"Will that guy just hang up like this?" After waiting seven or eight times, Ye Ying looked up and asked.

I shrugged and said: "I don’t know, but I don’t think it is possible. That guy has a lot of life left. Oh, that guy moved."

With that said, the zombie over there twitched suddenly, followed the whole body to stand up like an urn, and then this guy glanced at me, and then suddenly did something amazing.

Yes, it is really amazing. We only saw that zombie stretched out his hand and slammed into his stomach, and then pulled it out, and he pulled out a large group of black things without knowing what it was. However, although we can't tell what it is, we can be sure that this is not the internal organs of that guy, because this thing is obviously a man-made object, and the square shape is not like what can grow in a living body.

Just when we were wondering what this guy was going to do, the zombie suddenly reached out and pinched on the box, and only heard a click, the box was completely shattered, and then the guy's wrist shattered. All the fallen wood chips shook, but there were still three balls the size of quail eggs in his hand.

"Oops! Can't let him eat that thing!"

Divine Immortal over there suddenly cried out as soon as he saw the thing clearly. The moment I heard the call, I flew directly from the back of Yekage, and then rushed to the zombie at almost the speed of teleportation, while he was bending his arms to push those three things to his mouth. Lisay.

"Don’t think about it." Just when the beads were about to reach zombie’s mouth, I just rushed to his side. I ran into it before. With a muffled sound, my knee joint accurately hit the guy's face, and the beads in his hand flew directly into the sky.

"ao..." The bead was blown away, and the zombie immediately let out an angry roar, but I didn't care about him at all, and directly used the force of the bump to straighten his leg. He stepped on his chest, and then the whole person turned over and flew up, reaching out to hold the three flying beads. However, just when my fingertips had touched one of the beads, the three beads flew towards the zombie below with a whistling sound as if they had been remotely controlled. My gaze suddenly turned back following the three beads, but it happened to see that zombie was making a grasping motion against the three beads.

High level zombie actually has some spell-like abilities, especially the Chinese zombie. A situation like this zombie that hasn't shown any spell so far is quite rare to be honest, because according to Myths and Legends, the Chinese zombie at the later stage should be able to fly, and there should be a lot of spell ability. But this guy not only can't fly, he can't even spell at all, it can be said to be useless except for defense metamorphosis.

Because high level zombie can spell, I don’t feel strange seeing this guy directly suck the beads away with the ability similar to Great Star Absorption Art. However, it is not surprising that it is not surprising that beads can never be given to him.

"Fuck me." Looking at the three beads passing by me, I kicked two of them with one kick, and flipped down directly with the eternal hook and sickle in my hand. During the swing, the gun body had turned into an iron whip. Just as the zombie opened his mouth and was about to swallow the bead, the whip bang hit the bead and flew it away in an instant.

"ao..." Seeing that the bead of the mouth was shot down here, the zombie had no other choice but to yell angrily. But just after screaming, this guy suddenly sank into the ground like standing on the water.

"Not good!" Seeing that guy burrowed into the ground, I immediately realized that it was not good. Although this guy has high defenses, his speed is not fast. He is on the ground to grab those beads and I can hold him back. But once he got underground, he was in trouble.

The two beads that I kicked flying just now flew in two different directions, and the one that was flew away by the whip flew towards completely opposite directions. The three beads were not heavy, but the strength I used was not small, so all three beads flew far away. The three beads go in different directions. If one of them is intercepted, of course it’s okay, but the problem is that the zombie has burrowed into the ground, and I don’t know which one he is going to grab, if the one I intercept first is not the one he chose. One, since I grabbed one, he will definitely get another one.

The above changes in thinking were only a momentary matter. I figured out the key point almost instantly, so I also reacted immediately. "Darts, thunder."

As soon as I called out the names of the two familiars, I turned around and rushed out. What I went to grab was one of the two beads that were kicked out, while the dart and thunder moved towards the other two directly.

Hey, accompanied by a golden lightning bolt, Thunder appeared directly next to the bead that was swept away by the whip and stretched out his claws to grab it, but just when he was about to touch the bead , But suddenly a green purple claw stretched out under the ground to grasp the bead. Lei immediately changed from grabbing to pat, slapped directly on the ground, and followed the golden lightning burst suddenly, the surrounding ground almost turned into a golden color, and with this large-scale discharge phenomenon, the ground also exploded suddenly. After opening a big hole, the zombie flew out and fell to the ground not far away.

