Actually, the airflow generated when a high-speed object moves is not just the impact airflow at the front end. After the forward of the object passes by, it will also produce a strong vortex directed towards itself. This airflow All objects close to its moving path will be attracted to its surroundings. If I don’t turn Eternity into a cage to fix me and Su Lun, even if I stick to the stone pillar and pass through the generated air wall, I will be sucked into the pillar by the airflow behind it, and then taken by the pillar because of the collision. Fly out. Of course I am not afraid of such an impact, but Su Lun is not sure. With his strength, the probability of death is definitely more than 80%.

After I was ready, the stone pillar finally arrived. Along with a violent air current, Su Lun only felt that he almost flew up. If his body hadn't been firmly fixed to the wall by the cage that was just transformed, he would definitely be lifted off.

After the stone pillar passed, I immediately took back the eternal and took Su Lun to move forward. When the next stone pillar was launched, we fixed ourselves to the wall again. Although the thing that launches the stone pillar seems to be able to adjust its launching power, it does not have the ability to adjust the launching angle, so no matter how hard it launches, as long as we stick to the wall, we don't have to worry about being hurt by the stone pillar.

As we moved forward a little bit, we soon reached the end of the passage, and we also saw the device that launched the stone pillar.

To be honest, I was really taken aback when I saw this thing. When I didn't come here before, I didn't have any expectations for this launcher, because I always thought it was a large instrument similar to a bed crossbow. The reason why the stone pillar, which weighs several tons, can be launched and produced such a high speed, may be entirely due to the relatively large launcher. However, no matter how big the bed crossbow is, it cannot get rid of the fact that it is still a crossbow after all, and the formidable power is limited. However, when I actually saw this launcher, I was really shocked.

The end of the passage in front of us is not a dead end, but there is a downward staircase entrance at the up ahead of the launcher, just jump into that intermittently after the launcher emits a stone pillar The entrance of the cave will not be attacked by the stone pillar above. However, at this time I care more about this launcher than the hole below.

The main body of this launcher is not a complicated mechanical structure, but a simple round hole. The diameter of this round hole is about three meters, and the depth is about more than a hundred meters. There are no mechanical products in this round hole, and there is hardly anything in it. This hole is just a simple hole, and there is nothing superfluous in it. However, when a stone pillar was launched, we immediately discovered its amazingness.

Just after the previous stone pillar was launched, an opening was suddenly opened at the top of the round hole, and then a sound of mechanical operation was heard, followed by a sound of wind, a The stone pillar suddenly opened from the top of the gap and fell into this circular passage. However, the stone pillar did not fall on the ground of the passage, but when the stone pillar fell, the entire cave wall was lit up in circles. These arcs appear at the end of the channel, and then begin to move forward rapidly, and before the first arc circle moves to the exit, the second arc circle will appear again, followed by the third and the fourth. The entire passage was quickly covered by circles of arcs, and the stone pillar that fell was like a log falling into the water. What strength to support the general. In the end, when the stone pillar was about to hit the bottom of the channel, it finally stopped completely and slowly recovered, and finally completely suspended in the center of the channel.

After the stone pillar stabilized, the arcs in the passage suddenly flashed collectively, and the whole passage became white. The dazzling bright light accompanied the crackling of the electric current and the ears were numb. Almost at the same time as the sound of electricity was remembered, a low rumbling sound that made people’s hearts unable to help but jump along with it also sounded at the same time. With the help of the strong light goggles, I saw the stone pillar directly from the bottom of the passage. It began to accelerate, and finally reached extreme speed at the entrance of the passage and flew out, whistling and disappearing into the passage ahead.

What is his grandfather's stuff? Electromagnetic railgun? But haven’t I heard that electromagnetic railguns can fire rocks? Besides, there is no such high-tech thing in the game? However, I soon realized that this should be a magical railgun. Although "Zero" is a fantasy-based game, it is designed by humans in reality, so it is inevitable that there will be many real things in it. Of course, they will not appear in the actual form of a complete body, but will become a brand new thing under the game architecture. Players generally call this thing the magic version of item.

