"This is the Altar of the Sorcerer God, right?" Seeing this simple artifact, I turned around and asked.

Su Lun nodded said: "This is the legendary Altar of the Wizard God, but generally only the sorcerer needs to come here when he is changing his job or doing some equipment synthesis work. The average person is I rarely get close here." Su Lun said, pointing to the circle of wooden stakes all around the altar and said: "These wooden stakes are the dividing line of the altar. Outside the wooden stakes is the land outside the altar. All of the parts are considered to be the scope of the altar. If someone other than the wizard enters the Altar of the Sorcerer God, then this person will be cursed by the Sorcerer God."

"Curse?" I was a little confused. Looked towards Su Lun and asked: "Is the curse you said is true or is it just a legend?"

"I haven't tried it personally, but it should be true. We have many foreign tourists who haven't Believing the legend and experimenting, it was basically unlucky in the end. But if you just enter the altar and don’t do anything, the witch gods will usually give you a relatively slight curse, usually to drop a certain attribute, and only Once you die, you will be cleared. Even if someone destroys the altar, it is only cursed for five to six reincarnations. However, there are some witch gods who are particularly powerful. I heard that it can cause someone to drop the attribute for ten consecutive rebirths."< /p>

"Is the power of the wizard god only curses?"

"It should be more than a curse, but to deal with ordinary persons, just curse."

I nodded and then So he walked directly to the altar in front. When Su Lun saw me walking over, he quickly reached out and grabbed me. Seeing that I turned around to look at him in doubt, Su Lun said, "Why do you go inside if I said you would be cursed if you go in?"

For Su Lun, I just smiled slightly. , And then said: "I'm just looking for the wizard god, if he doesn't come out and curse me, how can I find him?"

Su Lun is right to think about it, and then he said: "Then be careful and go in. Just come out right away. In this way, the curse of the wizard god is usually lighter. I will wait for you outside."

For Su Lun’s reminder, I didn’t take it seriously. After crossing the forest clearing, he easily crossed the circle of wooden stakes that were only half the calf height and entered the scope of the altar.

Su Lun stood at the edge of the clearing and looked at me nervously at a distance of more than one meter away from the stake, but I didn't care about him. After entering the altar, I walked directly to the stone platform in the center of the altar, and after looking down at the strange stone pile, I suddenly reached out and grabbed the skull above it.

Su Lun was taken aback when he saw my movements. Although this altar corresponds to a very weak wizard god, Divine Race is Divine Race. Even the rateless Divine Race is invincible for ordinary players like them. For them, daring to offend the witch god is basically courting death, so when he saw me reaching out to grab the skull on the altar, he screamed in fright.


"Why don't you say you don't?" That guy's reminder was obviously not as fast as me. After he shouted no, I grabbed the skull with one hand, threw it up and down like a pebble, and looked back towards him and said.

Seeing that I actually threw the skull made of black liquid crystal as a stone, Su Lun was really scared and didn't know what to say. He ran forward two steps, but eventually stopped outside the circle of stakes outside the altar and did not dare to enter. At the same time, he shouted to me: "Mr. Purple Moon, let's run quickly! You are already annoyed by entering the altar. After the witch god, now you still take his Magical Artifact, the other party will definitely come to trouble you, and it will definitely lower the most serious curse. You should come out quickly and I will send you to the border. No matter how powerful the witch god is, You can’t get out of the border, as long as you run back to China before he catches up, you’ll be fine."

For Su Lun’s reminder, I didn’t take it seriously. Instead, I turned around and sat down on the skull. On the top of the pile of stones, the pile of stones was all made of pebbles, and it was not as stable as the flat structure of ordinary stones. As soon as I sat up, I felt a soft underneath, and followed the whole pile of rocks, and almost turned over. Fortunately, I quickly reacted and bounced again when I reached out and supported the ground.

"Damn, what kind of shattered altar is this? The whole tofu project!"

Su Lun was scared enough to see me playing Skull. He also collapsed other people's rock piles, and hurriedly turned around outside. But he didn't dare to come in no matter how in a hurry. After all, he was just a guide, but he didn't plan to live and die with me.