Seeing that the guy was electrocuted by himself, Lei immediately banged and disappeared in place. Almost at the same time, he banged and appeared beside the zombie. Very rascal. Relying on his high defense, he suddenly turned around and hardened a claw of Thunder with his back, and at the same time slammed the bead in his hand into his mouth.

"Get out of the way." The moment the guy put the bead into his mouth, I rushed over from a distance and turned Eternity into a sledgehammer shining on the guy's back Just smashed down. "You spit it out for me!"

When the sledgehammer hits, the thunder turns into a flash of lightning and flashes to the side, and my sledgehammer passes through the afterimage of the thunder with a millimetre difference. On the back of that zombie.

The zombie had already stuffed the beads into his mouth, but when he was about to swallow, my sledgehammer arrived and hit this guy's back fiercely. The zombie slammed forward directly after being smashed, and the beads in his mouth flew out. He stretched out his hand and wanted to grab it, but I stepped directly on his back and stepped on his head and stepped his head into the soil. At the same time, I swept the bead with the other foot. Kicked out.

After the zombie was stepped on by me, he immediately stood up from the ground with his hands on the ground, and I flew back with the help of his standing strength. After landing, I directly restored the eternal sledgehammer into a sword shape, and then rushed directly without waiting for the zombie to react.

As soon as he stood up, the zombie was still going to chase the bead, but the wind from behind forced him to turn around to deal with my attack.

"ao..." After yelling at me again, the zombie suddenly jumped towards me. Seeing his movements, I directly sent the Eternal Sword upward, and the point of the sword pu chi pierced directly into this guy's heart. Unfortunately, zombie is almost immortal if it is not shredded. Even if the heart is stabbed, it is just a lot of holes. Moreover, what made me feel even more troublesome was that this guy didn't care about his injuries, so he rushed directly in front of me with my sword, and at the same time, the killing claw was also here to grab my head.

Of course I would hide when I saw his claws, but unfortunately the sword was stuck and I couldn't pull it out. In desperation, I had to let go and step aside. But just as soon as I retreated from my side, the zombie suddenly moved towards me and opened my mouth and let out a real hua hua hua hua laugh. Although I knew this guy had intelligence, I was a little surprised to see him smiling.

"Laugh at your dead head, laugh?" Looking at the zombie's proud look, I said directly: "Do you think you can take my weapon like this?"

Just as I finished saying this, the eternity inserted in that guy's heart suddenly exploded into fragments all over the floor like a burst of glass, and then those fragments quickly gathered on the ground into a metal ball and flashed like lightning. Flew back to my hands.

Get the weapon again, I shook the zombie proudly twice, and returned to the sword-shaped eternal said with a smile: "You too underestimated my weapon. Even your skin How can the Divine Item that the thick guys move so easily?"

"ao......" The zombie roared angrily, and then suddenly his feet softened again and disappeared completely. In the ground.

As soon as I saw him burrow into the ground again, I hurriedly shouted at Lei and Dart: "Hurry up and take that bead away."

Lei reacted faster and grabbed the next one. The bead came back to the demons with a flash, and the dart was too small for him to take care of the two beads. When I found out that zombie was attacking the thunder here, I gave my original goal to the darts, and I came to support the thunder. Suddenly hearing this request, the dart was stunned there, because he was holding a bead in his two small front paws, while the other was placed under his feet. Hearing my request, he first looked at the bead under his feet, and then at the one he was holding on his paw. Finally, he suddenly made up his mind to violently move the beads he was holding towards my other demons and threw it towards the other side of my familiar group and notified the faster Bailang to take over, and he himself picked up the one on the ground and quickly flashed to it. On a tree next to it.

However, just as the white waves ran towards the bead, a big hole suddenly burst open on the ground, and the zombie flew out of the pit and caught it and was thrown over. Of that bead.

The zombie's first reaction when he got the beads was to stuff his mouth. He understood now. As long as I saw him approaching the beads, he would launch an attack, so he had to speed up. However, just as he just pushed the beads to his mouth, Mira suddenly opened his mouth and shot a beam of destruction. I saw that red light beam directly hit the zombie’s chest, and then there was a bang accompanied by a tumbling flame. The zombie was directly lifted by the shock wave generated by the explosion more than 20 meters away, and that one The beads also flew to the sky.

