"What did you do just now?"

The small dragon girl I asked about seemed a little bit unbelievable. She slowly retracted the hand that was still there, then looked at her finger, and then said: "I just watched that guy became almost like a normal zombie after his soul was separated, so I wanted to try to deal with it. Can those methods of zombie work? Didn't expect formidable power to be so big!"

"What did you just use to deal with normal zombie?"

small dragon Female nodded and said: "Yes, I just drew a ghost spell. And there is no talisman in time, so I directly condense one with magic power. It's just that this kind of magic spell that has no substance and is purely condensed by mana should The formidable power is very low. Didn't expect is so effective."

"Hey hey hey, that thing is up again!" We were chatting here, and Lingling suddenly cried out.

The small dragon girl and I turned our eyes back at the same time, only to see that the zombie that was knocked into the air just stood up from the ground, as if it was completely uninjured. But now that it's easy to know that this guy can now be controlled by things that normally deal with zombies.

"Small dragon girl, you control him first. Lingling, you go to the old Divine Immortal and ask if he has the kind of charm that seals zombie. If you have some, you need a few."

After listening, Lingling immediately turned and flew to the old Divine Immortal, and I ran to the zombie with the small dragon girl. When I went up, I kicked the zombie’s chest with a kick, but unlike before, the defensive power seemed to rise after this guy lost his soul. When I kicked up with this leg, I just felt like I was kicking into the ground. The steel pillars are just like that, with a loud noise, the guy didn't even shake it, but I almost kicked my leg off.

Fortunately, the small dragon girl followed me behind. When the zombie was about to attack me when my kick didn’t work, she suddenly stepped forward and shot again with index and middle fingers. It hits the zombie's brow directly. Although he didn't knock the zombie into the air this time, the guy closed his eyes and fell straight back at the moment he was hit. However, this effect lasted for less than two seconds, and the zombie opened his eyes and bounced as soon as his back touched the ground. But the small dragon girl was standing next to him, so when she saw him getting up, the small dragon girl pointed again, and the guy immediately fell down again. Of course, this time was the same as last time, the guy got up immediately after he fell down.

Although it can only take two seconds at a time, the small dragon girl doesn’t have to do this trick anyway, so she just stands there and keeps talking. It’s like putting him there before talking about it, and that zombie He kept getting up and falling down there, and he couldn't fight back anyway.

After we held on for a while, Lingling ran back with a stack of talisman paper. I directly stuffed the talisman paper into the hand of the small dragon woman, and then said to the surrounding pets: "Let’s hold it first, the small dragon woman, go to the picture talisman."

"I see."< /p>

As soon as the small dragon girl took it down, the thing immediately rose up. I feel that after completely changing to zombie, although he has added some weaknesses, his strengths have become stronger. At least his defense is completely invincible. We even chopped and smashed it, feeling like we were beating a steel ingot. No, even if the steel ingot was smashed by us, it would have turned into a pile of broken steel slag, but this guy is completely unharmed, not only my eternity can’t cut him, but even the wounds that were cut before. All healed automatically.

Although this guy's defense has now become completely invincible, his intelligence seems to have become zero, and some spell damage has begun to work on him. It can be said that the current state of this zombie is the invincibility of physical defense, the normalization of magic defense, and the wild beast of intelligence. In general, the battle strength should be considered as a decline. After all, he can now be injured by magic, unlike before.

Under the combined efforts of me and many demon pets, the zombie was finally dragged here, and the small dragon girl also took a few minutes to complete a specially used zombie That kind of spell.

"Go away." As the small dragon girl yelled, everyone immediately gave up a path. The small dragon girl quickly rushed forward, pinching the talisman with both hands and pressing it directly on the zombie's forehead. As if pressing the pause button of the player, the zombie of the slaughter all sides froze in an instant. His flat arms slowly softened and hung down on both sides of his body. The whole body was standing there motionless like a standing soldier.

"Huh, I finally got it done!"

