Until I roared out angrily, the idiot Josfart finally realized it and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, but I am so excited. I promised you that I won’t be missing you, but I can’t give you that thing now."

"Why?" Knowing that Josfat did not intend to go wrong, my tone of voice has improved a lot. .

Yosfart pointed to his head directly, and then said: "Our people are all dead, and now I am the only one left. So all the returned Life Essences Added to the magic core in my head. "I suddenly had an ominous premonition when I heard this. Sure enough, Josfat continued afterwards: "Because the magic core is in my body, I can't take it out to you for the time being. But don't worry, I will do what I promised you. You will be done after I die. I can dig out the magic core in my head, so that we, the Yellow Golden Lion dragon family, don’t owe you anything."

The more you say, the smaller the voice, because with his words , He noticed that there was a wave of electric current on my body faintly beating, and there seemed to be an invisible flame gradually rising around me.

I lowered my head and said in a cold and slow voice: "You seem to have said that your yellow Golden Lion dragon has a nearly infinite lifespan, right?" Josfat was mechanically nodded, I also don't want to think about how I can see his head when I lower my head now. But after he nodded, I immediately continued: "As long as you die, I can get that Life Essence, right?"

"Theoretically, this is the case." Josfat With some worry, he looked at the air around me with sparks that had already begun to appear, and with a guilty conscience, he began to step back step by step.

"So..." When I said this, I suddenly raised my head, and then raised my right hand abruptly. A large amount of black flame appeared around my body for an instant, and then I lifted it up. Right hand, those flames began to gather on my arm quickly, and quickly gathered into my hand, and then burned all the way forward, and as the flame burned, a fiery red long sword gradually emerged from the flame. Its body shape. When the long sword was finished, I stared at Josfat slowly and said, "Then, as long as you die."

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Although I feel that I might Going crazy, but at that moment Josfat still found that he underestimated me. At the moment he screamed, I had disappeared from his sight, and the next second he suddenly felt a sudden pain in his head, and then he discovered that there was a blood hole in his forehead. Although his head is not protected by scales like his body, even so his defensive power is not moved by everyone. However, the wound was more than a foot deep, and the skin in front of his skull was almost completely cut. The injured Josfat also yelled and yelled: "Hey, don't go too far. I promise you that you can take my magic core after death is already giving you face, don't be unsatisfied. Do this again. I'm really angry."

"Then you can get angry and let me see." I suddenly appeared in midair in front of Josfat, and then raised my sword with one hand and pointed upwards: "Divine Domain-fit together."

*Leveling area near the altar*

"Strange, why didn't those devil beasts attack us just now?" A player looked puzzled. Asked the people around him.

Just now, a devil beast with a high level enough to kill their entire squad suddenly jumped out of the jungle next to it. When they saw this monster, everyone in the squad was shocked. They should be located only at level 1,000 monsters, but the monster that came out just now is a monster in the level 1,500 leveling zone. Any monster there can be regarded as a monster here. The existence of BOSSLevel 1. However, just when they thought they were dead, the monster ran past them as quickly as it appeared, and then disappeared into the jungle on the other side with a cry of exclamation.

After all, this place is the current mainstream leveling area, which means that most players are now very suitable for leveling in this place, so naturally there are more people here. It was also because of the dense crowds that the monster ran over and naturally scared many people. Although everyone is here to fight monsters and level up, what everyone was planning to fight was not this kind of 1,500-level thing. It's like a hunter preparing to go into the mountain to hunt rabbits and suddenly find a Tyrannosaurus rex emerges from the jungle next to him. What do you think the hunter will react? Anyway, if I were that hunter, I would never be excited to think that I had made a fortune.

Just as the person asked by the player was about to open his mouth to say something, there was another noise in the jungle, so the people from the leveling squad turned their eyes together. However, as their gaze shifted, the forest on the opposite side shook more and more fiercely, and it felt like a train moved towards them.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the forest in front of him suddenly commotion, and then saw a huge rare beast suddenly jumped out from behind a bunch of bushes.