Xiaofeng kicked the ground directly and flew up, and then the person in the air turned into a Phoenix shape and rushed towards the flying bead, but she almost bit it When the beads were on, the zombie stretched out his hand to the beads, and the beads sank sharply and slipped past Xiaofeng's mouth with a slight difference. Although Xiaofeng immediately tried to grab with his claws, he still took a step slower, and the flying bead directly moved towards the zombie and flew over.

Seeing that the bead was about to fall into the zombie's hands, a feather arrow flew from the side area and knocked the bead off the side in the air. In the end, the bead fell directly on the side of the zombie. .

Angrily roared in the direction where the arrow was shot. Although the opponent was startled, the zombie knew it was not the time to stop. He turned around and rushed towards the beads on the ground, but just as he was about to touch the beads, a big hole burst open with a bang, and a big head burrowed directly from the ground. Swallowed the beads and quickly sank into the ground.

The zombie saw the bead being swallowed and was almost mad. Seeing the big head burrow into the ground, he immediately plunged his head.

Looking at the zombie going down, I can only express my gratitude to the archer nodded who shoots there. This guy is the more clever among the group. Although he can't do the zombie, it's okay to help grab the bead.

Although I have a lot of familiars, and some of them can dig holes, the only ones who can really fight in the soil are Rose Vine and Trailblazers. Now that the zombie has gone underground, I can only stare. I hope that the guy's battle strength in the soil is not as good as the Trailblazers, at least he can't let him snatch the beads.

While we were anxiously waiting for the result of the battle, we suddenly heard a loud noise from a big tree on the side, and the whole tree burst into pieces. At first, when I saw the big tree falling, I thought it was caused by the zombie or the trailblazer passing under the tree, but when I found a white silhouette falling with the big tree, I finally realized that it was not good.

That zombie does have intelligence, and it's quite high. He dived underground not to chase the trailblazers at all, but aimed at the darts. The action of chasing the Trailblazer into the ground was actually nothing more than his tactic.

The darts who were still on the tree didn't expect a pine suddenly at their feet, and the big tree fell down. Although the darts in the air adjusted their body shape in time, the bead sent a huge force at the moment he adjusted his body shape moved towards the ground and fell straight. The power of the dart is very small, and the power on the front paws cannot be concentrated when adjusting the body shape in the air. As a result, the bead instantly dropped from the hand and fell directly to the ground.

Just as the bead was about to touch the ground, the zombie's claws suddenly appeared under the ground and grabbed the bead, but just as he was about to catch the bead At that moment, a whip suddenly flicked from the side and accurately drew it on his wrist. Following the inertia of the whip, it quickly circled his hand a few times and completely entangled his wrist.

Looking at the eternally transformed long whip wrapped around the guy’s wrist, I suddenly pulled back, the huge force directly strapped the guy’s wrist away, and the beads rubbed him. 'S wrist fell to the ground. But it is a pity that at this moment, another hand suddenly reached out to the ground and violently pinched the bead and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Dark blasting." Ling quickly pointed to the surface where the zombie was, followed by a loud explosion sound, and the zombie was blown up along with a large amount of mud. But unfortunately, even though Ling's attack was punctual, the guy still squeezed the bead tightly and didn't let go.

Looking at the zombie that was lifted off, I jerked the eternity in my hand, and the eternity that was still wrapped around his wrist immediately straightened, and the zombie was also dragged back to the ground by me. Smashed into the soil with a loud sound. However, this guy obviously knows that our purpose is to grab his beads, so no matter how we beat him, he will not let go.

Seeing that guy was about to put beads in his mouth again, luck suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ground next to this guy with a violent slam. At the same time, the huge axe blade at the tip of the lucky tail was also carrying The force of thunder violently hit the guy's stomach. Although the zombie defensive power was amazing, but after being hit by such a powerful blow, the head and feet that were still smashed turned upward at the same time, and the whole person seemed to be folded in half.

Looking at the bead that flew up again, the zombie on the ground desperately pushed the big tail on his body to grab it, but the plague and Xiaosan rushed up a few feet. He pushed this guy back to the ground. But that guy was not stupid. He felt that he couldn't break through from above, so he sank into the ground on his own initiative, and then got out of the ground next to him.

Seeing that zombie suddenly got out of the ground next to it trying to pick up the beads that fell again, I shouted directly: "Grab the beads."