"Mr. Purple Moon, you should come out soon! I beg you, if you continue like this, it will really be extremely unlucky!"

"I just want to find the wizard god, now How can I see them after I ran away? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of the problem myself. Just wait for me outside."

"But..." Su Lun originally wanted to persuade me. But just halfway through what he said, suddenly he felt a gust of wind blowing over.

Our current location is a small forest clearing, which means that a circle of trees surrounds us. As long as there is no typhoon in such a place, it is impossible to feel the existence of any wind in the woods. But it was true that a cold wind blew past the clearing just now, and Su Lun, who was preparing to persuade me out, shuddered.

After the gust of wind passed, the guardian of Sulun found that the sky that was originally sun shone brightly was turning black at the speed that naked eye could see, and a large cloud of dark clouds was gathering quickly in the sky. However, just as Su Lun was nervously preparing to try to persuade me to leave for the last time, I suddenly coldly snorted shouted loudly: "hmph, dressed up as God, playing the Devil?"

Before, Su Lun already thought I was bold enough. This time he will understand it completely. I am not bold. This is what I was planning to court death! However, as a guide, he still intends to work hard at the last. At least after people die, they can't let people have an excuse to say that he is not. Anyway, he has worked hard, and it is not his responsibility if others don't listen.

"Mr. Purple Moon, come out soon! The Sorcerer God has already arrived. If you don’t leave, you won’t be able to leave!"

Su Lun is just halfway through, and plans to continue. Persuading, I suddenly saw me stretch out my hand to stop him from continuing to speak, and then when he didn't know why, I suddenly pointed to the woods ahead and shouted: "Go."

Just listen to Om With a bang, two half-moon-shaped blades suddenly fell from behind me and swiftly flew high-speed rotation in the direction I was pointing forward. Almost as soon as Su Lun’s gaze had just passed, he saw the two flying blades rotating through a large tree, and at the same time he heard the sound of a groan, and then saw a dark shadow. It flashed out diagonally, and at the same time the trees in that piece of woodland began to fall to the sides like slowing down the camera.

Just as Su Lun was there wondering what the shadow was, the two flywheels flew back to chase the shadow. After hitting the ground, the shadow turned his head fiercely, just in time to see the scene of the rotating flying blade rushing back. After finding that the flying blade was catching up, Sombra quickly rolled forward, and then fell on the spot and flashed past the two flying blades, and then saw the guy suddenly bounced up, and then slammed at me. With a mouth, a black air balloon flew straight towards me.

Su Lun saw the air ball and guessed that I was dead this time, because he had guessed that the black shadow in front of him was the witch god here. Although he felt incredible that I was able to push the witch god so embarrassed, he didn't think I had the possibility of defeating the witch god. However, what happened next completely subverted his cognition.

Seeing the black shadows flying in, I didn’t mean to dodge or block. Instead, I took out the eternity and rushed up directly. First, the black qi was scattered directly with a sword and followed by the scarlet’s sword. The glow didn't disappear, and moved towards the black shadow all the way forward.

Shadow realized that his attack was not only dispersed, but the other party's attack actually flew toward him through his black mist, which was also shocked. In a hurry, the guy quickly took out a long, weird, giant garlic head with a wig and blocked it in front of the red light, but he heard a ding sound in the next second, and he took it out. Things directly divided into two and burst open, and he himself stopped after hitting a big tree after a dozen steps in a row. But when he just stopped, he listened to the bang. A bunch of messy necklaces hanging around his neck broke by himself, and all kinds of messy things on the necklace fell oh la la to the ground. This is not over yet, just after the necklace was shattered, the tattered robe that looked like a rotten rag on that guy suddenly cracked from the front, revealing his rib-like chest. .

After the chest was exposed, this guy immediately bowed his head in surprise and looked towards his chest. He saw a red line slowly appeared on his black chest, and then dripping blood dripped from it. Ooze out. He seems to be unable to accept the reality and intends to verify that the blood is not his own illusion. He slowly stretched out his hand and touched his chest, but after he touched a hand of blood, he didn't know whether he was stimulated or his body reached its limit. His body shook fiercely, and then the red line on his chest suddenly burst open and sprayed blood at Wang Kuang. Then within two seconds, his whole person split into two halves and fell down on both sides, and then he saw the person behind him. There was a clicking sound from the big tree, and then the whole big tree suddenly fell into two sides from the middle divided into two.