The real magic version item is actually very common in the game. For example, there are already many magic crystal power devices mastered by guilds. You can completely think of it as the magic version of the electric motor. Magic energy can also be understood as electrical energy in many cases. Although they all have a magical coat, their foundation is actually electricity in reality, but it has been illusory.

This thing in front of us should also be based on magic, but the actual samples it draws on should be the electromagnetic railgun. It’s just that compared with the electromagnetic railgun in reality, this thing is The launch power seems to be much larger. At least in reality, I still don’t know any railgun that can accelerate objects weighing tens of tons to subsonic speeds with just seventy-eighty meters in length. If there really is such a strong propulsion power, that electromagnetic weapon the size of an ordinary rifle can almost be equivalent to a 120mm anti-aircraft gun. This formidable power is a bit bigger, right?

No matter what the thing is, I know now that it can accelerate to subsonic speed without touching the object. Such a powerful thing is impossible to give up.

"Hurry up, come out and work."

Under my summon, a bunch of my demon pets soon appeared around. Of course everyone is standing against the wall, and now the thing is still launching the stone pillar at a rate of eight seconds. If you dare to stand in the middle of the passage, you are ready to be knocked out.

Xiaochun discovered this launcher almost when he first came out and exclaimed: "Is this an electromagnetic railgun?"

"Whatever it is, dismantle it first. Go back and talk about it." Ling obviously understands my behavior and habits better than Xiaochun, and with her hello, my other familiars immediately rushed away.

Because this thing and the surrounding walls are all connected together, we can only dig to both sides first, and then try to get the entire launcher out. Because the passage is relatively narrow now, large creatures can't come out to help, they can only rely on Ling's Corruption, Xiaofeng's high-temperature flame, and Inverite's melting rays to cut the wall.

Ling’s Corruption is relatively fast and quiet. Xiaofeng's cutting efficiency is the worst, and her flames are slightly scattered, and a lot of lava will be melted when cutting the wall, so Su Lun had to go down to the ladder channel below to avoid the lava. Of course, in order to prevent the monster below or the mechanism from killing him, I also sent a few familiars to protect him. Even if he has never been to this place before, it is a country of other people after all, and he always knows more about some routine things than I do.

With the efforts of Ling and Inverite, we dug out a space enough for a large creature to squeeze in in just ten minutes. With this foundation, it is much easier to handle. I first gave Mila out to Summon, relying on my Indestructible Vajra's body, Mila hit with claws, and sometimes fired a few shots with destruction rays, and she quickly widened the wall on the wall to make a large enough for me. A space for a dragon to stand.

After releasing all the lucky ones, our excavation speed has been significantly accelerated. Xiaofeng doesn't need to use flames to dig holes, just use high temperature to soften the walls, and then lucky and plague can quickly dig the walls. Due to the size of the body itself, the speed of digging for luck and plague is quite exaggerated. On the other hand, Mira has a good cooperation speed with Inverite, and this speed is significantly faster after the crystal is added, because the crystal is unexpectedly mastered. A rare spell-the fossil is mud. This is a very rarely used spell, but the effect is very good. Usually this spell is the skill of the wizards to create a cave for temporary rest, but if you flexibly control the mana output, you can use this spell to soften a large area of ​​rock. Since there is no need to completely turn the stones into mud, as long as they are softened, the mana consumption is much smaller, and the range of action can be increased. The softened stone itself is almost the same as sand. It may take a bit of effort for ordinary people to dig it. For my dragons, it is not a problem at all.

After lucky and their brutal expansion, we soon expanded a large space in front of the launcher, and then Ling began to use her Corruption to push the side of the launcher a little bit, of course Pepper has been following Ling's side to probe the situation behind the rock with spirit strength to prevent Ling from melting away the transmitter that might exist behind him.

