Yosfart said that his enemies used their lives to curse their Yellow Golden Lion dragon clan, which means that this guy is a god who is good at spells. Generally speaking, the battle strength of this type of personnel will not be too strong. After all, the spell itself is an auxiliary class ability rather than a main battle ability. However, although this guy's abilities don't seem to be the main battle type, I still haven't taken him lightly.

Yosfart said before. He has looked for people many times to hope to kill this guy, but in the end all failed. Although it is possible that Josfart has found a lot of useless guys, after so many attempts, there will always be a few with real ability, right? The failure of one or two people can also be understood as an accident or a component of luck, but so many people have not succeeded, this can no longer be considered by accident alone. The only explanation is that the guy in front of him definitely has a very strong battle strength, at least none of the people Josefat found is his opponent.

With the recognition of this guy's battle strength, I carefully observed the appearance of this guy. Generally speaking, everyone’s battle method has some superficial connections with his body. For example, the battle method used by tall and strong people is generally more straightforward and brutal, with a focus on strength and lack of flexibility. On the contrary, the battle method used by slender and slender people will be more agile. I have not found any exceptions to this conclusion so far. Although there are strong and agile warriors, there are very few such people. Secondly, this kind of agility is only relatively agile. Anyway, I have not seen it yet. That strong bull-like guy is very weak but fast.

The battle method of this guy in front of him is obviously not a force type, because he is skinny and skinny. As for the equipment, I didn't see anything anyway.

Probably knowing that I was wondering about this guy’s battle method, Josfat explained next to him: “In order to weaken his battle strength, we have never given him food for so many years. This guy has been It is the magic power absorbed by himself that sustains his life, so his body looks like a corpse. As for his equipment, he did have a good set of mage equipment originally, but after being caught, we had already stripped it off. Although we can't directly hurt him, and we can't use additional artifacts to limit his abilities, we can deprive him of his equipment and reduce his battle strength to the level of his own strength, without the aid of any equipment at all."< /p>

"Can you restrict him like this, can't kill him? Who are you looking for before?"

"I know you suspect that the person we are looking for is not powerful, but I want to tell you, it’s not that the person we’re looking for can’t do, but this guy’s spells are too powerful. His own battle strength is probably equivalent to the level of an ordinary combatant, not weak but definitely not strong, just His spells can greatly weaken the enemy’s battle strength. The people we were looking for were already very powerful, but after we entered, they were cursed by him and they became useless. We looked outside in a hurry but couldn’t help. Are you angry?"

I can understand what Josfat said about this situation. If both sides are very strong and they can’t fight there. In the end, the people Josfart and the others find are killed. At any rate, Josfart and the others can bear a little bit. other people. However, that guy's ability is a curse, and as a result, the original lively dragon and animated tiger people became sick after being cursed by him. Josfart and the others saw that guy playing with the people they found with his layman’s fighting skills. Some of the attacks looked slow and had no formidable power, but their people couldn’t get out of the way and were beaten very hard. Misery, can't you say that this makes people angry?

"Have you never considered using the human sea tactics before?"

"The human sea tactics are not good, the previous curse has such restrictions. Don't worry, all conceivable exploits We’ve tried all of the methods. If there is a way, we’ll kill him."

"So what specific abilities does he have? Is there nothing but curses?"

< p>Josfat nodded and said: "His only ability is organization, apart from this is some simple combat skills. His curse can weaken your various attributes, even if the person who was originally very difficult to deal with enters He will be weakened just like someone who is dying, so we can’t do anything with him. But your curse resistance is good, and you should be able to suppress his ability a little bit."

I nodded and said:" Okay, I see, you just wait here. Oh, yes, I forgot to ask before. If I besie him with the Summon Familiar, would it be considered a human tactic?"

Josfat shook his head and said: "Using summon creatures and familiars is not a human tactic, but even with a magical familiar is useless. Generally, people with magical familiars have average battle strength, and the curse of this guy is The curse of the whole, so the most effective battle method is to concentrate the battle strength on one person. The more concentrated the strength of everyone, the less the impact of the curse. More people will only suffer more."

"Understand Now, wait, let me try the strength of this guy."

After talking with Josfart, I stepped directly into the knot in front of me within the realm. , But I did not sneak attack the guy like Josfat said before. It's not that I'm pedantic, but because I discovered that Josfat has been deceived by this guy all the time. On the surface it looks like this guy is facing us in a daze, but in fact, I can feel this guy's whole body exuding a kind of murderous aura.

