"Do you know a guy named Jiaha?"

"Which one do you say?" Faced with my answer, the old man was obviously taken aback one time. I quickly explained: "I know three Jiahas, or two, of course, you can also say that they are one person."

The old man was obviously surprised when he heard what I said, but He chose to believe my words, so he just pondered there for a while, and then said: "Is there an old man with a very difficult to deal with magic puppet manufacturing technology among the three Jiahas you know?"

"I said that I know three jahas, not three jahas. I only know two of them, but from your description, unfortunately what you are looking for should be It’s the one I don’t know."

"What the hell do you mean? I was a little confused by what you said."

"Jiaha was originally a high level who studied magic puppet technology. Mage."

old man nodded and said: "Of course, otherwise what else could he be?"

"It was indeed before, but not afterwards. The Jiaha you know is The first generation of Jiaha, he is dead. But before he died, he did an experiment in the hope that he could get a life that lasts forever. However, the experiment finally failed, and Jiaha’s knowledge and soul split into two Individuals. Both of these two jahas originated from the original jaha, but they only possess part of the thoughts or knowledge of the jaha, so you can either say that they are jahas or they are two brand-new independent personalities. "

"I really didn't expect Jiaha to die. But it is very rare for his knowledge and soul to stay." The old man recalled for a while and then suddenly turned around and snapped his fingers. Then we saw a small door like a dog hole suddenly opened at the bottom of the bookshelf on one of the walls, and then we saw a bunch of weird things flying out of it. One of these things seems to be the kind of magic broom that witches like most, but it is not for riding, but it is really swept up there by itself. In addition to this kind of broom that can sweep the floor by itself, there are also two squares with a tube in front of the broom that look like a vacuum cleaner, and there are also a lot of things with four metal arms that can fly. Some of these balls picked up debris there, some helped up the bookshelves that were still intact, and some started to dust everywhere with rags and feather dusters.

Just as I was stunned by this bunch of magic version of housekeeping robots, the old man suddenly said: "These are the little gifts Jiaha gave me back then, didn't expect For so many years, these things are still there, but he has left."

"You said these things are Jiaha's works?"

old man nodded and said:" Yes. It was the first time I met Jiaha during a banquet. You should know that masters like us who are engaged in research do not like socializing and socializing. So Jiaha and I both hid in the corner of the banquet. At that time, I took out a note and calculated the formula there in order not to waste time. Who knew that Jiaha suddenly pointed out that I made a mistake after reading a few sheets of paper. Then we would be very young. Of course, I was reluctant to admit defeat easily, so I quarreled with Jiaha. Because we couldn't convince each other with our mouths, we left the banquet and ran to my laboratory to start calculating and reasoning. At that time, Jiaha and I were separate Put forward a set of theory and use our own theory to prove that the magic formula formula is correct, so we are very curious about each other. Then Jiaha asked me to explain my theory to him, and he also gave his Explain the theory to me. After that, we worked together for three months and finally understood each other’s theories. But in the end, we both were surprised to find that the other’s theory was actually correct. The two correct theoretical reasons are the same. The formula will actually get different answers, which shows that there is a problem with our theory." At this point, the old man has a fascinating expression, and I have to urge him to go on.

The old man continued at my urging: "Then we moved together and began to study two theories together to determine what went wrong, but it took a whole year After a while, we were surprised to discover the fact that our theories are correct."

"Since your theories are all correct, why are the results of the calculations different?"


"This is where I admire Jiaha." The old man said, "I was in complete confusion after finding that there was no problem with the theory, because I didn't know which one was right and which was wrong. But Jiaha is different. He insisted on studying for half a year even when the theory collapsed, but guess what?" After the old man said this, he stared at me with a look like you asked me quickly. , I feel that he is simply a child who knows the secret of the sky and prepares to show it off.

Although I feel that this old man is a bit old-fashioned, I still asked in cooperation: "I guess he must have found something?"

"Yes." old man He slapped his hands with excitement, and then said in a frenzy: "At that time, I almost gave up researching, because I didn't know if my basic theory had any problems. If my previous research was based on a wrong theoretical foundation. If I did, then what's the use for me to study further? So I was really frustrated at that time. However, in the middle of the night, I was drunk and drunk in bed when hu hu fell asleep. , Jiaha suddenly rushed in mad and dragged me away. Then he dragged me to the laboratory and showed me the reason why the formula has two answers."

"What's the reason?"