A black one silhouette suddenly jumped over the claws of Lucky Tail and Plague, and then just when the guy was about to catch the bead, he grabbed the bead and jumped out.

"A good big cat." Really didn't expect that the new demon pet big cat is so powerful, it is fast like a black lightning, and it takes the bead with a few ups and downs. come out. The zombie saw the big cat running away with a bead in his mouth, so he dived into the ground and chased after him.

Unlike ordinary creatures, this zombie seems to move faster under the ground than on the ground, and that speed doesn’t seem to pass the time of the hole. I feel that the zombie’s underground movement ability is more like a transmission ability that uses soil as a medium. Its effect is similar to the shadow transmission of me and the night shadow. As long as it disappears from a shadow, it can be in the vicinity. Appeared in the shadows. His ability is probably the same, just turning the shadows into mud.

Seeing that guy disappeared under the ground, he suddenly emerged from under the big cat in less than three seconds and grabbed the big cat's hind legs with a violent claw. However, the speed of the big cat is not covered. The moment the guy's paw sticks out of the ground, the big cat suddenly jumps, and at the expense of losing his balance, he twists his body in the air and avoids these two paws.

The big cat with huge inertia rolled forward as soon as he hit the ground, but he just turned over a few times and stood up again. The balance of cats is very good. Although big cats have nothing to do with cats, the balance and agility are basically inherited.

Several big cats, who rolled to stabilize their figure and got up again, immediately bared their teeth at the position where zombie was just now, exposing his sharp fangs and the bead in his mouth.

The zombie can probably see the situation on the ground below the ground. When the beads appeared, he immediately got out of the ground and planned to continue attacking the big cat, but the big cat made something that made him scratch Crazy thing. I saw a sudden flash of light and shadow around the big cat, followed by a holographic phantom shua~ shua~ shua~ a large number of exactly the same big cats appeared. Each of these big cats maintains the appearance of the previous big cats, with dark fur, toned and streamlined body, and well-developed muscles. All the external features look exactly the same.

After seeing so many silhouettes suddenly appeared, the zombie was stunned for a moment, and then roared and moved towards the first big cat with the beads he saw before and ran away Past. However, when he started to run, the big cats were all neatly organized and started to run in one direction. During the running, the big cats began to cross and transpose each other, and there were multiple big cats. At the same time, mixed displacements, and sometimes several big cats jump from each other to change positions.

Zombie, who originally remembered his goal, was immediately lost by these guys. The big cats in front of them suddenly slammed after running less than 50 meters. All moved towards different directions and rushed to ask, but the zombie was stupidly stunned at the position where the big cats were separated, looking left and right, and didn't know which one to chase.

For Big Cat, there is no difference between his Avatar and his body. He can turn any Avatar into a body at any time, and he can also turn the body currently in use into an Avatar, but he can switch the position of the body, but he cannot switch the position of the bead. However, he has a lot of Avatars anyway, and running around like this, even people with good eyesight will inevitably have chaos. Although the zombie has intelligence, his eyesight is only the level of an ordinary person. Seeing that a large group of identical panther-like creatures scattered away, although he was anxious to go mad, he didn't know what to do. Blind pursuit is meaningless at all, but he doesn't know which creature is holding the bead, so he can only shout anxiously without knowing where to chase.

Looking at the scattered black creatures, the zombie roared in anger and then suddenly turned his eyes back to me. I knew he was searching for the whereabouts of the other two beads, but I handed the other two beads to the two candle bees in front of him, and then I saw the two candle bees flap their wings all the way towards the sky. Flew away and eventually turned into two small black dots and disappeared into the sky.

After the candle bee flew away, I deliberately provoked the zombie: "Your beads are in the sky. If you have the ability, you can chase it."

"Hoo... …" The zombie yelled at me angrily.

I didn’t mean anything to be afraid of his yelling. Instead, I smirked and took a bead from the big cat that just ran to me and said: "Aiya, forget it, here There is one more. But it’s a pity, this one will disappear too.” As I said, a candle bee out of summon and handed the bead to it, and the candle bee immediately hugged the bead and chased directly in front of Buzzzz~ Two candle bees flew high into the sky.

