing his movements, I didn't stop at all, and directly swung the eternal hammer to turn the hammer away into the form of a whip sword, holding it in my hand and rushing up.

Seeing that I and the zombie were about to collide with each other again, the zombie suddenly jumped off the ground, and then hugged my hands together in the air and slammed down on my head.

I didn't expect this guy to do this trick. I was really surprised, but his actions were not enough to kill me in an instant. Seeing him jumping up, I swung Eternity back directly, and then slammed forward, only to hear a whip of oh la la, and fiercely drew fiercely on this guy's body, instantly slamming him His waist was wrapped around, and he violently pulled down with me. The guy’s originally planned flight trajectory was directly destroyed, and his entire body hit the ground in front of me with a bang like a rock, shaking the ground. The mud jumped up.

After successfully getting the guy down, I jumped straight forward and jumped onto his back, and then slammed the eternal fiercely, and the whip-like blade immediately turned into a blade shape, following my fierce hands. Hold the hilt of the sword and tie it down. Only a sound of pu chi was heard, and the eternal sword tip penetrated directly into this guy's body, and it went in and out, directly passing through his body.

Feeling the strange feeling coming from the blade, I immediately realized that this guy's defense had fallen further. Taking advantage of the chance of him not getting up, I quickly skewed Eternal to the side, then slammed, snorted, and I cut a huge horizontal incision on the guy's back in an instant.

Although the zombie didn't feel the pain, he could feel that he was hurt. Suddenly, he felt such a big wound on his back. He was also very scared.

The panicked zombie slapped the ground directly, his whole body immediately stood up, and I flew back when he got up.

The zombie immediately turned around and rushed towards me after getting up, but I didn’t fight with him at all, so I flew back, and then jumped around to his side and leaned against him when he rushed over. Past. As soon as the zombie saw me approaching, he turned around and wanted to catch me, but as soon as I lowered my head, I got under his arm to his other side, and then raised my hand, a sword flew a large piece of meat from his armpit.

Before I have been unable to deal with this guy, mainly because his defense is too high, I can't cut him at all. Now that his defense has fallen to the point where I can cut it easily, there is nothing to say, just slice this guy directly.

Suddenly attacked under the armpit, the guy immediately turned around here in an attempt to counterattack, but I followed his movements and turned around behind him, and then quickly passed by his side, directly Another big hole was opened in his back. When the guy continued to turn around and wanted to attack me, I went around to his right side again and cut his arm with a deep bone wound.

Several times in a row, I can't touch my side at all in counter-attack, and the zombie is completely red-eyed. I saw that he suddenly stopped chasing me in circles, but suddenly yelled from the sky, and a cyan-green aperture instantly rippled around him centered on him.

I was backing back almost as soon as I saw the aperture, but it was still a step too late. The aperture spread out like a flash of lightning, and the range was as high as Fifty meters. My body was flashed by the aperture and turned into a jade green jade green color.

"Damn, rigid domain!" I turned my head in surprise and looked towards Divine Immortal over there. "Why didn't you say that he would still do this?"

The old Divine Immortal over there was also replied with a surprised look: "I don't know! He was completely useless when he was fighting with me! It was a skill that he released after swallowing the bead. He hadn't eaten the bead when he hit me."

"Damn it!" I muttered angrily, and then hurried back. When I lay down, the zombie's claws almost slid in front of me, rubbing the tip of my nose.

The zombie was not discouraged at all when it missed a hit. He bent down and grabbed my crotch with his claws. Seeing this situation, I hurriedly kicked his foot on his ankle and threw his body weightless and threw forward, while I hurriedly turned to the side to get out of his body. After the guy fell to the ground with a bang, I flipped back and flipped directly onto him, but the guy patted the ground immediately after feeling me on his back and stood up again, just lying pitifully. The me on his body was flew out directly and licked a mouthful of mud on the ground.

"Ah...Bah...His grandma's, fortunately, the ground is full of chocolate!"