After another thirty minutes, Ling finally opened a tunnel a dozen meters deep on the wall and roughly determined the range of the transmitter. With this range, they were lucky and they dared to excavate with great fanfare in order to separate the entire launcher from the surrounding stone wall.

I was not idle when they were lucky enough to dig a hole. Instead, I went down to the passage that Sulun entered and planned to explore the situation below.

There is a convention in "Zero", that is, no matter what map it is, people who enter for the first time will always get some special benefits. According to Su Lun's understanding, this channel should have never been opened before, so I have reason to believe that there should be any formal rewards below. Besides, if you can use a magical electromagnetic railgun to guard the door, the things below are definitely not inferior.

Since he has been waiting here for more than an hour, Su Lun is already in a hurry. When he saw me coming down, he immediately ran over and asked: "Did you finish digging up?"

"Not yet. That thing is quite big. It may take a while to dig it out. I plan to put it underneath. Explore."

Su Lun immediately nodded and said: "That's very good, I'm anxious to wait here."

"Then let's go quickly."

This downward ladder is not very long. It will be over after it has dropped to a height of about ten meters. There is still a passage under the stairs, but it is much lower and narrower than the passage above. The channel below is no more than two meters wide and only a little more than two meters high. People like those basketball players have to be nodded when they come in.

Different from the rock passage above, the wall of the passage below does not seem to be made of rock, but some kind of strange substance. This thing is a non-reflective gray, and it feels cool to the touch, but the paper feels not like metal, and the surface is quite smooth and a bit damp. Although I don't know what kind of substance this is, I always feel that this thing is very similar to the carapace on the beetle, but the structure of this channel is obviously artificial. Even if there is an insect in the game that can grow so big, it will not grow a carapace like a rectangular channel, right?

Following the passage all the way, after walking for about one more than a hundred meters, a downward staircase appeared again in the passage, and this time it was much longer than the previous one. We went down the stairs for at least a thousand meters, and then the stairs suddenly ended, and we walked directly into a huge open space.

"This is...?" Almost as soon as he entered this open space, Su Lun was completely stunned.

What we are in front of is not a man-made building hall, nor a simple cave, but a large area like a tropical rain forest. There was a large bush directly outside the hole we came out of. After passing through these bushes, we found ourselves standing at the bottom of a valley. Looking up, we can see that the cliffs in front and behind us are covered with various tropical plants, and even above, we can see blue sky and white clouds.

The location of this place is deep underground, and I haven't heard of the existence of a valley nearby. It can be determined that this place is either a piece of Underground World or another spatial location.

If this is Underground World, then the blue sky and white clouds above should be fake. After all, you can only see the top of the cave when you look up in the cave. It is impossible to see the sky. If this is another spatial location, it means that a certain section of the passage we descended earlier should be connected to the spatial gate.

Although theoretically there are two probabilities, I personally think that the biggest possibility is the first situation. Although simulating blue sky and white clouds in an underground cave is indeed much more complicated than building a Transmission Gate, I did not feel the wave of magical energy along the way. Even the space door still has magical energy, although I may not be able to find it in advance, but I will definitely feel it the moment I walk through the door. Now I don't feel any sensation of going through the space door, it can only show that this is an underground cave, and the blue sky and white clouds above my head are deliberately created by someone.

The ability to create a virtual sky in an underground cave is not extremely powerful, but it is definitely not something ordinary people can do. Taking into account the super-electromagnetic railgun outside, the owner here is 80% a very good guy, and maybe he is still a very versatile legal profession. Of course, before clarifying the specific situation, it is best to find a way to climb up and talk about it. We are now at the bottom of the cliff, and there is really nothing to see except the sky and the cliff walls on both sides, so we must climb up to figure out the situation.

"Let's go up and take a look." I pulled Su Lun, who was still in a daze, and pointed to it.

Su Lun was stunned for a moment, and then he realized nodded and expressed his understanding.

