"What creature are you? Kimella?"

"I am a yellow Golden Lion dragon." The golden giant beast roared angrily His own identity, and then glared at me and said: "You, the intruder, actually mixed me with things like Kimera. Are you provoking?"

"Of course I didn’t mean to provoked. , I just think your appearance is a bit strange, but what kind of creature is speaking of which yellow Golden Lion dragon? I have seen Dragon Clan and lion, but I have never seen yellow Golden Lion dragon. You can Don’t tell me you are the only one in this group?"

After I asked, the other party suddenly became quite frustrated. Although he still maintained a proud posture with his head held high, his eyes looked But he expressed his feelings very clearly. Sure enough, after a moment of silence, this guy finally spoke again: "The Yellow Golden Lion Long Family used to be a very large group, but our clan participated in a god battle a long, long time ago. At that time, our clan Suffered from the curse cast by the opponent's Divine Race before death with life. The effect of this curse is to completely cut off the reproductive ability of our race. Although our yellow Golden Lion dragon has a nearly infinite lifespan, all kinds of accidents will always cause casualties. Because no new members were born, and various accidents caused the members of the clan to die one by one, in the end, we are the last one of the prosperous Yellow Golden Lion and dragon clan."

"I Damn, aren’t you almost like a living fossil?"

When I said this, the other party seemed to think of something, and he suddenly interrupted me and said, "Your question is over, now it should be me. It’s time to ask questions."

"OK, one question per person is fair. Ask what you want to know? Do you want to ask me what I am doing here?"

Just as I was about to answer directly, the yellow Golden Lion dragon suddenly stopped and said: "No, I don't want to know what you are doing now, I just want to know how your battle strength is."

< p>"battle strength?" I was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "You suddenly asked me how battle strength should at least give me a reference? Otherwise, how can I quantify my battle strength for you? You know? According to our battle strength score, my battle strength is 1.470 million points, but I doubt you have an intuitive understanding of this number."

The other party is obviously like I guessed. He didn’t understand the specific value of battle strength score at all. Although he could understand that this is a way of digitizing battle strength, but because he did not participate in the battle, he did not know whether the value of more than 1.4 billion is more or less. .

"Well, I haven't left here for too long. I really don't understand the value you said, but I have a way to get a rough idea of ​​your battle strength level."

"Talk about it."

"It's not saying, but doing it." The yellow Golden Lion dragon directly pokes its paw directly against the wall on the other side, and then that The brick wall was directly punched in the same way as tofu. The yellow Golden Lion dragon pointed to the room and said, “This is the training room of a previous warrior. You can go in and test it. As long as you can successfully pass the B-Rank difficulty on all his training equipment, you will meet My request."

"Your request?" I didn't enter the room to take the test, but directly asked: "What request did you say? I didn't seem to agree to do something for you, right? "

Huang Golden Lion seems to have just thought of this question. He quickly said: "I can not hold you accountable for trespassing here, including the responsibility for destroying the library. I can cancel it all at once." As a price, you have to do something for me."

I stretched out a finger and said: "First, you broke the library, it has nothing to do with me. Second, even if you want to investigate My responsibility, you don’t have that ability. Third, how can you be sure that I am not here for you?"

Although the big guy in front of me is very powerful, his intelligence is obviously not very high. , At least the thinking is a bit slow is affirmative. After I finished speaking, he was stunned for a while, and then said: "I can give you benefits."

"Benefits? What are the specific benefits? And what do you want me to do?"

"Because I am not sure whether you have enough strength to complete my task, you must take the test first. If you are qualified, then I will start discussing this issue with you."


"Okay, I'll just go and test it."

Following the guidance of the yellow Golden Lion dragon, I went straight into the next room, and the yellow Golden Lion dragon simply took that The road walls were all lifted off, so that the two rooms were connected into one room, but the room of Huang Golden Lion dragon was much larger than this small room.

It is said that this room is small compared to the room of Huang Golden Lion Dragon. In fact, the area of ​​this room has exceeded 200 square meters. In this room are placed some equipment that is said to be used for training, but the number is not large. First of all, the first device is a device similar to measuring punch strength, and the structure is also very simple. It is a large refrigerator-like box with an elastic area on the front. If you want to know your punch strength, you just have to hit this thing hard.

Out of curiosity, Su Lun first went over and tried a punch. As a result, the machine immediately ejected a metal card with F written from the side after Su Lun's punch. The yellow Golden Lion dragon looked at the metal card, and then ruthless said: "Waste level."

Su Lun was sullied by Huang Golden Lion dragon's evaluation and ran to the side and stood. Then I stood directly in front of the machine and slammed it up with a punch. After... there was no more after. Because the machine flew directly into the next room, although it did not fall apart, looking at the parts that popped out, it is estimated that it was scrapped.

