"Did someone attack?" I rode on the back of the night shadow and stopped in the middle of the road and glanced around, but after looking around, I didn't see anything threatening.

Just as I was looking around for what caused the surrounding crowd to panic, the alarm bell suddenly sounded in the city in front, which made me more sure that there must be an enemy invasion in this place. . But... just as I was looking around, Ye Ying suddenly moved a half step to the side, and then heard a swish, a feather arrow went straight through my side and into the dirt where I was just standing. More than half a foot deep.

Seeing this arrow, I immediately realized that someone had attacked me. Following the direction of the arrow's tail, I quickly found the location of the attacker. What surprised me was that it was not a monster or an intruder that attacked me, but a player standing on the city wall.

When I looked towards that player, this guy was throwing a second arrow on the bow, but before he could set the arrow, I and Ye Ying suddenly disappeared together. Just as he was looking for the target in surprise, he suddenly found himself covered by a huge shadow. He turned around with a little doubt, but almost jumped off the city wall in surprise. It turned out that after he turned around, he found that I was half a step behind him.

"Why are you attacking me?" I asked first in this guy's flustered expression.

The guy was still surprised at first, but when I finished the question, he suddenly looked cold, and immediately squatted and drew the dagger from his waist to stab me. However, as soon as he pulled out the dagger, he suddenly felt his shoulder sink, and then he was directly pressed down on his stomach.

I stood on the guy's back and looked around, and confirmed that he was the only one nearby who tried to attack me before walking down from him. The guy immediately looked towards a side roll after I got off him, then quickly jumped up and planned to attack, but this time it was Ye Ying’s two hind hooves that greeted him, and he was stepped on by Ye Ying and by me. They are totally different things. Being stepped on by me was just a fall. After being kicked by Ye Ying, he disappeared from the city wall and flew all the way into the nearby woods.

I didn't care about the unfathomable mystery guy, I just put away Ye Ying, turned and took a step from the city wall. Since the city in front of us is only at the village level, the so-called city wall is actually just a few rows of wooden frames, and the height is only about four meters. I stepped forward and landed lightly on the ground. After looking around, I realized that the people nearby were obviously hiding behind, and I didn't realize until now that they seemed to be afraid of me.

I have nothing to do with the reactions of these people. Anyway, there are not just these people in the village. If they react abnormally, just go to find a few normal ones.

The reason why those people lose one's head out of fear before is mainly because some people are scared to go crazy first, and then others just follow blindly, which is a group emotional outbreak, and I am actually not very big. relation. Besides, some people went crazy because Ye Ying's speed and size were so shocking, it really had nothing to do with me. After leaving the open the city gates and entering the city, the people here didn’t know how I was riding the night shadow before, so the reaction of these people to me was obviously much better. Many people came out and felt that I was wearing armor. Aside from the strangeness, no one else avoided me or came up to fight with me.

"Sir, sir." I was walking down the main road in the middle of the village, and suddenly I heard a voice calling me from the side. After turning his head, he realized that he was a local player. This guy is very young and looks like he should be in his teens. The leather armor and other equipment on his body indicate that he is a professional hunter. When the other party saw me stop and turned to look towards him, he immediately introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, my name is Su Lun, I am a hunter. I am very familiar with the surrounding environment, and you are obviously from a foreign country, here we are. The environment may be very troublesome for you. If you are willing to hire me, I think I can provide you with comprehensive and thoughtful guidance and information services."

Originally, I meant to be casual in the city Inquire about the existence of witch gods nearby, but compared to asking someone indiscriminately, the charging guide is obviously more reliable. Of course, the premise is that the charges are not too expensive.

"How do you charge?"

"I don't know if you need a guide or just want to inquire about something?"

"I want to find the witch god, you Do you think it’s more straightforward to take me to the right place or to tell me the location?"

The hunter named Su Lun thought for a while and asked: "I don’t know if you have a specific goal and need to find a certain A special witch god, or just find any witch god?"

"Any witch god will do. But I may not only want to see a witch god, but I am not sure how many I need to see."


"In this case, of course it’s best to hire a guide. After all, you don’t know how many witch gods you want to meet. We charge by the hour, and each hour charges 20 crystal coins. If there is a battle during the journey, I will help. But whoever hits spoils of war will go to whom."

"Your fee is quite expensive? Twenty crystal coins an hour, you get more money than the executives of small companies. "

"This of course is different. If you just want to go to some ordinary place, then I may only charge two crystal coins per hour, but you are looking for the wizard god, so we have to go through High level monster area, so I might die in it. If I lose the level because of this, then I will lose a lot, so it’s impossible to charge higher fees."

I thought about it. I thought: "Okay, just follow your rules."

"Okay, shall we set off now or prepare some supplies first? You know, we do not carry insect repellent when we go out. You will suffer!"

"I don’t use that kind of thing, let’s just go."

"Since you say so, let’s go. But you Is there any other equipment? Wearing such an armor, even if you are not idle, you will still encounter trouble when you pass some soft mud or swamp."

"You don't have to worry about these, you just have to I’ll take it to the place."

"That’s fine, but this is your request. Don’t blame me for not reminding you in case of trouble."

"OK Now, let's go."

At my repeated urging, the guy signed an employment contract with me, and then we left the city together. It seems that there are often people hiring guides in their place, because when we were out of town, this guy actually met several colleagues and said hello to each other.

"Are many of you here asking for a guide?" I asked the guy as he walked through the woodland.

Su Lun said with a smile: "We are the closest city to China. Many players who come from China will need a guide when they come to us. After all, you have seen it too. We are not like yours here. There are no roads in many places. If you don’t have a guide, the probability of getting lost here is more than 90%."