Spit out the chocolate and dyed coconut grass, I just As soon as I turned around, I saw a big hand grabbing towards my front door. If I usually roll over to the side, I will get out of the way, but the key problem is that I am not in a normal state now. The thing that zombie broke out just now is called the ossified domain, as the name implies, it is the ossified domain. As long as you are within the scope of this field, even if you were as agile as a monkey, now you have to become a zombie monkey. In short, the joints of your whole body will become extremely stiff, and one step can make you collapse.

My agility is definitely considered an outstanding presence in the game, but after being caught in this rigid field, it was really urged. People who haven't caught this thing don't know, it feels like you are sleeping with your hands numb, and it's not a hand, but the whole body except for the eyelids. That really can make you wish one were dead with your hands!

Seeing the palm that I grabbed, I have no chance of dodge at all, but fortunately I am not alone. Just when the zombie's claw was about to catch me, two white silk threads suddenly hit my shoulders, and then the silk threads stretched straight and dragged me out.

The zombie's outstretched claw was about to stab me, but I didn't expect me to disappear suddenly. He confiscated his power for a while and thrust a claw directly into the mud. Angrily pulled out his palms and roared to the sky, the zombie immediately rushed towards me here, and at this time I was being held by a sickle with two paws and rushing into the forest.

Don't underestimate the speed of the sickle. Although he is a spider, in reality arthropods actually surpass mammals in many aspects, except for their relatively small size. Although the game cannot be said to be the same as in reality, the sports specialties of arthropods are still well preserved. At least the sickle ran so fast, and we appeared in a forest not far away with the twinkle of the eight long legs.

The zombie saw that I was ran so badly that he wanted to chase me, but unfortunately, he only ran two steps and saw a huge black shadow slam on him. before. The huge figure of the tank, like a hill, completely blocked his way forward, let alone chasing, he can't even see me now.

"ao..." After roaring at the tank, the guy moved towards the tank and rushed over. Although he suffers from a disadvantage in terms of size, he is not a low-level creature that relies on instinct to act. He has a very high intelligence, so he knows that his power is actually far more than most large creatures. Of course, what he didn't know was that the power of the tank was actually not much smaller than him.

Yes, this zombie does have nine strength of Dragon, but the power of the tank is not pulled by one dragon. Although I haven't tested it, but from the attribute display, the power of the tank has actually reached the power of three to four ordinary giant dragons. Even the dragon king-level giant dragons such as Lucky and Plague must be able to fight him two-to-one. strength.

If it's just a simple comparison of strength, the tank is certainly not the opponent of the guy in front of him, but in fact, this guy may not be able to show more power than the tank in the battle. It's not that he is weak, but that he is too light. The tank and his power are about 1:2.5, which means that the guy's power is about two and a half times that of the tank. However, considering factors such as the weight of the two parties and the friction on the surface, if they sprint at full speed and collide with each other, it goes without saying that the one who flew out in the end must be that guy instead of a tank. And, don’t forget, the tank actually has a very awesome skill.

Just as the guy rushed towards the tank, a crackling electric arc suddenly lit up between the two antennae on the tank’s head, and then I saw the tank’s terrifying mouth The device suddenly opened, and there was a violent flash, and a blue ball of light instantly sprayed out of the tank's mouth.

That zombie didn't expect this big guy to attack like this, and he also believed that his defensive power was high enough and he didn't avoid it, instead he ran his arms on his head and hit the light directly. bomb. With a bang, the light bullet was broken apart as he expected, and he rushed over without any harm. However, as soon as he rushed out of the range of the light bullet to recover his eyesight, he suddenly saw a black wall appeared in front of him for a second, and he didn't know anything after following him.

Except for the zombie at the scene, everyone around only saw that the zombie hit the ball of light, but the tank tightened its two forearms to his body. Then, when he When his joint reached a certain position, everyone could clearly see that the blade foot in front of him seemed to vibrate violently. At the same time, we heard a clicking sound like a pistol being loaded, but the movement was much louder.

