According to my personality, it is obviously unrealistic to ask me to wait when I am about to be there. Must find a way to get past. Since I can’t seize every opportunity, I have to use the dumbest way.

"Su Lun."

"What's the matter?"

"How heavy is the rock that fell?"

" Huh?" Su Lun looked at me suddenly in surprise. "You don't want to hold that stuff, do you?"

"Why? Is there any problem?"

"I would persuade you not to think about that kind of thing. Then. A thousand-jin stone is just the name we gave it, and its weight is definitely more than a thousand-jin. The two hundred-meter-long passage has a width of three meters and five meters, and it is not known how high it is. Such a large-scale stone, you think you can carry it. Do you? I admit that you are the number one on the world battle strength list, but that is after all on the battle strength list, not the Hercules Ranking List. Besides, even if the world's number one Hercules comes, it is impossible to lift this stone."

"I really can't lift it, but that doesn't mean that I can't support the stone above."

"Hold it?"

I nodded and then He walked into the passage first. The first half of the two-hundred-meter passage will not trigger the mechanism. Only when someone steps on the back half of the passage will cause the stone above the head to fall, so the first half is safe.

After walking to the dividing line in the middle of the aisle, I looked up at the ceiling above my head. Now almost all the gadgets on it are large and small potholes. Needless to say, they are the unlucky ones who have been here before. left.

Su Lun didn’t follow me at all because I was afraid that the top of the cave would fall down and I couldn’t hold him smashing it inside. He just shouted at the entrance: "President Purple Moon, be careful! This stone is really heavy."

"Don't worry, this thing won't bother me." As I said, I opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and started to take things out.

Since that Qianjin stone can be hung on the top of the cave now, it means that its weight can be supported. After all, this is just a stone, not steel. Besides, even if there is a block of steel ingots overhead, only a few steel pillars can support it. Of course, this method can actually be thought of by anyone, but not many people have the ability to use it. After all, the system now cancels the player's own space. All players who want to bring things can only hang on them with baggage except for space equipment. Although the release of the system after the abolition of private space increased the output of space equipment, the total amount is still very small, and most of them are small space equipment. It is not a big problem to go to the leveling point to bring some medicine, food, special props, etc., but it is not enough to install a pure steel support column inside. Besides, one or two pillars that want to support such a big stone is definitely not enough, more must be.

Actually, I don’t have any pillars on my body either. After all, even if the Fenglong space is large enough, I won’t be okay to install a few pillars in it, right? This is not a problem of not being able to download it, but a problem of what it is doing.

However, although I did not bring steel support columns, there are many big trees in my Fenglong space. The tree this thing has many uses. First of all, it can be broken down into wood, and wood can be used to make a lot of things, so just bring a big tree, which means you have many tools to choose from at a critical moment. This is why I am used to bringing the whole tree directly instead of cutting tools. After all, a tree can be processed into a tool at any time, and one tool cannot be quickly transformed into another tool.

Ten the big trees in Fenglong Space were taken out, and then I started to process these big trees with eternal cutting. First cut off all the branches and trunks of the tree, and then cut the trunk that requires a few people to hug into two-meter-high wooden stakes. After they are erected, they become the simplest pillar.

It takes a lot of time to process these woods, but the cutting tools I use are eternal, not ordinary. Cutting a steel plate with eternal sharpness is almost the same as cutting yellow mud with a knife. If you cut a piece of wood, it is not like cutting tofu? Besides, I only need those tree trunks for support, and there is no need to process any specifications. The branches on the tree trunks do not need to be cut clean, as long as they don't block things.

Su Lun finally ran over excitedly after seeing me constantly erecting pillars in the first 100 meters of the passage. Seeing him coming, I looked at him funny and asked: "Aren't you afraid?"

Su Lun shook his head awkwardly: "You said you had so much wood and I wouldn't hide outside. Now."

I was just joking with Su Lun, and I didn't mean to blame him. After the joke, I asked in a serious face: "Do you think these pieces of wood can hold it?"

Su Lun looked back at the rather dense wood piled in the first half of the aisle, and then said: "I think It should be supported. Although this stone is very heavy, the wood you use does not seem to be ordinary trees. Besides, with so many places, I think it should be supported."

I nodded Said: "These woods were originally intended to be used to build ships, so they are all very strong woods."

"It's not strange." Su Lun knocked on the wood beside him and said: "But such a good wood Isn’t it too wasteful to use it as a support column?"

"Indonesia is full of these trees. In the local area, the streets are almost rotten. The other places are expensive because of the transportation cost, not because the wood is expensive. However. For me, this cost is equal to zero, so it is not worth any money to me."

Su Lun said enviously: "You Frost Rose Alliance is really rich."

