Looking down from the air, the jungle is no longer a factor blocking the line of sight. On the contrary, the small clearing that appeared in a large green jungle became unusually obvious due to the huge color contrast. It's okay if nothing can fly here under normal circumstances, but the sickle can bring me up to the top of the cave, so that this place becomes a bald head lice.

"It's over there, hurry over." While using my soul to inform Emenes and they hurried over, I commanded the sickle to move towards that position and swung past.

In American comics, Spider-Man moves very fast, and facts have also proved that using spider silk to sway forward is indeed quite fast. We flew to the vicinity of the clearing in just a few dozen seconds, and then when we were about to reach the clearing, the sickle decisively bit off the spider silk. After losing the traction of the spider silk, we did not land immediately, but continued to fly forward for a while following the inertia that swayed before. At this time, when we started to fall, we just reached the clearing space.

Because the sickle cuts the silk at a perfect time, we almost hit the center of the clearing. With the help of eight long limbs, the sickle made a perfect landing. Not only did it not slide forward, but even the impact of the falling was completely absorbed by his long legs. I only felt a slight fall while riding on his back. Feeling, there is no obvious impact mark at all.

After the sickle landed steadily, I immediately turned over and jumped off the back of the sickle, and then I ran directly to the strange device in the middle of the clearing and observed it.

The shape of the device erected in the center of this open space is quite strange. Its main body is a circular column with a height of about four meters. On the top of this column, there are three metal bars protruding like a helicopter blade, but this metal bar is not stretched horizontally, but bent downward and then connected to the upper part of the column about three meters above the ground. Position, and the three blades are not bent down vertically, but have a moving angle of rotation. For example, the bottom end of the blade that faces me at the top is connected to the right rear of the pillar, while the bottom end of the blade with the top at the right rear of the pillar is connected to the left rear of the pillar.

This kind of strange leaf structure is quite rare to be honest, but it is only rare, and is not that absolutely does not have seen. At least I have seen this thing, but not in the game, but in reality. I remember that it was on a ship, and the device at the time was small in size, with a total height of just over one meter, but the structure was exactly the same as this thing. I remember that I asked about the function of this thing. The people on the ship told me that it was an anemometer, which was used to measure wind speed.

It is normal to install an anemometer on a boat, no matter how weird it is. But what can you do with this thing in this underground cave? From the time we came in, I haven't felt any wind here at all. There is very little wind in the underground cave, not to mention that there is a large tropical rain forest growing in this place. Not to mention that this place is in a deep underground cave, even in the depths of the tropical rain forests of South America, it is impossible to have any wind. After all, the ability of trees to block airflow is too strong. Perhaps there may be wind higher than the treetops, but the height of this thing in front of us is only a little over four meters, and the shortest surrounding trees are all over six meters. Surrounded by a circle of such high trees, even if this thing is an anemometer, I guess it is impossible to measure the real wind speed. What's more, this thing is spinning by itself when there is no wind at all, and the speed is still quite fast. Although it is not to the point where even the blades can't be seen, it still has a speed of one circle in two seconds.

"Brigis, help me see what this is." Inverrit is helping me dig the electromagnetic railgun outside, so for the time being, I can only let Brigitte, who is also a construct, Silk helped. In any case, the body of constructed creatures is also made up of machinery, so they are born to know more about mechanical systems than we do.

After being summoned by Summon, Brigitte immediately projected two green lights from her eyes, sweeping the thing up and down several times, and then said: "There is a heat source reaction inside the cylindrical cavity. It is suspected that there is a geothermal resource connected to the bottom of the column. The surrounding area of ​​the column is a simple energy collector that uses ascending hot air to work, and a transmission device is connected to the bottom of the column."

"You mean this Is it a windmill?"

"From a structural point of view, yes." Brigitte replied affirmatively.

"Where is the power transmitted?"

"The power generated by the operation of the windmill is transmitted underground. I can see that there are a lot of cavities under the ground. We should There is an underground building complex."

"It seems we have found the target." I looked around, and then asked Brigitte, "Can you see where the entrance is?"

Bridges didn't answer my question right away. Instead, she scanned all directions with her eyes first. In the end she didn't even let go of the ground, but she finally found the entrance.

"You said we were standing above the entrance?"

"Yes." Brigitte replied affirmatively: "The signal returned by the electromagnetic radiation scan can confirm , The power of this windmill is connected to a simple lifting device."

"It is actually an elevator that works with geothermal energy." After I sighed, Brigitte began to look for the elevator to open the elevator together. Method, but after looking for a circle, I couldn’t find the switch. In the end, Brigitte used her perspective ability to scan the underground structure before confirming that the switch was inside the elevator. Now the elevator is closed, which means we are standing. On the top of the elevator.

Although I didn't find the elevator switch, Brigitte's discovery made me sure of one thing, that is, the owner here may be living here alone.