Although there are cliffs at the front and back, the heights of the cliffs on both sides seem to be different. The height of the cliff behind us looks amazing, as if it has been inserted into the sky all the time, so our goal now is the cliff in front.

The height of the cliff in front of us is about more than a hundred meters. It can be said that this report is quite impressive. But it’s not too difficult to climb up, because this cliff is not very smooth, the cliff itself has a certain angle, and there are many protruding rocks on it, so there are many footholds, just because of the height problem, climb up. It may take a little effort. Of course, a better way is to fly directly, but to my surprise, there is a forbidden air effect. After flapping my wings, it can only play a little role in assisting the lifting, but I can't do it when I want to fly off the ground. Not only me, but my familiar can't fly here, but even if it can't fly, I don't plan to actually climb it step by step.

Although the wings have lost the ability to fly, I found that the gliding ability of the wings is still there. That is to say, if I jump down from a high place, I can still use the wings to slow down. After this discovery, I directly used a more extreme method to deal with the mountain in front of me.

"Prepare." As I shouted, Vajra, who was summoned by me, stretched out his right arm directly, and then I turned over and landed on his arm lightly. Following Vajra, he stretched his right arm back to the limit, and then as I started shouting, he suddenly slammed his twisted right arm forward, and I was squatting on his arm and I was slanting upwards. While shaking my arms, my legs suddenly exerted force, and Su Lun, who was standing on the side, saw me flying up to the top of the cliff with a gust of wind like a cannonball.

After spreading my wings and landing lightly, I turned around and raised my hand to shoot out the dragon's tendons. Su Lun fixed himself on the cable as I explained, and then I pulled him up as soon as I took up the line.

After successfully reaching the top of the cliff, we immediately discovered that it seems that the entire area cannot be observed here, because the cliff above is not a mountain, but a plain. We can't see anything at all except the dense tropical rain forest, which means it's useless if it comes up, and we still can't find anything.

Su Lun looked at the big tree next to him, and then suddenly jumped to one of the big trees like a monkey and climbed up in twos or twos. After looking at it, he quickly slid down, and then said to me: "President Purple Moon, the area here seems to be very large, I see if we wait for your other familiars to deal with that thing and merge. Let’s go again?"

"No need. My Familiars have a special space channel to come to me at any time. You don’t have to worry about my battle strength dropping. But the area here is really too big, and I can’t fly. It’s a bit troublesome to find the way by the two of us alone."

"What should I do? Do you want to call your Frost Rose Alliance people to help?"

"That's not enough." I snapped my fingers directly, and a large group of Death God guards appeared around me in an instant, and then waved forward in Su Lun's envious eyes: "Search separately, and find any deliberate things to me at any time. Report."

"ao..." One of the Death God guards yelled from the sky after listening to the command, and then the surrounding Death God guards immediately scattered and rushed in different directions.

Although this piece of space is very large, it is an underground cave after all, not a really vast tropical jungle, so it can be easily searched through by human tactics. In fact, the exploratory effect of the Death God guards is much better than I thought. The group of Death God guards just dispersed less than ten minutes before I received a report from one of the Death God guards. According to the information uploaded by Death God's Mark, I quickly found this team of Death God guards, and then I also saw what they wanted me to see.

"Is this...a phantom?" Su Lun stood in front of a normal-looking bush and stretched out his hand to touch in the air in front of him, but the clapping sound of his hand clearly told I he touched something like a rock.

This is the first suspicious spot discovered by the Death God guards. This seemingly ordinary rain forest seems to be no different from the rain forest where we were just now, but when you reach out to touch it, you will find that the forest in front of you simply can’t get through. All you can touch is a large piece of rock-like feeling. And those distant forests are just like the pictures on the TV, but you can't get in at all.

"Emmenes, come out and see what is this?"

The Emmenes who was brought out by summon just glanced at the forest in front of him and said directly: "Optical illusion, It’s a primary level thing, but the realism is quite high. Although the level of people using this illusion is not high, but the technique is still quite good."