"Soul." The old man flushed with excitement: "Our formula is about the resistance of organisms to magic, but according to the two of us The results calculated by the theory are different. We have always thought that one of the two results is the correct result, but the facts have proved that the two results are correct. The reason for the difference is that we have less calculated One thing is the soul. The magic resistance of a living creature with a soul is higher than the magic resistance of the creature after death. The soul plays a key role and is affected by the strength of the soul. This ratio is still not fixed. With this discovery, it not only proves that our theory is not problematic, but also opens up another research direction for us.” At this point, the old man suddenly became frustrated, and then jumped from the excitement. I jumped down on the table above, and then continued: "Unfortunately, after discovering this characteristic of the soul, Jiaha and I split again in the research direction. Since then, Jiaha has turned to the soul and matter. The analysis of the composition relationship, and I specialized in studying the essence of the soul. Because the research projects were different, and there were separate things at the time, we soon separated. But at that time Jiaha was already a well-known level 10 alchemy It’s archmage, so he gave me such a magic cleaning set before he left. Didn’t expect that we haven’t had a chance to see each other since that time!"

"Maybe you don’t need it either. So disappointed." I said: "Although Jiaha passed away, the two new Jiahas have memories of the past Jiaha, so they may still know you."

"Yes." This The old man is really an old naughty boy. The expression changes are the same as the little child. The last second he was very depressed, and the next second he suddenly became very happy and exclaimed, "Do you know where they are? I want to see them."

"Sorry, they are in Isinger, the main city of our Frost Rose League, a bit far away, and One of Jiaha's body is not easy to move, so if you want to see them, you can only trouble you to go to Isengard with me. "

At first, I thought this old man would hesitate, didn't expect he turned around and shouted at the yellow Golden Lion dragon: "Josefat, you help me guard this place, I'm going to meet the old friend, okay? "

"But your body is about to..."

The old man took a look at his body, and then said: "No problem, there are still three months to come. I think I should be back in a hurry before then. "

I looked at Huang Golden Lion and asked, "What happened to his body?" "

Yellow Golden Lion turned his head and said to me: "The Old Guy and you said that Jiaha has existed in the same age, and that Jiaha has been dead for so long, don’t you think it’s weird Why didn't he die? "

I haven't been there before, when I suddenly heard Huang Golden Lion say this, I just remembered it. "Yes! Jiaha died because her lifespan was exhausted and she tried to transform herself into Lich and failed. How could you live so long? "

old man hehe said with a smile: "Remember that I said that I specialize in soul research? "

"And then? "

"Then I put my body in ice, and then only use the soul to move out, so as long as the body does not die, my soul will not die. It's just that such a soul has no magic cultivator, so it can't improve its strength, and it can't touch objects, which is very troublesome. So I thought of a way, which is to copy myself with the life array. This method of copying can create many identical bodies for me as long as there is a sample of the mother body. Of course, the copies are all corpses without souls, but because it is my corpse, and there is no problem with the body itself, so I just need to copy The body is frozen, and then you can use the reproduced body of soul fusion. Your own soul fusion and your own body, the success rate is 100%, and there will be no rejection. This way I can use the new body. Until this body is aging to the point of death, I must return to the mother body to extract the soul back to the mother body, and then replace the body with a young body to re-integrate the soul, and then the body will be old again. Change it again. But because my ontology was ninety-five years old when I completed this theory, the blank body without soul that I copied would be ninety-five years old once it was made. According to my tests, my lifespan should be around 180 years old, so for safety, I usually use my body until I am 175 years old and replace it with a new body. In other words, I need to change my body every eighty years, and now there is only three months before I change it next time. "

After listening to the old man's words, I directly asked: "Why take a risk?" Although three months is not short, there is no need to take risks, right? Can't you change your body in advance? Or we just move your ontology to Isengard together. "

"What? Move the main body over? "

"Yes. "A researcher of the same level as Jiaha is more precious than the treasure. It happens that this guy is still friends with Jiaha, and he also has a powerful pet like the yellow Golden Lion dragon. If you don’t pack it and bring it back to Ai Singh, then I will not be at ease when I sleep.

"But, my research..."

"What kind of person Jiaha is, you should know better than me, he lives Do you think there will be no research equipment? "I said seriously: "Our Frost Rose League’s experimental equipment is definitely dozens of times better than yours here, and it has a wide range of functions and comprehensiveness. If it were not for such superior conditions, you think Jiaha would be willing to come to me. Go to live? "

"But it's a bit too sloppy to run over suddenly, at least I want me to look at your environment, right? "

"This is of course. Then, first tell me what things here must be taken away, give them a number, and then I will take you to visit our situation, if you feel bad, then you can come back anytime after seeing Jiaha. If you think it’s good, just tell me what needs to be moved, and I’ll ask someone to come and help you move it. "

"Well then. "

When it comes to this, the old man is naturally not agreeable. In fact, he is more inclined to work with me. After all, Jiaha is there. Even if these two are good Ha is not the original Jia Ha, but after all, they are Jia Ha’s successor, carrying Jia Ha’s soul and knowledge. These things determine that they and this old man absolutely have many topics in common.

