After bidding farewell to the obviously over-enthusiastic undead, Su Lun finally led me down the hillside in a daze, and then a huge canyon appeared in front of us.

We are at the top of the cliffs on both sides of the canyon. The distance between the cliffs on the opposite side and us is less than 30 meters. Just jump over. But just when I was planning to take Suren over, he said, "Under normal circumstances, we should have bypassed the mountain from there and walked in through the opening of the canyon. But because of the Purple Moon president, you have the ability to fly. , So I chose this route. We don’t have to look for the entrance to the canyon now, as long as we go down from here to the entrance to the altar."

I stretched my head and looked at the bottom of the canyon, and found that it was dark underneath. I can't see anything. In fact, this canyon is not a canyon sandwiched between two peaks, but a large crack on the ground. Our current location is already at the foot of the mountain, but the crack is so deep that you can't see anything from the top down.

"Be careful not to move." After I spoke to Su Lun, I raised him and jumped off the edge of the canyon. Originally, if I were alone, I might choose to step on the protruding rock from the cliff and jump down layer by layer, but Sulun’s attribute is not enough to withstand such an impact, and it is inconvenient for me to do a large scale with a person. Movement, so I had to grab him and spread his wings and float down.

Originally, I thought it wouldn’t be much slower if we spread our wings and float down, but didn’t expect a strong hot air blowing upwards in this canyon. As a result, not only did we lose speed, In the end, he almost stopped in the original underground. This situation didn't get better until I reduced the wings and opened them a little bit in the end. I estimate that 80% of the lava is directly exposed to the outside, so the temperature below is very high. After being heated, the air expands and rises, so a strong updraft is formed.

After finally falling to the bottom of the valley and putting Su Lun down, I sighed: "The environment here is really strange. After running so many canyons, this is the first time I hit a cliff and can't fall down. The situation!"

Su Lun said with a smile: "In fact, this is also a special situation here, and there are not many canyons on our side."

I nodded Then he asked: "What about the altar you mentioned? Didn't you just come here?"

Su Lun pointed to the front and said: "Just now you glided for a distance when you descended, so it was a bit crooked. The entrance of the cave is just behind the turn over there, and that's it."

Following Sulun's guidance, we started to move along the bottom of the valley to the corner over there. There may be an underground river in front of the bottom of the canyon. It feels like there are all pebbles under your feet, and some of the large rocks you occasionally see are not angular, and they are obviously washed out by water.

Walking along the bottom of the valley for more than 50 meters is the corner. After turning over, we immediately saw the entrance of the huge cave, but this cave does not seem to be natural, at least it was processed by someone. Yes, because the entrance of the cave is not only equipped with a gate, but also there are two rare beast sculptures on both sides.

The appearance of these two rare beasts is a strange type even in rare beasts. If it weren’t for they were both erected on a stone pedestal, they might be regarded as natural monsters. Stones are not rare beast sculptures, because these two things do not look like Earth creatures. Even the seabed strange fish does not grow so strange.

"What is this?" I looked at the two sculptures and asked Su Lun.

"Oh, you said this. This is the heart beast."

"The star beast? Which star?"

"The heart of the heart."< /p>

"Heart beast? What a strange name."

Su Lun explained: "According to the legend of the wizard god, the heart beast is actually a monster with no fixed form. You see Their shape depends on your own soul. Mental health, people full of good hope will see all kinds of cute or beautiful images. If people with gloomy mind see them, they will see eerie and horrible images. Shape. In short, their shape rejects your psychological state, so they are called heart beasts, which means to reflect your inner devil beast."

"Have you seen this kind of heart beast?"

Su Lun nodded said: "I have seen it."

"What did you see?"

After I asked, Su Lun hesitated for a while. , And then said a little embarrassingly: "I saw an old and ugly old woman."

"Ah? How could you see this?" Honestly, I heard what Su Lun saw. Something I was really surprised. I thought he would see beauties or something, didn't expect it was an old woman.

Su Lun said very helplessly: "I don’t know why I saw the image of an old woman, anyway, I saw it. Although the heart beast reflects the human heart, it won’t answer your questions, so Even if you can see your own heart through it, you can only understand and figure out the meaning by yourself."

I nodded and said: "The heart beast you said is not inside, right?"< /p>

Su Lun said: "Yes, there are heart beasts in it, and there is more than one. But you don't need to worry. Heart beasts are neutral creatures, as long as you don't take the initiative to attack, they will not do anything to you. . Of course, with the strength of President Purple Moon, even if you really do something, they are definitely not your opponent."

"Then let's go in." I said, I'm going to go inside. , Didn't expect to be pulled back by Su Lun as soon as he took a step.

"Wait a minute. Although the heart beasts in the cave will not take the initiative to attack people, there is a very annoying black insect that likes to bite people. Although the amount of blood sucked each time is not large, they are numerous It’s too much. It’s very troublesome if you don’t do some protection."


Su Lun handed me a bottle directly, and then he took out another one by himself. He dropped the plug and poured the liquid into his head. After pouring the liquid, he wiped all over his body like a bath, and finally stopped after confirming that his body was covered by the liquid. As soon as he looked up and found that I was still standing there, he immediately asked: "Why don't you wipe it? Hurry up, pour that on your body, and wipe the whole body."

"This is What is it?" I asked when I opened the bottle and looked at the faint green solution in it.

"This is a sap squeezed from a rattan plant. We sell it everywhere in the city. It can be insect-controlling at ordinary times and can be used as a hemostatic agent at critical moments. If there is a wound, put it on. As long as it is not bleeding from aortic, it can stop the bleeding within ten seconds."