"Hey, waste!" I changed the eternity back into a spherical shape and put it back into the groove on the back of my hand. Then I walked directly to the corpse of Divine Race and raised my hand to lift it up. One gleamed with faint white rays of I picked up the silhouette of light. After a closer look, it seemed that the energy intensity was very weak, but anyway, I killed all of them. At worst, I took it back for research purposes. While grumbling, I stuffed the guy's soul into a crystal ball that was just taken out, and then turned and walked towards Suren, who was still standing there. "Hey, come back to my soul. Although we said that the billing is based on time, you can't just lie in a daze and cheat me for money?" Shake, and then I saw that Su Lun, who was originally stuttering, seemed to have suddenly stuttered, pointing to the corpse over there while jumping and saying: "That, that...this, this...you, you, you..."

< p>"Okay, OK, don’t you just kill a low-level Divine Race? As for scaring you like this? Hurry up and take me to find another altar. This level is too low. I want it to be of little use, you know Is there anything more powerful in it?"

"I...then what...but..." Suren was probably really irritated too badly. Seeing that he was pointing around there, but it was a complete sentence, but I couldn't say it.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. You have been told, can you show me a direction?"

This time Su Lun was very quick to give I pointed in a direction, and I walked in that direction immediately after confirming the correct direction, and Su Lun had to hurriedly follow. After a few minutes of adaptation period, Su Lun finally recovered his ability to speak normally, but his problems suddenly increased dozens of times.

"Then what, Mr. Purple Moon, are you the number one in the world battle strength list?" After some questions and answers, Su Lun finally thought of who I am. However, it cannot be said that the news is blocked. This is mainly a question of direction. Yes, I am the number one in the world battle strength list, but what about it? Do you know that I am the number one in the world battle strength list so I can get extra attribute bonuses? I am not a god, praying to me, but I will not use the fart. So, except for those who like to study battle strength rankings or pay more attention to this aspect, most people actually hear about who is number one in the world battle strength list occasionally. Just like those world boxing champions, world sprint champions, world richest men, world football kings, world movie stars in reality. Only those who pay attention to this aspect will remember these things. If you don't like sports, then why do you must remember who the champion is? If you are just a farmer, why do you remember who is the richest man in the world? Even if you have heard people say who the richest man in the world is, that's just a matter of hearing. When someone really walked in front of you, do you recognize it? Obviously you can't recognize it, because you don't care what the richest man in the world looks like at all.

My situation is the same. I am the number one in the world battle strength list. There are indeed many people who know me, but after seeing me suddenly, not everyone recognizes me. Compared with ordinary people, I am only well-known and want to be in the world. Everyone knows you, that is basically impossible.

For Su Lun’s question, I simply laughed, and then asked: "Why? I am the first in battle strength list. Can you still give me a discount?"

I was originally Just joking, but Su Lun suddenly said: "If you ask me to record this mission, then I can do it for free."

When I heard Su Lun's words, I just froze for a while and reacted. Come here. This guy has a very flexible head. People like me have a celebrity effect. If he records this mission, he can use this as an advertisement to tell others that he has also served as a guide for me, so that it will definitely be easier to grab customers than other guides. . It's like two restaurants, all services and charges are exactly the same, but one of them hangs a bunch of photos at the door showing that leaders and movie stars of all countries have come to them for dinner. I think at least 80% of the people will do it. Immediately choose this restaurant where celebrities have eaten. Although which restaurant celebrities have eaten has nothing to do with ordinary consumers, but people still want to try things that celebrities have tried. This is a psychological habit.

I didn’t refuse Su Lun’s request. Anyway, the video was recorded, and it didn’t hurt me much, but I greeted him in advance, and the video can only be done on the road. , Once a battle occurs, his video must be pinched off. I have enough fighting videos on the forums. I don't want to expose all my fighting skills for others to study. It is always good for me to have less information out of the way. Of course, since I promised to shoot him a video, the service fee is naturally not given. Is small money also money? This guy and I don’t get in touch with each other, so why make him cheap? Besides, serving him as a sign is already a big advantage for him.