Looking at the candle bee gradually rising into the sky, the zombie's gaze kept staring at the candle bee, and then his paws stretched out, and finally this guy suddenly did something amazing matter. He suddenly turned around and picked up a stone from the ground, and then violently threw it at the candle bee in the sky. With this guy's power, he wanted to throw a stone out, it was absolutely easy, and with his strength so great, when the stone was thrown out by him, its formidable power was almost catching up with the cannonball. But unfortunately, the reason why zombie is called zombie, besides he is a corpse, there is another reason that he is very stiff, and the movement of throwing actually requires a certain amount of physical flexibility. Although this zombie has an amazingly high defense, it is not much better than a normal zombie in terms of flexibility, so the stone flew out, and the speed is indeed very fast, but the accuracy of this head is really bad and a bit outrageous.

"Don't bother, just your head, you can hit once with 10,000 throws."

"roar roar..." The zombie roared again. Then I looked down at me, and then I found that his breathing seemed to be a problem.

Originally speaking zombie generally does not need to breathe, but when zombie is under extreme emotions such as excitement, excitement or anger, they will act like people are doing a lot The state after exercise, that is, they will start to breathe through their mouths.

This zombie's emotions are obviously extremely angry now, so he started to gasp violently, but the breathing speed is a bit abnormal, because his breathing seems to have changed It is getting slower and slower, but the breathing rate is getting bigger and bigger, and finally it seems to become a kind of hu hu sound like pulling a bellows. Moreover, as his breathing style progresses, we actually find him With each breath he breathed out a lot of azure smoke from his mouth.

Looking at this guy’s abnormal reaction, I turned my head and looked towards Divine Immortal and asked: "What's the situation with him?"

Then Divine Immortal said unsurely. "It looks a bit like absorbing Sun and Moon Essence cultivation Corpse Qi, but now in a combat state, it doesn't seem to be suitable for cultivation!"

I heard that Divine Immortal said that. Directly said: "Whether he is cultivation or not, it's right to not let him do what he wants." As I said, I shook the eternally changing long whip, and the eternally changing whip quickly retracted from the grip in my hand. The scream spliced ​​into the form of a whip sword.

After completing the eternal change, I immediately moved towards the guy and rushed over. His current defense is still good enough to block the attacks of my demon familiar, but he is not very resistant to eternity. Moreover, with the passage of time, his defensive power will become weaker and weaker. Under such circumstances, I am not afraid of him anymore.

However, when I rushed to the guy’s vicinity again to launch an attack, I suddenly felt a flash in front of my eyes, and an azure mask instantly appeared around that guy, and I was also because I bumped my head unpreparedly, and then only heard a bang, I was directly bounced back, and when I landed, I yelled that there was a golden star shining in front of me.

After shaking my head vigorously to make myself sober, I realized that the mask did not disappear, but was still shining beside the zombie. Seeing this, this thing should be similar to a protective cover. Something, but it can bounce me back. The defensive power of this thing is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary protective covers.

"Mira." As I shouted, a red ray shot from a distance. With only a bang, the rays exploded into a ball of flame on the mask, and then wrapped all the way from the surface of the mask with inertia. However, after the flames passed, the mask turned out to be completely motionless standing there, as if the attack just now was just an illusion.

Seeing this situation, I directly frowned, and then shouted again: "Lingling."

When I called her name, Lingling pulled out the holy sword from her waist fiercely. With a wave, the wings suddenly opened and the holy sword was lifted diagonally and rushed towards the light shield. Just as she was about to collide with the light shield, the holy sword in her hand suddenly lit up with a bright white light, and Lingling also held up the holy sword and shouted: "Holy sword verdict." A white lightsaber. As Lingling's movements took shape quickly and suddenly cut off, she slammed on the mask. When the blue and white light and shadow hit together, it is as if two electrodes with high voltage are touching together. At the contact point, there is a burst of fire star flashes, and at the same time a harsh rumbling erupts. sound. However, until the lightsaber that Lingling cut out gradually dimmed and disappeared, there was only a slight crack on the mask. However, the more terrible thing was that after Lingling's attack ended, the crack was automatically restored in a flash.

"Really strong defense!" Looking at the mask, I shouted directly at Ling behind: "Join hands with Xiaochun and use your strongest attack."

Ling nodded, and then quickly stood with Xiaochun, the incantion of the complicated mouth sounded, and the entire surrounding space vibrated.