Yellow Golden Lion Dragon also didn't expect me to be so strong, so he asked me to test the next device. This thing is very large, but the structure is also very simple. It is a transmitter with a rocking device. The launcher launches a metal ball with a magic mark, about the size of a jujube kernel. After the tester is started, I need to stand on the device that is a bit like a giant treadmill to avoid the steel balls emitted by the transmitter, but the belt on this swing machine will rotate forward and backward for a while, and the speed is very fast. . In addition to changing forward and backward speed movements, this belt conveyor also has the ability to tilt sideways and bounce up and down. Basically, it is good for ordinary people to stand on this thing without falling. If you want to avoid those with aiming Steel ball, that is simply harder.

For this device, Su Lun hasn’t tried it. After all, I tried the launching power of the steel ball before, and found that the steel ball can still be shot into the wall with a 30-meter transmitter. So Su Lun wisely gave up his plan to try. He doesn't want to become a sieve.

After starting the machine, I stood on the test bench, and after a few minutes of testing, Huang Golden Lion realized that this kind of test is completely a warm-up exercise for me. Although the test is not over yet, the Yellow Golden Lion dragon directly shut down the thing, because I can not only easily dodge the steel balls made by that thing, but also can chat with him while running on the machine. The yellow Golden Lion dragon felt as if he saw a monster.

The next device is a very weird thing, shaped like a large baseball bat. According to the explanation of the yellow Golden Lion dragon, this thing is used to test magical abilities. After knowing that this thing is not dangerous, Suren played it as it should be by rights first, but there are several of this thing, so I took another one and started testing.

This kind of equipment will produce a weird-shaped light group on the top of the stick after injecting magic power. Through the color of the light group, you can know your magic attribute, and then all you have to do is control this light group. , Try to make it into a regular shape, whether it is a square or a circle, as long as the shape is very regular. This is used to test magic control.

Although my magic power is not bad, I am not majoring in spell after all, so my control is relatively poor, but even so I still put the silver-gray light from the top of the stick The ball turned into a cube. Although it looks a bit irregular and the surface is not flat, it can be considered a cube. At least it is better than Su Lun's thing that does not know whether it is like a potato or a sweet potato. Too much.

Huang Golden Lion Long nodded said: "You really didn't expect you to be so good. However, there is still a test that must be done. Only if this test passes will you meet my requirements." Huang Golden When Lion finished speaking, he directly hooked a cabinet with his nails carefully, and then took something that looked like a feather duster from it.

"What are you doing? Test your cleaning ability?"

"Don't underestimate this thing, its power is beyond your comprehension." Huang Golden Lion said that he passed the thing into my hand, and then asked me to use the handle of the feather duster to input magic power into it. With the completion of the input of magic power, all the hairs on this thing immediately stood up, and then a thorn-like thing should be protruding from the top. The yellow Golden Lion dragon said to me after seeing this thing pop up: "You now imagine a negative effect, such as pain, itching, etc."

"Think about it."< /p>

"Okay, now try to touch him with the spike in front." Huang Golden Lion pointed at Su Lun and said.

I didn’t wait for Su Lun’s objection, and I touched him with the thing that popped up in front of the feather duster, and then Su Lun jumped up immediately, then fell on the ground and twisted wildly while laughing wildly. , It looks like a giant caterpillar.

"It seems that his resistance is very low." Huang Golden Lion Long saw Su Lun's appearance said in a tranquil voice.

Looking at Suren writhing crazily on the ground, I looked at the thing in my hand in surprise and asked: "What the hell is this?"

"A kind of Divine Item It’s a fake, but the ability is terrible, and it’s almost useless except for the whole person to play. But it is very suitable to use it to test the attributes I need."

"What is this thing for testing? "

"Cursed resistance."

"Cursed resistance?" I suddenly cried out in surprise: "You don't want me to help you take the one who can't The curse of breeding offspring should be transferred to oneself, right?"

"Of course not, in fact, if it can be transferred, I must have found someone to transfer it. What I need is someone who is not afraid of curses to help me kill That curse maker, so that my curse will disappear."

"Wait." I shouted directly: "Don't you say that this curse was released by the enemy Divine Race with life? Putting it That way shouldn’t he be dead? You want me to kill now, who should I kill?"

"I didn’t make it clear. That guy did use his life to release the curse , But he didn’t want to just die like this, so the method he used was a bit similar to time-extended gambling. From the moment he released the curse, members of our clan could no longer kill him. If we kill him, this curse We will suck up the life force of our whole clan to resurrect him, so we must not kill him."

"Will your life force be lost after I kill him? Or he will absorb me Life force?"

