I finally got out of that zombie's arm, and now I am worried about how to kill this guy again.

With the eternal hardness and the strength of the four of them, the zombie is now barely crushed to the ground, but looking fortunately, they are dangling by the struggling power of this guy. It is estimated that they will not be able to hold it down for long. Although this zombie is not big, its power is too powerful.

When the Divine Immortal and the eighteen people I brought chased out of the cave, I found out that I had come out of the zombie’s arm. Then Divine Immortal saw that the zombie was crushed on the ground impossible to Move even a little bit was relaxed, and the eighteen ordinary players were excited around the zombie and began to study. In the meantime, the silly little idiot went up and knocked a few times, but it had no effect at all except for the sound of steel collision.

After seeing the silly boy knocking on no effect a few times, the warrior who led the team also took out his weapon and tried a few times, and found that it was really unbreakable and left to watch the lively crowd. He ran to me and said, "President Purple Moon, what level of weird is this zombie? How come our attacks are not effective at all?"

"This guy is not high in level, just now Level five thousand, but he is a special creature, and its battle strength is incomparable with ordinary creatures."

The so-called special system refers to some creatures with relatively abnormal attributes, such as Lily in my pet. Silk, Babies and Victoria can all be regarded as special lines. Their battle strength is not manifested by their own offensive and defensive attributes, but more by their one or a few special attributes. Like Lilith’s devouring attribute, the baby’s world domain, and Victoria’s Wheel of Fate, they are all super powers that can Heaven and Earth Reversal. Even if their offensive and defensive attributes are only one point, these attributes can still bring down a group of people.

Although this zombie’s ability is still in combat, his defense is in a state of perverted to almost invincible. In fact, this is no longer a normal combat creature. According to my point of view, This guy is a special creature.

The warrior obviously also knows what the special creature refers to. After hearing that the zombie is a 5,000-level special creature, he immediately asked in surprise: "How to deal with such a high level thing? Huh?"

While moving my still painful waist, I said: "I am also having a headache! This guy's defense is almost invincible. My weapon attack power is so high, and even if I cut it up, It's useless, even if I control him now, I don't know how to kill him!"

Ling suddenly said: "In fact, it is easy to kill him, it just takes some time."


"Are you talking about the baby's domain?" After all, it is my demon, and I certainly understand what Ling means.

Ling nodded said: "As long as you pull this guy into the sweet world of your baby, with his average attribute, you can turn him into a doll in a day at most. When the time comes, I don’t think so. How to kill if you kill?"

"Become a ragdoll?" The warrior standing beside looked at Ling in surprise and asked, "Is there any ability in the game that can turn a monster into a ragdoll?"

Ling didn’t answer that guy’s question but gave me a glance, and then replied it after I was nodded: "Baby’s special ability is a super realm similar to the Divine Kingdom, and its internal world is like Fairy tales are the same. All inanimate things in this world will become desserts and snacks, and all living things will become puppets. Of course, change does not happen instantaneously, it must have a certain time, and you The stronger the ability, the longer it takes to resist, but no matter how strong you are, this change cannot be reversed. That is to say, as long as you can't find an exit or kill the baby within a certain period of time, then you will inevitably become a ragdoll , No matter how strong you are."

"Good pervert ability. But who is that baby?"

"Of course the baby is the baby and I am." An arrogant childish voice, the baby suddenly appeared on my shoulders, and then this guy stood on my shoulders and supported my head with one hand and pointed forward: "Come on, steed, and move towards the enemy. "

Listening to this arrogant voice, a row of black lines appeared on my forehead for an instant. One grabbed the baby who was still jumping on my shoulder, and pointed at the zombie over there and said: "Did you see the target? Get him into your field immediately."

< p>"Let go of the baby, do you want to rebel?" The baby was completely unafraid of my murderous gaze, swaying in my hands while arrogantly provoking.

Seeing this guy's expression, I shook my right hand, and a fire burst into flames. "You said your body jelly-like thing will become dehydrated if you bake it for a long time?"

"hmph, it will threaten me." The baby snorted angrily, but he still With a single hand wave after speaking, the environment around us changed in an instant. Even the ordinary players around and the Divine Immortal were drawn into the sweet world within the realm together.