In old When man was busy numbering his things, I and the yellow Golden Lion dragon named Josfart were not idle, because Josfart’s request had not been finished yet. According to his description, they were yellow The enemy of the Golden Lion dragon clan is actually locked here. They have caught the cursed guy a long time ago, but because of the curse, they can’t kill him by themselves, and they can’t even look for him after restricting the guy’s actions. An ordinary person starts. The only thing they can do is to limit the range of this guy's activities, but they can't restrain his body and ability. To kill him, you must have a strong enough person to really kill this guy before you can count. Josfart has been looking for such a person. This is how the former owner of the room where I was doing the test found it, but it was unfortunate for Josfart, but luckily for me, that guy was actually doing it. At that time, he was killed by the guy who was good at cursing, so now Yosfat had to find someone with enough strength to help kill that guy.

"Is that guy down here?" "I pointed to the front door and asked.

This is the ground floor of the old man’s underground laboratory. Josefat reached here directly through a wide passageway wide enough for him to pass through, and then he went Nervously said: "After I open the door for a while, we will enter a special space. You can clearly see a dividing line. This dividing line is the magical Formation set by our Huang Golden Lion dragon clan. That guy can neither show nor see the situation on the other side of Formation. Looking from him, Formation will reflect light like a mirror, and he can see nothing but his own mirror image. However, the Formation is not soundproof, so after opening the door, you should not speak, and try not to make any noise. "

"Why? "

"Because I hope you can sneak attack that guy. "

"sneak attack? "

"Yes. Although he knows that someone may come in and kill him at any time, he can only rely on his hearing if he can't see it, and this guy's hearing is not particularly good, as long as you pay attention to your feet, he is generally impossible to detect in advance. He has been guarding the Formation here. The concentration is naturally impossible and lasting. Now it has been a short time since he killed the person I found last time. He shouldn't be thinking that I can find another person so soon, so He certainly wouldn't pay too much attention to the Formation here. You just need to take advantage of his carelessness and suddenly launch an attack from the charge ahead of Formation. If you can kill him with a single blow, the curse of our clan will be lifted. "

I never think of myself as a Knight, so I have no plan to have a just and honorable confrontation with someone. Since Josfat has said that I will be a sneak attack, then I have to run Isn’t it an idiot to go in and fight him? "Okay, no problem, after you open the door, I will pay attention to find a chance to sneak attack him, but don’t rush me, I may need to wait there for a while and observe him first. What's the combat capability? When you are ready, I will naturally take action. Just don't rush me. "

"Don't worry, I have waited for so many years. Impossible cares about this time. "

After I got the confirmation from Josefat, I asked Josefat to open the door. It is estimated that the door was really prepared for the sneak attack, and it was completely silent. The door was opened. The time is not to move to the two sides or push inward, but to disappear suddenly. This door seems to have a teleportation function. As soon as Josfart touched the door, the door disappeared immediately. It was not until we walked in. Reappeared in the same place again.

The heel walked to the Formation like a thief, and then I started to observe the situation inside with Josfat’s eyes.

This space is indeed a special space. It is a cube structure with a length, width and height of almost two kilometers or more. The four walls of the space, the ceiling and the floor are all mirrors. If you stand at the center of that space, no matter what When you look in the front, back, left, right, up, down, and down directions, you will definitely see countless places that you can’t see in the distance, because the mirror will continue to reflect your body shape, and the mirror image reflected back and forth will continue to repeat the reflection, so All you can see will be countless selves appearing in the mirror standing in a row.

Although I knew this space is very peculiar, I still didn’t expect that there would be such a space. According to the previous As Josfat said, if these mirrors are broken, you will not see the wall behind, but will pass through the mirror on the other side. Simply put, this space is not only an optical mirror, but also a space. Mirroring, if you walk to the left wall and smash the mirror and walk in, then you will emerge from the right wall, which means that no matter where you go, you can only loop indefinitely in this room.

After observing this Formation space that can make people crazy just by shutting people in, my eyes focused on the silhouette in the center of the room. This is the enemies of Josfat and the others. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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