Although the monster in front of us is not something that these people can deal with, it’s like they can’t afford it, and there are still many people who like to study the performance data and appearance of those super sports cars. Knowing that they can't beat them, they will actively collect some information about high level monsters. This monster in front of him is such an existence, its level is as high as two thousand. Although as a wild monster, its battle strength is far less powerful than those of intelligent two thousand-level monsters, but for the average player, this guy is definitely a killing machine. If the monster that ran past was the Tyrannosaurus that the hunter met, then this is the giant dragon that the hunter met.

Just when this group of people was frightened, the monster yelled at a female player, and at the same time, he kept his feet and jumped directly from the top of the female player’s head. Past. However, before the scared female player sitting on the ground could react, she suddenly found that the rumbling sound in front of her was even greater. Then I saw the high level monsters in small groups start to run out from behind the bushes one after another, and then just ran past them as if they hadn't seen them. It’s not over yet. After running past dozens of monsters of more than 1,000 levels, the two towering giant trees in front of them suddenly crooked to both sides with the sound of zhi zhi quack, and then accompanied them. With a sudden cracking sound, I saw a huge head sticking out from behind the two trees, and then as the trunks fell, a huge hill-like silhouette was moving at a slow and fast speed. They come.

It is said that this guy is slow because his movements are very slow. Seeing his step by step forward legs, it looks like a tortoise, and his movements are incredibly slow. However, because his size is too big, so since the pace is very slow, but the distance he takes each step is amazing, so his actual speed is not only not slow, compared to those devil beasts that ran past before. Not bad, much faster.

Although the big guy in front of him is so powerful that he can trample this group of players to death with just one foot, but like the previous monsters, he doesn't care about these people at all at this time, and he just stepped over their heads. The front crawled over.

Looking at the rare beast that passed above me like a hill, everyone reacted. The surrounding monsters are obviously running out of the mountain, and there are generally only two possibilities for this situation. One is what goals they have to act collectively. But if this is the case, they shouldn't be let go of the players they encounter along the way. After all, killing a few players will not take long. Of course, there may also be another possibility, that is, they are running for their lives. Only when encountering a huge threat and rushing to escape, the monster will ignore the prey of the mouth, because the threat of life is obviously higher than the prey.

"Are they running away?" A player finally reacted and asked.

Another player who was scared just now replied with some uncertainty: "It seems to be."

"Then we...?" The one who was scared to sit before The female player on the ground asked suddenly.

What she said was as if a sledgehammer completely awakened everyone, and they all jumped up and turned around and started running with the monsters. Each of the monsters here is better than their entire team, but even these things are scared away, which shows that the threat is too big for them to resist. With such a terrifying threat, can you stay and wait for death if you don't run now?

Of course there are many people who have the same thoughts as them, so except for a few brainless guys who attacked those monsters and were trampled to death, everyone else started to run with the monsters, a little willing Those who spent money simply threw a Transmission Scroll out.

Just as the crowd and the monster were struggling to run out, there was a muffled sound like rolling thunder from the mountains behind them. Someone looked back, only to see the crowd flying up and down. Asuka. However, just when they were about to turn around and continue running, they suddenly found a mountain bulged up suddenly, and then saw a blue and white beam of light suddenly penetrated into the sky, following the entire surrounding mountain upward. The burst flew completely, it was like a doomsday volcanic eruption.

"Heaven...is it the end of the world?"

"Don't be silly, run quickly." The guy who was still sighing just now was pulled directly by the collar of his clothes by his companion Get up and run.

Just a few seconds after everyone ran, they suddenly heard a louder explosion, but no one would have time to look back. However, they soon discovered that a piece of mud the size of an aircraft carrier suddenly fell from the sky, smashing a small group of devil beasts and a few players under it with a bang.