This guy in front of him has simply mastered the ability to use murderous aura to sense the enemy's position, so the so-called sneak attack by Josfart and others is not only meaningless, but may allow the opponent to find an anti-sneak attack. Because of this discovery, I didn't take a sneak attack at all, but only slowly walked into the end within the realm.

Just as Josfat was anxious why I didn’t make a sneak attack, I said to the guy who was still standing there and pretending not to see me: "Don’t pretend, I know you found me Now."

When I said that, the other party knew that he couldn't hide it, so he turned around. Before, he had been facing our side all the time, so Ben and I didn't see his face. Now it seems that this guy's appearance may have been pretty good before. Although now his cheeks have collapsed due to long-term hunger, if you look closely, you can still find a little bit of the original shadow.

After turning around, the guy on the opposite side did not launch a surprise attack. Instead, he looked at me up and down, and then suddenly spoke in a hoarse voice full of pride and said: "That gang of yellow-haired monsters found another Good supplements come, I can have a nice meal again."

"Do you want to eat me?"

The other party laughed, and then said: "I believe that yellow-haired monster should be with you Having said that, they have never given me anything to weaken my strength. You said I have been hungry for so long, what else I dare not eat?" The guy here suddenly showed a very enthusiastic state, and then Excitedly said: "They always thought I was worried that they would send someone in to kill me. In fact, I'm not worried at all. On the contrary, I very much hope that they can send more people in so that I can have many, many delicious meals." Suddenly he turned his gaze back to me, and said, "This time is really good. I just had a meal a few days ago. Didn't expect another one so soon. Today is really my lucky day. "

I didn't feel any fear or any other emotions when I heard what the other party said, but said with a smile: "Do you like eating so much? Then I will ask you." I said He snapped his fingers directly, and then I saw a space door suddenly appeared next to me, and then a sexy big lady who was exposedly dressed and looked very plump walked out of the space door while dancing seductively. Seeing the beautiful woman dancing and approaching the guy, I still said with a smile: "Please."

I don’t know if the guy on the other side really likes to eat people, but he said Such words are definitely meant to scare me. He hasn't had anything to eat after being locked up for so long, and it's not surprising that he would eat it to kill him, but this kind of thing obviously doesn't need to be shown off. Therefore, the reason why he acted like a lunatic and tried his best to express the madness and perversion is nothing more than to suppress me psychologically first.

The guy who originally showed a crazy state was obviously stunned by my actions, but he still reacted to me evil said with after a second. a smile: "hahahaha, didn't expect you to be like that. In this case, I will eat her first, and then eat you. But before, I was alive to eat the enemy a little bit, because I like to watch them scream Look like. However, since you are so prosperous, I decided to kill you first and then eat you, which is my reward for you. hahahaha."

Just as the guy was laughing crazy there, beauty Suddenly he smiled and said softly to the guy: "Don't always talk to the master. Don't you want to eat others? Come on. People can't wait any longer, come and eat me. Look at them. My skin is so fair, I always take care of it, as long as you take a bite, it is guaranteed to be fresh and tender, and it is more delicious than any delicacy you have eaten. Come on, don’t make people worry!"

The guy who was still pretending was completely stunned by these words. After killing so many enemies, to be honest, he has seen people who have not been frightened by his trick, but this is the first time that he actively invited him to eat, and what is even more outrageous is that the beauties who were eaten looked like they were eager. , What is this called? However, the guy’s suspicion didn’t last long, because at the moment he was startled, the beautiful woman who was in a flattering form suddenly swelled up, and at the same time, one of the beautiful women’s hands was transformed into a flash. The sharp sickle of the cold light slammed down at him.

Although he was shocked, the guy reacted at the last second and quickly leaned back, then rolled on the spot to avoid the swing of the sickle, but Just when he just stood up, he suddenly felt a cold wind blowing behind him. Although he tried to avoid it, the speed of the chill was too fast. He only deflected a little body in time to avoid the vital points. The chill passed through his body in an instant, and a hole was directly penetrated in his flanks, and a group of fragments that did not know what internal organs flew away.