Seeing that this thing finally stopped moving, we all sat down on the ground with exhaustion. Although this guy is not the most powerful monster I have encountered, it is the most annoying. The attribute impervious to sword and spear is really a headache. Fortunately, this thing is finally quiet now.

The group of people who ran back in the distance, the Divine Immortal, and the familiars who hadn’t participated in the battle all gathered around at this time. I waved the baby to remove the sweet space and then took back most of it. Familiar, in the end, only the small dragon woman and the king are left to look at the zombie, and the other to look at the ghost.

In comparison, we just feel relaxed, the old Divine Immortal is now the most embarrassed. He kept sighing there, if they had known that they could deal with this thing, they wouldn't have died so many Fellow Daoist. In fact, they can only blame empiricism for killing people. This old Divine Immortal and his fellow Fellow Daoists are all high level Divine Immortal, they are naturally familiar with the method of dealing with zombie. Precisely because they knew too much about zombie, they never thought of dealing with him by hurting their souls from beginning to end. Because they all think that this thing in front of them is zombie, there is no soul. If they could not rely on experience, but try all kinds of methods, with their abilities, it would be too simple to shoot the soul of this guy and then seal the zombie. But unfortunately, because I believe too much in experience, people are almost dead until the end, only the old Divine Immortal is left who fights with the zombie on both sides suffer. Still no one thinks of attacking this guy’s soul. .

Although those Divine Immortal's mistakes are regrettable, they have made me a big bargain. Let’s not talk about bringing this Divine Immortal to our guild’s name. This zombie alone is worth the fare. That's right, I didn't intend to destroy this zombie, because I just learned that the symbol painted by the small dragon female can remotely control the zombie's actions like a remote control toy, and it seems to be very convenient to operate.

I remember seeing a research report on human psychology somewhere before that human desire is actually manipulation. Among them, the first one is to manipulate the same kind, which is to manipulate others. That's why there are so many people who are so enthusiastic about power. This is behind the manipulation of the same kind of manipulation of resources, that is, manipulation of wealth, so many people are so yearning for money. This Ranked 3rd is for manipulating objects, such as driving a car and playing game consoles, which are all manipulating objects.

Although zombie can’t be regarded as our kind, he has a personality after all, and it’s definitely okay to include him in the third category, which is the category of manipulated objects. In addition, it has a human appearance, so I think it is quite exciting to manipulate this guy. At least Ling and Xiaochun were having fun one by one.

The control method used by the small dragon girl belongs to mind control. As long as you can master the frequency of magic fluctuations, you can control it as you wish. Of course, this is because the small dragon girl hasn't added a spiritual imprint to that charm yet. Once the Spiritual Imprint is added, the zombie will become the mind control of the person who only accepts the imprint. A state like this means that the whole channel is receiving signals, and he listens to whoever directs it.

"Okay, let's not play, let's leave here first." After rushing Ling and Xiaochun back to the training space, I directly threw the zombie into the Fenglong space. The zombie thing is convenient. A corpse without a soul is directly regarded as a dead object by the system. Therefore, the restriction that the Phoenix Dragon space cannot contain living objects other than my familiar will not work for him at all.

After putting away the zombie, I got a soul-absorbing charm from the Divine Immortal, and then I took in the soul that came out. This soul will be brought back for interrogation later, and cannot be killed directly.

After finishing the aftermath, I was going to take the Divine Immortal away, but the other party stopped me. "Wait a minute."

"Is there anything else Immortal Elder?"

The old Divine Immortal nodded and said: "Here are the souls of many demon heads we wiped out. Being sealed here, if we leave, once they break the seal, it will be troublesome. If you don’t want to take it back to the guard, at least you have to ask someone to entrust it."

"The soul of the devil "Recently, there is a lack of Divine Soul for the faith collection tower made by Hades, so I think about Divine Soul now when I hear the soul. "Well, what is the level of the soul of this demon? Can it be regarded as Divine Soul?"