Although we can see this process very clearly, the zombie is completely missing, because from his perspective, you must pass through the light ball before you can see the tank, and the brightness of the light ball makes him I couldn't see what the tank was doing before I went through it. However, just as he recovered his vision through the eyes of the light ball, the blade feet of the tank suddenly moved. None of us saw exactly how the knife foot moves. Anyway, it changed from a state of close to the chest to a stretched state in an instant, and the zombie seemed to violate the laws of physics. Watching him rush forward, the next second he was already flying back at a speed many times faster than before.

In fact, not only did we fail to see clearly, but the zombie himself did not see clearly. He only felt that he had lost consciousness at the time. When he regained consciousness, he only felt that he was flying, and then there was a loud noise. And impact. His body directly smashed a big tree, and then continued to move forward at an unabated speed like a lawn mower. After sweeping down more than a dozen big trees all the way, he rolled and hit the ground, and then suddenly bounced on the ground. The ground rolled and bounced and flew forward, and finally flew out for two to three kilometers before it stopped completely.

"Nana...what's the trick? This formidable power..." The group of people who were blown away by Ling and Xiaochun's skills just came back and saw the tank throwing the zombie. Knock-up scene. It wasn't until the zombie disappeared in the woods that no one reacted and stammered and asked.

In fact, this trick is not a magic skill, but a physical skill of the tank. Although tanks often appear in my pet array in the form of turrets, don't forget that his cannons evolved later. The tank's original attack method should be his sword feet and collision skills.

Let’s not talk about the collision skills. With the size of the tank and the strong carapace, as long as he runs up, ordinary hills can be knocked down, and other creatures will at least break them if they touch him. . However, in addition to this collision, the knife foot of the tank is even more of his attack weapon.

The blade feet of the tank grow at the forefront of the body. This knife foot has a total of five joints, which are folded under the body when moving. When he needs to fight, he will unfold his sword feet. At this time, his sword feet will become something like a mantis's sickle, which can swing and chop left and right. The formidable power is very large. When encountering a large number of low-level arms, the tank can even open a channel from the enemy's battlefield like a combine harvester harvesting wheat. However, this is just an attack method used by the blade feet of a tank to deal with general small creatures. When encountering a creature that is similar to or stronger than his own, the tank will fold the front end of the blade foot and only use the first and second two sections of the root.

When the tank folds up the sharp blade with a blade at the front end, his blade will become a hammer-like structure. This thing growing at the end of the second limb and a special skeleton between the first limb can form a structure similar to a lock. When the tank tightens the muscles at the lock, his forelimbs will be restrained in front of the body and cannot move. At this time, he can continuously draw in the muscles in the limbs to strengthen the limbs. Later, when he contracted the muscles in the limbs to the limit, the limbs will be compressed to the limit like a taut spring. At this time, as long as he relaxes the muscles in the lock position slightly, then he will tighten. The arthropods will immediately eject like a cannonball out of the chamber.

This working principle is not actually the first of tanks. In reality, there is a creature called mantis shrimp in the seabed that has a similar structure. A mantis shrimp that is about the same size as our common small dragon shrimp, when it tightens and releases its forelimbs, it can produce equivalent to the formidable power produced by a five-mm caliber pistol shot at close range. This is just a small shrimp in the real world. Its length is only a few centimeters, and it weighs no more than 100 grams. According to the convention that the creatures in the game are more developed than the real creatures, you can imagine that a tank with a body length of more than 80 meters and a weight of 350 tons can release a lot of huge might when making this move. Anyway, zombie really knows what formidable power is. Even with his almost invincible defense, he was shot a few kilometers away this time, and he didn't get up for half a day after landing.

"Don't let him rest, continue to fight." At this time, I had been put down by the sickle, and I was sitting on a rock receiving Xiaochun's treatment. Although the rigid domain is the ability of scope, but I hate it because of its timeliness. As long as you strike once, even if you get out of his 50-meter range, this thing will hang on you for more than half an hour. And during this period, as long as you dare to step within 50 meters of his side, this time will start counting down again. Of course, I am not afraid of this thing, because there is a super nurse Xiaochun by my side.

When I was receiving treatment, the zombie in the forest in the distance finally stood up from the ground with a fallen tree. He first stood up straight, shaking his head, and then looking down at the direction before realizing that he was standing upside down. After hurriedly turning around, he realized that there was an open passage behind him. The big trees in the middle were all leaning to the sides, giving way to a huge passage.

