"Get out of the way and let me come." As I shouted, the familiars who were besieging the zombie immediately flashed to the side and gave me one The channel, and the zombie found my silhouette at the moment the channel was formed.

Before I had always suspected that this zombie might have a relatively high intelligence, but I was not sure about it. Now I am finally sure about it because of his behavior the moment he saw me Not rushing up like before, but turning around and running.

This guy saw me constantly rushing towards me before. If it was just an instinctive aggressiveness at the time, then this situation is obviously abnormal now. And if it's not that fierceness is at stake, then the reason why he stared at me and attacked before can only be understood as he knew that I was the main target, and there was no point in attacking other people.

Seeing the guy running away, my familiars all looked towards me, not knowing if they should help. After all, I said before to let me come, and they don't know if I want them to intervene.

Seeing the eyes of the pets interrogating, I directly nodded to the mistress who was standing opposite him: "Throw him back."

When the mistress heard my order, I immediately raised it. The claw just slapped it over, and the guy was rushed out in an instant. This is the shortcoming of being too light. Even though he is clearly superior in strength, he is always unlucky under such a frontal collision.

Looking at the zombie turning over in the sky and flying all the way in front of me, I directly raised the eternal hook and scythe in my hand and slammed the zombie that fell from the sky.

pu... With a completely different feel from the previous one, the eternal hook and sickle spear directly penetrated into this guy's body for more than half a foot. Although this was with the help of the power he fell from the sky, anyway, this one finally stabbed in. Compared with the previous unbreakable defense, at least I know that I can hurt him now.

Although the zombie didn't feel pain, he knew he was injured. After feeling that he had been poked into a hole, the guy immediately turned around and yelled at me, followed by a twist and jumped directly from the hook.

Seeing that this guy actually got off the hook and sickle by himself, I had no choice but to retract the hook and sickle again and prepare to attack again. Although this guy's defensive power has dropped a lot compared to before, but he is still too hard compared to ordinary creatures. The hook and sickle gun is called the hook and sickle because it also has a horizontal hook and sickle on the basis of ordinary spear stings. If the shot was to deal with ordinary creatures, my shot must have been directly pierced through. And because of the existence of the hook and sickle, when the gun body passes through the opponent's body, it cannot be easily pulled out at all. Like the zombie just turned off from the hook and sickle gun, it was purely because this guy's defensive power was too high that my hook and sickle only penetrated into the head of the gun, and the back hook was not inserted at all. Otherwise, just as he turned it down just now, I would have to drag him out of his intestines. Of course, the premise is that he has to have those parts.

Zombie, who turned over to the ground, looked up to the sky and was angry roar again, and then suddenly jumped up and flew towards me.

Seeing this guy jumping towards me, not only did I not dodge back, but I took a step forward. At the same time, the person flashed half of his body to the side, and then the eternal hook and sickle shot straight down. Lifting it up and spinning around like a baseball, it slammed into the zombie's abdomen. Although this guy's agility attribute has been tripled by Victoria, his base value is too low, so now he has only reached the average level of high level creatures. After all, zombie, whether it is Chinese or foreign, is not a species known for its speed, so even if it triples the speed, this guy is still very slow.

For people like me whose reaction speed is measured in milliseconds, the speed of this zombie is really slow. Taking advantage of the opportunity that he couldn't take advantage of the power to dodge in the air, I directly drew the hook and sickle on his stomach. Of course, I didn't use the tip of the gun directly, but the body of the gun. The purpose of this blow is to repel, not to damage, so it is more effective to use the gun body.

The zombie saw the hook and sickle that I pulled, but couldn't dodge it at all. He could only watch me with a shot on his stomach and smashed him back upside down. Seeing that guy land, I stretched out my hand directly, Ye Ying rushed past me, and I hooked Ye Ying's saddle over and climbed up. Seeing a zombie falling on the ground, I held my hook and scythe with my legs stubbornly clamped, and Yekage suddenly accelerated and rushed forward.

After the zombie on the ground fell to the ground, there was no ordinary person’s dizziness and other adverse reactions. He wanted to stand up as soon as a carp hit the ground, but Ye Ying and I rushed past him at this time and were caught by me. The obliquely held scythe gun swept across the guy’s chest, and he flew it up here with a sound. At the same time, the scythe gun slid along his body, and my wrist turned over. The one on the head of the gun The horizontal hook immediately turned over. The zombie slid along the barrel of the gun to the direction of the tip of the gun, and finally happened to be caught by the hook that I turned around. And because of the huge impact, the body of the gun that hit this guy’s chest had already slipped to his neck. When the hook sickle was just hooking that guy's throat.

If the ordinary person does not cut off his head, at least he can open a skylight above his throat, but the stiffness of the zombie's body is really amazing. Even with an impact like this, the hook on the hook was only a half inch deep under the skin of this guy's throat.

For an ordinary person, if the throat is cut half an inch, of course it has turned into a human blood fountain, but the problem is that zombie’s blood is dry, and this guy does not need to breathe, so the throat is right for zombie It's not critical at all. However, although he is not afraid of this move, I have no intention of losing him by this one.

When the hook on the hook and the sickle caught this guy’s throat, Yakage and I did not stop. With the impact of the night, we just hooked the zombie with the hook. His neck dragged him to the ground.

"Baby." As I yelled, we rushed to the forest near the edge of the lakeside clearing. The night shadow suddenly stopped at the edge of the forest, and at the same time, I slammed the scythe fiercely. Flicking the gun forward, the zombie was thrown out directly by the inertia of me and Ye Ying and the strength of my flicking the hook. With a loud bang, the zombie directly slammed into a big tree in front, and the big tree also broke.

Until the tree fell, the group of people who followed me discovered that the fallen tree did not turn into a chocolate bar, but remained in the state of wood. Reminiscent of the baby I yelled before, they immediately realized that I made the baby come back temporarily. After all, the chocolate bar is too brittle, and of course it has to hit the wood for a larger formidable power.

After the fall, the zombie rolled forward almost like a ball. I don't know how many big trees were broken before it finally bounced back after hitting a boulder. Although this guy had amazing defenses in Copper Skin & Iron Bones, he was thrown off enough. Ye Ying and I stood outside the woods for three or four seconds. The guy still stayed on the ground without any movement. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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