This inference is actually easy to understand. If there is more than one person living here, then the design of such an elevator will face a problem, that is, once one person comes out, then the person inside is equivalent to being trapped in it, because when the elevator comes up, it is down. The people in there can’t lower it at all, they can only wait for the people outside to come back and lower the elevator back down, so that others can use the elevator again. In the same way, if several people come out together, if they don’t come back together, then the person who comes back first drives down the elevator, and the person who comes back later can only find a way to call the person below to drive up the elevator to pick him up, otherwise he himself The elevator cannot be operated at all. Obviously, this setting is quite inconvenient. The person who has the ability to design such an elevator will certainly not do such a stupid thing, so the only reason that can be explained is that the owner here is only one person, and he does not need to consider the issue of the second person getting in and out.

Although it is roughly speculated that the owner here is only one person, we still can't open this elevator. In the end, I had no choice but to get the pepper back through Ling who was still directing the excavation work over the passage. Pepper’s spirit strength field can move objects with mind, and it can be used even if there is something across it, but the thicker the partition, the more severely her strength will be weakened. Fortunately, I just need her to flip the elevator switch, and the thickness of the ground is less than half a meter. This distance has little effect on the pepper's spirit strength field.

After the pepper controlled the electric switch and pushed it up, we immediately heard a metal rubbing sound. Following the windmill above, the speed of the windmill slowed down significantly, and the ground under our feet began to move slowly. Rose up.

Because the force of the windmill pushed by the updraft is very small, the only way to drive the elevator is to amplify the force by the gear set. However, the output power of the windmill will not change after the force is increased. Therefore, although the elevator is moving, The speed is terribly slow. Fortunately, this is a dedicated elevator, and the distance between up and down is only a few meters. If such an elevator is installed in a general building, I guess most people would rather climb the stairs. With the speed of this thing, if you go up to the tenth floor and the eighth floor, you still have to wait for an hour?

Looking at the snail-like thing to rise less than a foot high for a long time, I can't stand it anymore, so I just let Brigitte hold the windmill to help speed it up. Because it is a construct creature, Brigitte's joints can rotate infinitely, so she can grab the high-speed rotation of the windmill to help it accelerate.

Sure enough, the speed of the elevator on the side of the windmill was significantly faster when the speed came up, but because of the gear ratio, it still took several minutes to raise the thing to the ground.

As I expected, the elevator that was raised was not very big, and the thing was not square, but a circular space. Given the size of the space here, it is estimated that four to five people can stand at the same time, and they must be crowded together.

I was about to go down and have a look, when I suddenly heard someone shouting, I looked up and found that it was Suren and Emenes who came over. Now that they arrived, I simply put away Emenes and the familiars, anyway, I don't need Emenes to eliminate the illusion temporarily after going down.

After putting away the pet, I stood on the elevator with Su Lun, pulled the guillotine switch down, and the elevator immediately began to descend. Fortunately, the designers here are not too stupid, knowing that wind power is not required when descending, as long as there is a deceleration device, so our descending speed is obviously much faster than when we came up.

Since this elevator has only half a circle of walls without doors, we saw the following situation before the elevator landed. To our surprise, this is not a place like an ancient tomb or a magic tower. Of course, I mean the style is not the same. Whether as for here is the above two kinds of things, you will have to wait until the investigation is completed. . However, as far as we can see, it is more like a factory than a ruin.

The back of the elevator is against the wall, and there is a corridor in front, but it is not a dedicated corridor connecting the elevator, but a passage. This corridor is horizontal, and the elevator descends exactly in the middle of the corridor, with roads on both sides. But what we are paying attention to is not the roads on both sides, but the pipes on the walls of the passage. The walls of the entire corridor are almost invisible to the rocks behind, and you can see that there are countless densely packed pipes of varying thickness on the wall. Some pipes protrude from the ceiling and walk horizontally in the passage for a while. It was inserted into the ground, and some pipes were led out from one side of the wall. After going around to the ceiling for a while, they suddenly turned into the opposite wall. Of course, there were more pipes that lined up the passages with no heads visible on both sides. At that moment, I felt as if I had reached Isinger's main power zone, and the magic pipeline there was similar to this, but it was not as dense as here. Fortunately, these pipes are just arranged there quietly, without a little steam from the east and a few drops of water from the west, otherwise I would definitely think that this is the production workshop of a certain chemical factory.

"Where shall we go?" Su Lun asked after looking around.

"Please, are you a guide and you ask me?"

"But I haven't been here before!"

"Just do whatever you want." I turned directly to the left and said, "Go here first, and then go to the other side."

Su Lun nodded quickly followed in my footsteps, but I stopped after two steps. After thinking about it, it was summon that a large group of Death God guards guarded this elevator position, so that if something came over there, it could at least give me an early warning.

