"Is it up to you here?"

"hmph, although I am not in charge, but I have to talk about it, right?"

"Why didn't we come first and then arrived? Our Lacan Association of Servants came first. What's wrong with us taking the task first?"

"But if you only arrive first, three people will be occupied. The position is now. After we are all there, you will arrive one after another. Is this also considered first? According to your statement, if we leave one person here 24 hours a day, wouldn’t you never use it? Are you on it?"

"I don't care, we are here first. If you want to take the order, wait until we are all done."

"What the hell is you wanting to fight? ?"

"Who is afraid of hitting?"

"There are dozens of us brother, you courting death?"

"Damn, How many people are there?"

The noise is obviously getting more and more intense, and there is a tendency to develop in the direction of the whole martial arts, but I don’t bother to care about this group of people. I just glanced at it and moved my gaze to it. Other places in the cave **.

This cave here is obviously much larger than the cave at the entrance. Apart from a lake of almost the same size, there is still a lot of space in front of it. There is a huge coffin-like building in the very center of that space. The whole building is about ten meters high and about fifty meters wide. As for the depth of the back, it is impossible to know because the back of the building is connected to the wall of the cave. Judging from the appearance of the connection, a part of the building must have penetrated into the wall, but it is impossible to know how deep it is.

The surface of this building is entirely composed of a kind of azure black rock. There are almost no cracks between the bricks on the walls. It is obviously treated with a special method. The whole building is square, without any windows or other things on the surface, except for the front door, which is a sealed space. To be honest, I have only seen this architectural style in one kind of architecture before, and that is the mausoleum.

Now three groups of people are gathered in front of the building standing in the square in front of the building. There is a circle of rare beast sculptures standing on the edge of the square, which looks awe-inspiring, but solemn and solemn. The feeling of being destroyed by these three groups of people.

Speaking of which these three groups should be understood as two gangs and a bunch of people. There are a dozen people in each group, and they are pushing and arguing with each other at this time, and they are about to evolve into a melee. The remaining large group is obviously tourists and passing players, because these people are watching the excitement, and they are also wearing myriad, some are casual clothes and some are combat equipment.

After we went ashore, Sulun and I collected the small dragon girl back, and then completed the transaction with the tourists. After that, I took Sulun and walked to the building over there. However, just as Su Lun and I bypassed the crowd and walked to the door of the building, one of the two parties who were arguing suddenly shouted. "Stop." I didn't care about this call, because I thought it wasn't for me. Who knows that the other party quickly shouted again: "The two on the steps over there, yes you are, don't go inside."

I turned my head suspiciously and looked towards the guy who was talking over there. Then asked: "What's the matter with you?"

I don’t know if it’s the reason for the quarrel, or this guy is born with mental retardation. In short, this idiot just stood there like calling a dog to himself. Bian dialed his hand twice and said: "Come here, we haven't discussed it yet. What are you going to charge in?"

Originally, if the other party just talked to me, of course I wouldn’t have. What kind of excessive reaction, after all, I am not the type that is stronger than people and look down on people. I will naturally be polite to others when others talk to me. This is not a question of status, but a basic etiquette. Relying on their own strength or status, wealth and power, etc., they feel that they are terrible, as if talking to others is to look at others. In addition to showing their mental disability, this kind of person is also low in quality. I really don't know what else to show. A true nobleman will not speak up to others to show his extraordinary status, because the status of a nobleman does not need to be displayed. People who really like to be majestic are actually borrowed from others. This is why The reason why the various second-generations tend to be more bullish than their Laozi, because they are not their own prestige, if you don't often take it out and shake it around, no one will look at them.

There is a saying in the saying that "a dog that bites can't bark". Although this sentence is not suitable to describe people, it is very vivid. Really powerful people are the kind of dogs that can bite people. They don't bark because they don't have the power, but because they are too lazy to bark. When did they really feel that someone was blocking their way, and it was over with one bite, and there was a fart on the side? On the contrary, dogs that bark endlessly are usually small dogs with no strength. Because they have no strength to kill others, they can only bark loudly to make themselves courageous.

I am the number one in the world battle strength list, the boss of the Frost Rose League, the real Dragon Fate Young Master, and the only finished product of the artificial Heavenly God project. No matter which identity is taken out, I don’t belong there. This is the type that needs to bark everywhere to make myself courageous, so in most cases I behave very polite and unassuming to unrelated people, because I don't need it at all. However, it seems that the guy in front of him cannot be treated as an unrelated person anymore.

The premise of being polite to people is that they don’t mess with me. I can treat others politely under the premise of no contradictions, and even provide some help to others as much as I can without affecting me. However, being polite to others does not mean that I am bully, and willing to help others does not mean that I like to suffer. Although there was no uncivilized words in that guy’s words, his tone and actions clearly carried a kind of contempt and disrespect. At that moment, it seemed to remind me of the low-level hooligan who was standing in a dark alley and robbing primary school students. .