"This...Is this...?" Divine Immortal looked at the surroundings in surprise and excited even to speak unfavorably. Of course, the injury to his chest was also one of the important reasons.

The so-called ignorant is meaningless. Compared to the old Divine Immortal, he was surprised that he couldn't even speak, and the ordinary players around him didn't have much reaction. It's not that they are stronger than the old Divine Immortal, but because they don't understand the terrifying of this space at all.

The warrior immediately understood that this is the so-called sweet world after seeing the changes in the surrounding environment, but he was not nervous, after all, he knew that this was a skill released by my familiar, and they It’s not my enemy either, so don’t worry about it. It’s just that he still asks a little worried: "Master Purple Moon, didn’t you say that the people who are put in here will become rag dolls? Why did you put us in too? "

Before I had time to answer, the baby arrogantly said: "hmph, the space of the baby is absolutely perfect, how can you not even tell the enemy and me? Are you people here? I have lost battle strength, and the changes in my space are not continuous. Even if you become a ragdoll here, as long as you go out, you will immediately become a normal person. Of course, if you die here, even Go out and don’t think about coming back to life again."

We were talking here, and suddenly we heard a scream from over there, and then we saw that fortunately, they all released their hands and looked around. what. I reacted as soon as I saw the situation, but before I was ready, I suddenly felt my feet jump up sharply, but because I was prepared, I jumped up at that moment. One of them pushed the warrior and Ling beside him, and at the same time, he held the baby and flew back, pulling away in an instant.

Just after we separated, a big hole suddenly opened at the center of the position where we stood just now, and then we saw the zombie directly drilled out of the hole. In fact, I should have thought of this situation a long time ago, but I forgot it for a while.

Although we suppressed that zombie with eternity, the problem is that there is only the ground under him, and the species of zombie is actually Earth Attribute, which means that zombie has a high degree of soil Affinity, and once this affinity reaches the high level zombie, it will easily become the ability to burrow. The zombie outside may have been accustomed to relying on strength to fight the enemy, so for a while, he didn’t expect to use the ability to burrow. It was not until he entered here that he realized that the ground here was actually soft, so this The guy thought of his old profession-burrowing.

Looking at the guy who emerged from where I was, I turned around and threw the baby out, a Death God guard quickly appeared in the distance to catch the baby who flew past, and I I was moved towards the eternity. When I stretched out my hand, the eternal moment that turned into an expander flew back to my hand and quickly condensed into the shape of a sword.

The zombie doesn’t know if he can understand people’s words or what’s going on. Anyway, this guy has recognized that I am the number one target here. After he got out of the ground, he found that he didn’t catch the target. He rushed towards me directly.

Looking at the zombie that rushed over, I directly waved Eternity away and threw away a sword glow, and followed the whole person straight up. After seeing the flying sword glow, the zombie slapped the sword glow with a paw, and then there was a sound of metal collision, and my sword glow was directly shaken by him. , And then the zombie directly rushed up without any reduction in speed and collided with me head-on.

Just as the two of us were about to come into contact, a black light bomb suddenly flew over from the side and hit the zombie one step ahead. With a bang, the zombie was directly Booming backed three or four steps in a row, and before he stabilized his body, I had already stepped in front of him in two steps, and suddenly lifted a diagonal slash in my hand. Hearing a loud noise, Eternal directly hit the side of this guy’s neck, but what was completely different from usual is that cutting steel plate is like cutting tofu. Eternal. When I hit this guy’s neck, I felt like I was in it. Use a knife to split the wood, and it is not ordinary wood, but the kind of iron wood of good quality.

Although wood is not very strong compared to steel and the like, if you have cut vegetables at home, you will know that wood still has a strong blocking effect on sharp swords. At least the cutting board at home has strong defensive power in front of the kitchen knife. The chopping board at home is just generally harder wood. Compared with ordinary wood, this iron wood is even harder.

Now I cut this zombie's body and the feeling I feel is almost the same as that of iron wood. Although it doesn’t feel like cutting metal, it’s just a slight penetration. Feeling nothing more, my hands are still aching.

After I hit with a sword, the zombie didn't seem to have been attacked, but my head pushed my sword open with my neck, and then my claws grabbed me violently.

