The row of giant machines in front of you look very much like Generators, but they are not the kind of small generators we usually see, and of course they are not the same as generators in thermal power plants. These things look a lot like the turbines used by the Hydroelectric Power Plant, and they are huge. However, this place does not seem to have water resources, so this thing is unlikely to be a water turbine, and it is not certain whether it is a Generator or not.

Although "Zero" is a diversified game, it is still based on magic after all. Generator this thing can indeed be made in the game, and it can also generate electricity normally, but there are really not many things that can use electricity in the game. In reality, electricity is mainly used for lighting or providing power. There is no electric light this thing in the game, so lighting does not use electricity at all. As for the power of mechanical equipment, firstly, there are not many mechanical equipment in the game itself, and secondly, the power and operating cost of electric equipment in the game are far inferior to the magic equipment, so few people think about using electric equipment. If you really want to talk about the role of electricity, I think the power grid is the main route.

As a combat-oriented game, the various myriad combat settings in "Zero" are naturally very rich, which of course also includes defense facilities such as power grids. However, considering the consumption of maintaining the grid and the effect it produces, under normal circumstances, not many people will use it.

Combining the above situation, I can basically rule out the possibility that these machines are Generators. After all, there is no electrical equipment, and the Generator is useless. Besides, I have never heard of such a big movement in Generator before, and it almost catches up with the noise of rocket launching.

After roughly observing the appearance of these devices, I went straight up and down the escalator to the ground below, and then released Brigitte. If Ivorite is absent, I can only trouble Brigitte with mechanical things. Fortunately, Brigitte’s knowledge is not small, and I can accurately determine the purpose of most machinery, even if I haven’t seen it before. The function can also be inferred from the mechanical structure.

After being summoned by Summon, Brigitte first circled around one of the machines, and then flew to the top of the machine to study for a while. While she was observing the machine, I was also studying the machine next to it, but I didn't have much to study besides tapping the casing to test the hardness. These machines are all wrapped in metal on the outside, and you simply can’t see what they look like inside. If there is no noise here, I can still listen to the echo or something by tapping, but now this movement, even if I smash the machine, I guess I may not be able to hear the echo.

Although I was helpless, Brigitte quickly came up with something.

"..." After studying, Brigitte flew directly to me and started talking, but the noise around was too scary. I just saw her mouth flashing, but I couldn't hear her at all. what. Fortunately, as a constructive creature, the crystal in her mouth will flash according to the frequency of her pronunciation when she speaks, otherwise I don't know if she is talking. Seeing her like this, I knew that she had forgotten the noise, and quickly reminded her with contact. After hearing my reminder, Brigitte reacted, and quickly said in the contact: "I just did a fluoroscopy of the device in front of me and found that there is a huge amount of energy response inside this machine."

"You mean this thing is still a Generator?"

"It's not a generator, it should be a magic transformation device. Through infrared scanning, I can see that the inside of this device is full of high-temperature steam, but it is flowing The steam is constantly cooling, and at the same time there will be continuous magical power generation inside the equipment. It can be inferred that this is an energy conversion device that consumes heat energy to generate magical energy."

"It turned out to be a thermal energy extractor. Ah." After hearing Brigitte's explanation, I looked at the machine next to me again and said, "I don't know which heat efficiency ratio is higher than that of our guild equipment."

The equipment that extracts geothermal energy into magic energy is also available in our guild, and it is in Isinger. There is an Isinger Underground City under the ground city of Isinger Twin Cities. There are three geothermal energy converters in that area, but the heat energy conversion method we use is different from the six devices in front of us. According to Brigitte, these six devices directly absorb heat energy, but the devices in our guild absorb mechanical energy. Our three machines are actually turbine-driven magic generators. We introduce the seawater outside Isengard into the geothermal area, and then use the geothermal heat to heat the seawater to boil and produce a large amount of high-temperature steam. Rapidly erupt outwards, and then we let the erupted steam pass through a series of turbines and push them to rotate to convert heat energy into mechanical energy. The next part is to use a set of magic devices to convert mechanical energy into magic energy. Because this requires mechanical energy as a transfer, the thermal efficiency ratio is not high, but considering the huge total amount of geothermal energy, the output is actually quite considerable.

The device in front of us can work as long as heat energy is needed, and there is no mechanical energy conversion process, so in theory, this thing may be more thermally efficient than our equipment. But that is only theoretical. To be honest, I doubt the conversion rate of this device. It's not that its principle is not good, but its manufacturing process. Ordinarily, the geothermal converter of our guild needs to use large turbines. Once those big guys with hundreds of tons are running, the power they generate will be amazing. In this case, as long as the bearing part has the slightest unevenness and the blade has the slightest heaviness, the irregular deflection force generated under high-speed rotation will cause extremely huge noise. In contrast, the structure of this thing is much simpler, and it should be much more convenient to control noise. However, even if it is dominant in principle, the noise of this thing is comparable to rocket launches, and the heat engine of our guild is several times larger than these machines, and the noise it produces is just like the sound of a speeding locomotive. , Although it is also very noisy, but at least not so exaggerated. Without protective equipment, the noise produced by these six machines could almost be used as a sonic weapon.