"I have my business, and I don’t have time to chat with you. If I have something to say, I’m going to go in." When I said this, although my tone didn’t change much, my expression was quite different. It looks good.

Su Lun knew who I was, so he didn’t worry about anything at all. He just leaned in to remind me: “These people are a kind of tour guide who specializes in picking up tourists here to explore the altar, but they and I don’t Similarly, they all have strong battle strength, and they are particularly familiar with the various organs and monsters here. Tourists who do not have battle strength from outside and some players with insufficient level will hire them to lead the way if they want to go in, sometimes some are more powerful. Players who don’t want to die in vain will also consider asking a guide to help him guide the recording and avoid the agency. It is a kind of service staff. However, they have been working here for a long time, and the scale of development is a bit big. Now they seem to have a temperament. Now." After hearing what Su Lun said, I turned my head and glanced at him strangely. Su Lun is also a shrewd person. As soon as he saw my eyes, he smiled and explained: "President Purple Moon is really shrewd. That's right, I have a little holiday with them. These guys rely on themselves to be here with many people and often intercept us. Outside tour guides would not let us in, and our customers had to settle the expenses with us in advance. In vain, we lost a lot of money, and it also affected our credibility and the mood of tourists."

I nodded to express my understanding. Such people also exist in some scenic tourist areas in the country, but they are not so arrogant here. After all, the domestic security management is much stronger than here.

When the person on the other side saw my answer, his tone immediately became more fierce. He opened his mouth and was ready to curse. "You fucking..." "Ah..." The guy was suddenly slapped and slapped halfway through what he said. He floated horizontally for three to four meters before he fell to the ground and continued to slide forward. It took a meter or two to stop completely.

Su Lun turned his head in surprise and looked at the empty side next to him. He felt that he was still talking to me just now, didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, I suddenly arrived in front of the guy unfathomable mystery, and also fanned people. If you want to kill anyone at this speed, it is estimated that the other person’s head is gone. Maybe they haven't realized what happened. "The first in the battle strength list is indeed the first in the battle strength list. It's not a star or a bit worse than people like us!" Su Lun sighed.

The people who were arguing in the field stopped instantly because of my sudden action. To be honest, they didn’t know how I came here. They clearly saw me standing at the entrance of the building in the last second. , I arrived in front of them in the next second, this speed really made them a little overreacting. However, people on both sides reacted differently after a moment of surprise. The people on the side of the guy who was beaten immediately surrounded me with the intention of faintly encircling me, while the people on the other side retreated amusedly and waited for the show.

"Why are you hitting someone?" a guy pointed at me and asked.

I glanced at him coldly, and then lightly said: "This is the fate of his mouth. If you want to help him find face, then let's go together. I don't have much time to play with you. "

didn't expect When I spoke so aggressively, all the people present were taken aback. The guy who was slapped by me before was the one in their team who owed a lot of mouths. He often offended people because of this mouth, so I dared to speak up when I saw it. But the others are not stupid. Although none of the people at the scene know me, but looking at my equipment, I know that the level is outrageous. With the speed of the slap just now, they all know that I am not the existence they can challenge. However, even though I knew I was strong, I was beaten. If I ran with my tail between them without saying anything, how would they see people in the future? When they quarreled with the other group of people, they argued about an imposing manner and face. After all, they are not real bastards, so they don't fight often. Everyone just fights for momentum. But today I was so slapped by someone, even if their momentum here has completely fallen to the end. If you don't ask me for an explanation, then you really don't have to do it here.

Because of this pressure, these people still surrounded me even knowing that I was strong. It's just that they didn't expect that I didn't even give them any leeway. Originally, according to their idea, they threatened me more, so I verbally apologized to persuade a soft matter and then exposed it. Even if I don’t want to suffer, they at worst send one or two people with the best strength to have a few shots with me. When the time comes, I just want to play twice, and then they say that I am extraordinary and they respect my strength. , And then just and honorable's evacuation, this matter is over.

However, they didn't count it. Not only did they refuse to accept it, but they wanted to join me. If this is really a group of people rushing up together and respecting my strength, it would be an idiot. You have a couple of tricks with others to say that the other person's strength is good. That is to respect the strength of others. How can one of a dozen people say that they respect the strength of others? More than a dozen people plus one piece are not one person’s opponent. This still respects others. Isn’t this a waste?

Looking at the group of people who didn't respond for a long time, I said directly: "Since you have nothing to say, I will leave. I don't have time to play with you." As I said, I turned around to walk into the building.

The group of people was thinking about how to answer it before. This would make me anxious as soon as I left. Hula, the group of people surrounded me.

"Who let you go?"

"Then you are going to fight?" I turned my head and looked towards the person who was talking and asked with a murderous aura face.