" This is not a question of money or no money, but a question of sphere of influence. Indonesia has been the sphere of influence of our Frost Rose League since our country was destroyed before. Although many of these cities were sold to other guilds, we controlled The most important strategic points. When we want to reclaim those cities, simply no effort at all. Therefore, for us, these woods are not worth at all. We can have as much as we want, but if we change to another guild, you want to To transport these woods out, it depends on whether our Frost Rose League’s Third Ocean Fleet agrees or not."

"Does your guild still have a third fleet?"

"To be precise, we have eight fleets, but only the first three fleets have particularly strong battle strength. The others are escort fleets, with few ships and small tonnage." Actually, the total number of fleets in our guild is not eight. It should be eleven, and eight is the number announced. In addition to the eight fleets that are often exposed to the guilds, our guild also has a special assault fleet consisting of capital ships. It is an emergency reserve type and usually does not participate in any activities. There are also two fleets. One of them is the mist fleet consisting entirely of ghost ships. The other guilds of this fleet know a little bit, but they don’t know the specific number and battle strength, but they just know that we seem to have such a fleet. fleet. In addition, because of the relationship with Atlantis, our guild is also equipped with a submarine fleet, but the battle strength of this fleet is relatively weak, and its significance lies in unexpected raids and covert transportation. Of course, these all are the secrets of our guild, I was impossible to tell a tour guide.

After Su Lun sighed again, I put down another pillar, then looked at the front passage and said: "Okay, now I'm going to pass, and see if the pillar we put is Don’t live on the stone above it. If you’re scared, hide outside and wait until the pillars are working.” Su Lun looked at the pillars behind with a guilty conscience and looked up at the top Rock, finally decided to stay. After all, so many pillars do seem to be very safe. As long as the height of the stone is not too abnormal, it should generally be able to withstand it.

After confirming that Su Lun did not intend to return to the passage, I crossed the dividing line in the middle of the passage. I don't know if this place is for everyone to confirm the location, so a copper dividing line was artificially made on the ground. This line is just the midpoint of the passage. Crossing over will touch the mechanism. This half is absolutely safe.

As I crossed the copper partition, Su Lun closed his eyes nervously, but, surprisingly, nothing happened after I stood there. After waiting for a while without hearing any sound, Su Lun opened his eyes and looked up carefully, only to find that the stone on top of it should look good or not, but it didn't move at all.

I jumped on the spot twice in doubt, and then found that the rock above my head still didn't respond, so I lowered my head in doubt and asked Su Lun. "Don't you cross this line and the stone above your head will fall, why is there no response?"

Su Lun is also a question mark now, according to his past experience, it is said that my first foot As long as it hits the ground, the stone should be smashed down. He walked to my side in doubt, and said, "It's strange. Usually the stone falls as soon as the foot falls. What's the matter today?"

I laughed immediately when I heard what he said. I got up and said, "hahahaha, it seems that my luck is really good, this mechanism is broken."

As I finished this sentence, Su Lun happened to cross that line with one foot. Stepping on the passage here, and then hearing the sound of a metal crash, followed by a loud bang, the top of the whole passage slammed down, and Su Lun hurriedly hugged his head and squatted on the ground. . However, just before he completely squatted down, a loud bang suddenly came from the passage, and then Su Lun waited for a while to realize that he was not squashed. He looked up and found that the top of the passage had indeed come down, but it had only become shorter. The tunnel ceiling that was originally more than four meters above the ground has now become only two meters above the ground, but it stopped. Of course, this is not what it wants to stop. Under normal circumstances, it should always be in close contact with the ground and by the way, everything that is between it and the ground should be patted into pie. It's a pity that its wish could not be fulfilled this time, because the wood successfully held its weight and prevented it from contacting the ground.

"Well, it seems that my wood works pretty well."

Su Lun also looked back at the wood, and then said tremblingly: "Huh, it's so good to hold it. Now."

Although this is just a game, there is nothing at worst even if you die, but it’s like you instinctively close your eyes when others use something to hit your eyes quickly. Normal people would be unconsciously scared when something suddenly smashed down, and at that moment a large amount of adrenaline was secreted so that the whole person's heartbeat and blood circulation speed increased to a fairly terrifying speed.

Although Su Lun was not smashed just now, his heart almost didn't jump out. He still feels that his heart is jumping wildly in his chest.

Just as we were there sighing that these wooden pillars were working, we suddenly heard a sound that was not quite right. Just hearing a click, the outer skin of a section of the trunk in the distance suddenly exploded outwards, as if a bomb was inside the trunk.

"Not good, those woods will soon be unable to withstand it." After the outer skin of the first trunk exploded, the trunks in the back began to burst one after another. Obviously, the top stones were under too much pressure. The wood is about to be unable to withstand it.

Su Lun was shocked when he saw this situation, holding head and rushed forward, for fear that the ceiling would fall and smash him inside. However, just after he ran two steps, all the trunks behind suddenly burst open, and the top of the cave that had been withstood was pressed down again.