Because I agreed to let him record the shooting, Su Lun's service enthusiasm has obviously improved a lot. Before, he was only planning to take me one altar and one altar to run slowly according to the distance, but now he will take the initiative to help me think about the problem.

"Purple Moon, are you looking for a more powerful wizard god?"

I nodded and said: "At least it's better than the one just now. It's all rags just now. Huh? Has it lasted five seconds since he appeared to be killed by me?"

Su Lun immediately shook his head like a rattle. "Well, I didn’t know you were so good before. Since the average witch god can’t last for five seconds in front of you, then we’ll just look for the ruthless witch god. But this time the distance is a bit far, we have to go back to the city and sit on Transmission Formation. In the past."

"How far is it? Can it be faster to fly from the sky?"

Su Lun shook the head and said: "That's not horrible. It's far from us. There are more than two hundred kilometers here, and flying over is not as fast as Transmission Formation."

"More than two hundred kilometers? Then let's fly."

"Huh?"< /p>

Just when Su Lun wondered why I should not use the faster Transmission Formation, and when I was about to fly over, I had summoned out Asuka and lifted him up and jumped on it together. However, Su Lun soon understood why I refused to take the Transmission Formation.

Return to the city from where we were just now, then use Transmission Formation to teleport to the leveling area Transmission Formation near the target point, and then walk to the target altar. It takes more than 20 minutes in total. If the average person is flying by himself or riding a flying mount, it will take more than an hour, which is still the speed that can be achieved without encountering the interception of the aerial monster. However, as soon as we got on the Asuka, Asuka immediately drove the speed to supersonic speed. More than 200 kilometers is a matter of minutes, and because the speed is too fast, even if there is a flying devil beast trying to attack us along the way, it will not have that speed. Often when a monster finds us, we have already flown out of his sight.

Because Su Lun had never reached the location of the altar in the sky before, we had to descend down in the well-recognizable leveling area, and then walk over. In the sky, Su Lun can only find the approximate direction, but after landing, he can find the detailed position.

Because it is a leveling area, there are quite a lot of people here. Of course, our landing was also watched by the crowd. In fact, everyone is not watching the flying mounts. After all, there are not many devil beasts that can fly, although they are not too many, but everyone must have seen them. What they really wonder is why I came to Vietnam in armor.

When these people were microcosmic, I was asking Su Lun about the specific direction, but after taking time to observe the environment, I unexpectedly discovered a strange phenomenon, that is the leveling area here. In addition to the thin and long Vietnamese natives, there are actually a considerable proportion of white people.

"Why do you have so many white people here?" After leaving the waiting area of ​​the leveling area and entering the jungle, I couldn't help but ask.

Su Lun knew this question very well, and casually explained: "In fact, it is not only whites, but also blacks."


< p>"Because they are all Americans."

"Americans?" I looked at Su Lun puzzledly and waited for his explanation.

Su Lun did not directly explain, but instead asked me: "Do you know about the Vietnam War?"

I nodded and said: "You said that the game China played against you was the United States. The one where people fought with you?"

Su Lun then remembered that it seemed that the Chinese had fought with Vietnam, so he said embarrassingly: "It was the American."


I nodded and said again: "I know. The Americans have died in your place. Later, they were judged by the Americans as the most defeated war in the history of the United States. No one has been so aggrieved."

After I finished speaking, Su Lun immediately continued: "So, the Americans have played the psychological origination of that war. Now if any American can be We have been fighting for a long time and adapting to our environment. After we return, we can show off. When others hear that he was trained in our Vietnam, they will immediately admire him. So many Americans like to run with us. Here to level up. But they are actually very bad here. To be honest, our environment is really not suitable for foreigners. President Purple Moon, you are too strong, so don’t think that for ordinary people, we’re here. The environment is actually more dangerous than the monster. The foreign players who come to us die because of various environments than killed by the monster. But one thing Americans said is right. Fighting here is really very difficult. I can hone my fighting skills and adaptability to the battlefield."