I didn't hide at all when I saw the two claws stretched out. Instead, I lifted my leg and kicked this guy flying. No matter how great his power is, he is still so big after all, and his weight is dead. As long as I have enough strength, it will definitely be fine to kick him.

After the zombie was kicked by me, the whole person flew backwards, and then fell directly on the ground face down, and then slid forward several tens of meters before stopping. . However, just when I was about to rush up to continue the war, I suddenly found a silhouette rushed to the zombie, raised the weapon, and chopped down on the zombie.

"Don't chop!" I called out immediately after seeing who the silhouette was, because I found that the silhouette was actually that little fool.

Although I yelled in time, I don't know if I didn't hear it or if I didn't intend to listen. Anyway, the guy finally cut it down with a sword. Needless to say, there was no effect except for the sound. No, I can't say no effect, at least he successfully diverted zombie's attention. Just after the guy struck the zombie with a sword, the zombie suddenly stood up straight from the ground, then suddenly turned around and swept the guy directly with his flat claws, and then we saw the little fool Flew directly into the sky and eventually disappeared into the sky.

The weight of this little fool is only one hundred catties at best, and he weighs two-three hundred catties if he counts the armor to top the sky. With the power of the zombie nine strength of Dragon, throw him away. Going to the horizon is absolutely not a problem. After all, even with the power of luck and the plague, if you want to throw a person a few kilometers away, it is almost the same as throwing a stone at all.

Looking at the little fool disappearing into the sky, the other people I brought screamed, but they were called by the archer when they were about to wave their weapons and rush up to slash the zombie Living.

The zombie was not idle at all when the archer was doing ideological education for this group of people. After this guy swept away the little fool, he looked at us directly, and then saw the guy's hands suddenly stretched out toward me, and then jumped toward me.

To be honest, I didn't pay attention to it before, and until now I suddenly discovered a problem, that is, this guy does not seem to be a western zombie.

The zombie thing exists in the mythology of the East and the West, but there are some differences between the two under the premise that most of the attributes are the same. One of the most important features is that the western zombies act like elderly people with leg and foot problems, walking slowly and limply, while the Chinese zombies do not know how to take steps at all, they just jump and jump. Jump ahead.

This zombie simply didn't walk the road before, so we didn't pay attention, until now I realized that this guy doesn't seem to be able to walk at all. In other words, this guy is not a western zombie at all, but an authentic Chinese zombie.

Speaking, I saw the Divine Immortal with this zombie before. I should have thought that this is a Chinese zombie. The key is that the shape of this guy is a bit special, so it caused my cognition mistake. Because the Chinese zombies in the zombie movies that we usually watch wear are all official clothes of the Qing Dynasty, so it gives us the feeling that Chinese zombies wear the same clothes. But what this guy is wearing is not the official uniform of the Qing Dynasty, but a dragon robe. In fact, it can't be said to be dragon robe. The thing on this guy obviously has armor in it, but this is not a hard armor, but a soft armor. Moreover, the fabric on this armor is all bright yellow, and it is also embroidered with Five Clawed Golden Dragon, which is quite vigorous. Although this look looks quite Chinese, after all, Chinese zombies don’t wear armor. In addition, there are many zombies in China in the game that are lame zombies of the West, so I didn’t figure it out for a while. It is a western zombie.

Since you know that this is a Chinese zombie, you can't use brute force like a western zombie. Compared with the western zombie, although the attribute of this thing is much stronger, but there are actually many weaknesses, for example... zombie is afraid of glutinous rice. I saw this on TV, and I don’t know if it’s true. Anyway, the game "Zero" was designed with reference to a lot of folklore and the like, so things that often appear in movies and TVs like this are generally really useful in the game. But... who has brought glutinous rice?

"Hey, old Divine Immortal, do you have glutinous rice?" I yelled while avoiding the zombie's attack.

Then Divine Immortal looked at me while coughing and said, "Little friend, don’t think about the unorthodox way things. I told you before. This zombie is specifically for the people in my door. Refined weapons are not ordinary zombies, those legendary zombie-making things are useless to him!"

"What? Then do you know what he is afraid of?"

"Does my little friend think I will be like this if I know it?"

Hearing Divine Immortal's answer, I can be regarded as completely giving up the idea of ​​seize every opportunity. Since even the authentic Divine Immortal doesn't know how to restrain this zombie, my messy knowledge is even more terrible! However, if you can't stop this guy, it will only take time.

