"It's really a secret door." After the bookshelf was raised, Su Lun walked to the door behind the bookshelf in surprise and stroked the same gorgeous door.

As I walked to the door and started studying the doorknob, I said, "Remember the noisy room over there?"

Su Lun nodded, and then asked, "What's the matter? Is it a problem?"

"There are six giant magic power conversion devices in the room, and the output magic power is at least enough to support the normal operation of a medium-scale magic city. Do you think there is a place equipped with such large equipment Is it possible that there is only one study room?"

Su Lun shook his head quickly, and then said: "There must be a lot of equipment under it."

I nodded said: "Yes, but we have to open this door first. Do you know how to unlock the door?"

General guides often need to take tourists into and out of places with institutions such as ruins , So the two skills of mechanism learning and unlocking can almost be said to be necessary skills. Few players who are guides can't do this.

Sure enough, Su Lun took out a small bag immediately after I asked, and said: "This is my specialty."

Although Su Lun said it was his specialty. I was quite confident when I was, but the facts proved that the door in front of me is not ordinary, eh... the Young Sect Master lock is not ordinary. Su Lun's high level unlocking skill has been tossed on this door more than 30 times, but it turned out that the door should be so good, and there is no meaning to open it at all. At first, when he tried several times and couldn’t open it, Su Lun thought it was because of his bad luck that he had a small probability problem. After seven or eight consecutive failures, he began to think that this was a high level door lock, so the failure rate was a bit high. , But after more than twenty times it was opened, he started to see sweat on his forehead. As for now, looking at him like this, if I don't do anything, he will soon explode.

"Okay, let me do it." Pulling away Su Lun, who was so heavy that he was breathing, I walked directly to the door and pressed Eternal to the keyhole of the door lock, and then See eternally slowly turning into liquid and flowing into the door lock. After about a few seconds, eternity flowed out of the door lock again, and my expression changed.

Su Lun originally thought that I would open this door easily, but after seeing me toss around there a few times, his expression turned very strange, and he immediately realized that I was also in trouble.

"Purple Moon President? Can't you open it either?"

I nodded and said: "Even if you find all the mechanical experts of the world, they can't open it. This lock."

"Huh?" Su Lun did not hear the unspoken implication in my words at all, but looked at me in surprise and asked: "Is this lock a Divine Item?"


I patted his shoulder and said, “It’s not your fault that you couldn’t open the lock before. It’s because the master here is too cunning.”

Su Lun was stunned by what I said. Wushui didn't know what I meant, but when he was about to ask me, I turned around and opened the door. However, the way I opened the door was not to push the door, but to slide the door. Yes, this ordinary-looking hinged door is actually a Japanese-style horizontal sliding door, and the keyhole on this door is simply a disguise. That lock is indeed a real lock, and the structure is quite complicated, but with Sulun's unlocking skills, it can actually be opened long ago. However, because the door is opened horizontally, this latch type lock is simply useless. Regardless of whether its latch is in the ejected state or in the retracted state, it has no effect on the opening and closing of the door. Because of this, we competed with this door lock for a long time but found nothing, because the lock is not the one that fixes the door at all, let alone we are just trying to unlock it, even if we take it down, the door still won’t open. open. As for the fact that I was able to open the door in the end, it was because Eternal entered the door and found that there were many gaps in the door, and there were many complicated organ structures in it. These complicated mechanisms are the real devices that lock the door, and their opening method is simply not to use a key to open it, but a special magic array to identify the magic power input by outsiders. This door can only be opened through a special set of magical change laws.

Of course, Eternal cannot come up with that special magic rule to activate the mechanism, but Eternal did not even think about searching for the password. Just as I dismantled the table before and directly found the last lever to start the mechanism, Yongheng went directly to the bottom of the door and cut off the metal bars that fixed the door. Without these metal bars, the door can still be opened even if the door lock mechanism does not activate.

"Damn, this is the case, I thought my skills were out of order!" After figuring out the operation principle of this door, Su Lun was finally relaxed. To be honest, it was the first time that he lost face in front of customers. He had opened more complicated mechanism locks before. Didn't expect was hit by a fake lock today.

This door with a camouflage keyhole is not as thin as previously thought. Because what we saw after the bookshelf was moved away was a wooden door with exquisite carvings, we used to think that it was a hinged door that was pushed in or pulled out, but when the door was really opened Later, we discovered that this door is not only a horizontal sliding door, but also that the carved wood door panel is actually just a layer of decorative panels. The wooden door is actually only one centimeter thick. The back part is a three-centimeter-thick steel plate. Behind the steel plate are several layers of intersecting steel meshes. In the middle of these steel meshes, there is the magic recognition door lock, and the steel mesh There is a three-centimeter thick steel plate behind. It can be said that this kind of door is quite sturdy in such a place. After all, it is underground, and large-scale equipment is generally unable to enter. Without large-scale equipment, usually no one can break the door forcibly. After all, not everyone There are sharp weapons like eternity.