I laughed immediately after hearing what Su Lun said. "Hahahaha, you are everywhere in quagmire. The heavy equipment with good attributes can't be worn. You hold a broken sword and play peekaboo with monsters all day long. If you can't display any attack power, you can only win by skill. Time Of course, I will develop combat skills. After I go back and wear the equipment like this, it is indeed much better than the ordinary person of the same level. After all, people only rely on attributes to fight, and you will use skills when you go out here."< /p>

Su Lun listened to nodded and said: "Purple Moon President is indeed the first in the world battle strength list. You can see the deep real reason at a glance."

I said with a smile: "If I were those Americans, I wouldn't come to you to level up."

"Why?" Su Lun asked quite puzzled.

"Because this is completely an idiot behavior."


"Don't understand?" Seeing Su Lun just shook his head, I just Explained: "Yes, people who go out from you know how to rely on skills instead of attributes to fight, so when the level difference is not big, they are often much better than those who only use attributes to fight. However, if two people For the accounts registered together, one person runs to your side to level up, and one person to level up locally. When the person on your side reaches level 800 and returns, he is definitely not the opponent of the other person. That’s right. He is indeed much better than that person in terms of skills, but you can’t wear heavy equipment in this place, and you often die accidentally. The rate of level increase must be much slower than that of other places. By the time he reaches level 800, he is already more than a thousand level. No matter how good your fighting skills are, do you think you have a chance of winning if you are lower than 200 levels?"

"But I heard that you seem to have skipped grades to challenge and are hundreds of levels higher than yourself. People, and you won? Didn’t you win by skill?"

"I’m different from you. I entered the game as a lucky account with rewards. The initial attribute is better than The average person is high. Although the challenge level is hundreds of levels higher than mine, the attribute point gap between us is not as exaggerated as a few hundred levels. Although my level is hundreds of levels lower than the other party, my attribute is my attribute. In fact, only a little bit lower than him, coupled with my fighting skills, there is no suspense at all to kill someone higher than me."

"so that's how it is." Suren nodded did Suddenly, then he followed: "Our goal is almost here. Just go through the cave on the mountain in front. But there are many undead creatures in that cave. If you don't want to waste time, we'd better fly over."

"The thing I'm not afraid of is undead creatures."

"Ah? Why? Are you not from Dark Element? Are you still good at light magic? That thing is restrained Undead."

"I am not a Light Element, but you are right to follow me. Soon you will know why I am not afraid of the undead."

The fact is that Su Lun is indeed very good. The reason will soon be known, and it is the reason he couldn't think of killing him. As soon as we walked into the dark cave, we ran into groups of rotten zombies and groups of rogue souls floating around. Zombie is easy to deal with, after all, the level is not high, and the speed is extremely slow, except for the prevention of high blood thickness, basically no specialties. But Soul Rogue is not so easy to deal with. The level of these guys is as high as 800 Level 90. Although it is not very high level for current players, the key problem is that these guys are Nether Soul undead creatures. This Nether Soul type of undead has a characteristic, that is, there is no entity. The advantage of having no entity is that you are not afraid of physical attacks at all, and you can pass through walls. In a narrow area like a cave, these guys really appear and disappear unpredictably, where they might come out and grab you, but when you want to fight back, they immediately drill into the ground or the wall. You can only stare at the cave wall. Because of this feature, most people are unwilling to provoke these undead in such a place, because it is too difficult to fight. However, my appearance made Su Lun understand what a real cow is.

Even if the average person can pass through here, they will pass. This is called victory in battle, and it belongs to the middle soldier in the art of war. If you want to be a soldier, you have to be like me.

"This is a little gift... I will borrow a way from you... Okay, next time I will be a guest."

Su Lun just watched me use a bag of crystals Fan bribed the undead BOSS here, and then the undead along the way not only did not attack us at all, but also greeted us. Finally, after we passed the cave, the undead stood at the entrance of the cave and waved goodbye to us. Throughout the whole process, Su Lun felt like he was sleepwalking. It was the first time he knew that the level could still be passed like this. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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