Su Lun's expression and his explanation are convincing enough, but the mechanism in front of him won't stop because of this. With a whistling wind, the second stone pillar flew again, but I did not let Jingjing bear all the impact, but sent Lingling out first.

Lingling, who was summoned out by summon, threw away a bunch of sword glow before she saw the target, and then hurried back. Almost at the same time as she retreated, the sword glow in front also hit the high-speed stone pillar. In front of these sword glows, the hard rock was cut into several pieces easily, almost like tofu. The stone pillar that lost its integrity was quickly dispersed in the air due to the air resistance and the impact of sword glow. One part hit the wall and tumbled and continued to move forward, while the other part hit the floor or ceiling into fragments in the sky. However, because the impact is too big, these fragments are still rushing towards us even if they are shattered. However, compared to a whole stone pillar, the impact force of these fragments can be much lower. Jingjing did not activate Absolute Defense, and only used the Holy Shield to block all the fragments.

Although the second stone pillar was successfully intercepted, the sudden airflow in the passage told us that the third stone pillar had been launched, and according to the wind speed, this time the stone pillar Pillar may be faster than last time.

"Can't wait like this." A faint shadow suddenly appeared beside me, and then the virtual shadow quickly transformed into a robotic gorilla. "Vajra, try to see if you can withstand this thing."

As a former guardian beast in Germany, although Vajra's strength has dropped a lot after becoming a spirit control, it is only compared to the past. As a combat unit, his strength still cannot be ignored, especially in terms of strength.

Hearing my words, Vajra straightened his upper body immediately, and then the thick upper limbs slammed against the rock above his head, and then he saw his eyes suddenly red and light flashed with a stout sound I suddenly felt a lightness in my hand. The jackstone on the top of the head was actually pushed up by Vajra alive, and with Vajra's continuous effort, the rock was still retreating.

"Good Vajra, hold on for a while. Steel teeth, come out and help Vajra withstand this stone together. If it doesn’t work, let the mobile angel help. Ling and Xiaochun, give them both status. I will withstand this stone before I come back."

"Don't worry." After Ling answered, he cast a violent spell on Vajra and Gangfang. Originally, this auxiliary spell would cause the subject to lose their sanity, but because Ling is Goddess, the violent technique she used would only cause the subject to have mild impulsive symptoms without losing sanity. Of course, even if you lose your sanity, it's worth the added power of this skill alone.

I immediately cancelled the Force of Black Tortoise without supporting the rock above my head, and then directly took out the Azure Dragon reverse scale and pinched it in my left hand. At the same time, the whole person instantly turned into a silver line forward. Rushed over.

We are only a hundred meters away from the end of the passage. At my speed, we rushed past in just over two seconds. At this time, the third stone pillar just reached the intersection. Seeing the moment when the stone pillar was about to hit me, my whole person suddenly disappeared in place, almost disappearing at the same time my silhouette appeared a little bit ahead of the place where I stood just now, but because of this There was a time difference, so I just passed the stone pillar and appeared directly behind it. Of course, I was also impossible to watch the stone pillar flying backwards, although Jingjing and Lingling were blocking them, but I couldn't leave it alone.

The moment I reappeared, the stone pillar passed through where I was just standing, and then I instantly turned around and hit the end of the stone pillar with an eternally transformed sledgehammer. Although I only touched the edge because the stone pillar is too fast, my strength plus eternal attack power is not fun. The end of the stone pillar was smashed and sank down almost instantly. At the same time, the head of the column in front was also swayed upwards. Following the entire column, it lost its balance. The tail of the column slammed into the ground, and the head of the column hit the ground. On the Qianjinshi that hasn't fully risen yet.

The high-speed flying stone pillar suddenly broke into several pieces due to the uneven force at the moment it touched the ground and the dialectic stone, and began to roll forward and continue to impact, but the rolling stone pillar was completely gone. It's quasi-speakable. The stone pillar that kept hitting back and forth in the passageway became more and more broken and slower and slower. In the end, only a few relatively large stones flew in front of Jingjing and the others, and they were blocked by Jingjing's shield.