As an illusion Goddess, Emiennes can give Such an evaluation has proved that the person who created this illusion is indeed very difficult to deal with. After all, there are few illusions in front of Eminis that can enter her eyes.

After Emmenes confirmed that this was a phantom, I immediately asked: "Are the blue sky and white clouds above my head also a phantom?"

Emmenes nodded and said "The blue sky and white clouds and the walls above are actually part of an illusion. This illusion has a large area and seems to wrap the surroundings in. What we are now in should be an underground cave, but the walls of the cave and the The ceiling of the cave is blocked by this illusion, so it looks like we are on the ground."

"Can you destroy this illusion?"

Emiennes nodded Said: "It can be possible, but this is an illusion of continuous work, and it seems that it is not supported by humans, but is issued by items similar to magic arrays. If you can't find and destroy or close that thing, I must maintain the disillusionment all the time, otherwise the illusion will return to normal as soon as I stop."

"Then you must maintain the disillusionment first, and I will find the phantom item as soon as possible."


"Understood." Following Emiennes' words, we suddenly discovered that a black hole appeared in the forest scene we just saw, and then it was as if the middle of a painting was on fire. All around spread, and the picture gradually disappeared, but now it is the illusion that disappears. At first, the phantom fading was relatively slow, but as the fading area expanded, the fading speed became faster and faster. Finally, the phantoms on the entire sky and surrounding cave walls were all disappeared at once.

After the illusion completely disappeared, we finally saw the real situation here. The forest is still that piece of forest, but the area is far less than previously imagined. When I climbed a big tree, I quickly saw the full view of the cave. This cave is long and strip-shaped, and the place we entered is on the narrow side of the cave. The width of the cave is about five kilometers, and there are more than ten kilometers to the front. As for the forest we saw before, it just covers the entire cave in the middle, and it is not as boundless as at first. Of course, the sky above the head is even more non-existent, but there is indeed a big Fireball on the top of the cave illuminating the entire cave below, which means that the intensity of light here is not fake, but the light source is not the sun.

After seeing the situation of the hole clearly, I began to plan to look for the device to create the illusion. as the saying goes Standing tall and looking far away, it should have been the highest to fly, but unfortunately it is forbidden to fly, so I don’t raise. Of course, you can stand tall, but it’s obvious that you can climb a tree by a tree. It was too much trouble, so I had to find a familiar high enough to stand on him. After weighing it a little bit, I finally did not have any large summon familiars, but released the sickle.

There is a very famous superhero in the United States called Spider-Man. That guy likes to hang spider silk around the city all day long, and the sickle happens to be the devil beast of the spider system. Here again It happens to be an underground cave. As long as the sickle shoots the spider silk on the top of the cave, it can fly around in the cave like Spider-Man. This method can not only stand at a high position and look down at the entire cave, but more importantly, the speed is fast enough.

Although the speed of the sickle is very fast, because its size can only be regarded as a medium devil beast, it is already the limit to take me to swing in the sky. As soon as Su Lun saw the look of the sickle, he understood what I meant, and he also voluntarily asked to stay with Emines so that I could observe the situation in the sky alone with the sickle.

After arranging the work of Emenis and Suren’s guards, I climbed onto the back of the sickle, and then the sickle directly moved towards the top of the cave and spewed out a web of spider silk. After the spider silk sticks to the top of the cave, the sickle immediately jumped up and at the same time quickly shortened the spider silk back, and we flew to the top of the cave in an instant. When the sickle was about to hit the top of the cave, he suddenly turned over in the air, and then only heard a click, and his eight sword feet were directly inserted into the rock on the top of the cave, and we were hung upside down in the cave easily. On top.

"This position is really good, my vision is much wider." I hung upside down on him with my legs sandwiched by the waist of the sickle, and then activated the star pupils and began to zoom in and search area by area. Sure enough, I soon discovered what created the illusion, and luckily I even discovered it with the owner here. "Hehe, it's you." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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