Before the wound on this side had time to pass the pain into his mind, suddenly the beauty had turned into a half-man half-insect demon and rushed in front of him again and restored the sickle It became an arm and squeezed his wrist. Almost as soon as his wrist was pinched, he felt a huge pain that seemed to tear his soul from his hand. Following him, he saw the beautiful woman’s hand melted into his wrist. At this moment, he and the beauty have grown together like two conjoined babies, but his wrist position is rapidly changing color and swelling, and this state is spreading upward at a speed of forty or fifty centimeters per second. This situation scared the guy half to death, but he was also ruthless enough. Seeing that the situation was not right, he suddenly pinched his arm with his other hand and violently tugged, so that he could force his arm like that. Tear it off for Qigan. Almost at the moment he broke his arm and threw it away, that arm had already turned into a large mass of squirming flesh and finally all followed the woman's arm and melted into her body, and the beauty The image of the monster has also changed back to the image of a beautiful woman.

Licking her lips, as if she had just finished eating something delicious, Lilith looked at the guy in front of her and said with a smile: "Does it taste pretty good. Let me take another bite?"


The other party did not answer Lilith’s words, but glared at Lilith with resentment. Then he suddenly lifted the remaining hand, and then a cloud of gray mist suddenly appeared on The palm of his hand flew out instantly and hit Lilith directly.

Relying on his confidence in his cursing skills, the guy threw out the ash-gray cloud and smiled triumphantly at the same time, but just when his smile was still on his face , Two tall silhouettes suddenly appeared in front of Lilith and blocked the path of Yunwu. The cloud and mist directly hit one of the silhouettes, and then dispersed to wrap around the silhouette, and then the silhouette gradually buckled and weakened.

Although the formidable power of this trick is very large, it directly makes the silhouette of the trick unable to stand up, but the guy is not happy at all at this time, because the smoke hit the target. At the same time, a large piece of exactly the same creature suddenly appeared in the space for unknown reasons. The number of these guys is so large that almost the entire space is filled, densely packed like a forest.

When I saw this forest composed of Death God guards, Josfat outside was also taken aback, but then I heard the guy laughing excitedly from the mirror like Passed from behind the Formation. "Hahahaha! Joshuya, I will see how you die this time."

The guy called Joshuya has no time to deal with this voice because he has been densely packed in front of him. The creature was shocked. The creatures that appear suddenly all look exactly the same, which means that if they are not illusions, they must be magical summon creatures. In either case, it means that the curse of more deception cannot be useless to them, and the curse cannot be restricted. Their result was the death of Tajoshuah.

Lilith suddenly sat on the shoulder of a Death God guard looking at Joshuya in the center of the encirclement and said, "Hey, poor little. Do you still want to eat me? Come and eat. I promise. Don't resist. Oh roar roar roar..." In Lilith's weird laughter, the guy was finally pressed. He suddenly inserted his only remaining hand into his stomach, and then violently pulled it out, actually pulling out his intestines. "Yeah, if you can't beat us, you don't have to do self-mutilation?" Lilith still sarcastically said.

The guy has no strength to say something to Lilith at this time because of the big hole in his stomach. He directly smashed his bloody intestines on the ground, and then saw a large black gas coming from those The intestines popped up, and the intestines, including the blood, slowly turned into gas and disappeared on the ground. However, as the black gas spread, I suddenly felt that my attribute value was dropping rapidly.

I now know why Josfat said that this guy is good at group curses. My Death God guards, including me and Lilith, were all cursed in an instant, but it’s not bad Well, using this ability is not without cost.

Seeing the rapidly declining attribute value and the big hole in the guy’s stomach, I waved my hand and took all the Death God guards back, and then the guy looked at me and the weak Lilith proudly After's smile, I suddenly waved another hand to release the gate of the earth.

Looking at the Qilin warrior pouring out from the gate of the earth like a flood, the guy's smile froze on his face.

"Hehe, can't you dig out your viscera to play the group curse? You just do it. See if you have more viscera or I have more people."

Although Joshuya also He knew that he would be finished sooner or later, but he even knew he would be finished if he didn't continue. So knowing that he couldn't, he estimated the number of people in my Qilin warrior, and then took out a piece of guts that he didn’t know and put it on the ground. Throwing, the black air filled once again, and the Qilin warrior was still attacked by all.

"Okay, count you cruel, let me see how much you can get out." I waved again, Qilin warrior returned to the gate of the earth, and the ring tone Knight ran out again. Although the number of Ringtone Knight is not large, but the level is high enough, the guy has no choice but to dig a small piece of internal organs here and throw it out. I got the ring tone Knight back in a fit of anger, and then released the newly-acquired Imperial Family Legion Beast Cat.