Although this guy's defense is super strong, but now he is in the sweet space of the baby, where his body will constantly transform into a doll. Although this process may take a long time, I don't need to turn him into a doll completely. In the process of his transformation into a doll, his body will continue to soften. After all, a real doll is very soft, and his defensive power is equal to a constant decline in the process. This guy's physical fitness is actually not strong at all, except that his defense is so strong that he is almost a trash zombie, so once I can break his defense, he will be finished. I believe that it will take a long time for the baby to completely transform him into a ragdoll with my baby’s ability. It shouldn’t take long for me to break his defense.

"Listen to all the familiars, come out and help hold this guy, don’t let him run away before he becomes a ragdoll."

As I shouted, A large swath of various creatures appeared around me in an instant. Seeing a large group of demons around here, the gang of people I brought were almost shocked with their jaws falling. Although they all know that I have a lot of familiars, knowing and seeing it with their own eyes are completely two concepts. It’s as if you heard on TV that someone won one or two billion in sports lottery tickets. Maybe you just think that a lot. If you really see these two hundred million banknotes piled there on the spot, then it’s a completely different concept. .

Because there is no lack of huge bodies in my familiars, when all my familiars appear, the surrounding area is almost completely filled. Originally outside, I was worried that the zombie's infectious properties would turn the familiars into his subordinates, so I have never dared to let the familiars let go of their attacks, but when it comes to the baby's domain, I don't have so much worry.

In fact, in addition to turning the enemy into a ragdoll in the baby's domain, the person can also change. This change or the same can be controlled by the baby at will. Moreover, the state of becoming a ragdoll doesn't have to change all, the baby can control only a part of it. For yourself, if you want to be immune to toxins or infection attributes, the best way is to turn your body’s internal structure into a ragdoll, so that your body remains the same outside and you can still fight, but inside There is only a pile of cotton. Even if someone stabbed it into a hornet's nest, just stuff the leaked cotton back and sew it with a thread, and you will be fine. And because the body is full of cotton, there are no conditions for infection attributes. After all, no matter how powerful the corpse poison is, it can't infect cotton into zombie, right?

After the successful summon was out of a large group of familiars, we began to fight the zombie with wheel battles and siege tactics. The small and medium-sized familiars mainly attacked, and the large-scaled familiars slammed the cold. , In case that zombie breaks out of the encirclement, the large familiar will also be responsible for encircling him again. As for those long-range attacking and assisting types, naturally they try their best to give full play to their own strengths and help as much as they can.

A group of people on our side beat zombie there, and the Divine Immortal on the other side was enjoying the special medical service he encountered for the first time in his life. I saw Xiaochun cut all the skin on his chest with a saber, then took out a bunch of blackened cotton from it, and then re-sews his chest with thread, and then used healing techniques to help him recover from the damage.

The Divine Immortal originally thought that he was not saved by the zombie infection, and he promised me to join me before, and he agreed so quickly, it is precisely because he knew that he could not live long. . Although this was a bit unreliable, he had no other way. He was only thinking about destroying the zombie first. But now, he suddenly discovered that there is actually this kind of treatment.

Because the baby has turned all of his body into a ragdoll state, his body is now a pile of cotton. Because he had been using magic to seal the corpse poison around his chest, the poison had not spread completely. When all the internal organs in his body turned into cotton, the part of his body infected by the corpse poison was shown as black cotton. After Xiaochun took out the cotton, the corpse poison was actually completely eliminated. Although he himself lost a lot of visceral tissue as a result, for Divine Immortal like them, even if the body is emptied, it is nothing more than a new heart. The reason why he thought he was not saved before was completely because he was not The way to control the spread of the corpse poison is all right now, and the corpse poison is cleaned up, so he doesn't have so many worries.

After the tailor-like operation was completed, the baby restored Divine Immortal's body to its normal state, and then Divine Immortal immediately sprayed out a big mouthful of blood. After all, there are a lot of things missing in the body, so it's for sure if you get injured. However, those who were able to train to their level, the self-healing ability is already quite strong, coupled with Xiaochun's high level treatment, almost just a few minutes his injury will heal a bit and pieces.