After arranging the Death God guard, we followed the passage all the way forward. Fortunately, this passage is not long, and there is no fork in it. Not far away we heard a buzzing sound, and as we continued to move forward, the sound became louder and louder. Soon when we reached the end of the aisle, we saw a curtain door that looked like a strip curtain hanging at the entrance of a shopping mall, but the door in front of us was not made of plastic rubber, but of cotton. It looked almost like cotton. It's the same, amazingly thick.

At first we were surprised to see this curtain, but when we opened it, we knew why such a thick cotton curtain was hung here. On the curtain side we can hear a clear machine rumbling sound, but the sound is equivalent to a started truck, but after we lifted the curtain, the started truck immediately became An airplane, and it's an airplane taking off.

"Is this a factory?"

"What did you say?" After I finished speaking, Su Lun shouted at me with a blank face. He only heard what I said, but he couldn't hear what I said specifically, because the noise here is too loud, and you must shout loudly to let others hear what you are saying.

I waved my hand and did not call to Su Lun, but directly signaled him to follow, and then proceeded. A meter away from the curtain door is a door, but this door is covered with a thick layer of animal skin, which is probably also used for sound insulation. Now the sound here is noisy enough, didn't expect this is still the sound of a door, if there is no door in front of you, it is estimated that the sound must deaf ears.

Looking at Su Lun, I turned around and loudly shouted at him: "The sound inside must be loud. Plug your ears and go in. Whenever there is something to do, use this. If it doesn't work, use this." After speaking, he directly handed him a crystal the size of a cell phone. "Grab this thing and figure out what you want to say. This crystal will translate your words into words and display them. If you have any words, use this thing to communicate with me."

Su Lun answered curiously. I tried it with the crystal and found that it could display the words he wanted, so he nodded expressed that he understood and found something to plug his ears.

After confirming that Sulun was ready, I also put down the helmet mask and activated the sound insulation function to adjust the already quite noisy sound to almost inaudible before I dared to push the door. Almost as soon as I opened the door, the noise was reduced to a level similar to mosquito hum. It suddenly became the noise level of a civilian car. Although it sounds not very noisy, it is my adjustment. After considering the noise of the helmet's sound insulation effect, it is estimated that if I remove the helmet now, Lima will have to rupture the eardrum.

Sullen’s earplugs obviously don’t have the sound insulation of my helmet, so he quickly covered his ears as soon as he came in, but it seemed that it was very hard to look at him. I looked at the second curtain that appeared behind the door, and simply took out the crystal to let Su Lun go out and wait for me. When Su Lun saw the curtain in front, he knew that the back was probably noisier than here, so he didn't hesitate to say something and waited outside before turning around and ran out.

After seeing Su Lun go out, I turned around and closed the soundproof door, and then turned down the volume of the helmet again before daring to open the front door curtain. This curtain is also like a quilt like the first one. After opening this curtain, the noise has increased again, but I have adjusted the sound insulation effect, so the sound is still acceptable.

After passing through this curtain, the passage is over. What appeared in front of me was a huge horizontal room. Standing at my feet is a metal suspended ladder, which is at least ten meters high from the floor of the room in front of me. The whole room is a very regular cuboid. The length in the left and right directions is about 800 meters. The width from my place to the opposite wall is about 100 meters, which means that the room is at least 80,000 square meters. In addition, the height of this room is about 50 meters. The escalator I am standing on is located in the middle and lower part of the wall. Although it is more than ten meters above the ground, it is actually less than half the height of the room.

This huge room is quite clean. The surrounding walls and ceiling are all made of smooth stone slabs, and there are no traces of protrusions or gaps on the surface. There is nothing complicated or messy inside the room, only six identical giant machinery are neatly arranged in the room.

The appearance of this machine can basically be divided into three parts, the first is a base. This part is round, directly about 70 meters. The height of the base is about fifteen meters, the ten meters below are basically vertical to the ground, and the top five meters begin to evenly narrow inward to form a top platform with a diameter of about sixty meters. The second part of the machine stands in the center of this platform. This part is also cylindrical, with a diameter of about 55 meters and a height of more than 20 meters. However, its edges are not flat, but are composed of one after another concave-convex structure. . These concavo-convex structures look like the edges of gears.

Since the upper part is much thinner than the lower part, there is a platform around the top periphery of the substructure, and there are railings outside. Obviously people often walk on it. And I also found that there is a metal ladder on the edge of the floor below that is connected to the ground, which is obviously convenient for going up and down.

In addition to these two main parts, the third main part is the pipes connected to the bottom of the machine. There are about fifty or so of these pipes, with three of the thickest pipes, and the others thick and thin, but they seem to be arranged neatly and do not appear to be messy. These pipes will bend immediately after extending out of the machine base and then vertically inserted into the ground. As for the connection below, it is not known where they are connected.

Looking at the row of giant machines in front of me, I immediately thought of one thing-Generator. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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