As soon as the big cat appeared, he immediately made a lean and eager movement, and then saw the surrounding lights and shadows flashing, and the entire space was instantly covered with black giant leopard-shaped creatures. At first, Joshua thought that these all are illusions. After all, they appeared after a few flashes when they appeared, so they looked similar to illusions, but after he used several tentative low formidable power attack skills, they were all affected. After the black panthers smashed with one claw, he finally understood that these all are real creatures. In desperation, this guy reluctantly entered the body and took out a piece of internal organs and threw it to the ground, while I just put the big cat away.

Seeing that I had changed so many summon creatures in a row, Josfart outside shouted excitedly: "Yes, yes, yes, let him dig out and see how many internal organs he has."


Actually, I know that Joshuya should be dying. This Joshua is a humanoid creature, and the internal organs of the humanoid creatures in the game are basically the same, all of which are designed according to the shape of human internal organs. Because Longyuan is engaged in biotechnology, I am also very researched on human body Dissection. This guy just threw away his intestines, two kidneys, most of his stomach, and pancreas. It can be said that his stomach is basically empty. Let alone whether he has enough internal organs, the internal organs alone are not just thrown away. The internal organs in the human body basically have their own functions. Anything missing except the cecum will cause problems. He has almost hollowed out his internal organs now. Even if this is a game, he can use magic to slow down his injuries and maintain his life, but he can't let him go down indefinitely. People still have internal organs. So, even if this guy can still pay now, it is estimated that he can curse dozens more people. Of course, if he has the ability to throw out his heart, liver and lungs, it is estimated that cursing tens of thousands of people should be enough. It's just that if he really did, then I would save trouble. He just drew himself to death, why should I slap?

Looking at Joshuya who was on the verge of collapse, I directly contacted Ling who was still commanding the digging of the electromagnetic railgun. "Are you busy over there?"

"Just got it down. What's the matter?"

"Hurry up and bring someone over, I need reinforcements here."

< p> "No problem." After Ling finished speaking, a space door suddenly opened next to me after only a dozen seconds, and then Ling walked directly out of it. "Does this person need to deal with it?"

Although Ling and I can share our senses with each other, because Ling has been directing the excavation work before, we have never paid attention to the situation on my side. Now, after being called over suddenly, I found that the enemy on the opposite side had a big hole in his stomach and one arm was missing, and it seemed that on the verge of collapse was about to hang up. Such a weak state doesn't look like an enemy who can treat me like that. I didn't expect that I would call for reinforcements for this.

I know what Ling Zai is wondering about, and directly explained: "Beware of his curse, very difficult to deal with."

"Curse?" Ling glanced at me suddenly, and then whispered. : "Does the compound curse? It looks really strong."

After seeing Ling appearing on the opposite side, Joshua knew that he had no hope of surviving today. He is now an arrow at the end of its flight, even if I take people away immediately and stop attacking him, he doesn't know if he can survive. Although so many internal organs can be recovered with magic, he doubts whether he can hold on to that point, and it is impossible for us to leave like this.

Although he knows he will die today, Joshuya has no plans to wait for his death. After Ling appeared, he waved his hand directly at our side, and a wave of black smoke looked towards us and flew over. Ling stretched out his hand directly after seeing the cloud of smoke, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in front of us, and then sucked in all the smoke like a vacuum cleaner.

"It is actually a curse of symbiosis shackles, are you at a good level." After Ling said, suddenly raised his hand, and then saw a space door appear next to us, and Xiaochun jumped from it. come out.

"What do you want me to do?"

Ling pointed to the opposite Joshuya and said: "I have encountered a curse, your expertise is given to you."


Xiaochun glanced at Joshuya, then stretched out his hand and pulled out his staff from the space door.

Since Xiaochun and Ling, who are Goddess, are very strong in their own right, the two of them generally do not use the staff, and only take out the staff when they encounter difficult enemies. Now Xiaochun took out the wand just to explain that this guy in front of her made Xiaochun feel uncomfortable, so she would use the wand. However, even though he felt that the person in front of him was difficult to deal with, Xiaochun obviously didn't take him too seriously, because there was no nervous expression on her face.

After getting the wand, Xiaochun directly slapped the wand on the ground and then pointed forward with one hand. "In the name of light, I order to purify all the unclean things in front of my eyes-soul washing." Following Xiaochun's incantion, a large white flame suddenly rose on Joshuya on the opposite side, and at the same time Joshu Ya also began to scream and roll all over the floor. Although he kept using various spells hoping to extinguish the flames on his body, the result was like pouring fuel into the fire. Not only did it disappear, but it became more and more prosperous. .