The old Divine Immortal was taken aback by my question, and then he said: "I don't know what Divine you said. What does Soul mean? Anyway, the souls of these monsters are similar to me, some are stronger than me, some are slightly weaker than me."

"What? Is this true? Haha, it's really good." "When I heard this answer, I was so excited that I almost jumped up. What is falling asleep and hitting a pillow? That's it.

The old Divine Immortal didn't expect why I was so excited, the soul of the devil, Undying and Inextinguishable, it is a disaster to stay here, and there is always someone guarding it, which is very troublesome. It's too late for most people to hide when they hear this, but I was so excited that I actually said something very good.

"Well, did the little friend make a mistake? The soul of this demon is not a good thing?" Old Divine Immortal said suspiciously.

I said with a smile: "It may not be a good thing for others, but it is a good thing for me. Well, I don’t know how many are there? There will be only one or two, right?"

"Of course there is more than that." Old Divine Immortal said: "There are a total of 14 Demon King souls sealed here, and there are many of their pawns."

"Step pawns? What level? ?"

"Those are just relatively strong ordinary creatures, but because we were dragged by this zombie at the time, we were too late to deal with, so we sealed them all together."

I nodded and said "It's okay, even ordinary souls are useful for me. Take me to find them quickly, and I will take them all back." The old Divine Immortal said that the soul-seal items are easy to find, just before In that hole. But the problem is that we collapsed the hole, so we had to dig it again. Fortunately, it was a targeted dig this time, so we found it quickly.

According to the old Divine Immortal's instructions, the things that sealed the Demon King's soul were quickly dug out, and when I saw these things, I really felt that these Demon Kings were not worth it. Originally, I thought that the objects that sealed the Demon King had to be high-level Magical Artifacts. Who knew that the old Divine Immortal found out that it was myriad. Some lucky ones were sealed in rings or gold hairpins, some unlucky ones were sealed in rotten stones, and a particularly unlucky one was sealed in a toilet.

I looked at the ancient toilet with a very standard shape and turned my head strangely and looked towards the Divine Immortal and said: "How do you think of putting people here?"

< p>The old Divine Immortal said: "We can't blame us for this. At that time, we gathered together in Dongbai Great Immortal's Cave Mansion and talked about it. Who knew this group of demons took the opportunity to block us in the hole and launch a sneak attack. At that time, in order to deal with them, we could only find something at hand to seal up the defeated Demon King. But we didn't bring any Magical Artifacts when we discussed the Tao, so we could only get what we caught on the spot. At that time, a Fellow Daoist was doing the reincarnation of the five grains. Didn't expect Demon King to come in suddenly. He fought the Demon King for 300 rounds to control it, and was about to find something to seal the Demon King but remembered them. It was in the latrine, and there was nothing to seal him. As a result, the Fellow Daoist sealed the Demon King inside when the divine light flashed it."

"Damn, this Demon King It’s still tragic enough. Putting it that way doesn’t contain your Fellow Daoist’s reincarnation grains?” I said in a cold sweat, “This Demon King definitely committed too many evils in his previous life. This punishment is really enough. Heavy taste!"

"Heaven and Earth is a fixed number." The old Divine Immortal is very said in a tranquil voice.

I laughed and didn’t tell him anymore, I swept those things directly into the Fenglong space, and finally there was a toilet. After thinking about it, I got a large ceramic tank and plugged him into the toilet. After entering, he closed the lid and sealed it with the spider silk of the sickle before installing it into the Phoenix Dragon Space. I don't want to make my phoenix dragon space full of stench.

After packing up, we started to walk back. Because there was no need to look for anything when I went out, I directly released the luck and the plague and transported us outside the mountain together. After bidding farewell to those people, the old Divine Immortal and I directly used the Transmission Formation in the city to return to Isengard, but the old Divine Immortal was stunned as soon as it came out of the Transmission Formation. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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