This block of mud that fell from the sky seems to have opened the prelude to the earth and rock rain. The surrounding large and small blocks of soil and stones began to fall like raindrops. The lucky ones were just filled with small blocks of soil. Touhou, the unlucky ones will be instantly photographed as adult cakes by tons of boulders. In fact, it is not only the players who are unlucky, but the devil beast is not much better. Those falling rocks do not distinguish between humans and beasts, anyway, the rocks below them are flattened. Of course, the giant beast like the previous hill is much better. Although it has been hit by more because of its large size, as long as it is not hit by the giant rock block the size of the aircraft carrier before, he really doesn't care about the ordinary rock and soil block. .

Just after the people ran in panic for a while, they suddenly heard a lion-like roar from behind, followed by another scream. Someone looked back, only to find that it was a monster with a lion head and dragon body, flapping one of its wings and rushing towards them crookedly.

In fact, Josfart wants to fly now. He didn't want to hit the head of the group of people below, but he couldn't help it. Just now, his wings were cut into a four-meter-long gap by the gigantic eternity. Although his wings were not cut off, the wing on this side had no strength at all. With one wing missing, Josfart couldn't maintain his balance at all, and had to make an emergency landing crookedly.

With a bang, Josfat ran directly into the crowd. His huge figure crushed many people to death in an instant. A player who was too late to brake slammed into Yosfat's body, only to find that his weapon had stabbed into a wound on Yosfat's body. Although Josfat's body was protected by strong scales, the wound had been cut open, and now only the tender flesh was exposed, so his defense did not work at all.

Almost the moment he stabbed Yosfart, the player was shocked, because he suddenly saw this sentence from his battle prompt: "You attacked the five thousand-level creature Huang Golden Lion Dragon Clan is currently patriarch Yosfat, causing 127 damage."

"Five-five-five...five thousandth..." The guy's shivering words were uncomfortable. His level is not bad among ordinary players, but that's only for ordinary players. Now at 1,100 Level 8, he can only single out at most 1,200 level monsters. This has to be attributed to restrain the opponent. But the creature in front of me is actually a five-thousand-level existence, what concept is this?

In fact, Josfart didn't have time to care about this guy at all. He was indeed stabbed, but his whole body hurts now, so he didn't even notice the accidental attack on him. Josfat, who was struggling to get up from the ground, turned his head and looked towards the air, only to find that he had lost my silhouette. However, just as he was looking around, a voice suddenly came from his side.

"Where do you look at the mangy dog?"

Just when Josfat heard the sound and turned his head, he suddenly saw a huge colored ball of light flying to him In front of him, after hearing a bang, he directly felt that he was flying, but he didn't want to fly, but was blown up. Of course, the guy who attacked him before was honored to see such a message again. "You were attacked by the player Purple Moon, and you lost 133,670,158 points of life."

"I sun your system, and hit more than 100 million damage in one move. What bastard did this do? Wait, Purple Moon? How is this name so familiar? My mother, this is the number one battle strength list, how did I get into such an ancestor!"

In fact, there are many people who share the same heart with this guy. The move that blasted Yosfat just now was a blasting skill, so it was a range attack. Although the area is not large, it also affects many people. Why did Josfat just fall in the middle of the crowd!

Although these people have their own ideas, they are not what I will care about, because I have caught up with the flying out of Yosfat. In the fit state, I can switch and use all the physical features and abilities of the participating monsters at will. I just borrowed the spraying ability of Asuka, and I directly caught up with Yosfat, who was blown out, and then turned into lucky directly on top of his head. His body shape, and then rushed to his body and bit his neck. In an instant, a large rain of golden blood sprayed out and poured a large area of ​​forest below into golden.

Josefat, who was bitten, roared and wanted to bite me back, but I kicked him to the ground with four legs, and then the whole person instantly shrank the Small Accomplishment figure, and then behind him The afterburner was fully powered and shot up into the air in an instant, while Josfat’s big teeth slammed into a mouth with a sound of crashing, but did not bite.