"No wonder there are so many people at the city gate as guides." After I finished speaking, I asked again. : "Oh, yes, I forgot to ask before. How far is it from the place where the witch god lives?"

When Su Lun heard me say this, he quickly explained: "If you don't say me Forget it. I need to make this clear to you first. I'm just taking you to the altar of the witch god, not where he lives. We simply don't know where the witch god lives, so I can only take you to his altar. But the witch gods here are not the same as those in Buddhism. A witch god will only have one altar, and it won’t be built everywhere like Buddhist temples."

I nodded and said: "It’s okay. I just take it to the altar. Since the witch god has only one altar, I think he should always pay attention to his altar."

Su Lun nodded said: "Probably so. I haven't seen it anyway. The real body of the witch god. By the way, I haven’t asked the guest what your name is?"

"Purple Moon."

I thought that the other party would respond immediately when I gave my name. Who am I when I came here, but who knows that Su Lun just paused for a while after hearing my name, and then shook his head and said: "I heard that I was familiar, but I just can't remember it, maybe the guests I received before It's too much!"

I'm not at all disappointed when Su Lun didn't recognize me. On the contrary, I'm quite happy. If he knows who I am, he might cause trouble. After all, my status is different and it is unlikely that I will be treated as a simple tourist.

Su Lun led me to the destination and asked, "By the way, Purple Moon, why on earth are you looking for the wizard? Players in our country rarely need to find the wizard. Even those evil warlocks can only visit the altar occasionally. I have never heard of anyone looking for the witch god."

When I heard his question, I didn’t answer it, but just slightly smiled. . After all, Su Lun was not a guide on the first day, and his ability to observe words and behaviors is still a little bit. When I saw that I just laughed, he knew immediately that I didn't want to say anything, so he stopped asking more, but changed the subject and talked with the gods of the Southern Sea. Anyone who is a tour guide seems to be able to talk, and this Su Lun is no exception. Generally, a tour guide like him will pay attention to the habits of the guests. If the guests like to chat, he will naturally talk endlessly. If the guests like to be quiet, he will pay attention to only talking about necessary reminders and introductions, instead of talking to the guests. Something else. This can be regarded as the professional quality of a tour guide.

According to Su Lun’s introduction, we are going to the altar of the little witch god, which is only four or five kilometers away from where we are now in a straight line, but the distance is four or five kilometers away. The road is really short, but in this primitive forest with almost no roads, it is another matter. Because there are many fallen trees or boulders, mud pits and other things along the way, our route has been turning around. If it wasn't for the guy Su Lun who really knew the terrain around here, I guess I would have turned faint by myself.

"Guest, you'd better take off your equipment before going to this place." We walked well, and Su Lun suddenly stopped in front of a large open field.

I looked at the open area in front of me suspiciously, and with my eyes it seemed to be no different from where we were standing. Except that there are no big trees in this area, there is simply no difference.

It's probably not the first time that Su Lun has met a customer like me, so he didn't explain, and turned around to find a stone the size of a human head and threw it forward. What seemed to be the open ground covered with fallen leaves suddenly heard a chirp, and then half of the stone disappeared as soon as it fell to the ground, and the remaining half was also sinking quickly at the speed that naked eye could see. In less than three seconds, the stone completely disappeared from the ground, and there were no traces left.

Now I don’t need to explain, I know it’s a big mud pit, but I didn’t intend to take off my equipment, but I grabbed Su Lun’s belt behind his back and lifted him up, and then rushed to the mud pit with two steps. Edge jumped up in Sulun's panicked eyes.

Boom. Just when Su Lun was about to scream in fright, a pair of huge wings suddenly opened, and after two hard blows, we were already on the opposite side of the clearing. After putting away my wings and landing on the ground steadily, I put Su Lun down, and then asked: "Is there any question?"

Su Lun looked at me in surprise and said: "You unexpectedly Have wings?"

"Did you not see races with wings when the number was built?"

"But those angels or demons and other patriarch wings are decorated You can see that you can’t fly."

"My race originally had wings, but later I got a piece of equipment that allows wings to have the ability to fly, and then I can fly."

Su Lun said enviously: "It would be good if I also had wings. Although the wings can't be spread in the woods, the places with monsters are generally forest clearings. If they can fly, it must be very difficult to fight. to deal with."

"Don’t think about it too beautifully. Don’t look at the wings that fly so handsome, but it consumes energy at least six times faster than running. With added physical strength, you will have to get tired if you can’t fly for a few minutes."

Su Lun immediately said: "Even if you can’t fly for a long time, even if you use it as a bouncer to help yourself occasionally play a few extreme jumps. That’s fine. You know there are so many mud pits here. If you can jump farther, how much can you save?"

"Wing props are very rare. If you got it, don’t dream it. Tell me how to go next?"

"No need to go." Su Lun stretched out and pushed aside the branches in front of him and said: "That's it. ."

Didn't expect the altar was actually less than ten meters apart behind the mud pit. But this place is not so much an altar as a ruin. What I saw after passing through the barrier made up of several trees was a circular open space with a radius of seven or eight meters. There is a stone platform in the center of this open space, but the surface of the platform is very difficult to deal with, and grass grows in the middle. There are four crooked pillars piled up with stones on the platform. Although the height of these pillars is less than two meters in total, I always feel that they will fall down at any time.

In addition to the stone pillar, there is a pyramid-shaped pile of more than one meter high in the center of the stone platform. The stones that make up the stone are all extra-large pebbles, but the top of the stone platform It was not a stone, but a dark skull made of black liquid crystal. The skull seemed to be inlaid with a ruby ​​in the middle of his forehead, which looked quite coquettish and evil. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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