Looking at the group of people I brought with me still watching the excitement, I directly shouted: "You guys go back quickly, this magic has a direct killing range within 200 meters, and indirect damage within 500 meters. !"

When the range of this trick was so large, the group of people quickly turned around and ran. Fortunately, the spell preparation time is also quite long, so there is enough time for them to run out of the dangerous range.

As the incantion draws to a close, the surrounding sky instantly becomes pitch black. Various white and black lightning is intertwined in the air, and a chaotic gust of wind blows on the ground. Scattered grass and dirt on the ground flew around.

"Is it because the elemental storm failed this trick?" The archer who finally ran to the safe range turned and looked at the strange weather around him and said in surprise.

The warrior who took the lead dragged the little fool and continued to step back and said: "Whether it is or not, this is definitely a big move."

He said he would come and watch me fight. A player was excited and said: "haha, didn't expect so lucky this time, I can actually watch Purple Moon's strongest familiar's super skills release up close. I don't know how huge might be in a while. I hope it can be. Don't let us down."

Just after that guy finished speaking, Ling and Xiaochun's incantion was finally completed. The clouds in the sky have gathered and formed, and two balls of light, one black one white, have also formed in the hands of Ling and Xiaochun respectively. Finally, as the two of them sent forward, the two balls of light flew directly to the clouds, and then the clouds in the sky suddenly shone with a dazzling glare as if they had come to life. With the emergence of the strong light, the surrounding earth began to vibrate violently, as if the whole earth was about to collapse. And with the shaking, there was finally a reaction in the clouds.

Everyone only saw among the clouds in the sky, a huge black ball of light slowly exposed a bottom, and then slowly began to descend. As it descended, other parts of the light sphere gradually appeared in everyone's eyes.

This is not a smooth sphere. On the contrary, its surface is like the surface of the moon, which is covered with large and small pits, and these pits are sometimes white. Strong light shoots out.

Obviously, black is just an appearance. Everyone knows that there is a huge amount of light compressed in this thing. Most people know the consequences of using Power of Darkness to compress the element of light.

As the ball of light continued to fall, the zombie on the ground finally realized that it was not good. He looked anxiously at the ball of light in the sky, and then sharply accelerated his breathing. As his breathing became faster and faster, he suddenly opened his mouth sharply. A cyan-green is about the size of a ping-pong ball. The big beads floated out of his mouth suddenly.

The Divine Immortal standing behind me called out the moment he saw the beads: "It's the corpse pill, that is the energy source of zombie, just like the monster core of monsters and the golden pill of our door Normal."

"That's right, blowing up this thing just solved this guy completely."

Just after I said this, my browse suddenly wrinkle, next to Divine Immortal found my reaction and asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

"My candle bee is dead."

"Candle bee?"

"It's the creature that brought those three beads up to the sky just now."

The Divine Immortal said in surprise immediately: "The beads...?"

"Fell. But it will take some time for them to land. By the way, what are those three beads?"

"I don't know."

The Divine Immortal's answer almost made me stumble. "You don't know?"

The Divine Immortal nodded and said: "I really don't know what it is, but I know its function. In fact, this zombie is not one, it used to be a pair before. One of my fellow Fellow Daoists teamed up to kill one. This is another one. At that time, the zombie suddenly became extremely powerful after eating three beads dug out of his stomach. Not only was the body no longer stiff, but it was also fast. It's much faster. The most important thing is that he can use all the spells that can be used by general zombies. And the biggest weakness of this zombie before-it can't fly, and it will disappear after eating this thing."< /p>

I nodded and said: "If you say this, you really can't let him eat. This thing is already troublesome enough. If you eat it again, the beads will fly, run, and spell, then But it’s really difficult. But we don’t have to worry. The skill released by my two familiars should land before the three beads, and the zombie may not be able to support this trick. I will send it immediately after the explosion. People go to grab the beads, even if he doesn’t die, there must be a period of weakness. When the time comes, he will definitely not be able to grab us."

I was talking here, and suddenly I saw lightning passing through the clouds. After three meteors jumped directly over the zombie under the light ball moved towards and flew over.

"How is it possible?" Because of the star pupil, my eyesight is very good. I recognized the three meteors the moment they appeared, and they were clearly the three beads that were brought to the sky by the candle bee.

Candle bees are my summon creatures, and I have inductions, so I can know that they are dead the moment they die. But the problem is that the three candle bees were already flying quite high when they died, and thei

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