To be honest, I really didn’t expect Xiaochun to suppress Joshuya’s abilities so much, even Lilith’s enemy who felt a little strenuous was knocked down by Xiaochun, and Seeing this, this guy might not have the chance to comeback again. But it seems right to think about it. Xiaochun's ability is Light Power, and the curse belongs to dark energy. Although Darkness and Light can't say who restrains who, but the damage effect between these two attributes is indeed much stronger than the damage between ordinary spells, so the effect will only look when Xiaochun uses spell to attack Joshuya so good. Of course, Xiaochun's own strength is also one of the reasons.

Although the flame-burning Joshua was rolling all over the ground, the real lethality was not as strong as it seemed. Joshua rolled on the ground for a long time and did not die. On the contrary, he took the time to throw a few A curse came over and wanted to fight back, but it was a pity that Ling stood beside him. As long as he threw a curse, Ling opened a black hole. As a result, none of the curses were thrown to the target and all were sucked away.

"How long does this guy have to burn before he can die?" Looking at Joshua, who had been rolling for more than ten minutes and not dying, I had changed from being on guard to sitting. The materials in the Phoenix and Dragon space were arranged on the ground. It was not that I was negligent, but it was because this guy had been calling for too long.

Xiaochun said to me a little embarrassingly: "My skill is specifically aimed at people like him, so the suppression effect is obvious. One move can make him lose his battle strength like this. But it may take a long time to burn him to death. After all, the suppression effect of this skill is very good, and other aspects are acceptable. However, if the master is in a hurry, I suggest that someone should send someone to make up the knife faster."< /p>

"I'll come, I'll come!" When I heard that I needed to make up the knife, Lilith, who was almost asleep waiting next to me, ran over excitedly, and then cooperated with Xiaochun to count one, two, three. , When she counted to three, Xiaochun directly put away the flame, and Lilith directly rushed to the guy's body the moment the flame disappeared.

Of course, Joshuya also heard Lilith’s conversation with Xiaochun, but he had no way of doing Lilith’s actions. Although he also thought about taking advantage of Xiaochun's moment to retreat the flame, he was already dying, and the pain paralyzed his nerves, so knowing Lilith's terrifying, he still couldn't dodge Lily at all. Silk attack.

Compared to Joshua, Lilith doesn’t have so many thoughts. As soon as the flame is extinguished here, she directly rushes to Joshua and suddenly becomes a large group of wriggling flesh. group. Seeing her like this, Ling and I turned around together. Although Lilith's ability is very good, and she usually looks like a standard big beauty, but her attack method is really a bit unbearable. That is to say, our group of people are used to seeing various biological specimens in Longyuan's laboratory. If ordinary people see her like this, even if they don't vomit, their stomachs will definitely be upset.

"Okay, I'm finished." We dared to turn around when we heard the voice behind. I saw Lilith just got up from the ground, and she had a full hiccup, causing us to have another gastrointestinal turbulence. "Please pay attention to your image next time, okay? Don't make such a disgusting person, okay?"

Lilith helplessly spread her hands and said: "I can't help it, I'm just like this. If It will take a long time to swallow such a complex creature without transforming into a fleshy shape."

Xiaochun suddenly said: "I have thought of a way for you."

"You said?"

"You will change your appearance, right?"

Lilith nodded and said: "Yes."

"So what, Before you eat next time, turn yourself into a one by one big box, then open the lid and put the food in it, then close the lid and digest it slowly. You only need to maintain the outer shape and the inside tube It doesn’t matter what you change."

Lilith thought about it for a while and said, "This method is feasible, but it’s a bit tired when eating, while digesting genes while maintaining the shape, really Quite troublesome. But for everyone, I will pay attention to it in the future."

After solving Lilith’s problem, I suddenly found that the mirror space behind has disappeared, and Josfat is standing. The door looked at us with tears. Thanks to this guy being a rare beast, otherwise I thought he had some unhealthy tendencies!

"Hey, Josfat, we have helped you lift the curse. You don’t need to be happy. Why are you crying like this?"

"I’m not crying, It's excitement!" Josfat wiped away Golden's tears, and then beckoned to us: "Come here, let's go and see if the Old Guy has packed up."

Looking at Josfat, who had turned around and was about to leave, I stopped him directly. "Wait a minute."

Josefat turned his head in surprise and looked at me and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Looking at this confused guy, I stretched out a hand and shook it. When I saw the other party, I still stared at my hand. I shouted directly: "What about the Life Essence you mentioned? Do you want to admit it after the matter is over?" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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