After fixing the third stone pillar, I immediately slid into the lateral cross channel. I swept my eyes and immediately found the button Su Lun said. Following me, I quickly ran over and took a palm shot of the button, only listening to a rumbling sound, the Qianjin stone in the passage suddenly began to rise.

"Hurry up, run over." Seeing the Qianjinshi rise up, I hurriedly stretched out my head and shouted to Su Lun. Su Lun had just reacted and started running here, but Jingjing and Lingling took the initiative to run ahead of him. After all, although the Qianjinshi had risen, the stone pillar flying on the opposite side was not blocked by Su Lun. As for my other familiars, they returned to the training space as soon as the Qianjin Stone rose.

Although Su Lun's speed is not as fast as mine, there is still no problem with more than ten meters per second. In the game, everyone's physical fitness is much better than in reality, and the speed is naturally fast. According to Su Lun, as long as he presses the switch, the stone will not come down within 3 minutes. This time is more than enough for Su Lun to finish the passage. However, the stone pillar on the opposite side was not controlled by this button at all. Just when Su Lun was about to reach the entrance of the passage, another carnation flew over.

When the stone pillar was crushed before, there was a buffer distance for the stone pillar to hit the wall to slow down, but it is closer to the launch port, not only the flying speed of the stone pillar is greatly increased, but also the buffer distance is lost . Seeing the stone pillar flying at high speed, Su Lun would be dead if I didn't stop it.

"thunder-a ball of light." Just as the fourth stone pillar whizzed through the lateral passage, my right hand suddenly pinched a shining thunder ball and pressed it against the middle of the pillar. . The formidable power of the Thunderball released by using Azure Dragon reverse scale is far beyond ordinary skills. Almost as soon as the Thunderball touched the stone pillar, a loud explosion sound was heard, and the entire stone pillar was instantly broken into three pieces. The middle section turned directly into sky-filled stone dust, and the last section completely deviated from the direction and flew into the horizontal passage and hit the wall with a loud noise and plunged directly into the wall. It’s a pity that although I blocked the stone pillar on 2/3/2021 in the back, the one third in front passed through where I was standing and continued to fly into the passage. The only good news is that its speed was much slower and its direction. Also crooked.

The one third in front that had completely deviated from the direction directly hit the side wall with a terrifying speed, and then the entire column plowed a big ditch on the wall and then suddenly ran across it. Su Lun smashed over. Seeing the flying stone pillar, Lingling suddenly accelerated and rushed to the forefront, and followed the whole person to jump up in the air with a sword to split the flying stone pillar into two.

The broken piece of stone pillar flew directly from both sides of Lingling, Lingling suddenly turned around in the air and shattered one part of it with sword qi, but the other one was hitting the wall. Then rebounded again and hit Su Lun. Jingjing quickly grabbed Su Lun’s wrist and pulled him away from his original position. The holy shield in the other hand slammed on the side of the stone pillar and moved it laterally for a short while, although Jingjing It was also bounced off immediately, but the broken stone pillar bypassed the two of them and continued to fly back.

Speaking of which although there are many, in fact, it took a few tenths of a second from when I broke the stone pillar to when Jingjing finally blocked the fragment. It can be said that Su Lun didn't even realize what happened and found that he was safe.

"Why are you standing still stupid? Want to wait for the next one?" Looking at Su Lun who was already a little frightened, I shouted directly.

Su Lun also reacted this time, and rushed into the lateral passage, while Jingjing and Lingling quickly returned to the training space.

"Have you never encountered this mechanism before?" I asked, pointing to the channel that suddenly appeared in front of me.

Su Lun stretched his head and looked inside the passage, then said: "I didn't know that there was such a passage here, and as far as I know it should be the first time it has been opened."


"How do you know?"

"Because this is a tourist attraction, it is not a deserted place. If the passage here is opened more than once, it must have been well known long ago, but I have been a tour guide for such a long time and I haven’t heard any news, so I’m sure this is the first passage."