I heard that it was just plant juice and I sniffed it with my nose. The smell is not It’s very good, it’s a bit irritating, and I know it’s a plant when I smell it, because the sourness of that plant is very obvious. Although the Divine Dragon suit on my body is not afraid of insect bites, I wiped myself again to save trouble. According to Su Lun, within twelve hours after wiping this thing, there will not be an insect coming close to me, because the plant that produces this sap is a carnivorous plant that specializes in eating insects.

I regretted hearing Su Lun’s explanation. I knew that I should come to Vietnam first and then go to the United States. Bring a few bottles of this stuff. It is estimated that the Worm Valley will save a lot of things.

After applying the juice, I followed Su Lun into the cave. Judging from the structure of the cave, this is obviously a natural cave. After all, there is no artificial item like the cave entrance covered with stone bricks, and the primordial form of the cave is still retained. However, although there are no bricks in the cave, it has been artificially rested. The first is that the ground is basically flat, there are polished marks in many places, and there are steps in some places with large drops, and there is a hanging brazier on the roof of the entire cave, although not to mention It is brightly lit, at least not too dark.

I don't know if it was the reason why the juice was wiped out. On the way, we didn't see the kind of insect mentioned by Su Lun. Because all the forks in the passage except the main road are so small that normal people can't get through at all, there is no need to worry about getting lost here. Besides, there are braziers in the whole passage, which can guide people the correct route in addition to lighting.

"Strange, we are two or three kilometers away? Why haven't we seen the heart beast you said?"

"Purple Moon, president, do you want to see the heart beast? Why didn't you say it earlier?" Su Lun said as if he had just reacted.

I looked at him in surprise and asked, "What do you mean?"

Su Lun looked at him and said, "Heart beasts don’t usually come out. On the main road, it’s luck to run into it. But there are indeed tourists who want to see the heart beast, so we who are guides have developed a way to attract the heart beast."

"Why do you hear that the heart beast looks like an animal in a safari park? If you want to see it, you have to get food to attract them."

Su Lun said with a smile when he heard my words: "In fact, it's almost the same. , It’s just that compared to wild animals, the battle strength of the heart beast is stronger.” While talking, Su Lun took out a small box from his body, and then saw him open the box and pulled out a rope and gently pulled it. Then as soon as he let go, the rope began to slowly rewind by itself after being let go, and at the same time the box also made a burst of special music. This sound sounds like a music box, the difference is that the sound from this thing has a wider range and more tones.

As the short piece of music was completely finished, Su Lun suddenly pointed to a wall in one direction and shouted: "Look over there, it's coming out."

With Sulun's guidance, I immediately noticed that a small hole in the wall not far in front was smoking out, but I quickly waited for the smoke to come out, but I didn't wait for the beast.

"Didn't you say it was there? Why did it disappear after a puff of smoke?"

"The smoke is the heart beast."

"Ah Does it mean that my mind is just a ball of smoke?" I asked in surprise.

Su Lun smiled and said: "No. The smoke is the basic form of the heart beast. In this state, they are intangible. After it comes over, it will observe you because of curiosity. At this time, as long as you look at it, it will become what you think you are facing."

"It turns out that you have to look at each other to transform yourself? I thought it would be the first sight. It's the image in the heart."

"How can it be so exaggerated. The heart beast is just an intermediate devil beast, not a high level creature."

Su Lun was talking, then The Mind Beast had already floated in front of us, and as expected, as Su Lun said, it slowly circled around us, then stopped in front of me and changed a face exactly like mine. Of course, this face has only the outline of my face, and no entity. It is still a cloud of light blue smoke.

The face quickly came in front of me, and his eyes quickly met mine. When our sights crossed, the blue smoke suddenly burst into a dazzling glare, and then the whole cave instantly became white, and even Su Lun next to him screamed and protected his eyes.

Unlike Su Lun, my Divine Dragon suit comes with a mask and color-changing goggles, so when the light exceeds the limit of the eyes, my mask will automatically drop down, and the crystal guard The eyepieces also quickly turn black to filter out the excess light. However, because the goggles filter out the excess light, I can see the change of the heart beast. Now I am looking at the heart beast in front of me in dismay, because it has turned into a sun.

Yes. The heart beast turned into a burning giant Fireball, almost against the ceiling and the ground, and it seemed that it would have grown bigger if it weren't for the cave limit. Of course, in addition to getting bigger, it continues to emit strong light. Although it does not have as strong heat as the real sun, the light intensity is really exaggerated. Anyway, even if there are others besides me, don’t expect to be able to. See things.

When I was wondering why this guy turned into the sun, the heart beast in front of me suddenly changed again. I saw a sudden flash inside it, and the heart beast that had originally turned into a white sun suddenly began to turn red from the center to the surroundings, and then the entire heart beast became a huge red ball of light within 0.1 second. . It's not over yet. After the photosphere was formed, many golden cracks suddenly appeared on its surface, and there were more and more cracks, and there were golden light leaking out of the cracks.

At this time, the red light ball has become quite dim, and the golden light has become very strong. However, in the next second, the ball of light suddenly burst open, but the flame of the explosion only expanded by less than one meter, and it began to retract quickly like a video tape, and the surrounding light was also instantly collected. Back, the ball of light collapsed and shrank from a huge red ball of light to a small black spot within a second, and then quietly suspended in midair.

"Damn, I thought I was quite sunny just now when I got a sun. Why did I turn into a black hole in the blink of an eye? Is my psychology so gloomy to this extent?" (To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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