"No, the curse is for our yellow Golden Lion dragon, you will not be affected. The curse only restricts us from being able to kill him, but it does not restrict others from being able to kill him. Facts The success or failure of this curse depends on the question of who will die first. If all members of our clan are unable to reproduce due to this curse and eventually die, then he will take back all life force and get all the dead companions of my clan. Half of his life force, when the time comes, he will become extremely powerful. However, if someone kills him before our clan is destroyed, then the curse of our clan will disappear and the absorbed should be used for reproduction The life force will regroup to form a Life Essence. Although I am the only one left in my clan, and annihilation is a destined thing, but I will never see that guy get our Life Essence and benefit from it. Yes, so I would rather die than let him get anything. If you can kill him for me, then Life Essence will be yours as a reward. How about it? You think it’s better than a deal, right? "

I nodded and said: "It sounds really good, but if it can work, I have to see if this thing has any effect on me. "As I said, I put the thing on my wrist, but when the thing touched my wrist, I only felt a sharp tightening of the waist muscles, but apart from this there was no stronger reaction. In fact, the negative effect I just injected into this feather duster is the feeling of being scratched at the waist by someone else. So Su Lun’s tears came out of laughter and she rolled on the ground, but from my feelings, it seems this Things have a weak effect on me.

The yellow Golden Lion dragon also saw my reaction. Although he didn’t know that my waist muscles twitched a bit, I barely moved. The rolling Su Lun, not to mention the Yellow Golden Lion Dragon, also knows the effect.

"Very well, it seems that you do meet all my requirements, but before taking you to complete the task, you still Meet the real master here. "

"Are you not the master here?" "I looked at him in surprise and asked.

Huang Golden Lion Long said with a rare humor: "Do you think my size can go into such a small room?" "

"Will you not be transformed?" "

"Should I be? "

When I heard the words of the yellow Golden Lion dragon, I remembered that the death-changing technique is a Dragon Clan patent. Although the yellow Golden Lion dragon also carries the word "Dragon", he shouldn’t be Dragon Clan. Member, otherwise he should be able to transform himself.

"Since you are not a Master, please call out your master as soon as possible. "

"Okay, wait a minute, I...it doesn't seem to be necessary. "As soon as Huang Golden Lion finished saying what the dragon said, I saw a door on the library side opened, and then I saw a fat little Old Man who looked like a KFC husband coming out of the door. Because the library and this side The walls were blasted off, so when we stood in the room of the yellow Golden Lion dragon, we could directly see the old man in the library.

The Little Old Man didn’t find us as soon as he came up. He was frightened by the debris and wreckage all over the floor, and then he heard him yelling there: "Josfat, I will kill you. How many times have I told you not to destroy my room or to destroy my room, you just can’t remember, right? "The old man yelled and hurriedly started collecting books on the ground. Then when he discovered that some books had been flashed up, his anger exploded completely, but just as he was about to rush over to find the Huang Golden Lion dragon desperately. At the time, I stood in front of him first.

"Sorry, we made a little misunderstanding here. I'm really sorry that we destroyed your library. "

Little Old Man obviously didn’t see me before, but now he suddenly found me appearing in front of him. He was frightened and stepped back a few steps, and then tripped over several books. On the floor.

Looking at this Little Old Man who lost one's head out of fear, I couldn't help but turn back and ask the Huang Golden Lion, "He doesn't have autism, right?" "

"I'll fight..." Just when I turned my head to ask Huang Golden Lion about the dragon, I heard a weird cry in front of me. When I looked back, I saw the old man jumping with a broken table leg. I got up and hit my forehead. Then I heard a thump, and then the old man landed directly and looked at half of the wooden leg in his hand in surprise, while the other half fell directly to the ground. I felt a little itchy. Forehead, and then looked at the old man helplessly. I was wearing a Divine Dragon suit anyway. If even a wooden table leg can do anything to me, would this be called Divine Item?

After realizing that his stick had been broken, the old man immediately bypassed me and rushed to the side of the yellow Golden Lion dragon at a speed that was extremely inconsistent with his age. However, on the way, he just ran into Suren, whose curse effect had disappeared. Then he knocked Su Lun bloody with a stick again. Looking at Su Lun who was holding his nose and spurting blood, I really didn’t know what to say. I raised my eyes and looked towards Huang Golden Lion. I’m standing there with the expression that I don’t recognize him.

"I really didn’t expect to meet an old man with such a special personality in such a place. "I snapped my fingers as I said, and then a few mobile angels appeared next to me and started to collect the rooms according to my instructions.

Originally, I wanted to use this action to express kindness. Now, who knew that after the mobile angel appeared, the old man suddenly reversed his previous performance and instantly rushed to one of the mobile angels. He looked and touched and studied. I knew before that 80% of them lived here. Technical personnel, so I was not surprised at Old Yu’s reaction. Since he liked watching, I simply asked the mobile angel to stop working and cooperate, and he tossed over to let him watch.

I always thought He was only interested in technical items. Who knew that after he had been around this mobile angel for a long time, he suddenly turned his head and looked at me with a serious face and asked, "Do you know a guy named Jiaha? "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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