Looking at this new passage, I looked back again. Look at the passage behind. Standing here, you can already see the exit not far away. According to Sulun, the outside of the exit is a hall, and the inside is an altar. However, after thinking about it for a while, I still didn’t go directly to the altar, but said to Su Lun: "Let’s go in and take a look."

"Huh?" Su Lun watched me walk into the stone pillar first. I was shocked directly in the passage that flew over. The stone pillar just now made his memory still fresh. If it weren't for the long distance and a way to slow down, plus my strength, it can be said that he has died several times. However, it is a different matter to enter that passage directly now. Everyone knows that, in addition to the type of long-range weapons that can continuously rely on their own power to accelerate like rockets, most weapons are decelerating after they are separated from the launcher. This means that the farther you are from the launcher, the safer it is, because what is launched will become slower and slower as the flying distance increases. However, as we walked forward along the passage, we were approaching the launch point of the stone pillar. For something as big as the stone pillar, its friction in the air is great, so it decelerates quickly. In the case of such a severe deceleration, it can cause such a large impact outside several hundred meters. It is conceivable how terrifying the formidable power will be once it gets close to its launch point. "Purple Moon President, aren't we going in like this to court death?" Su Lun looked at me who had entered the passage and shouted, hoping that I could come back.

Of course I was impossible to listen to him back, but I didn’t continue walking, instead I stopped and turned and asked him: "Do you think I am like someone who likes suicide?"

Su Lun was taken aback by my question, then he suddenly gave up his timidity and followed me into the passage. Compared to his level, my level is so high, once I die, I will lose more EXP than him. This means that if I die with Sulun, the price I will pay is definitely a lot more for Sulun. In this case, I must cherish my life very much, so Su Lun understood that I was absolutely impossible to die. Although he doesn't know how I am sure that I will not be in danger, but he thinks that since I can become the number one in the world battle strength list, then my words should be quite credible.

The facts are just as Su Lun thought, I do have a way to avoid danger, and the method is super simple. Less than five seconds after we walked into the passage, the rumbling sound of a huge wind rang again. Needless to say, another stone pillar flew over. Su Lun just saved himself anyway, he didn't run away, just watched me and waited for me to make a decision.

I saw Su Lun, nodded who was satisfied with his performance, and then directly pulled him against the wall, and then pressed him tightly against the wall. Su Lun suddenly realized this when he saw my action. Before, it was because I couldn't flash the stone with a thousand catties, so I had to hard-wire it. Now we don’t have any burden anyway. Why should I hard-wire the stone pillar stupidly? Although the pillar is large, it is much smaller than the passage. The pillars are flying along the center of the passage, and there is still a large gap between the two sides from the wall. As long as we stick to the wall and stand, simply won't be touched. Of course, this is true, but also not so simple on the surface.

Don't think that you can easily avoid the stone pillar just by sticking to the wall. If it is so simple, this mechanism won't be set up like this. Yes, the stone pillar does not occupy the entire passage, but the remaining part is not vacuumed, but filled with air. When an object travels through the air at high speed, it creates a series of airflow zones. First, it will form an arrow-shaped air wall on both sides at the position where its head hits the airflow. This object has a strong impact force. If you have ever stood on the side of the road and felt a heavy truck passing in front of you at a speed of more than 80 kilometers, you will know how big a wall of air is produced by such a large object. It's strong. Note that the speed of the truck is only 80 kilometers, but the stone pillar in front of you has a speed of at least 700 or 800 kilometers per hour. This gas wall is not known to be much stronger than the gas wall produced by the truck. Moreover, in a closed environment like a channel, because the airflow cannot circulate and diffuse, the pushing effect of the air wall will be doubled, which is why we hear the rumbling wind first before seeing the stone pillar. .

If you simply stick to the wall, then this air wall will inevitably lift you off, and then the stone pillar will follow you and smash you completely, so simply sticking to the wall to avoid use. The reason why I thought of such a way is because I have eternity. Seeing that the pillar was about to come, I directly turned Eternity into something like a cage and wrapped Suren and me in. The back of the cage was full of harpoon-like sharp barbs. After the thorns are inserted into the wall, we can be fixed to ensure that we are not blown away by the air wall. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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