The guy took a step back with my eyes, and then remembered that it was too embarrassing, so he hurriedly stepped forward loudly said: "Apologize to us right away, otherwise you don’t want to I want to leave here."

After listening to his words, I calmly nodded and said: "Well, it seems that you have decided to fight me. Let's start. Do you need me to count one, two, three? Or do you guys shoot first? Why? No one wants to count? Then I'll count. One...two..."

Probably know that it won’t work if you don’t fight. Those people want to fight, just Take action early, so as not to wait until I start to take advantage of it, so when I just finished counting two, a person suddenly rushed out and swept over my head with a roundabout kick.

Just as the guy's heel turned around and saw that it was about to reach my head, a hand suddenly blocked the path of that foot. I held one to my side and firmly caught the guy's ankle and continued to say in a calm tone: "So you like to shoot first? But that's fine. Now that you have done it, then I will start. "Just when I finished speaking the last word, I suddenly grabbed the ankle of the guy who kicked the whirling kick and slammed the guy up and hit the crowd nearby. Accompanied by the guy's scream, four or five people were swept out and thrown out together. But I haven’t let go of the kicker. After sweeping five people, I continued to hold his leg and used him as a weapon to smash it in the surrounding crowd. I took photos of all the people in a few clicks. Flew out.

Seeing that there is no one around, I walked to the guy who was slapped by me first, and then slammed the dying guy on the ground and fainted. The guy slammed hard on his body, only to hear two screams at the same time, but the one who was fainted woke up, and the one who was awake fainted.

Let go of the guy's ankle and pat the dust that doesn't exist on my hand. I still took a light step back to the steps in front of the building and greeted Suren. "The flies are dead, let's go in."

Su Lun didn't react a little bit. He heard my shout and quickly followed me into the building.

The interior of this building feels like the inside of the pyramid, all stone passages, and there are many branch roads. Fortunately, I have a guide. Although Su Lun is not a guide here specifically, he is a national guide, and he is naturally very familiar with the structure of this famous tourist attraction. Maybe he doesn't know how to crack some organs, but he can accurately find out the location. As for those roads, they are even more well-known. This is the basic quality of a tour guide.

Walking along the corridor with seven turns and eight turns, after bypassing most of the organs, I was caught by Su Lun. "President Purple Moon, let's wait here."

"Why?" I asked when looking at the empty passage in front.

Su Lun pointed to the obliquely above passage and said: "This whole passage is a whole piece of stone. As long as someone reaches the position behind the middle section of the passage, this piece of stone will fall down and squash the person. "

"Can't this mechanism be turned off?"

Su Lun immediately said: "There is a protruding stone at the turn on the opposite side of the passage. This time within minutes will not fall. So we can only wait for someone inside to come out before going in. When the people inside come out, they will press the stone and run out quickly. We just took the opportunity to get in."

"What if there is no one there?"

"No, this is a tourist attraction with a lot of people."

"You can wait like this. Very anxious! Do you know the triggering conditions of this mechanism? Doesn't it trigger without stepping on the ground?"

Su Lun shook his head and said, "Not only the ground, but the walls and ceiling can't be touched. There is nothing wrong with this one hundred meters in the first half. You can toss the stone will not fall. But as long as any one of the four walls of the passage in the back one hundred meters touches any one of them, the rocks on the entire passage will fall together. when the time comes You are standing in the middle half and half pulling, there are stones in the front and back, and you simply can’t get out. Of course, if you have the ability to rush through the entire passage within a few tenths of a second, it’s okay. Anyway, the stone will fall for almost one second. Time."

It’s not difficult to run one hundred meters in one second, let alone Asuka’s supersonic flight ability, even Ye Ying can reach this speed even if he runs out of his rapid speed. . However, the problem is that at the end of this passage is a T-shaped turnout. If we rush through the entire passage at a speed of 100 meters per second, how can we stop behind it? Even the best brake system in the world cannot stop us before hitting a wall, not to mention that Ye Ying does not have a brake system yet. Of course, I also thought about the ability to teleport or night shadow’s dream transfer, but unfortunately, there seems to be Formation that seals these abilities. The first half of the channel can be moved around as you like, that is the back half. I can't make it by any means.

The transmission cannot be used, and the speed is too late to brake. If you want to go past, you can only find a way not to touch the mechanism. However, depending on the length of this passage, it is really difficult to go through without touching the walls. Anyway, I have tried both Levitation and Nightshadow's levitation feature, and they will automatically fail in the passage. This channel seems to be able to fight against magical attributes, and I can only think of other tricks in the past. Of course, if it is impossible, and the others can help us press the stop switch on the opposite side, but according to Su Lun's statement, the altar hall is behind the passage. It was really depressing to get stuck at the place just a step away from the altar. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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