After passing through that door, we found that there was only a two-meter-long passage behind it. After walking past, we turned left and there was a downward staircase. After walking down this more than ten-meter-long staircase, we entered a very large room. This room has almost the same style as the study room above, but this room is not a study room, but a real library. In the entire room, in addition to the huge bookshelves neatly arranged on the surrounding walls, dozens of rows of double-sided bookshelves are also placed in the middle of the room. Without exception, these bookshelves are filled with various types of books, the number of which is almost larger than the collection of small libraries in general guild cities.

The staircase we entered is only one of the entrances to this room, and there are three other doors in this small library. Two of the doors are on the same level as the stairs we descended from, but they are on two different walls. Another door is in a strange position. This door was repaired above one of the other two doors, and there were neither escalators nor steps outside the door. If you want to go up, you can only find a ladder or fly directly.

"Three doors, which way shall we go first?" Su Lun asked when looking at the three doors in the room.

"Wait for me here first, I will go up and look at the door before talking."


After explaining Su Lun, I will Many Death God guards are released here on standby. If I need to explore the passage above, it must be guarded as the connection point of multiple passages. Otherwise, if I enter a certain passage, the owner here leaves from another passage. Didn't we just miss it?

The door above is only four meters high from the ground. For me, this height is not a problem at all. I reached the door with just one jump, but there was nowhere to stand, so I reached out and grabbed the border on the top of the door. Fortunately, the European-style door frame has a wide edging. As long as the hand strength is strong enough, it is okay to hang yourself on it.

After fixing my body, I grabbed the doorknob with my other hand and turned it a bit, and found that the door was locked. Let Yongheng try again, this time I didn't encounter the camouflage lock, it was just a simple mechanical lock, which was easily opened.

After opening the door, I stretched my head and looked inside. As a result, Su Lun just saw me sticking my head into the room from below, and then I suddenly closed the door with a bang. Then a leap came down from the door. Su Lun, who was puzzled, hadn’t even seen me land. Suddenly, the door on the top was blown into pieces of wood flying all over the sky with a bang. At the same time, a red streamer flew from the door. He came out and directly hit the opposite wall, and then opened a big hole with a diameter of at least two or three meters and a depth of two meters in the wall with a bang.

I just landed after the explosion over there, but didn't stay on the ground. I just flew up the gate with a single tap on the ground, and then went in. Su Lun was also very curious to see me rushing in again, but the door was up and he couldn't get there at all. More than four meters high is not a problem for me, but he doesn't have that jumping ability. Of course, although Su Lun can’t jump four meters high, humans have never dominated the world with physical strength. So when he found that he couldn’t get up, he immediately searched around, and then he quickly found a table for reading and followed He quickly pushed the table over and moved a pile of books from the bookshelf down to the feet of the table. Given the physical fitness of the players in the game, it is much easier to climb up to the four-meter-high door with a table more than one meter high and piles of books more than one meter high.

Just when Su Lun piled up the books and climbed up to try to reach the top door, suddenly he heard a loud explosion sound coming from the door, and then he saw I flew out of the gate backwards, knocked over a row of bookshelves with a bang, then fell to the opposite wall, then bounced back and fell to the ground.

Seeing that I was beaten out of the air, Su Lun didn’t go to climb the door anymore. He just turned around and jumped down and wanted to help me, but before he came over, I jumped up and pointed. The door cursed, "Damn, big is big? Wait until I call brother, and see who is big." As I said, I hit the ground where I fell, and the whole person flew up again, and then drilled. Entered the door.

Su Lun saw that I went in again, so he had to turn around and climb up again, but before he got up, he heard a rumbling crash, and then a few rare beasts. Then, when he reached the door above with one hand and was almost about to climb up, he heard a bang. The row of walls next to him suddenly burst open, and they were attached to it. The bookshelves on the wall were also blasted off together, and suddenly there were scattered pieces of paper, various wood chips, and bricks everywhere in the room.

It was not only the entire wall that flew into the room with the loud noise. Among the ruins, Su Lun also saw a section of claws as thick as a bucket and about one meter long. The tip of the claw is very similar to a human finger, except that the nail is sharp and sharp, basically like the finger of a person who has grown bigger. Of course, if this is really a human finger, it goes without saying that the creature in it must be a Titan. However, Suren did not think that the creature inside was a Titan, because although the finger was very similar to a human finger, its surface was covered with scales. The Titan does not have scales, which is obviously wrong.