After a bite, Yosfat hit the ground with a bang, but because he had already flown out of the crowded area at this time, he didn’t hit anyone and ran nearby. The crowd has also stopped and started to watch the excitement. They now know where the threat is coming from, and looking at our speed, they also know that running doesn't actually make sense, because the people who were killed before might not die if they didn't run. After all, with our mobility, a large area around will be our range of motion, and under the premise that we do not regard them as targets, where they go, in fact, the probability of being hit is almost the same, not to say that running The distance must be safe. Since it's the same whether running or not, everyone naturally stopped to watch the blockbuster. The professional devil beasts who ran out had already circled a circle and rushed back into the mountains. They are all brainless guys, so they just know to stay away from danger as much as possible. Now that we are out of the mountain, they naturally want to hide back.

Yosefat did not care about the crowd watching the lively people around him. When he was kicked to the ground, Yosefat struggled to roll over and got up again. Then he looked up at the sky and found that Before me, he spread the injured wings, then turned his head to face the wound and let out a sigh of relief. With his breath, the wound healed quickly at the speed visible to naked eye. After moving up and down a bit to confirm that the wound could move, Josfat immediately planned to fly. After all, there is an advantage in the sky than on the ground. However, before he had time to take off, he saw a black shadow in the sky directly smashed down and slammed him directly back to the ground with a bang, and the surrounding crowd was collectively bounced off the ground by a foot. How high and then fell back to the ground here.

"Damn, I have never seen such a brutal attack method!" Some players complained about getting up from the ground again, but after thinking about it, they just sat back and felt unsafe. The ghost knows if it will come again in a while, so it is safer to sit on the ground instead of standing and falling.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!" Josfat yelled angrily after being smashed, but I didn't care about him, and I changed from the black flame's haze snake form directly here. In the form of a lucky giant dragon.

I have to say that the giant dragon form is actually very suitable for combat. Compared with our country's Divine Dragon, the giant dragon's body shape is obviously more suitable for fighting. A stout body means more muscles. The positions of four strong dragon claws are very reasonable. With the hooks on the wings, the giant dragon can actually attack with six claws at the same time. In addition, the teeth and tail of the giant dragon are also powerful weapons. Compared with Divine Dragon, which is similar to the human-like combination of teeth, giant dragons with sharp fangs are obviously closer to carnivores, and this kind of teeth is more suitable for biting. Of course, giant dragons also have powerful magical abilities and formidable power for huge raids, but compared with the gentle Divine Dragon, giant dragons are like Berserkers. They just like to rush up and grab with their claws and bite their teeth instead of throwing magic from a distance. , It seems that the only way to get them excited.

Because the headquarters also created a dragon-shaped body for us in reality, I have also done some training. Therefore, even if the giant dragon's body acts differently from humans, I can still manipulate this body perfectly. .

The two front paws furiously hugged Yosfat’s body and tore desperately. At the same time, they opened their mouths to bite Yosfat’s newly healed wings. With Sifat’s scream, I tore his wings against a big hole here, and this time he was injured more severely than last time.

Josefat, who was stimulated by the pain, suddenly turned over and threw me off, then turned and rushed towards me to counterattack, but I was sliding forward when I hit the ground It turned into a bird's form and lifted directly into the air, and then directly transformed into an Inverite form when Josfat looked up. Sifat.

"Try my new weapon."

Josefat wanted to run when he heard what I said, but unfortunately the speed was not fast enough, I changed it The tip of the cannon suddenly brightened, and a dark purple beam of light instantly hit the ground, and then as I moved the cannon, the beam of light began to roll towards Yosfat. Seeing that the beam of light blasted a big ditch on the ground like cutting tofu, Josfat turned around in fright to run, but he was still a step slower. The beam of light swept directly on his body and smashed him into the ground. Then as the beam of light continued to fire, he was pressed all the way to the depths of the ground, and his scales gradually began to crack, at this speed there were at most a dozen more. In seconds, his defense will completely collapse.