Before the zombie could figure out what was going on, suddenly he heard a sharp howling from above his head. When he quickly raised his head to look at it, it was already a step too late, and the guy directly saw a big tail descending from the sky and slamming down at him. The zombie who hurriedly raised his hands to the top of his head to catch the tail didn't expect that the power of the tail was surprisingly great, and he shot him into the ground at once. Before he could react, the tail suddenly moved away from his hand, and after him he felt his waist tighten. Then the whole person immediately rose out of the soil and flew out like clouds and fog, and it was not until he flew into the air that he realized that the attacker turned out to be a giant scorpion that was not much smaller than the creature that knocked him away.

The zombie who was shot into the forest before was thrown back directly by the red thorn. As soon as he hit the ground, he found a black silhouette holding a black cutting sword and slashing at him. The zombie hurriedly reached out to grab the sword, but as soon as his hand grasped the blade of the sword, he immediately heard a "chi chi" sound, like when cold water hit the hot metal. However, as soon as the voice appeared, the zombie suddenly felt a pain that he hadn't felt for a long time.

Zombie’s body is painless. Although they can feel the injury, they don’t feel pain at all. But right now, the zombie felt a pain that was unbearable for him. The pain reached his soul, and he didn't know how to resist, and then he hurriedly let go and backed away like an ordinary person caught the flaming soldering iron. go.

Although he took the initiative to avoid him, the silhouette behind did not intend to let him go. Just as he backed away, the opponent rushed up here, with the black slashing sword in his hand, with repeated attacks, no matter where it hits, there must be a burst of blue smoke, and at the same time the painful zombie bounced around. Jump back and hide.

To be honest, not only the zombie, but also we are surprised to see this phenomenon. After a long pause, I suddenly slapped and stood up and said, "I finally understand!"

"Fellow Daoist, what do you understand?" Divine Immortal looked at me suspiciously and asked.

"I understand why this zombie is so difficult."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because he is not a zombie at all."

"Not a zombie?" Then Divine Immortal was taken aback for a moment, and then denied: "Although I don't say that I am a Taoist master, I am also a Taoist orthodox at any rate. How can I admit wrong with zombie?"

"No, this is really not a zombie." I looked at the Divine Immortal and asked, "Immortal Elder said he is a zombie, then I would like to ask Immortal Elder, why is zombie called zombie?"

Then Divine Immortal was stunned by my question, after all, this question is too simple. It's as if someone suddenly asked you how much one plus one equals, usually everyone will be stunned. After a little thought, Divine Immortal finally replied according to the orthodox answer: "The reason why zombie is called zombie is naturally because he is transformed from a corpse, and his body is already rigid, so it is called zombie."

I nodded continued to ask: "Then Immortal Elder, what's the difference between this corpse and humans?"

Although I was a little confused, the Divine Immortal was still replied: "Man is a seed of Heaven and Earth, The spirit of all things takes the Five Elements of Yin and Yang as the body, and the spirit of Heaven and Earth as the spirit. Once a person dies, the soul separates from the body, leaving the Five Elements Body of Yin and Yang without spirit as the corpse."

"That means that the difference between a corpse and a person is that a person has more souls than a corpse, right?"

"Yes, if you have a soul, you are a person. Dead souls go to Six Paths of Reincarnation , The remaining part is the corpse."

I nodded and said: "Well, since Immortal Elder also said that people with souls are humans, and those without souls are corpses, so why do you still say that it is zombie?"

When I asked, Divine Immortal was taken aback for a moment, and then he exclaimed as if suddenly reacting to something, "Is there a soul in that thing?"

I nodded and said: "My demon who is fighting with that thing is the heroic spirit of a hundred wars condensed on the battlefield. It is a spiritual body, and he is actually more suitable for hurting the soul than hurting the body. Now he activates His skill is called Soul Suppression, which is to rely on the hostility and murderous aura collected on the battlefield to damage the enemy’s soul so that the opponent can feel various negative emotions and increase t

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