"This will be fine." Xiaochun said after finishing the treatment and observing the wound.

The old Divine Immortal quickly thanked Xiaochun for his help, and then moved his attention to the zombie who was surrounded.

The difference from a few minutes ago is that now this zombie obviously has the feeling of not being able to find the north. Surrounded by a group of people, even if your defenses are invincible, if you can't kill you with one hammer, you will be stunned. Now that zombie is in this awkward state. He was surrounded and beaten by so many of us. He didn't know about East, South, West, North for a long time. He just felt that there were attacks everywhere, and he couldn't get out no matter how he ran.

"Okay, okay, give me a way, and try to see if you can break the defense." Seeing that zombie was beaten up and down suddenly, I almost rested on the side, and I will change forever In the form of a hook and sickle spear, he rushed directly up.

The zombie was in the holding head indiscriminately resisting the attacks from all directions, didn't expect the surrounding attacks stopped suddenly. But when I was observing the surroundings suspiciously, I suddenly saw me rushing up with the hook and sickle gun.

After seeing me, the zombie snarled at me immediately, but I didn’t care about him so much, so I swung the hook and sickle and hit this guy with a spear blade. On the arm. He only heard a thud, and the blade of the gun was directly bounced off by his arm. However, this sound is more reassuring than the sound of metal collision before.

Seeing that my attack was blocked, the zombie immediately waved his arms and wanted to rush up again, but a red light bomb hit him one step ahead of me, and blew him back. He leaned back, and when he straightened up again, I just rushed up again with the hook and sickle gun and pierced his throat.

pu.... Completely different from the previous attacks, this time I clearly felt the eternal hook pierced into this guy's body. If you look at it carefully, you will find that the tip of the hook has penetrated into this guy's throat to a depth of about one centimeter. Although this depth is still very shallow, it is at least a huge improvement compared to before.

"Roar..." That zombie was angry roar immediately after realizing that he was actually injured, and then swept away the head of my gun with a violent upward wave, and then rushed towards me again.

"Scythe." As I shouted, a bunch of white things suddenly flew over and hit the zombie's legs. As a result, his inflexible legs were suddenly completely glued. On the ground. But this guy's strength was too great, even though he was stuck, he still pulled the land up and jumped toward me desperately. "You are quite persevering." Seeing the guy rushing over, I directly lowered my head, and a huge tail flicked over my head with the whistling wind, and then pinged the guy's head with a ping. He was pumped out like a baseball.

Although he was beaten up, this guy has super defensive power against blunt weapon strikes. When he was knocked to the ground, he immediately slapped a carp and stood up again, and then rushed towards me here.

"Ling, give him a status check."

As I shouted, Ling directly raised his hand and threw a dozen black balls of light. As the body continues to be puppetized, this guy's magic resistance is also declining, and most of the previous resistance has obviously disappeared. As soon as he was brushed with a dozen negative states of Ling, this guy was immediately withered.

Looking at the zombie who was swaying and almost falling, I waved forward again. "Continue to squash him."

Hearing my order, the demons immediately surrounded and started fighting here, so the zombie immediately fell into a besieged situation, and it was even worse than before, because With the decline in defense and a bunch of negative states, his resistance has dropped to a state where he can't completely withstand these attacks. Originally, these attacks could only occasionally deduct a little blood or hit a dozen points of damage to his place, but now each attack can cause more than 100 points of damage. Some familiars have even more attack values. Thousands of situations. Although this damage is still very low relative to his health, after all, he started to lose blood quickly, which is not a good sign for him. Moreover, this state is not always maintained in this manner, but will become more and more serious with the passage of time.

After watching the demons re-submerged the fellow, I easily walked out of the demons with the eternal hook and scythe. I randomly found a place to insert Eternity into the ground, and then I sat down and waited for the guy's defense to drop to a state where I could harm him normally.

With this guy's 2 billion life value, even if it is cut in half by the angry attribute of Victoria, it still has as many as one billion points. Like now, I can only deal more than a thousand points of damage per attack, which means that I have to attack him nearly a million times before I can hope to kill him. For this, he had to ignore the issue of his blood return. Obviously I'm unlikely to beat him slowly a million times. Even if I have that physical strength, I probably won't have that patience.