"Brigitte, can you scan the structure of this thing without disassembling it?"

"It should be possible. But if you want to To go back to counterfeiting, I suggest disassembling a machine to study it. My scanning ability can only scan the mechanical structure and energy structure, but cannot scan the color information. If there is a magic array structure that has not been activated for the time being in the machine, I will scan It won't come out."

"That's it!" Although I also want to take down a machine and take it back for research, the problem is that the thing is working. If this is an ordinary warehouse, no matter who owns it, I will still empty it. But these devices are producing magic energy on the one hand, and they are also connected to geothermal pipes on the other. The ghost knows what is the status of the geothermal resources below, what if it belongs to the ultra-high pressure geothermal area like Isengard's side? When the time comes, as soon as I dismantle the machine, lava will burst out of the pipe and fill the whole room in an instant. Even if I wouldn't be burned to death by lava, I would have to work hard to get out. Besides, when the time comes, the lava burns down the machine, so I can’t get anything out of it.

In fact, even if there is no pressure on the underground lava, I dare not dismantle this kind of machine. After all, this thing is producing magic energy. Everyone knows that magic energy is quite unstable. What if the magic energy in the magic pipeline is blown up when the machine is dismantled? Of course, I usually don’t get killed by bombing, but it’s still an old problem. I’m not afraid of bombing, and the machine can’t stand it. Besides, even if the machine is not destroyed, what should I do if the cave is collapsed and buried here?

In short, it is too difficult to disassemble the device, unless I find the switch and stop the device before I can dismantle the device by hand.

Since I can’t take things apart, I have to ask Brigitte to scan a set of blueprints as detailed as possible. When Brigitte was busy scanning the machine, I searched the entire room carefully, and found that there was nothing but the six machines, and there was only the entrance where I came in. In other words, this is a dead end.

After I checked the condition of the room, Brigitte just scanned the entire structure, and then I put Brigitte away and left the room. Su Lun outside saw me coming out and immediately greeted me and asked me loudly what to order, but I realized that the helmet sound insulation setting hadn't been adjusted yet when I saw his mouth move and didn't hear any sound. I quickly turned off the soundproofing and opened the mask before I asked: "What did you just say? I turned on the soundproofing and didn't hear it."

"I said I found something."

< p>"Oh? What did you find?"

Su Lun took me directly to an aisle some distance from the room, and then he pointed to one of the walls and said, "Listen Listen."

I put my ear to the side against the wall suspiciously, and then suddenly froze. I didn't pay attention before, but I couldn't hear it, but once I concentrated, I found that there seemed to be waves of screams coming out of the wall.

"How did you find it?" The voice was so small that it had to be pressed against the wall to barely hear it. I was curious how Suren discovered it.

Su Lun explained with a smile: "After you went in, I was a little boring to wait outside by myself, so I wanted to try if you can hear the sound on these pipes. You should know that the pipes conduct sound. It’s very difficult to deal with. The pipes here must be connected to different places. I want to see if I can hear something. When I listened to this part, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be calls on the wall, and then I carefully When I listened, I found the location of the scream."

"You really have an idea." After I finished speaking, I put my ear on and listened, but in the end I didn't hit the wall to look at it. After all, but first walked to the other end of the passage with Su Lun.

I haven’t seen the host here yet, and I don’t know the identity of the other person. If I open a hole in someone’s house now, no matter what kind of personality the other person is, I will definitely will not look good to me. Although I am basically not worried about any powerful creatures I will provoke, it is quite stupid to add risks to myself without knowing it. So I decided, unless the owner here is not found in the other side of the passage, and there is no road leading to the place where the screams are made, then I will come back and smash the wall. Anyway, the wall can be smashed anytime there, no need to worry.

Follow the passage all the way back to the elevator position where we came down, put away the Death God guard who guarded the passage before, and then we continued to walk towards the other side.

The passage here is not too long. After walking less than a hundred meters, we encountered a door. After passing through, we directly entered a room. Originally, because of the magic conversion equipment over there, I thought that a fairly technological environment would appear in this place. Who knew that after opening the door, I saw a European classical style study room.

This room is about a seventy-eighty flat area. The surrounding walls are full of bookshelves. The densely packed ones are filled with books, and the large number can be used as a mini-library.

In addition to a circle of bookshelves, there is only a large desk on the left side of the room, a couch and a coffee table opposite the desk.