With doubts as to what the creatures inside were, Su Lun jumped off the table directly and stretched his head to look over from the big hole in the wall.

Just a glance, Su Lun was completely shocked by the creature in front of him. The thing in front of him was a large creature, which he knew a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to be such a beautiful creature. No, it is not very appropriate to describe it as beautiful. The body structure of the creature in front of me is quite complicated, but it is easy to describe his appearance, because in reality there is a building that resembles this creature, and this building is called the Sphinx.

The Sphinx in Egypt can be said to be a famous building in the world. It is estimated that not many people in the world have heard of this thing at all, and the creature in front of you is the same as the Sphinx. It looks a bit similar, but of course the structure is similar, but there is still a big difference in appearance.

The body structure of this thing is indeed the structure of a sphinx, but the sphinx has a lion body and a human head, and the creature in front of it has a giant dragon body. Lion's head. That's right, it's the body of a giant dragon. The thick and muscular and streamlined chest structure, a slender and slightly slender waist, a pair of huge wings gathered on the back, four sturdy giant claws covered with scales, and of course the super A long tail with a tail bone axe. In addition to the characteristics of these giant dragons, this creature also has a lion head that is in harmony with the body. This head is the shape of a male lion's head, but it must be much larger than the head of a lion in nature. After all, the body of a giant dragon is It can grow to close to a hundred meters, and the guy in front of him has reached more than a hundred meters like luck and the plague. If such a large body grows a head with a diameter of one meter, it is almost the same as without a head.

The head of this guy retains the shape of a lion head, even the mighty brown hair of a lion is not bad, and this head seems to have some artistic processing based on the shape of a real lion . For example, this guy's canine teeth are actually as long as the Saber-Toothed Tiger. Although they are not as long as the Saber-Toothed Tiger's saber teeth, they also stick out of the mouth and look quite awe-inspiring. Also, the head ratio of this guy seems to be slightly slenderer than that of a lion, and it seems to be much more beautiful than a real lion. Finally, there is a huge transparent crystal in the middle of this guy's forehead that looks like a third eye, and this crystal has been emitting a beautiful white light.

In fact, this shape alone is not enough to make people feel how beautiful this creature is. After all, his current appearance is just more imposing. What really surprised Su Lun was the color of this guy. This creature is actually golden from beginning to end. Golden brown hair, golden scales, apart from the crystal on the forehead, the teeth in the mouth, the flesh in the mouth, and the eyes, this guy can't find any other colors all over his body. If this guy doesn't open his eyes or open his mouth, you can basically treat it as a giant golden sculpture except for the diamond-like thing on his head. No, gold is not so flashy. This guy’s scales are like golden ceramics, and his hair is like golden threads. Thanks to this being in an underground environment, only the magic lamp provides lighting. If it’s under a clear sky, it is estimated that most people simply I couldn't look at him directly, because it was too flashy.

"Wow, this won't be the monster that gold turns into?" Looking at the giant beast in front of him, Su Lun was already excited and didn't know what to say. Although this thing was not made of gold, and even if he was changed from gold, Su Lun would definitely not be able to catch a single trace, but he couldn't help being excited, after all, it was a giant beast like a golden mountain.

"Kimera modified with Dragon Clan? The magic defense is quite high."

As Sulun looked around, the monster and I were separated temporarily Come, but I am not standing there alone. There are two giant beasts on either side of me, one is a tank and the other is a steel tooth.

When I heard what I said, Su Lun noticed that there seemed to be a wound at the root of the giant beast's side wing, but seeing the golden blood flowing out of Pobo made Su Lun dumbfounded. To be honest, if this thing wasn't too deterrent, Su Lun really wanted to risk his death and run over to get some of his blood back. That's Golden's blood. Even if it is not gold, based on this color, Su Lun believes that this thing definitely has some other purpose, and more importantly, this thing must be very valuable.

"Hey, big guy. Can you talk?" Standing on the head of the tank, I shouted to the monster over there.

The rare beast first turned his head and licked his wound, and then flashed by with a golden light, the wound was healed like this, and there was no trace left. After licking the wound, the guy turned his head around and stared at me. After a while, when I thought he could not speak, this guy spoke suddenly, but the voice sounded like thunder, and it was really dusty from the roof.

"Who you are? Intruder."

"I tell you who I am, can you understand?"

That guy is obviously also an IQ Not low, you understand what I mean when you hear what I said. He has never left here, so he doesn't know anything about the outside world, so no matter who I say I am, it is actually the same as never said to him, because he can't get a seat at all.

"Then let’s change the question. What are you doing here?"

"One question per person, so it’s fair." After I finished speaking, I looked at this guy until he After nodded, he asked: "What kind of creature are you? Kemera?"

"I am..." (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian .com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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