If you want to fight this guy normally, I must make sure that the number of attacks is within ten thousand times, so that I can fight him. Otherwise, it will not only take too much time, but I also don’t have the strength to consume him. . So, if you want me to fight him normally, I have to deal at least one hundred thousand damage per attack. When I usually hack a normal monster, the damage output is about 300,000 to 1 million, and I can hit more than 1 million damage when I encounter a weaker monster. Dealing with this guy requires more than 100,000 damage, which means that his defense cannot exceed five times the average defense value of the big bosses in the wild, otherwise it will become a marathon if you want to fight this guy. Style fighting.

"Purple Moon, why don't you continue to attack?" Seeing that I stopped here, the people I brought in gathered around. My Familiar is besieging that zombie, and they can't help, so they can only watch. Now when I saw that I was free, I surrounded myself together.

I looked at this group of people, and then explained: "That guy’s defensive power is too high. It will take a while for my demon familiar to let his defense down. It’s just going up now, it’s a pure stamina. It’s better to take a rest and conserve strength and store up energy first, and then I will take action when he defends it down."

"so that's how it is." Those people heard that the zombie's defense can be lowered immediately I started discussing with excitement. I even heard two guys instigating everyone to go up and attack for a while. After all, for them, this kind of super monster EXP is an astronomical thing, as long as they can fight. After a few hits, the experience they finally got was definitely more than the experience they got from practicing outside for a few hours.

Because this monster has so much experience, these two guys have the intention to share a piece of the pie. I was frowned when I heard this. It's not that I don't want this experience, but that the other party simply shouldn't have this idea. It's like if one of your relatives is rich, then tell him to share your money with you. It is his business that he has money, and it is natural for him not to give you. If you take the initiative to ask for money, the meaning is completely different. This is still between relatives. I and this group of people just happened to run into each other on the road. Protecting them from going out was just because we wanted to find a way to distinguish between the monster partitions. We were just friends of nodded. For this reason, I dare to plan my EXP. What kind of situation is this?

Although I heard this argument, I did not immediately react. After all, this was just what they were talking about, and they themselves hadn't told me this idea. But it's not bad. After all, this kind of 250 people who think about good things everywhere is a small number. After the two people put forward this idea, they were immediately criticized by others, so they couldn't say anything.

While these guys were chatting there, someone suddenly yelled at the edge of the forest. When the other people heard his voice, they followed his hand and looked at him in doubt. As a result, everyone was taken aback when they saw his voice, because they found that the little fool had walked out of the forest intact.

"You, you...Why didn't you die?"

These people all know the zombie's power, and they all thought that when the little fool was beaten out. He was dead, so he didn't even look for it. After all, players in the game can be resurrected when they die, so there is no need to collect corpses. Of course, I didn't care about him because I thought he was dead. On the contrary, I didn't care about him because I knew he was okay.

The special ability of the baby is very clear to me. The little fool has turned him into a ragdoll just moments before he was attacked. Don't look at the softness of the rag doll that seems to be easily damaged, but it is less easily damaged than many things in the face of a blunt blow. For example, if a person and a doll are hit by a car at the same time, the doll will definitely be fine, and the person will not necessarily be. So when faced with a blunt object, a ragdoll is more resistant than a hard object.

That zombie swept the little fool with the side of his hand at the time, and the side of his hand was not a blade, although it was not completely blunt, at least it was definitely not sharp. So when the little fool was beaten out in a ragdoll state, he didn't actually suffer much damage. Moreover, because he flew out in the form of a ragdoll, he did not have any problems when he landed on the ground like ordinary people.

Because of this, even though this little fool was beaten into the air, he actually didn't suffer much harm. And just because I knew he was okay, I didn't care about him.

Although I knew he was okay, the group of people obviously didn't know, so the group of people would be so surprised when they saw him come back alive and well.

The little fool in front of us in the aisle smirked after hearing the people’s questions, and then said, "I don’t know what’s going on. Anyway, it hurts when I was hit. It’s all right. After flying into the forest over there and falling down, it didn’t hurt at all."

Although I don’t understand what the kid is talking about, it’s obvious that this group of people They were also used to this stupid boy's expressive ability, so they didn't even think about figuring out what was going on. The warrior patted the boy on the shoulder and said, "You brat is really a silly person and a blessed one, you can't die!"

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