The desk on the left has a concave shape, and its area is almost as big as a pool table. And very similar to a pool table, the surface of this table is not wood, but covered with a layer of green flannel. The other part of the table is a kind of dark red wood with gold thread inlaid on the edge, which is quite luxurious with the green table top. In fact, everything in this room is similar to the style of this table. Whether it’s the sofa, the coffee table in front, or the bookshelves around, they are all in the style of the European classical palace. The dark red material matches the complicated gold carvings. The furnishings are super gorgeous. But this room really reminded me of Isinger’s style. Speaking of which Isinger also took this route. It’s just not so luxurious and exaggerated, but more serious and solemn than this one, but the overall style is basic. It's all about the same.

There is no one in the room now, I can only come in and check it carefully. Su Lun followed after I entered, but he hasn't closed his mouth since he entered. Although Isinger's style is not so exaggerated, it is also very gorgeous, so I just feel a little too gorgeous in the room in front of me, and I don't have much reaction. However, Su Lun is a native Vietnamese player. Whether in reality or in the game, Vietnamese architecture can only be described by one word, that is-broken. Of course, it's not really shabby, but it's obviously shabby compared to the country where it is being targeted. On the one hand, this situation is due to money issues. After all, Vietnam is very poor. But I think more of it is caused by the environment. As far as the environment of this place in Vietnam is concerned, even if you move the Palace of Versailles, if you do not regularly repair it, it is estimated that it will definitely be assimilated by the environment here into a dilapidated building complex in less than five years. It's too humid here. Whether it's wood, preventer, fur or metal, it's impossible to preserve it for a long time. Even the concrete buildings will grow moss here for a long time, so it is almost impossible for you to keep the buildings gorgeous.

Because almost all buildings in Vietnam look dilapidated, Su Lun suddenly saw such a gorgeous place like the Imperial Palace and was immediately shocked that his chin was about to fall off. Having brought so many people to Vietnam for tourism, this is the first time that his tour guide has seen such a building in Vietnam.

"This won't be golden, right?" Su Lun suddenly said this when I was looking at the book titles on the bookshelves around me. As soon as I turned around, I found that he was stroking a miniature Earth instrument on the table. Of course, the base of the thing is a brilliant golden light, and the Earth on the Earth instrument seems to be carved out of jade. It is estimated that there must be such a thing in reality at least It has to be sold for several million. After all, it is a bracket made of gold, and the jade ball above is definitely not going to be cheap.

Probably I have never seen such a gorgeous thing before. Su Lun actually grabbed the Earth instrument and wanted to take it up and have a look at it, but he tried hard, and the thing didn't move. After discovering that he couldn't lift it up, Su Lun's first reaction was of course to put both hands together, but the result of the hard work again was still completely motionless.

"Su Lun."

"en?" Su Lun, who was competing with the Earth instrument, looked up and looked towards me in confusion.

I made a twisting motion and said to him: "Turn the base and try."

Su Lun suddenly reacted when he heard what I said. After all, various film and television dramas Or there are too many institutions like this in works such as novels. I was just attracted by the gorgeous item in front of me. I didn't think about it. Now I reminded him to understand it immediately. However, when he tried hard to turn, he found that the thing couldn't turn at all.

Originally, I thought that this might be the agency that called Su Lun to turn, but now I was surprised to see that he could not turn. "Strange, could it be that I guessed wrong?"

After trying for a long time, Su Lun looked up and said to me: "Strange, since this thing is not a mechanism, who is so boring? Glue it to the table?” After saying this, Su Lun slammed the Earth on the Earth instrument, but the jade carving Earth immediately followed his hand in a half circle, but he As soon as his hand was taken away, the ball stopped immediately.

Seeing the situation of the Earth instrument, I hurriedly walked over, and put my ear on the Earth instrument in Su Lun’s puzzled eyes, and then gently turned the Earth instrument with my hand. . "Sure enough." After listening for a while, I suddenly raised my head and said such a sentence.

"What is it?" Su Lun looked at me incomprehensibly and asked.

"This thing is indeed a mechanism, but it is not the base that is turned, but the Earth above, and this is not a mechanism that can be turned on by simply turning it, it seems to be the same as the password disk of the safe Settings may require a special combination to open."

"But we don't know the password." Su Lun said.

"So we need this." I took out the eternity directly, and then smashed the table under the Earth instrument with a sword. The huge table was instantly collapsed by both halves. . Su Lun was distressed when I saw such a good table, but I didn't care about him at all. I lifted half of the table out, exposing a metal stick standing on the ground. I first grabbed the stick and turned it around, and found that there was no response at all, then looked towards the last mention. Sure enough, I clearly felt that the metal rod was driving something, and then I heard a clicking sound of mechanical transmission behind us. A section of the bookshelf on the wall slowly rose up and was finally collected into the ceiling, but the original position of the bookshelf revealed a door. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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