Seeing the cave roof that fell again, Su Lun was so frightened that he even forgot to run this time, and could only sit on the ground in fear and watch the cave roof gradually depress in horror. However, when the top of the cave reached only one meter or sixty meters above the ground, the falling speed of the entire top of the cave suddenly slowed down again, and after a few more work points, it stopped there completely.

Su Lun, who was surprised, seemed to react suddenly and suddenly turned over and looked back, only to see me lowering my head and making a lifting motion with both hands and shoulders. The entire ceiling of the fall. Su Lun's jaw almost fell off at that moment.

"Purple Moon, you are the president..."

I have no time to talk to Su Lun. At this time, I am a gnashing teeth player and I will use all one's strength. Of course, if it is in a normal state, even if I use all one's strength, it is impossible to withstand such a heavy rock. After all, the size of this thing is about to catch up with the skyscraper. The only one who can carry something as big as the Empire State Building on my shoulders is the guy who likes to wear underwear outside. I don't think I have that great effort. The reason why I can carry this mansion-like rock now is entirely because of the tortoise shell with the dazzling golden light that is sticking to my chest.

Black Tortoise Armor film, a token of Sacred Beast Black Tortoise. As long as you carry it close to your body, you can inject magic into it to temporarily borrow the power of Black Tortoise. As the most powerful Black Tortoise among the four Sacred Beasts, let alone such a stone, even if the entire altar is lifted up, it will not be much more laborious than grabbing a brick in the hand of an ordinary person. However, the problem now is that Force of Black Tortoise can withstand it, but my magic power is falling like a stopwatch. The price of using the power of Sacred Beast is to consume my magic power. To me, the Black Tortoise Armor film is like a fuel engine that can change the power at any time. As long as the magic power of the fuel is sufficient, its power can be used as a source of power. Ding, it's just that under this output power, my magic power is also consumed super fast. However, although the magic power consumption rate is amazing, but I am not too anxious, after all, my magic power value is also very impressive. Although the current rate of loss is exaggerated, it still takes some time before my magic power is exhausted.

"Idiot, what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go over and press the stop switch?" Seeing that Su Lun was still in a daze, I couldn't help cursing him.

Su Lun didn’t mind me scolding him. He realized what I said. He quickly got up and ran forward. However, when he just ran a dozen steps, we The up ahead T-shaped passageway suddenly opened a stone gate, and then the original T-shaped intersection became a crossroad.

"en?" Seeing the suddenly extra passage, Su Lun was also taken aback. Fortunately, he also knew that I was struggling to carry a rock like a mountain, so I didn't slow down much. However, just after he ran a few more steps, there was a sudden gust of wind blowing in the passage ahead.

Su Lun did not realize what was going on, but I did. "Su Lun, stop and come back to me."

Su Lun ran and slammed the brakes, and then looked back towards me in surprise, but I called again before he asked. Said: "Run back quickly and go behind me."


"No but. Give me back if you don't want to die."

< p>Although I don't know what I mean, Su Lun immediately turned around and started to run back. However, as he was running back, there was a strange wind in front of him. The sound has a peculiar hum, and it feels like the rumbling sound when pitting in the subway.

Su Lun looked back towards the end of the passage in surprise, and then his eyes suddenly glared at the boss, because he saw a white dot flying towards him at lightning speed. However, just when he was there in a daze, the three silhouettes suddenly rushed past him, and then he saw an angel stopped in front of him and raised a big shield and shouted. Said: "Absolute barrier."

A translucent wall of light suddenly appeared in the passage following the envoy's call, followed by the white spot in the distance and rushed in front of us like lightning. It hit the shield at the center of the light wall, and at the same time the two angel-like metal silhouettes on both sides also hit this side of the light wall at the same time. The three silhouettes stood behind the light wall with their shoulders and arms, while the thing on the opposite side stood on the front of the light wall.

Although it is three-to-one, the three silhouettes still fail to withstand the impact of the opposite thing. The three silhouettes lean against the light wall at the same time, but their feet are on the ground. It slid back continuously, and pulled out three fire stars on the ground.

Su Lun, who was still in a daze, was knocked down by the light wall without any reaction at all, and then was pushed to slide back together. However, during the taxiing process, more silhouettes began to slam on the light wall one after another and pushed forward, and finally stopped completely when the light wall was only one step away from me.

Almost immediately when it completely stopped, the object on the other side of the light wall fell on the ground with a bang and turned into a pile of powder. Although it is broken, we have already seen its body. This thing is the root stone pillar, about one meter in diameter and about ten meters in length. The kinetic energy of such a large pillar made of stone flies at the speed of an arrow. If it weren't for Jingjing's absolute barrier, as long as the magic is not empty, it would never be broken. It is estimated that most people really can't stop this stuff. However, as soon as the stone pillar fell into powder, we suddenly heard the buzzing sound again. Needless to say, another stone pillar flew over.

"Su Lun, why didn't you say that there is such an organization?"

Suddenly heard what I said, Su Lun quickly turned around and said aggrieved: "I Do you think I will come in to accompany you to die?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation .)

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