"ao..." A weak roar came from the bottom of the pit, revealing both Josfat's anger and weakness. However, at the end of his roar, my beam of light began to taper and eventually disappeared into the air as stars. It's just that the pit where Josfat was lying has become a huge pit with a diameter of one kilometer and a depth of five hundred meters. Josfart was lying on the bottom of the pit dying at this time. Although he was still trying to get up, he could not really stand up because his left front leg had been completely broken in the middle, and the white bones even penetrated the skin. Stretched out.

While Yosfat was struggling, I also sprayed flames and slowly landed to the edge of the big pit, and as the sound of the jet engine behind became smaller and smaller, I was surrounded by The red light spot also gradually extinguished, but from the twisting heat waves around me, it was easy to see how hot I was at this time.

I glanced at the barrel that is still fixed on my left hand, I helplessly said: "Inverrit, your new weapon formidable power is enough, but the heat is too much, right? Magic power It’s been wasted and turned into heat. With such a high consumption, I might as well just call the Sacred Beast token and use Sacred Beast to transform."

After I finished speaking, my body suddenly used another one. The voice said: "This is just my newly developed weapon, and there are still many flaws that have not been perfected."

I nodded and said: "Forget it, I won't use this trick often anyway. Shuangxue, quick Let’s cool down, I’m going to release the fit."

"I see." Along with the sound of frost and snow coming out of my body, a large amount of white mist suddenly spurted out of my body, accompanied by these white mists. Fog, there was a zi zi cooling sound everywhere. As the cooling sound disappeared, the white mist stopped, and then the rays of light flashed on my body, and my body immediately changed to its original appearance and softened downward, but the Death God guard who had been waiting next was just in time. Holds me.

"This damn side effect, every time the fit is lifted, it looks like a serious illness!" I stretched my head and looked at Josfat, who was still there trying to stand up, and I directly asked Death God The guard led me into the pit. "Hey, mangy dog, how do you feel?"

When I heard my name, Josfart pushed directly to me and wanted to attack me, but this was nothing but grinning his own painful teeth. Without letting him move, he could only use his mouth to resist: "You are not allowed to call me a mangy dog, the noble yellow Golden Lion dragon will not allow you to insult."

"You don’t count, you are not a mangy dog. What?"

"How can I not speak?"

"Then take out what you promised me?"

"Magic core In my head, how do I take it now? Didn’t I say that I will give it to you when I die?"

"hahahaha! When you die?" I looked at Josfat and said, " Your infinite lifespan, if I die, you won’t be able to die, when the time comes, who will get your magic core? Isn’t that the same as you didn’t?

"I'm not shameless."

"Well, now you fulfill your promise." As I said, I took out the eternity and handed it to the new summon next to it. The Death God guard said: "Go and dig out his magic core."

The Death God guard has no self, only the simple intelligence to complete the order. Hears my order and immediately walks with eternity. Go over and prepare to do it. Seeing this posture, Josfart quickly shouted: "Wait a minute, can I buy my life for a different salary?"

Actually, I didn't plan to kill him at all, otherwise it would be better than him. Fatt had died several times too early. The reason why I attacked him was to force him to take things out for exchange. I just want benefits, and don't care about killing him or not. This guy is also the old man's companion anyway, and in the future I will count on the old man and Jiaha to cooperate to develop the technical strength of our guild, so I will certainly not offend them if I don't have to. Of course, it is not so easy to take advantage of me.

When I heard that Yosfat was finally softened, I directly asked the Death God guard to stop, but at this time the Death God guard had already put a hand on Yosfat’s forehead , And the other hand made the action to be pierced down.

"Okay, I have told him to stop, let's talk about what you plan to use in exchange for your life? If I am not satisfied, let me dig out your magic core. Right."


Yosfart was about to speak, and suddenly saw a blue light flying outside the big pit and directly hitting the Death God guard. The body instantly blasted it into a pile of sand, and then the arrow came directly into Josfat’s head, but luckily it was stuck by the skull, and he almost killed Josfat. NS. No matter who released the light arrow, the other party has only one purpose-to steal the blame.

"Which one who doesn't want to live even dare to grab my things?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your Support is my biggest motivation.)

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